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(PC) Disruption Expansion Feedback


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I was making the accusation when Disruption first launched that you guys had a deliberate dedication to making the rewards intentionally awful to offset how "generous" you were by making it possible to get all C rotations after a few rounds. That way you could boast about how you were putting in this new exciting skill-rewarding endgame endless mode, without needing to worry about people ACTUALLY being rewarded for it.

But that seemed admittedly paranoid and maybe overly pessimistic.

Now I'm just fully convinced of it, because there is no possible way DE could actually be out of touch enough to think any of these rewards (barring the new frame, of course, which becomes 30% dead drops after you get them) are anything but awful.

Edited by OvisCaedo
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9 hours ago, LostMilip said:

WTF are these S#&$e rewards?

Why don't you give a S#&$ about old players who are through the grind and already got all the worthless garbage? Oh right, because old players don't spend money to skip the grind! Great job, the game gets worse with every update...

Provide constructive feedback please, just like my post, I spent 3 hours on it.

Edited by Midas
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Hearing that my favorite gamemode in Warframe was getting spread throughout the solar system was a source of great excitement for me.  As a player nearly at MR26 with majority of remaining mastery required stemming from currently vaulted items, I've found my reason and desire to play Warframe diminishing rapidly recently.  I'm only a casual dabbler in rivens, as lack of motivation and what I believe to be a poor, outdated reward pool prevent me from consistently running Sorties for more rivens.  As such, Kuva Survival's boring existence doesn't really appeal to me; Kuva Disruption, a method of farming it that actually requires playing the game, has my immediate attention.

For the rest of the Disruption nodes though...why?

Why are the rewards just relics?  Why aren't the relic rewards at least distributed evenly?  A great number of players in the first Disruption release like myself simply ran Disruption until the event was over; the reward pool failed to provide a reason to play the gamemode.  And yet, despite that, you use essentially the same approach for all but Sedna, Lua, and Kuva Fortress?

Pardon the long incoming reply, but I have a lot to say.

The Good:

  • Neptune has a unique identify as a Credit Farm.  For players like myself who hate The Index as well as those who dislike Profit Taker, this is another option for getting rich.
  • Kuva Fortress has a unique identity as a Kuva Farm.  As I'm a casual riven user, I can't really comment on whether it should be less, as, or more efficient that Survival, but I highly appreciate that I can actually play Warframe at the same time as I can get Kuva.  Thank you.
  • I very much like the concept of Universal Medallions.  Extra fuel for Relic Packs and potential platinum is always appreciated.

The Neutral:

  • Mars and Uranus are simply...pointless.  Mars offers a chance at three types of less common resources, but not at a rate that makes it remotely reliable.  In addition, those resources are essentially infinite for veteran players.  Uranus has literally nothing apart from the other nodes.  This is actually a good thing when you compare it to the nodes I'll be including the The Bad.  For those who want to farm Neo relics, this is a spectacular node.  Aside from that...it has nothing.
  • Lua Lenses are a great idea.  More focus is great, as focus farming takes a long time outside of running Eidolons...But the drop chance makes Eidolon Lenses, a required ingredient, look like a joke.  Eidolon Lenses have some of the worst drop rates of any widely necessary item in Warframe, and their improved version gets a whopping 10% per rotation (as opposed to a 4.73%/7.14% on 2/5 rotations for Bounties).  I'm going to be stocking inventories of these while struggling to acquire the component for it because Bounties have incredibly messy drop tables.
  • Jupiter is now just plain messy.  Hexenon, currently. is a bad resource.  It's required for very little content and accessible throughout Jupiter.  Just from farming Meso relics on Io, I've built up more Hexenon than I'll probably ever need (if I even ever need it again).  As such, Hexenon being the primary reward for Jupiter's disruption just...isn't good anymore.  Furthermore, the set mods are all in the reward pool.  Outside of corrupted mods and specific mods such as Adaptation, there is little reason to have more than 1-2 of each mod, so these mods become dead rewards.  Thankfully, aside from the rare ones, these are in the non-C rotations, so it's not a great problem.  However, once one has all of the mods, or Mars are straight-up superior to Jupiter because less of the reward pool provides dead rewards.

