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(PC) Disruption Expansion Feedback


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Stop suggesting that Gauss have his parts in 3 locations instead of only one. He's not accessible to "new players" either (need Cetus, Fortuna, Void and Jupiter grind).

Now, remove all parts from his disruption to a lesser disruption node? Fine. But moving each part to a distinct disruption you are just causing a filler reward to be added to that node - that will be avoided in the "future". I'll not return to his node because rot C is a dead spot with no rewards after you farm him. Do this with 3 disruptions and this update is ruined.

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agree, the c-rot frame parts are trash once you have gauss build - but at least, if you do this mission type to farm relics, it's a rather rare trash reward ^^)

i think it would have been better to put them as drops from either demolysts or those key-carrier, like they did with the weapon BPs.

and when we are at "useless" (ok, seemingly useless only) rewards: the lua-lense... i maxed out all focus schools (or nearly so) before we got the eidolon lenses... the lua lense seems only a try to appease all those whining new players who want to max out all the schools in less time as possible. what use have veterans for it? only if we ever get a totally new school this would be usefull.

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5.00% 20 x 5% = 100% Theoretically expected to get one medallion every 20 runs 132 x 20 =2640 expected runs to max ONE SYNDICATE. 2640 x 5 = 13,200 to max ALL SYNDICATES.

I have noticed a bit of Medallion talk here as well, this is something to think about...

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14 hours ago, funtimefriends said:

Sedna disruption felt on first run to round 8 much better than Jupiter, since the new Jupiter enemies are just so much harder than what's on Sedna, no matter what the listed level on the enemy says. Mostly because new Jupiter & its new enemies are just way too hard for the level they are supposed to be in.

The Amalgam Demolysts were just way too tanky, damage incoming from even the plebian Corpus enemies & status/knockdown spam is way too high for their level and rolling an Eximus swarm curse basically ends the round in a failure way too often because very few players can kill the things in time. It's a node taking more effort & concentration than something like survival arbitrations and similar gear past Jupiter disruption round 4. This in general is something that makes me wonder about new player retention once they hit the Jupiter brick wall.

Also why is the Demolyst audio cue in mono audio? The only way to determine where those Demolysts are coming from (before the marker pops up), is to move between the audio cue events and wonder if it was louder now or before, instead rotating the view around and listen for the stereo sound just like you'd do when looking for mining spots without the map marker.

i never felt that an eximus role was any kind of problem. if you consider about what frame and weapons to use for a specific disruption mission you should be able to at least kill an eximus demolyst fast enough when until they reach lvl100 and that when 'only' spotting them short before they reach their destination... which btw doesn't need any audio at all (i never even played disruption while unmuting the game) all you need to do is watching the map (mini or full) while having at least something that shows enemies a bit farther away then in default (your pet/moa/sentinel is more than enough to carry this mod, but it's not a bad idea to use the one for the exilus slot, 'vigilante pursuit', too).

in short: choose the right modding and equipment for every mission and you made your life a lot easier with it.

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Neo relics in rotation C is actually not very desirable. People have insane Neo stocks from Interceptions and defenses (looking at you hydron). On top of that neo relics are already very easy to farm in ukko. Both Lith and Meso are also very quick to farm, so the only desirable relics disruption could bring would be axi. Atleast one of the disruption should have axi relics in rotation C.

The universal medallions are a good idea (especially for the conclave rewards) but the low drop chance combined with the fact that they only give 1k standing makes doing syndicate farm this way a pain. For every syndicate that isnt conclave it's just not worth it and for conclave it will takes ages. So we are looking at droptables that consist mostly of neo relics (pretty much everyone is drowning in them) and an extremely long syndicate grind (only worth for what conclave has).

Only Lua disruption offers something on top of that: Lua Lenses. They are kinda interesting, but you are still limited by your daily cap there. Once you have a few of those, that mission also become a lot less interesting. 

The only thing that will keep Disruption alive will be medallions and Lenses, the relics may aswell be dead drops, especially since disruption were kinda marketed towards people who are further into the game. Therefore I think Axi relics should be included in both Sedna and Lua. Gauss should be moved to Uranus to make room for axi relics and to be together with his weapons.

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20 hours ago, Dzarael said:

PLEASE revisit drop tables, they are bad.

1)introduse AXI relics on Sedna

2)make Gauss drop from different disruptions

3) give us revards that better than nothing

#3 especially on Mars. 10% chance for Morphics, Gallium, or Neurodes with a ~11% chance for Neo relics on rotation C? Those resources are very abundant for being "rare". If anything, those resources should be replaced with more hard to come by resources, like Oxium.


