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Volt Exalted Weapon


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I was thinking, why not turn his shield into an exalted weapon. Still retain the ability to drop shields but maybe instead of picking up the shield that then grants all sorts of debuffs it can be an exalted weapon if 3 is held (so that a tap would still just drop a static shield). Acts as a shield when just held with a secondary weapon, casting 1 on it grants it some damage, and then when you hit melee you can bash with it or if you hold melee you can throw it (Maybe change its shape so Volt isn't throwing a rectangle) causing it to shock mobs that come close to it in flight (damage can be enhanced by casting 1 prior or if you're a sharpshooter casting 1 at it in flight causing the bolt to chain to everything nearby) could even add a bit of synergy by making it cast discharge when volt does, however that might be a bit OP.

Would certainly make Volt more interesting to play. I mean I wouldn't really mind if it got rid of the static shield completely as it eats up a lot of energy for about a 70 degree cover but it has a lot of utility so I could see why the function should remain.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Skippy575 said:

For kicks and giggles: How would you go about modding it if it's an exalted weapon?

Most shields are usually paired with a melee weapon, as I've stated that you'd bash and throw with it... you'd use melee mods.

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Just now, Fenrir121 said:

Made me think you could finally have some synergy with speed.

electrical shield, use speed rushes forward bashing everything with millions of voltage, activating shock on the shield make it shoot out lightning everywhere, activating discharge (overload), turn you into a charging electrical tesla shield bashing everything to death without care

-insert volt gloating to Gauss-

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7 minutes ago, luanle21 said:

electrical shield, use speed rushes forward bashing everything with millions of voltage, activating shock on the shield make it shoot out lightning everywhere, activating discharge (overload), turn you into a charging electrical tesla shield bashing everything to death without care

-insert volt gloating to Gauss-

Lol. That would certainly take back some of the thunder from Gauss. Speed but in a different way.

Would also add more to his little codex tag line "potent alternative to gun-play".

Edited by Fenrir121
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I could see melees being linked to it similar to things like Slash Dash or Landslide. Where the mods equipped to the melee determines how much more damaging the shield is. Plus this could be a shield that doesn’t require a blade. I could see it being throwable like an electric glaive that stuns enemies that it hits which leaves them open for the shield bash y’all mentioned. Duration that not only allows the shield to stay up longer but could allow it to make the stun or paralyze from the throws to last longer. 

Would be cool if it acted like a lightning rod or conduit for his last ability to be channeling into it to fire a big lighting bolt straight forward into a line of enemies. Maybe the first ability while hold it becomes more like a short range electric beam similar to chroma’s first ability. So you could charge and zap everybody in the way.

Kind of going overboard here but it would be cool if the first frames had a slight upgrade to add more style or flare into their skill set. A little more creativity so they aren’t used for overly simplified strategies. Like running at high speed or zap the entire map, or just throw up a bunch of shields more specifically against Eidolons. 

Plus can we all try not to compare every single new frame to an old one? That is getting old which also prevents new ideas from being posted. Volt is not a speed based frame. Otherwise Valkyr is a rip off of Volt too. Every frame is going to be similar to another or used in a similar way. So about we focus on how to make Volt better and more unique if his 1 ability is all that is important. 

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Volt Main checking in. Came here to say no, no, no, not every frame needs a forced exalted weapon. But, some of these other ideas are pretty good. Having his shield combine with speed to act as a battering ram would be nice. And I've been wanting his first ability to either be continuous fire while held or hold to charge to fire a stronger version, so good to see that brought up too.

But the exalted shield weapon, no. I've thought about it for a dedicated shield lancer style Warframe, but it wouldn't suit volt imo. He's simply too squishy to force the player into melee. If anything, his exalted could be something more like the lightning warlock class destiny had, where it makes you shoot lightning with the weapon fire button and do a shock burst with melee. Would be cool but Volt's kit is really good as is, so not worth replacing any abilities.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)warhero229 said:

Volt Main checking in. Came here to say no, no, no, not every frame needs a forced exalted weapon. But, some of these other ideas are pretty good. Having his shield combine with speed to act as a battering ram would be nice. And I've been wanting his first ability to either be continuous fire while held or hold to charge to fire a stronger version, so good to see that brought up too.

But the exalted shield weapon, no. I've thought about it for a dedicated shield lancer style Warframe, but it wouldn't suit volt imo. He's simply too squishy to force the player into melee. If anything, his exalted could be something more like the lightning warlock class destiny had, where it makes you shoot lightning with the weapon fire button and do a shock burst with melee. Would be cool but Volt's kit is really good as is, so not worth replacing any abilities.

Well I thank you for your opinion, but he's always been described as a high damage frame and a warrior. I think the shield fits him perfectly, since he already has it technically its just executed poorly, furthermore the ability clip for his shield actually shows the player using it to specifically engage in melee I mean one of my ideas was to add electric shocks into a melee combo sequence but shouting no repeatedly tends to shut down discussion and further development. No. not every frame needs an exalted weapon, only 9 frames have them and there's nothing wrong with them functionally, and there's nothing wrong with the frames having them. I've played volt since this game launched, he's in need of dusting up no matter which way they go with it.

Edited by Fenrir121
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25 minutes ago, Fenrir121 said:

shouting no repeatedly tends to shut down discussion and further development.

That was not shouting, more of semi-joking.


26 minutes ago, Fenrir121 said:

No. not every frame needs an exalted weapon, only 9 frames have them and there's nothing wrong with them functionally, and there's nothing wrong with the frames having them.

No, nothing wrong with what's currently in the game, and before anyone looks at my own post history and calls me a hypocrite for having two exalted weapons on my own Warframe concept, my issue with exalted is more the general overuse of them on these forums. Practically every time someone posts a rework idea, it includes slapping an exalted weapon onto their kit. Exalted weaponry is fun and cool but people treat it as the one-size-fits-all solution to any frame that has fallen behind in the power creep.

Anyway, that's more an issue with forums in general, not you specifically.

37 minutes ago, Fenrir121 said:

I think the shield fits him perfectly, since he already has it technically its just executed poorly, furthermore the ability clip for his shield actually shows the player using it to specifically engage in melee I mean one of my ideas was to add electric shocks into a melee combo sequence

A riot shield style is very different from a Spartan warrior shield. His current shield promotes gun use from a distance, like his caster kit suggests, whereas an exalted shield melee would force the player into melee range, which would be suicide for volt unless the rest of his kit gets substantial changes for survivability.

57 minutes ago, Fenrir121 said:

I've played volt since this game launched, he's in need of dusting up no matter which way they go with it

Agreed. But primarily it's just quality of life updates and adding synergy across his kit. Not a total redesign or replacing any abilities.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)warhero229 said:

Agreed. But primarily it's just quality of life updates and adding synergy across his kit. Not a total redesign or replacing any abilities.

Gona have to agree to disagree. I just don't think the same skills work, the game is very, very different from how it was when Volt was designed, but that's just my opinion. I liked the shield because it does just what you said, would add synergy across his kit, plus he does use it like a riot shield meaning that he slows way down using it and that's one of the worst things to do in the speed fest that is warframe.

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