The Bad:

  • Sedna is easily the worst part of this.  Like the mods in Jupiter, Warframe part rewards become dead rewards once you have the frame.  For bosses, this isn't much of a problem, because usually getting the frame means you've "conquered" the boss (notable exceptions include Sedna's boss and Expoiter Orb).  For a gamemode, this is just bad.  Both Plains and Fortuna Bounties are victims of this too; while attempting to farm for unvaulted relics and eidolon lenses, my inventory is filled with Gara parts, Revenant parts, Garuda parts, and who knows how many Furax Wraith parts.  As soon as players acquire Gauss, Sedna becomes worthless as a node and Uranus and Mars become superior farming locations.
  • Every node providing relics has the same relic pool.  This is the least sensible choice of everything in my opinion.  While I understand that Disruption scales in difficulty quickly, why bother having nodes as far apart as Mars to Sedna if the rewards aren't reflected in it.  If Disruption is going to be a relic-farming gamemode, at least make it specialize in it well.  In order to farm Lith or Meso relics with the current tables, players must intentionally let conduits be destroyed.  That is absurd.  Neo relics are, to my experience, the easiest level of relics to farm, as most constantly grindable content in Warframe is at Neo+ scaling and apparently we as players aren't allowed to have a method of grinding Axi relics exclusively.  Lith and Meso relics are not "inferior" to Neo relics and shouldn't be valued that way.
  • Kuva Fortress node has Universal Medallion chance.  Why?  Players farming a Kuva node want Kuva.  Not relics, not endo, not lenses, not credits, and surely not a medallion containing the lowest unit of standing possible.  Just take it out.  I have no comments regarding how much Kuva should be rewarded...But don't bother with anything else.  You should be able to see statistics on how many runs of Kuva Survival people will do.  Understand that 5% is 1 in 20 runs and a loss of 700 Kuva (on a booster) each time.  I doubt you'll find a Kuva-running player that would value even 10,000 standing above 700 Kuva.


My Revision Proposal:  If Disruption is intended to be a relic-farming game-mode outside specialized locales, take the Ivara approach to it.


Mars is the lowest-level Disruption node and the earliest in the solar system map.  As such, make it centralized on Lith relics.  A rotations give 1 of 7 Intact relics (14.29% for each), B rotations give 1 of 7 Exceptional relics (14.29% for each), and C rewards give 1 of 7 Flawless relics (9.857% chance for each) with a rarer chance for 1 of 7 Radiant relies (3% chance for each) as well as the 10% chance for one Gauss part.  In this example, let's say his Neuroptics.  When unvaultings occur, you could also utilize the 3% drops on reward C as a method of obtaining unvaulted relics aside from the Void and Bounties.


  • How to Manage the Set Mods: Similar to something like Staker's drop tables, make separate drop tables for the mods.  Say 19% for Hexenon, 12% for Aero Periphery, Motus Signal, and Proton Pulse, 10% for Aero Vantage, Motus Impact, and Proton Jet, and 5% chance for Aero Agility, Motus Setup, and Proton Snap.  Doing this means that extra, unneeded mods are only a slight Endo boost for players motivated to clean out their duplicates, and the focus on the actual rewards can be maintained.  A nice part of dual reward tables can also mean that when someone fails to get what they want, the run can still feel worthwhile if the second table yields something useful.
  • How to Manage Relics:  While Mars is the Lith Disruption node, Jupiter serves as the Meso node.  Reward A gives Intacts, Reward B gives Exceptionals, and Reward C gives Flawlesses with a lower chance of Radiants.  Percentages for Reward C would have to be increased around the board to make up for the 10% of the Gauss part.  However, should Gauss be a frame intended to be accessible by newer players, I suggest putting a part here.  Let's say his Chassis.


  • Quite simply, in this configuration, Uranus would be the Neo node.  Reward A gives Intacts, Reward B gives Exceptionals, and Reward C gives Flawlesses with a lower chance of Radiants.  Here you would get a Gauss part: his Systems.


  • I honestly think you nailed Neptune.  I won't comment on number adjustments, as I happen to be one of the opportunistic players who grinded out more credits than I'll ever need during a double credits weekend.  Potentially I'd say scrap the Universal Medallion here, but credits worth nothing compared to Kuva, so it's probably fine being there.