As for time spent vs rewards: Disruption is clearly designed with groups in mind. A full squad of four can burn through 4 rounds for Rotation C in less than 20 minutes, way less if they're coordinated. Solo players may end up spending an equivalent amount of time to, say, 20 minutes of survival, for a single Rotation C reward without A or B rewards from what i experienced.   From what I gathered, rewards are not locked in until extracting and this seriously hinders some players who want to farm the relics from that node, seeing as it seems meant to be a farm friendly node. Perhaps reworking the reward system to be more in line with regular endless missions by making it AABC with a bonus reward for protecting all the consoles. With that in mind, in order to balance out the potential increase in rewards, make the demo enemies harder to kill. *The rewards not showing up was due to a bug hotfixed in*

Edited by zenoe1562
corrected incorrect info
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17 hours ago, EiriMatsu said:

Hearing that my favorite gamemode in Warframe was getting spread throughout the solar system was a source of great excitement for me.  As a player nearly at MR26 with majority of remaining mastery required stemming from currently vaulted items, I've found my reason and desire to play Warframe diminishing rapidly recently.  I'm only a casual dabbler in rivens, as lack of motivation and what I believe to be a poor, outdated reward pool prevent me from consistently running Sorties for more rivens.  As such, Kuva Survival's boring existence doesn't really appeal to me; Kuva Disruption, a method of farming it that actually requires playing the game, has my immediate attention.

For the rest of the Disruption nodes though...why?

Why are the rewards just relics?  Why aren't the relic rewards at least distributed evenly?  A great number of players in the first Disruption release like myself simply ran Disruption until the event was over; the reward pool failed to provide a reason to play the gamemode.  And yet, despite that, you use essentially the same approach for all but Sedna, Lua, and Kuva Fortress?

Pardon the long incoming reply, but I have a lot to say.

The Good:

  • Neptune has a unique identify as a Credit Farm.  For players like myself who hate The Index as well as those who dislike Profit Taker, this is another option for getting rich.
  • Kuva Fortress has a unique identity as a Kuva Farm.  As I'm a casual riven user, I can't really comment on whether it should be less, as, or more efficient that Survival, but I highly appreciate that I can actually play Warframe at the same time as I can get Kuva.  Thank you.
  • I very much like the concept of Universal Medallions.  Extra fuel for Relic Packs and potential platinum is always appreciated.

The Neutral:

  • Mars and Uranus are simply...pointless.  Mars offers a chance at three types of less common resources, but not at a rate that makes it remotely reliable.  In addition, those resources are essentially infinite for veteran players.  Uranus has literally nothing apart from the other nodes.  This is actually a good thing when you compare it to the nodes I'll be including the The Bad.  For those who want to farm Neo relics, this is a spectacular node.  Aside from that...it has nothing.
  • Lua Lenses are a great idea.  More focus is great, as focus farming takes a long time outside of running Eidolons...But the drop chance makes Eidolon Lenses, a required ingredient, look like a joke.  Eidolon Lenses have some of the worst drop rates of any widely necessary item in Warframe, and their improved version gets a whopping 10% per rotation (as opposed to a 4.73%/7.14% on 2/5 rotations for Bounties).  I'm going to be stocking inventories of these while struggling to acquire the component for it because Bounties have incredibly messy drop tables.
  • Jupiter is now just plain messy.  Hexenon, currently. is a bad resource.  It's required for very little content and accessible throughout Jupiter.  Just from farming Meso relics on Io, I've built up more Hexenon than I'll probably ever need (if I even ever need it again).  As such, Hexenon being the primary reward for Jupiter's disruption just...isn't good anymore.  Furthermore, the set mods are all in the reward pool.  Outside of corrupted mods and specific mods such as Adaptation, there is little reason to have more than 1-2 of each mod, so these mods become dead rewards.  Thankfully, aside from the rare ones, these are in the non-C rotations, so it's not a great problem.  However, once one has all of the mods, or Mars are straight-up superior to Jupiter because less of the reward pool provides dead rewards.

