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At What Part of The Game Do You Think The Majority of NEW Players Quit The Game?


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Personnaly, what almost made me stop playing at first was the bad mod tutorial.

Coming from titanfall, and seeing the game was showering me with bad duplicates, and seeing you could buy mod packs in the market, I assumed those were one time use, that you'd need to spend to be able to get any form of power.

Playing solo, I then refrained from using any mod to clear all earth nodes...

Thankfully I checked the wiki at some point ^^

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41 minutes ago, Methanoid said:

actually the "start date" you see only applies to your first forum post, you could be a player from 2013 and never post a thing on the forum till 2018 and it will say you are "from 2018".

I always thought your forum account is made at the same time as your in game one.

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Just now, VotumPrime said:


Meats here you joined Oct 9 2013.

thats my old main account, i did mention my 4th account was flagged as 2019, as an example this is my 3rd account which has never posted, also from 2013/14, but it says i "joined" now, check my profile for this chara and i got zenistar/other long time played weapons so deffo did not just join "now".

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5 minutes ago, VotumPrime said:

Why so many alts though? Are you building a string of clans?

i ran out of things to do very early on so made more accounts to start again with different goals.

Methanoid = normal account, used to use a fair bit, but dont really use it these days.
DisasterIncarnate = MR0 challenge alt, goal to get as much of everything as i can, and accept the limitations involved, this is now my main and i play this nearly all the time.
Exanguinate = MR5 alt, bare minimum MR required for all story quests, uses whatever is normally attainable at MR5 and under, does not buy anything, farm only.
Destitute = much newer MR0 that gets what it can but does not buy prime or market bundles, or anything else, its purely farm only, the char name is very suitable.

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1 minute ago, Methanoid said:

i ran out of things to do very early on so made more accounts to start again with different goals.

Methanoid = normal account, used to use a fair bit, but dont really use it these days.
DisasterIncarnate = MR0 challenge alt, goal to get as much of everything as i can, and accept the limitations involved, this is now my main and i play this nearly all the time.
Exanguinate = MR5 alt, bare minimum MR required for all story quests, uses whatever is normally attainable at MR5 and under, does not buy anything, farm only.
Destitute = much newer MR0 that gets what it can but does not buy prime or market bundles, or anything else, its purely farm only, the char name is very suitable.

No wonder you provide such good feedback.

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Just now, VotumPrime said:

No wonder you provide such good feedback.

my destitute char was actually not intended as i already had a mr0 alt, it was made when various friends/family tried the game and they did not want to be boosted by my other well geared up accounts so i made the newer mr0 with the intention of going through the game with a totally fresh/underpowered setup so i could play on a similar level, but they ended up wanting to try it alone first before i dove in, as it happened none of them ever stuck to it throughout the years so i just re-purposed the alt to a bare minimum char thats not massively over-geared.....  just in case someone does come back...... which has never happened and probably never will 😞

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why not speculate?  DE has the numbers to look at to see WHERE new players end up quitting but as for the reasons for mass exodus? well, I imagine even Do no Evil has to speculate at some point...


if a new player is interested and "feeling it" I think the wall every new player hits is the plat grind. yeah, you can say it's not 100% neccessary but you best believe I rushed some frames and weapons starting out.

besides the MR2/MR3 peeps that just 'cant even' and quit before they get started, I'd say next big drop off is MR7-MR9, by then you best be familiar with orokin ciphers and farming corrupted mods. if you don't have a buddy to kinda guide you then you end up cracking relics and trying to sell paris Prime =/

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OK, the part where I was most tempted to quit was soon after tutorial, when the game started to actively push me into the PoE, and every time I discover that there's something I need there.  (with my freakout thread over one of those archived on these forums for all eternity.) It's not just not having the archwing, the whole thing really isn't balanced for new players. It's easy enough once you have better gear, (and yes, completed that ridiculous grind for the launcher segment) spoilermode and some experience, but I still feel "not THAT again" every time I'm there just because of those early experiences with it.

Which is a shame since PoE and Vallis are very nicely done areas with some very cool stuff in them and I kind of like how bounties work.

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Maybe if they are told it is a supergrindy game from the start?.