  • Quite simply, in this configuration, Sedna would be the Axe node.  Reward A gives Intacts, Reward B gives Exceptionals, and Reward C gives Flawlesses with a lower chance of Radiants.  If Gauss is intended to be difficult for new players to get, then his last part would be here instead of Jupiter: in this example, that would be his Chassis.  Another option would to move his Blueprint from the market to the final location, making him a four-part grind akin to Ivara.
  • An idea for if a Gauss part weren't here would be a chance at a decent lump of Endo.  Sedna's arena levels are one of the known methods of farming Endo, and Endo is another coveted resource in Warframe.


  • I think Lua is actually fine as-is.  It is restricted from early players and its game-play is more difficult, but the level-ratings are not very high.  As such, a blended relic layout actually suits it quite a bit.  If I were to make a suggestion to make it more unique, provide lenses here.  Lua is the "planet" associated the most strongly with the operator and makes host to sentient enemies, so I feel getting lenses here would be quite fitting.


  • Take out the Universal Medallion.  That's all I'd say is up with Kuva Fortress.

Final Comments:

I really like Disruption.  It's not a time-restricted game-mode.  It doesn't require defense frames.  Killing mobs isn't necessary.  Literally any frame can succeed as long as you bring weapons that can take down the targets.  While it scales quickly, you cannot fail the mission, meaning backing out once your weapons can function at the current difficult level is possible.  It's a game-mode in which I can get sucked in and enjoy playing for hours.  However, the reward pools distributed between the levels don't show much thought.  An attempt was made to diversify the function of each node, but for every node containing relics, the special roles they have are very short-lived and ultimately make them conflict.  And I'll be frank: the difference between tilesets, especially the older ones, matters too little to justify them as being unique.

Please think about why you want players to run Disruption as opposed to other game-modes.  Please think about how much impact single-use items like frame parts, mods, and weapon parts make on the quality of a drop table.  I understand that DE is under a lot of pressure by players to fight the "content drought," but disposable content is just a band-aid.  I really like the base game-play of Warframe and the lore behind everything.  But update seem to either be massive lumps of content riddled with problems or minor updates with the longevity of a tissue.  Ropalolyst was a cool fight.  Disruption was a fun game-mode. But 17 runs of Ropalolyst and I never need to fight it again.  A handful of items requiring hexenon and the availability of it on other Jupiter nodes meant I didn't need to run Disruption after the clan event was over.  The Jupiter tileset rework looks good (I personally hate the platforming, but that's why we have teleporting frames, Zephyr, and void dash), but when do I ever need to go to Jupiter?

Railjack seems to be a massive update.  I'm looking forward to it.  I'm worried it's going to be riddled with problems.  But even more than that, I'm worried that the older parts of Warframe are going to be even more forgotten.  And for each update that adds content, it will only become more difficult to change the fundamental problems that stick lurk in older places.


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Sedna disruption felt on first run to round 8 much better than Jupiter, since the new Jupiter enemies are just so much harder than what's on Sedna, no matter what the listed level on the enemy says. Mostly because new Jupiter & its new enemies are just way too hard for the level they are supposed to be in.

The Amalgam Demolysts were just way too tanky, damage incoming from even the plebian Corpus enemies & status/knockdown spam is way too high for their level and rolling an Eximus swarm curse basically ends the round in a failure way too often because very few players can kill the things in time. It's a node taking more effort & concentration than something like survival arbitrations and similar gear past Jupiter disruption round 4. This in general is something that makes me wonder about new player retention once they hit the Jupiter brick wall.

Also why is the Demolyst audio cue in mono audio? The only way to determine where those Demolysts are coming from (before the marker pops up), is to move between the audio cue events and wonder if it was louder now or before, instead rotating the view around and listen for the stereo sound just like you'd do when looking for mining spots without the map marker.

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First off, I just want to say I like the Disruption mode so I'm glad they made a a Kuva farming node since I like farming Kuva too. I was kind of hoping it would be a little bit better for farming kuva, but I figured it would be comparable to Kuva Survival. After playing the Kuva Disruption node for the last several hours I believe I can firmly say it is not.

I always run a booster and a kavat. An hour long survival run will usually yield me between 16k & 20k Kuva (anymore than 20k is one lucky run with the charm resource buffs). After playing the node for an average of about 30 minute runs, it seems that it is much more difficult to get roughly 8-10k in a half hour. (I just did a 40min run thru wave 13 and I got 9850). Keep in mind its much more difficult to see how much was farmed due to counting all the kuva drops from each successful wave.