The Bad:

  • Sedna is easily the worst part of this.  Like the mods in Jupiter, Warframe part rewards become dead rewards once you have the frame.  For bosses, this isn't much of a problem, because usually getting the frame means you've "conquered" the boss (notable exceptions include Sedna's boss and Expoiter Orb).  For a gamemode, this is just bad.  Both Plains and Fortuna Bounties are victims of this too; while attempting to farm for unvaulted relics and eidolon lenses, my inventory is filled with Gara parts, Revenant parts, Garuda parts, and who knows how many Furax Wraith parts.  As soon as players acquire Gauss, Sedna becomes worthless as a node and Uranus and Mars become superior farming locations.
  • Every node providing relics has the same relic pool.  This is the least sensible choice of everything in my opinion.  While I understand that Disruption scales in difficulty quickly, why bother having nodes as far apart as Mars to Sedna if the rewards aren't reflected in it.  If Disruption is going to be a relic-farming gamemode, at least make it specialize in it well.  In order to farm Lith or Meso relics with the current tables, players must intentionally let conduits be destroyed.  That is absurd.  Neo relics are, to my experience, the easiest level of relics to farm, as most constantly grindable content in Warframe is at Neo+ scaling and apparently we as players aren't allowed to have a method of grinding Axi relics exclusively.  Lith and Meso relics are not "inferior" to Neo relics and shouldn't be valued that way.
  • Kuva Fortress node has Universal Medallion chance.  Why?  Players farming a Kuva node want Kuva.  Not relics, not endo, not lenses, not credits, and surely not a medallion containing the lowest unit of standing possible.  Just take it out.  I have no comments regarding how much Kuva should be rewarded...But don't bother with anything else.  You should be able to see statistics on how many runs of Kuva Survival people will do.  Understand that 5% is 1 in 20 runs and a loss of 700 Kuva (on a booster) each time.  I doubt you'll find a Kuva-running player that would value even 10,000 standing above 700 Kuva.


My Revision Proposal:  If Disruption is intended to be a relic-farming game-mode outside specialized locales, take the Ivara approach to it.


Mars is the lowest-level Disruption node and the earliest in the solar system map.  As such, make it centralized on Lith relics.  A rotations give 1 of 7 Intact relics (14.29% for each), B rotations give 1 of 7 Exceptional relics (14.29% for each), and C rewards give 1 of 7 Flawless relics (9.857% chance for each) with a rarer chance for 1 of 7 Radiant relies (3% chance for each) as well as the 10% chance for one Gauss part.  In this example, let's say his Neuroptics.  When unvaultings occur, you could also utilize the 3% drops on reward C as a method of obtaining unvaulted relics aside from the Void and Bounties.


  • How to Manage the Set Mods: Similar to something like Staker's drop tables, make separate drop tables for the mods.  Say 19% for Hexenon, 12% for Aero Periphery, Motus Signal, and Proton Pulse, 10% for Aero Vantage, Motus Impact, and Proton Jet, and 5% chance for Aero Agility, Motus Setup, and Proton Snap.  Doing this means that extra, unneeded mods are only a slight Endo boost for players motivated to clean out their duplicates, and the focus on the actual rewards can be maintained.  A nice part of dual reward tables can also mean that when someone fails to get what they want, the run can still feel worthwhile if the second table yields something useful.
  • How to Manage Relics:  While Mars is the Lith Disruption node, Jupiter serves as the Meso node.  Reward A gives Intacts, Reward B gives Exceptionals, and Reward C gives Flawlesses with a lower chance of Radiants.  Percentages for Reward C would have to be increased around the board to make up for the 10% of the Gauss part.  However, should Gauss be a frame intended to be accessible by newer players, I suggest putting a part here.  Let's say his Chassis.


  • Quite simply, in this configuration, Uranus would be the Neo node.  Reward A gives Intacts, Reward B gives Exceptionals, and Reward C gives Flawlesses with a lower chance of Radiants.  Here you would get a Gauss part: his Systems.


  • I honestly think you nailed Neptune.  I won't comment on number adjustments, as I happen to be one of the opportunistic players who grinded out more credits than I'll ever need during a double credits weekend.  Potentially I'd say scrap the Universal Medallion here, but credits worth nothing compared to Kuva, so it's probably fine being there.


  • Quite simply, in this configuration, Sedna would be the Axe node.  Reward A gives Intacts, Reward B gives Exceptionals, and Reward C gives Flawlesses with a lower chance of Radiants.  If Gauss is intended to be difficult for new players to get, then his last part would be here instead of Jupiter: in this example, that would be his Chassis.  Another option would to move his Blueprint from the market to the final location, making him a four-part grind akin to Ivara.
  • An idea for if a Gauss part weren't here would be a chance at a decent lump of Endo.  Sedna's arena levels are one of the known methods of farming Endo, and Endo is another coveted resource in Warframe.