I can see that this could be increased with dedicated squads while running as many terminals at a time, but 13 waves in 40min is fairly efficient - a lil over 3 minutes to complete all four terminals.

As for my feedback, this is what I think so far:

     *When viewing mission results, combine all the kuva drops so it is easy to see how much was earned. (Similar to getting multiple 2,500 credit drops in survival)

     * Have kuva dropped by the demolyst be immediately transferred to inventory instead of having to chase it down. The marker doesn't show for it unless the player is around 150m from it or so. Or make the marker persist at all areas of the map.

    *This one is a little bit trickier. I dont want Kuva Disruption to make Kuva Survival obsolete, but as I see it right now, Kuva Survival is much more efficient for farming Kuva. This means that Kuva Disruption needs a boost. I believe that also, Kuva Disruption could be buffed to make hour long runs roughly similar for both but, have Kuva Disruption scale a bit so that it would be more beneficial to do Kuva Disruption for long runs i.e. over an hour.

I realize the third suggestion is not new because many have been asking for scaling Kuva rewards for a long time. It shouldn't scale endlessly but I also believe that getting more for pushing farther is a simple concept that will keep people like me playing more.

That's it. Gauss is fun and I hope a difficulty slider comes soon. There that's really it 😊

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb EiriMatsu:

Hearing that my favorite gamemode in Warframe was getting spread throughout the solar system was a source of great excitement for me.  As a player nearly at MR26 with majority of remaining mastery required stemming from currently vaulted items, I've found my reason and desire to play Warframe diminishing rapidly recently.  I'm only a casual dabbler in rivens, as lack of motivation and what I believe to be a poor, outdated reward pool prevent me from consistently running Sorties for more rivens.  As such, Kuva Survival's boring existence doesn't really appeal to me; Kuva Disruption, a method of farming it that actually requires playing the game, has my immediate attention.

For the rest of the Disruption nodes though...why?

Why are the rewards just relics?  Why aren't the relic rewards at least distributed evenly?  A great number of players in the first Disruption release like myself simply ran Disruption until the event was over; the reward pool failed to provide a reason to play the gamemode.  And yet, despite that, you use essentially the same approach for all but Sedna, Lua, and Kuva Fortress?

Pardon the long incoming reply, but I have a lot to say.

The Good:

  • Neptune has a unique identify as a Credit Farm.  For players like myself who hate The Index as well as those who dislike Profit Taker, this is another option for getting rich.
  • Kuva Fortress has a unique identity as a Kuva Farm.  As I'm a casual riven user, I can't really comment on whether it should be less, as, or more efficient that Survival, but I highly appreciate that I can actually play Warframe at the same time as I can get Kuva.  Thank you.
  • I very much like the concept of Universal Medallions.  Extra fuel for Relic Packs and potential platinum is always appreciated.

The Neutral:

  • Mars and Uranus are simply...pointless.  Mars offers a chance at three types of less common resources, but not at a rate that makes it remotely reliable.  In addition, those resources are essentially infinite for veteran players.  Uranus has literally nothing apart from the other nodes.  This is actually a good thing when you compare it to the nodes I'll be including the The Bad.  For those who want to farm Neo relics, this is a spectacular node.  Aside from that...it has nothing.
  • Lua Lenses are a great idea.  More focus is great, as focus farming takes a long time outside of running Eidolons...But the drop chance makes Eidolon Lenses, a required ingredient, look like a joke.  Eidolon Lenses have some of the worst drop rates of any widely necessary item in Warframe, and their improved version gets a whopping 10% per rotation (as opposed to a 4.73%/7.14% on 2/5 rotations for Bounties).  I'm going to be stocking inventories of these while struggling to acquire the component for it because Bounties have incredibly messy drop tables.
  • Jupiter is now just plain messy.  Hexenon, currently. is a bad resource.  It's required for very little content and accessible throughout Jupiter.  Just from farming Meso relics on Io, I've built up more Hexenon than I'll probably ever need (if I even ever need it again).  As such, Hexenon being the primary reward for Jupiter's disruption just...isn't good anymore.  Furthermore, the set mods are all in the reward pool.  Outside of corrupted mods and specific mods such as Adaptation, there is little reason to have more than 1-2 of each mod, so these mods become dead rewards.  Thankfully, aside from the rare ones, these are in the non-C rotations, so it's not a great problem.  However, once one has all of the mods, or Mars are straight-up superior to Jupiter because less of the reward pool provides dead rewards.