  • I think Lua is actually fine as-is.  It is restricted from early players and its game-play is more difficult, but the level-ratings are not very high.  As such, a blended relic layout actually suits it quite a bit.  If I were to make a suggestion to make it more unique, provide lenses here.  Lua is the "planet" associated the most strongly with the operator and makes host to sentient enemies, so I feel getting lenses here would be quite fitting.


  • Take out the Universal Medallion.  That's all I'd say is up with Kuva Fortress.

Final Comments:

I really like Disruption.  It's not a time-restricted game-mode.  It doesn't require defense frames.  Killing mobs isn't necessary.  Literally any frame can succeed as long as you bring weapons that can take down the targets.  While it scales quickly, you cannot fail the mission, meaning backing out once your weapons can function at the current difficult level is possible.  It's a game-mode in which I can get sucked in and enjoy playing for hours.  However, the reward pools distributed between the levels don't show much thought.  An attempt was made to diversify the function of each node, but for every node containing relics, the special roles they have are very short-lived and ultimately make them conflict.  And I'll be frank: the difference between tilesets, especially the older ones, matters too little to justify them as being unique.

Please think about why you want players to run Disruption as opposed to other game-modes.  Please think about how much impact single-use items like frame parts, mods, and weapon parts make on the quality of a drop table.  I understand that DE is under a lot of pressure by players to fight the "content drought," but disposable content is just a band-aid.  I really like the base game-play of Warframe and the lore behind everything.  But update seem to either be massive lumps of content riddled with problems or minor updates with the longevity of a tissue.  Ropalolyst was a cool fight.  Disruption was a fun game-mode. But 17 runs of Ropalolyst and I never need to fight it again.  A handful of items requiring hexenon and the availability of it on other Jupiter nodes meant I didn't need to run Disruption after the clan event was over.  The Jupiter tileset rework looks good (I personally hate the platforming, but that's why we have teleporting frames, Zephyr, and void dash), but when do I ever need to go to Jupiter?

Railjack seems to be a massive update.  I'm looking forward to it.  I'm worried it's going to be riddled with problems.  But even more than that, I'm worried that the older parts of Warframe are going to be even more forgotten.  And for each update that adds content, it will only become more difficult to change the fundamental problems that stick lurk in older places.


I agree 1000% with these suggested changes, especially with the Endo drop suggestion.

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18 hours ago, EiriMatsu said:

Hearing that my favorite gamemode in Warframe was getting spread throughout the solar system was a source of great excitement for me.  As a player nearly at MR26 with majority of remaining mastery required stemming from currently vaulted items, I've found my reason and desire to play Warframe diminishing rapidly recently.  I'm only a casual dabbler in rivens, as lack of motivation and what I believe to be a poor, outdated reward pool prevent me from consistently running Sorties for more rivens.  As such, Kuva Survival's boring existence doesn't really appeal to me; Kuva Disruption, a method of farming it that actually requires playing the game, has my immediate attention.

For the rest of the Disruption nodes though...why?

Why are the rewards just relics?  Why aren't the relic rewards at least distributed evenly?  A great number of players in the first Disruption release like myself simply ran Disruption until the event was over; the reward pool failed to provide a reason to play the gamemode.  And yet, despite that, you use essentially the same approach for all but Sedna, Lua, and Kuva Fortress?

Pardon the long incoming reply, but I have a lot to say.

The Good:

  • Neptune has a unique identify as a Credit Farm.  For players like myself who hate The Index as well as those who dislike Profit Taker, this is another option for getting rich.
  • Kuva Fortress has a unique identity as a Kuva Farm.  As I'm a casual riven user, I can't really comment on whether it should be less, as, or more efficient that Survival, but I highly appreciate that I can actually play Warframe at the same time as I can get Kuva.  Thank you.
  • I very much like the concept of Universal Medallions.  Extra fuel for Relic Packs and potential platinum is always appreciated.