The Bad:

  • Sedna is easily the worst part of this.  Like the mods in Jupiter, Warframe part rewards become dead rewards once you have the frame.  For bosses, this isn't much of a problem, because usually getting the frame means you've "conquered" the boss (notable exceptions include Sedna's boss and Expoiter Orb).  For a gamemode, this is just bad.  Both Plains and Fortuna Bounties are victims of this too; while attempting to farm for unvaulted relics and eidolon lenses, my inventory is filled with Gara parts, Revenant parts, Garuda parts, and who knows how many Furax Wraith parts.  As soon as players acquire Gauss, Sedna becomes worthless as a node and Uranus and Mars become superior farming locations.
  • Every node providing relics has the same relic pool.  This is the least sensible choice of everything in my opinion.  While I understand that Disruption scales in difficulty quickly, why bother having nodes as far apart as Mars to Sedna if the rewards aren't reflected in it.  If Disruption is going to be a relic-farming gamemode, at least make it specialize in it well.  In order to farm Lith or Meso relics with the current tables, players must intentionally let conduits be destroyed.  That is absurd.  Neo relics are, to my experience, the easiest level of relics to farm, as most constantly grindable content in Warframe is at Neo+ scaling and apparently we as players aren't allowed to have a method of grinding Axi relics exclusively.  Lith and Meso relics are not "inferior" to Neo relics and shouldn't be valued that way.
  • Kuva Fortress node has Universal Medallion chance.  Why?  Players farming a Kuva node want Kuva.  Not relics, not endo, not lenses, not credits, and surely not a medallion containing the lowest unit of standing possible.  Just take it out.  I have no comments regarding how much Kuva should be rewarded...But don't bother with anything else.  You should be able to see statistics on how many runs of Kuva Survival people will do.  Understand that 5% is 1 in 20 runs and a loss of 700 Kuva (on a booster) each time.  I doubt you'll find a Kuva-running player that would value even 10,000 standing above 700 Kuva.


My Revision Proposal:  If Disruption is intended to be a relic-farming game-mode outside specialized locales, take the Ivara approach to it.


Mars is the lowest-level Disruption node and the earliest in the solar system map.  As such, make it centralized on Lith relics.  A rotations give 1 of 7 Intact relics (14.29% for each), B rotations give 1 of 7 Exceptional relics (14.29% for each), and C rewards give 1 of 7 Flawless relics (9.857% chance for each) with a rarer chance for 1 of 7 Radiant relies (3% chance for each) as well as the 10% chance for one Gauss part.  In this example, let's say his Neuroptics.  When unvaultings occur, you could also utilize the 3% drops on reward C as a method of obtaining unvaulted relics aside from the Void and Bounties.


  • How to Manage the Set Mods: Similar to something like Staker's drop tables, make separate drop tables for the mods.  Say 19% for Hexenon, 12% for Aero Periphery, Motus Signal, and Proton Pulse, 10% for Aero Vantage, Motus Impact, and Proton Jet, and 5% chance for Aero Agility, Motus Setup, and Proton Snap.  Doing this means that extra, unneeded mods are only a slight Endo boost for players motivated to clean out their duplicates, and the focus on the actual rewards can be maintained.  A nice part of dual reward tables can also mean that when someone fails to get what they want, the run can still feel worthwhile if the second table yields something useful.
  • How to Manage Relics:  While Mars is the Lith Disruption node, Jupiter serves as the Meso node.  Reward A gives Intacts, Reward B gives Exceptionals, and Reward C gives Flawlesses with a lower chance of Radiants.  Percentages for Reward C would have to be increased around the board to make up for the 10% of the Gauss part.  However, should Gauss be a frame intended to be accessible by newer players, I suggest putting a part here.  Let's say his Chassis.


  • Quite simply, in this configuration, Uranus would be the Neo node.  Reward A gives Intacts, Reward B gives Exceptionals, and Reward C gives Flawlesses with a lower chance of Radiants.  Here you would get a Gauss part: his Systems.