The Neutral:

  • Mars and Uranus are simply...pointless.  Mars offers a chance at three types of less common resources, but not at a rate that makes it remotely reliable.  In addition, those resources are essentially infinite for veteran players.  Uranus has literally nothing apart from the other nodes.  This is actually a good thing when you compare it to the nodes I'll be including the The Bad.  For those who want to farm Neo relics, this is a spectacular node.  Aside from that...it has nothing.
  • Lua Lenses are a great idea.  More focus is great, as focus farming takes a long time outside of running Eidolons...But the drop chance makes Eidolon Lenses, a required ingredient, look like a joke.  Eidolon Lenses have some of the worst drop rates of any widely necessary item in Warframe, and their improved version gets a whopping 10% per rotation (as opposed to a 4.73%/7.14% on 2/5 rotations for Bounties).  I'm going to be stocking inventories of these while struggling to acquire the component for it because Bounties have incredibly messy drop tables.
  • Jupiter is now just plain messy.  Hexenon, currently. is a bad resource.  It's required for very little content and accessible throughout Jupiter.  Just from farming Meso relics on Io, I've built up more Hexenon than I'll probably ever need (if I even ever need it again).  As such, Hexenon being the primary reward for Jupiter's disruption just...isn't good anymore.  Furthermore, the set mods are all in the reward pool.  Outside of corrupted mods and specific mods such as Adaptation, there is little reason to have more than 1-2 of each mod, so these mods become dead rewards.  Thankfully, aside from the rare ones, these are in the non-C rotations, so it's not a great problem.  However, once one has all of the mods, or Mars are straight-up superior to Jupiter because less of the reward pool provides dead rewards.

The Bad:

  • Sedna is easily the worst part of this.  Like the mods in Jupiter, Warframe part rewards become dead rewards once you have the frame.  For bosses, this isn't much of a problem, because usually getting the frame means you've "conquered" the boss (notable exceptions include Sedna's boss and Expoiter Orb).  For a gamemode, this is just bad.  Both Plains and Fortuna Bounties are victims of this too; while attempting to farm for unvaulted relics and eidolon lenses, my inventory is filled with Gara parts, Revenant parts, Garuda parts, and who knows how many Furax Wraith parts.  As soon as players acquire Gauss, Sedna becomes worthless as a node and Uranus and Mars become superior farming locations.
  • Every node providing relics has the same relic pool.  This is the least sensible choice of everything in my opinion.  While I understand that Disruption scales in difficulty quickly, why bother having nodes as far apart as Mars to Sedna if the rewards aren't reflected in it.  If Disruption is going to be a relic-farming gamemode, at least make it specialize in it well.  In order to farm Lith or Meso relics with the current tables, players must intentionally let conduits be destroyed.  That is absurd.  Neo relics are, to my experience, the easiest level of relics to farm, as most constantly grindable content in Warframe is at Neo+ scaling and apparently we as players aren't allowed to have a method of grinding Axi relics exclusively.  Lith and Meso relics are not "inferior" to Neo relics and shouldn't be valued that way.
  • Kuva Fortress node has Universal Medallion chance.  Why?  Players farming a Kuva node want Kuva.  Not relics, not endo, not lenses, not credits, and surely not a medallion containing the lowest unit of standing possible.  Just take it out.  I have no comments regarding how much Kuva should be rewarded...But don't bother with anything else.  You should be able to see statistics on how many runs of Kuva Survival people will do.  Understand that 5% is 1 in 20 runs and a loss of 700 Kuva (on a booster) each time.  I doubt you'll find a Kuva-running player that would value even 10,000 standing above 700 Kuva.


My Revision Proposal:  If Disruption is intended to be a relic-farming game-mode outside specialized locales, take the Ivara approach to it.


Mars is the lowest-level Disruption node and the earliest in the solar system map.  As such, make it centralized on Lith relics.  A rotations give 1 of 7 Intact relics (14.29% for each), B rotations give 1 of 7 Exceptional relics (14.29% for each), and C rewards give 1 of 7 Flawless relics (9.857% chance for each) with a rarer chance for 1 of 7 Radiant relies (3% chance for each) as well as the 10% chance for one Gauss part.  In this example, let's say his Neuroptics.  When unvaultings occur, you could also utilize the 3% drops on reward C as a method of obtaining unvaulted relics aside from the Void and Bounties.


  • How to Manage the Set Mods: Similar to something like Staker's drop tables, make separate drop tables for the mods.  Say 19% for Hexenon, 12% for Aero Periphery, Motus Signal, and Proton Pulse, 10% for Aero Vantage, Motus Impact, and Proton Jet, and 5% chance for Aero Agility, Motus Setup, and Proton Snap.  Doing this means that extra, unneeded mods are only a slight Endo boost for players motivated to clean out their duplicates, and the focus on the actual rewards can be maintained.  A nice part of dual reward tables can also mean that when someone fails to get what they want, the run can still feel worthwhile if the second table yields something useful.
  • How to Manage Relics:  While Mars is the Lith Disruption node, Jupiter serves as the Meso node.  Reward A gives Intacts, Reward B gives Exceptionals, and Reward C gives Flawlesses with a lower chance of Radiants.  Percentages for Reward C would have to be increased around the board to make up for the 10% of the Gauss part.  However, should Gauss be a frame intended to be accessible by newer players, I suggest putting a part here.  Let's say his Chassis.


  • Quite simply, in this configuration, Uranus would be the Neo node.  Reward A gives Intacts, Reward B gives Exceptionals, and Reward C gives Flawlesses with a lower chance of Radiants.  Here you would get a Gauss part: his Systems.


  • I honestly think you nailed Neptune.  I won't comment on number adjustments, as I happen to be one of the opportunistic players who grinded out more credits than I'll ever need during a double credits weekend.  Potentially I'd say scrap the Universal Medallion here, but credits worth nothing compared to Kuva, so it's probably fine being there.


  • Quite simply, in this configuration, Sedna would be the Axe node.  Reward A gives Intacts, Reward B gives Exceptionals, and Reward C gives Flawlesses with a lower chance of Radiants.  If Gauss is intended to be difficult for new players to get, then his last part would be here instead of Jupiter: in this example, that would be his Chassis.  Another option would to move his Blueprint from the market to the final location, making him a four-part grind akin to Ivara.
  • An idea for if a Gauss part weren't here would be a chance at a decent lump of Endo.  Sedna's arena levels are one of the known methods of farming Endo, and Endo is another coveted resource in Warframe.


  • I think Lua is actually fine as-is.  It is restricted from early players and its game-play is more difficult, but the level-ratings are not very high.  As such, a blended relic layout actually suits it quite a bit.  If I were to make a suggestion to make it more unique, provide lenses here.  Lua is the "planet" associated the most strongly with the operator and makes host to sentient enemies, so I feel getting lenses here would be quite fitting.


  • Take out the Universal Medallion.  That's all I'd say is up with Kuva Fortress.

Final Comments:

I really like Disruption.  It's not a time-restricted game-mode.  It doesn't require defense frames.  Killing mobs isn't necessary.  Literally any frame can succeed as long as you bring weapons that can take down the targets.  While it scales quickly, you cannot fail the mission, meaning backing out once your weapons can function at the current difficult level is possible.  It's a game-mode in which I can get sucked in and enjoy playing for hours.  However, the reward pools distributed between the levels don't show much thought.  An attempt was made to diversify the function of each node, but for every node containing relics, the special roles they have are very short-lived and ultimately make them conflict.  And I'll be frank: the difference between tilesets, especially the older ones, matters too little to justify them as being unique.

Please think about why you want players to run Disruption as opposed to other game-modes.  Please think about how much impact single-use items like frame parts, mods, and weapon parts make on the quality of a drop table.  I understand that DE is under a lot of pressure by players to fight the "content drought," but disposable content is just a band-aid.  I really like the base game-play of Warframe and the lore behind everything.  But update seem to either be massive lumps of content riddled with problems or minor updates with the longevity of a tissue.  Ropalolyst was a cool fight.  Disruption was a fun game-mode. But 17 runs of Ropalolyst and I never need to fight it again.  A handful of items requiring hexenon and the availability of it on other Jupiter nodes meant I didn't need to run Disruption after the clan event was over.  The Jupiter tileset rework looks good (I personally hate the platforming, but that's why we have teleporting frames, Zephyr, and void dash), but when do I ever need to go to Jupiter?

Railjack seems to be a massive update.  I'm looking forward to it.  I'm worried it's going to be riddled with problems.  But even more than that, I'm worried that the older parts of Warframe are going to be even more forgotten.  And for each update that adds content, it will only become more difficult to change the fundamental problems that stick lurk in older places.


A agree with more or less all of this.


For my own thoughts though, I have a few extra things to append. I prefer how the original disruption used Amalgams as key-bearers, which made them even higher-priority than they were for their destructive output. The current ones don't really have any such clear indicator. Maybe physically holding the keys or some kind of amalgam pack that it's held in?


On a more positive note, Little Duck is a great choice for an announcer in this mode. She's a fun character, and her chatter about how she's apparently hacking the system makes it feel more grounded. Like I'm actually doing some kind of run or raid. Unlike most missions which feel somewhat arbitrary outside of a select few like Exterminate, maybe Survival? There's rarely any kind of context or reason for why we do what we do, and us raiding enemy supply stores alongside a veteran of such things works pretty well for that. And, yes, disruption itself remains one of the best-designed gamemodes in Warframe. It's not really one I just hop into to mess around with, but its role as the more 'endgame-y' one is fun and I actually do want to endure in it, whereas I actively avoid survival and defense whenever possible.