  • I honestly think you nailed Neptune.  I won't comment on number adjustments, as I happen to be one of the opportunistic players who grinded out more credits than I'll ever need during a double credits weekend.  Potentially I'd say scrap the Universal Medallion here, but credits worth nothing compared to Kuva, so it's probably fine being there.


  • Quite simply, in this configuration, Sedna would be the Axe node.  Reward A gives Intacts, Reward B gives Exceptionals, and Reward C gives Flawlesses with a lower chance of Radiants.  If Gauss is intended to be difficult for new players to get, then his last part would be here instead of Jupiter: in this example, that would be his Chassis.  Another option would to move his Blueprint from the market to the final location, making him a four-part grind akin to Ivara.
  • An idea for if a Gauss part weren't here would be a chance at a decent lump of Endo.  Sedna's arena levels are one of the known methods of farming Endo, and Endo is another coveted resource in Warframe.


  • I think Lua is actually fine as-is.  It is restricted from early players and its game-play is more difficult, but the level-ratings are not very high.  As such, a blended relic layout actually suits it quite a bit.  If I were to make a suggestion to make it more unique, provide lenses here.  Lua is the "planet" associated the most strongly with the operator and makes host to sentient enemies, so I feel getting lenses here would be quite fitting.


  • Take out the Universal Medallion.  That's all I'd say is up with Kuva Fortress.

Final Comments:

I really like Disruption.  It's not a time-restricted game-mode.  It doesn't require defense frames.  Killing mobs isn't necessary.  Literally any frame can succeed as long as you bring weapons that can take down the targets.  While it scales quickly, you cannot fail the mission, meaning backing out once your weapons can function at the current difficult level is possible.  It's a game-mode in which I can get sucked in and enjoy playing for hours.  However, the reward pools distributed between the levels don't show much thought.  An attempt was made to diversify the function of each node, but for every node containing relics, the special roles they have are very short-lived and ultimately make them conflict.  And I'll be frank: the difference between tilesets, especially the older ones, matters too little to justify them as being unique.

Please think about why you want players to run Disruption as opposed to other game-modes.  Please think about how much impact single-use items like frame parts, mods, and weapon parts make on the quality of a drop table.  I understand that DE is under a lot of pressure by players to fight the "content drought," but disposable content is just a band-aid.  I really like the base game-play of Warframe and the lore behind everything.  But update seem to either be massive lumps of content riddled with problems or minor updates with the longevity of a tissue.  Ropalolyst was a cool fight.  Disruption was a fun game-mode. But 17 runs of Ropalolyst and I never need to fight it again.  A handful of items requiring hexenon and the availability of it on other Jupiter nodes meant I didn't need to run Disruption after the clan event was over.  The Jupiter tileset rework looks good (I personally hate the platforming, but that's why we have teleporting frames, Zephyr, and void dash), but when do I ever need to go to Jupiter?

Railjack seems to be a massive update.  I'm looking forward to it.  I'm worried it's going to be riddled with problems.  But even more than that, I'm worried that the older parts of Warframe are going to be even more forgotten.  And for each update that adds content, it will only become more difficult to change the fundamental problems that stick lurk in older places.


I like these changes very much.

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9 hours ago, DontRunWScissors said:

all of his components are in rotation C, and disruption gets boring very quickly once you get the pattern of the demos down. In my opinion one of his parts should be in each rotation.

Disruption rewards don't follow the usual AABC rotation. Depending on the number of surviving Conduits it looks like this:

Round 1 - AAAB (so you get a B if all four Conduits survive, A for anything less)

Round 2 - AABB (A for 1-2 conduits, B for 3-4)

Round 3 - ABBC  (A for 1 Conduit, B for 2-3 Conduits, C for all four)

Rounds 4 onwards - BBCC (B for 1-2 Conduits, C for 3-4 Conduits) 

So if you reach Round 4 and from that point manage to keep 3-4 Conduits alive each round, you'll see nothing but Tier C rewards. 

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1 hour ago, Reifnir said:

Disruption rewards don't follow the usual AABC rotation. Depending on the number of surviving Conduits it looks like this:

Round 1 - AAAB (so you get a B if all four Conduits survive, A for anything less)

Round 2 - AABB (A for 1-2 conduits, B for 3-4)

Round 3 - ABBC  (A for 1 Conduit, B for 2-3 Conduits, C for all four)

Rounds 4 onwards - BBCC (B for 1-2 Conduits, C for 3-4 Conduits) 

So if you reach Round 4 and from that point manage to keep 3-4 Conduits alive each round, you'll see nothing but Tier C rewards. 