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The visual indicator of a light along with sound seems new? helps find the right doorways better.

Rewards are still "meh" at best , good for exclusively getting relics i suppose.

the lua lens is not enough of a reward or worth the hassle of climbing the lens quality ladder,

Few bugs:

In Sedna disruption, once the demolisher spawned behind a locked door (along with few other enemies), could not kill him , had to wait out the timer to proceed.

If multiple demolishers have spawned the ping is sometimes not discernible, feels like it comes from only one demolisher.


Edited by 0_The_F00l
forgot a not , not knot
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Move Gauss to be demolyst drops on Sedna, move his drop chances to be 5% for BP, 33.33% chance for each part and just call it a day. He will take roughly the rework relic tiering, and better explain the rotation mechanics to players in game or maybe just indicate this by just having a reward quality indicator on the HUD.

Rework Uranus to be the Endo node as a mid game endo farm.

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You could clean up the visual noise in disruption by not having markers for objects that are not currently mission critical. If neither I nor my team mates is holding a key for a conduit, and that conduit is not active, don't mark it.

Personally I find way-point markers detract from game play a lot of the time and wish they could be toggled off. When I'm looking at the marker, I'm not looking at the terrain, and when the map marker disappears or starts pointing in wholly the wrong direction I experience a moment of mental readjustment as I tune the marker out and actually engage in looking at the map and think "oh yeah, I know this area, I go down some stairs over here..."

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Brilliant post. I think a combination of your and @Midas suggestions would be perfect. I lean more towards @Midas suggestions but Eiri has made excellent points.

DE, please revisit the Disruption rewards. I was so excited when you announced you were doing so, and I was terribly underwhelmed when it actually released.

All the information you need to fix it is in this thread. @EiriMatsu and @Midas have made incredibly comprehensive, constructive posts. 

Kuva, in particular, needs to be increased OR allow boosters and Smeeta to work in Disruption.

You asked us for feedback, now use it.

Edited by youngjdef
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On 2019-08-30 at 3:48 PM, Midas said:

5.00% 20 x 5% = 100% Theoretically expected to get one medallion every 20 runs 132 x 20 =2640 expected runs to max ONE SYNDICATE. 2640 x 5 = 13,200 to max ALL SYNDICATES.

I have noticed a bit of Medallion talk here as well, this is something to think about...

The Universal Medallions are still subject to the Syndicate relationships  so you will get negative standing for opposing factions.

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Mars is almost fine as it is the first Disruption new players encounter. Its a great early Neo relic farm for them, maybe even too good. It should reward some Lith relics in B rotation and some Meso in C rotation, to better match its position and level.

Jupiter would be fine if it wasn't for useless amounts of Hexenon dropping there. Hexenon is better farmed in Survivals, and Jupiter Disruption is one of the harder ones due to presence of Amalgams units. No, this doesn't mean that players should be rewarded with more Hexenon, what we need is complete removal of it from the rotation C pool and redistributing its 28.44% chance between various Axi relics.

Uranus is pure Neo relic farm, the weapons aren't super rare, you only need to do 20 rotations on average to get the weapon. Fine as it is, but I believe we could add a chance to drop something like 50 mutagen samples at around 5-10% chance on rotation C. 

Neptune needs to at the very least triple or quadruple the credit rewards. Average rotation C reward is 24.500 credits for a single rotation taking 4 minutes on average, but to get to rotation C, you need to get through minimum of 2 B rotations, each averaging out 12.500 credits. After 2 B rotations and 3 C rotations which will take you around 20 minutes you can expect a return of 98.500 credits. You can do one rotation of Medium Risk Index and come out with 135.000 extra credits, or 36.500 more credits then after 5 rotations of Neptune Disruption.

Lua and Sedna Disruptions have the highest enemy level. Sedna has diluted relic drop due to Gauss parts found as rotation rewards. Lua is fine as it is, although it could use a few Terra units from Vallis to spice things up and slightly increase its difficulty. Both Sedna and Lua should grant a 50/50 chance of Neo/Axi relics. With only Neo relics as rewards, Disruption lobbies are going to be completely empty in 2 weeks time.

No comment on Kuva Fortress since I haven't tried it.

Please DE, your team has worked hard to make a great update, don't let your team and players down by giving us bad rewards like this.