Even at C rotation, you got 750 with booster on every 4 mins average (1150 kuva if smeeta buffs you, since the rotation rewards don't get booster bonus). You always get 800 every 3 mins, with booster, which become 1600 if you're lucky with your cat.

Well, if you don't use booster, yes, it's a lot better (550 kuva every 4 mins vs 400 every 3 mins, both sitting at 130 kuva/min) but the killer here is the fact that cat buff doesn't effect rotation rewards. This is not counting that you have 5% chance to get a universal syndicate medal instead, which will reduce your kuva gain (down to 522.5 kuva average per rotation).

tl;dr Even with Rotation C, Kuva disruption is worse than Kuva survival, unless you never use a booster or a smeeta.

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1 hour ago, Lunarez said:

Even at C rotation, you got 750 with booster on every 4 mins average (1150 kuva if smeeta buffs you, since the rotation rewards don't get booster bonus). You always get 800 every 3 mins, with booster, which become 1600 if you're lucky with your cat.

Well, if you don't use booster, yes, it's a lot better (550 kuva every 4 mins vs 400 every 3 mins, both sitting at 130 kuva/min) but the killer here is the fact that cat buff doesn't effect rotation rewards. This is not counting that you have 5% chance to get a universal syndicate medal instead, which will reduce your kuva gain (down to 522.5 kuva average per rotation).

tl;dr Even with Rotation C, Kuva disruption is worse than Kuva survival, unless you never use a booster or a smeeta.

Take into account the time it takes to walk around the map to gather PHYSICALLY DROPPED KUVA as well.

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il y a 13 minutes, Midas a dit :

Take into account the time it takes to walk around the map to gather PHYSICALLY DROPPED KUVA as well.

That i think is the most insanely baffling design decision. What the actual heck. 

On top of auditory and visual cues for demolyst still being entirely inadequate and the gamemode as is feeling like some kind of desperate snoozefest until a demolyst appears. 

By the way is it just me or they removed the hp pool from the conduits? I remember during event they had hp bars, couldn't find them now in the kuva one. 

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Im gona keep it simple, i got gauss+weapons in half an hour, but on the other hand, universal syndicate medalions are a myth, and even if they did decide to drop, 1k standing is nothing, kuva is way less than any other sources (but why bother talking about kuva, we all know you guys have no interest in giving good kuva drops).

The game mode itself is not bad, but i have no incentive to play this, ever again.

Edited by Caramello
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Man I was really hyped for the lua lens because I hate bounties but actually like disruption. then I found out you need an eidolon lens to craft it anyway, why?

People are going to farm kuva in the most efficient way, it's baffling how you still don't understand this, if the rewards are worse why on earth is anyone going to do it?

Sedna should give Axi relics.

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I've done the kuva disruption 10 times now (for science, mostly) with 3 randoms each time. With a smeeta, no booster, and going full tryhard I average 2600 kuva after 20 minutes. Kuva survival on the other hand with just a smeeta and watching a tv show on the 2nd monitor nets me on average 3000 kuva per 20 minutes. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I farm kuva to reroll rivens to play the other parts of the game more effectively, not because I enjoy farming kuva--I [dis]like survival about as much as disruption. As these rewards (i.e., kuva; not sure why the universal medallions are a possible rotation drop, there's plenty of other ways to get a measly 1K syndicate faction) stand, there's no incentive to ever doing the kuva disruption node.

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51 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

By the way is it just me or they removed the hp pool from the conduits? I remember during event they had hp bars, couldn't find them now in the kuva one. 

As I understand it, the health bar that was displayed was the demolysts health (only demolysts can destroy conduits so conduit doesn't really have health).

It's no wonder they removed it cos everyone assumed it was the conduit's health.

Edited by (PS4)drpunk-yo
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A good place to put the Universal Medallions might be as a low percentage drop from Demolishers/Demolysts. Maybe a 2% drop chance would be good. Having them as a C-rotation reward isn't that rewarding. Maybe if they gave 5k standing, but not 1k.

I also agree with others who would like the Gauss parts to be spread out to other nodes. Otherwise it makes Sedna a dead node compared to Uranus. Note this is from someone who got all the Gauss parts within an hour and the weapons within 7 minutes.

Edited by Bioness
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oh only now I see this thread. 

Universal Medallion is a good concept but the 5% drop chance is too low

It is indeed a useful and interesting reward as it can be converted into any standing without restriction but the 5% drop chance is too low considering it only grants 1K standing per piece. Can we raise the drop chance to 10%? or make each piece giving 5K standing instead? Looking forward to convert it into simaris/ conclave/ little duck standing. Thanks!

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I'm actually pleased to see that the Demolishers aren't as tanky as the Demolysts.

On the other hand, it's baffling that there are no Axi Relics in Uranus or Sedna Disruption. We need a different and reliable Axi Relic farm other than Xini, Eris or Hieracon, Pluto.

Edited by Duality52
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Ur, Uranus

Enemies stop spawning and consoles stop working around round 10/11. Happened twice to me already and clanmates are reporting the same issue.

No idea how to replicate this bug.

Hotfix fixed the issue.


Disruption Fixes:

  • Fixed progression stopper after Round 10 of Disruption, where the Demolisher Thrasher wouldn't spawn above level 80.


Edited by Kialandi
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I'm just questioning the lack of Axi Relics in the rewards, also just Kuva from the Kuva missions is a bit idk, underwhelming... At least with those amounts?
Otherwise, at first glance it looks ok.

Oh, just saw the Drop rates for the Akarius and Acceltra... 1% on a mob you find 4 times per round, is NOT ok. That's 14 waves for a 50% chance. It's 92 waves for a 99% chance (you might still need more). For a weapon of dubious importance, it's not great.

I like @EiriMatsu's suggestion very much compared to the current version. i mean, its honestly a perfect implementation for Warframe, and would have everyone doing Disruption.
The only issue it has it's that it's maybe too good compared with the rest of the outdated reward structure, but hey, gotta start remodelling somewhere, might as well start with the new stuff? Also could be used as a test bed for new reward structures.

Edited by ReaverKane
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3 hours ago, Caramello said:

Im gona keep it simple, i got gauss+weapons in half an hour, but on the other hand, universal syndicate medalions are a myth, and even if they did decide to drop, 1k standing is nothing, kuva is way less than any other sources (but why bother talking about kuva, we all know you guys have no interest in giving good kuva drops).

The game mode itself is not bad, but i have no incentive to play this, ever again.

I prefer this type of feedback myself, it's not sugar coated with lies. Integrity and transparency should go both ways, unless one of the parties involved happens to be a conman, I expect nothing less than honesty.
One thing that bothers me however, is the echo that the studio has no interest in fixing Kuva. Hearing this so often, almost seems like an incantation to thwart any chance of DE making Kuva missions worthwhile, rather than a reverse psychology method. There truly is no incentive to play Kuva Disruption for us at the moment, not even a fun factor. 

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3 hours ago, Caramello said:

Im gona keep it simple, i got gauss+weapons in half an hour, but on the other hand, universal syndicate medalions are a myth, and even if they did decide to drop, 1k standing is nothing, kuva is way less than any other sources (but why bother talking about kuva, we all know you guys have no interest in giving good kuva drops).

The game mode itself is not bad, but i have no incentive to play this, ever again.

I wish I had it your way around. 1 hour, not a single weapon piece, got 3 medallions. I have no interest in medallions, I can get standing already (well, not ventkids or conclave, but I don't give a crap about either of them).

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18 hours ago, -skimmer- said:

The enemy levels are far too low.

Its hard to grind through lvl 40 enemies when a lot of us already find both sorties and arbitrations easy and use lvl 150 enemies for benchmarks.

Please put atleast one or two higher level nodes in there to make shorter disruption games more interesting.

No. This does not need to happen. Disruption is already tedious and unfun for a lot of folks at current because the overly borked scaling of jupiter rework and orb vallis enemies resulted in "if you aren't meta you can't play" which in warframe translates to "can't drop 300 dollars on the top tier rivens and haven't spent every credit earned from your 600 hours in the steaming garbage that is index into every mod you own? you don't get to get to play the content then"

Level 40 enemies is fine. It makes the mode available for people who don't or can't waste money on being boxed into one of the four "always the meta" frames. It should stay that way for once rather than catering to meta crowds yet again. The problem becomes even worse if you are stuck playing solo because of previously mentioned issues.

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