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Disruption is awesome! You guys nailed the gameplay aspect of this, with the exceptions of keys not spawning sometimes. I would love to see this mode incorporated into Arbitrations, and I'm glad it's shown up in fissures. Edit: Apparently they are in arbitrations.

Now, as others have said, the reward tables NEED to be reevaluated. I'm fine with the Kuva and credit nodes (more wouldn't hurt though). The real problem is the relic nodes. I think most players are swimming in Neo Relics. We do not need every drop table from this game mode to be filled with these. That was my issue with the original disruption node. If C rotations were half and half Axi/Neo or Axi/Endo, I think that would be ok. A lot of other good exceptions are above in this thread. Any of those would be great.

Also, I'd love to see vaulted relics start showing up at these nodes in future unvaultings. That would be fun.

Thank you for making Little Duck a fun announcer that is not annoying. I love the little bits of personality she injects into it, and I'd love to see more stuff like that. It would be cool to maybe have someone else like Teshin, Maroo, Darvo (eh...), or Onko doing something like this in the future.

Edited by MSEP1
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After playing each of the game mods a number of times I have some feedback on the given topic listed briefly below.

Mars is alright as it currently is. The spawns are working perfectly fine & consistent especially for lower mr players. It should be good for their difficulty level. It's well balanced from rewards to the actual mechanics.

Jupiter is alright I guess. I find the map tileset here great. The rewards on the other hand are sort of lackluster specifically because of the hexenon drops being included in the rotation rewards. The mobs on the map honestly spawn more than enough of it from drops to account for taking it off. 

Uranus being a midtier planet is fine imo regarding the credit drops that occur, the mobs spawn plenty although for a Darksector & for the amount of mobs the amount of polymer that drops is confusing as the survival should not drop more than a disruption mission with infested enemies. Especially when infested enemies have naturally just more spawns. 

20 minutes of survival on Uranus I can receive upwards of 18,000 Polymer(resource booster)
20 minutes of Disruption on Uranus with a resource booster & the 25% since it's a dark sector you get roughly 10k. 

Neptune is okay for its rewards as it's not an end game planet imo. Mob spawns were fine as well.

Lua is absolutely perfect. Only thing that could be better is wave 20+ there's sometimes a demolisher that doesn't actually spawn

Kuva - This needs to be either completely reworked to "randomly move with the fortress and other kuva maps) or alternatively rework it entirely. I'll explain below.
The spawns are very poor in numbers and needs a huge increase. 
The spawnpoints of the demolysts often are incredibly far away from the conduit, and if they are close they are sometimes increasingly further away than some of the farther spawns because the quick path to the conduit is a locked door so the demolyst needs to run down 5 hallways. In no way possible is this an efficient method to farm Kuva. It's by far, as of this moment, the worst possible method and it's completely inferior in every single way to the Survival variant(same as on Uranus). 
Spawns: it's almost 2 - 1 in regards to spawn numbers for survival
Map layout: Survival goes 3 in one room then moves to the next. Disruption is the same 4 conduits and they are often in very weird places that require constant parkour to get to or in general it's not in an ease of access both for the players and the ai. I've seen the ai completely bug out trying to go downstair cases and fall into the holes in the tile set because they were coming to one of the points. 
Gains: Survival I can get about 20,000 kuva in 30minutes along with a great number of resources. In Disruption it's almost half of that. 

Things I've tried:
Map nuking => this makes it not effective because you now need to run down the endless hallways for the kuva drops
Map nuking 2.0 => Kill everything, wait for cat buffs and then go pick it up to maximize gains. The kuva drops eventually despawn. (even waiting for booster it was still worse by far)
Waiting at conduit => Took too long because of the navigation issues I've previously mentioned and it's just not efficient in general.
Waiting at conduit and rushing to the demolyst => same issue
Speed starting the conduits => still much slower than survival
waiting to put all the keys in at the same time => the slowest method

I was originally of the opinion that if you added the Kuva drops from the demolysts to the end of round points(and allowed the booster to effect the drops(not the round reward) then it may actually be worth speed running it to keep it a bit better, but not by much, than kuva survival making both effective. Although further opinions regarding the tile set being a constant annoyance from their spawns has led me to think 3x3 in the same room is still more efficient.

I hope you consider moving it around as it would make it more efficient although if that's not in the cards, the kuva drops should be added to the end of round rewards to at least compensate the tileset, the team coordination requirements, the speed running, and more importantly to make it worthwhile to go. Until a change occurs I don't believe I'll be going back as it's not worth my time when kuva survival is just twice better. 


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