I mean come on, most people just assume an action game (lets be honest, most would assume an action game is simple.... Like an any action movie) is just pick up and kill stuff right away yes? 

Maybe their marketing needs to stop overhyping the game as X when reality it is Y. Sets consumer expectations to more realistic levels.


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14 hours ago, Luciole77 said:

i see a lot players leaving when hunting eidolons...its very complicated to understand! Take to me almost 1 year to understand how it works....!

lol that sound a lot xD I catch it in mater of hours, however it did take some time to fine tune build and it took some time for focus and stuff, but back in day focus farm was different. I made mini tutorial on setup for it, rest of it is practice done by individuals. after 50 runs everything goes smooth. 


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ive had over 10 ppl try out this game and where most of them quit was after beating vor or the 2nd dream but if i had to be honest they would had probly quit on earth.

the first that they said it looked boring at the start and thought it was pay to win. ppl thinking its pay to win is more likely the shop but getting items sounded like a hassle when other  gives u a ton the entire time. they could had just made a full separate credit blueprint section and platinum section in the store without throwing the buy plat stuff in their face at the start of the game. the boring aspect is well it doesnt start u off with any urgency or explanation of whats going on but starts u off in a dull place with a robotic like mom that just tell u to go from a to b without saying whats b really. open world made things confusing cuz i had to explain to most what they had to do and how it works which they then slowly got annoyed with the time gate standing stuff.

part way through a couple mentioned that the story felt pretty weak with little to no guideline. story is fragmented and after thinking back on it, its just really fragmented and even if its not known for its story if it isnt following a consistent flow then it fails to be there at all. stuff like dark souls make it work cuz its meant to be dark, mysterious, and poetic while keeping it together with immersion the whole time. the 2nd dream felt really good to veterans but it dint hit with new players probly cuz they dint have that long awaited feeling of finally learning something while if veterans felt the quality of quest gone down after that i can maybe imagine for newer ppl (and not quality on budgeting but quality of writing choices). while not being able to play some quest with friends also turned it off for some ppl and thought they just wanted to play together.

gameplay isnt as solid as you think especially when u look at other games cuz yes we do play other games. warframe combat just feel like a mix and mesh of a bunch of random things meant to toss it at you just for the sake of tossing it at you rather than making good gameplay. they have no solid formula on how to make combat so u simply jump anywhere u want, spam anything u want, and do whatever u want while u could say it gives freedom it also gives no impact or reasoning to do anything either. talking to yur friends about flanking, what to focus, what to do, planning it out is one of those best moments u get in gaming to have fun with each other but the whole thing with friends in warframe is mainly just to figure out what to talk about outside the game to delude yurself that yur doing a dull grind. when u have zero amount of urgency, complexity, or difficulty then of course ppl are gonna get easily bored, u dont have to make it dark souls hard but if 3 ppl can afk with one doing all the work without a sweat kinda shows something.

back to the aspect of loot, it feels too much like a chore than something to look forward to. slots felt more impact since gear needs to be leveled up so u kind of build a relationship with yur gun that u throw away if u got none, they should of atleast been more generous with like 2-3 more slots at the start. it was annoying for them to just to get a decent amount of guns too which i found ironic and was confused. 1 person said why could they atleast get one each of a sniper, shotgun, and assault rifle just to have the general feel of them and i thought damn its probly felt anthem being greedy with loot and they probly could of just be slightly generous with loot at the start to keep ppl happy. i get they need to make money and some ppl say dont give free stuff so they have stuff to do but well everyone quit before even getting half the loot in game anyway so why not just let them be happy with having extra loot at the start to maybe let them feel abit more invested.

then there was pvp in short it was awful and even though it gave a few laughs or a round of entertaining lunaro but no one can really see playing it again. some of them got curious about the pvp system, i told them to be ready for one of the worst pvp experience they ever had. ppl can say its not a pvp focused game but really i think thats what alot of ppl wanted, seeing destiny pvp alone does better than warframe overall kinda shows even if u dont wanna hear it. itll give ppl something to do, it can work as endgame, and even feel invested in if it had felt any good at all and all these years a chunk of the community tried so hard to be against it not even alot of ppl but just a small portion screaming no as hard as they can and my thoughts then why not just dont play it at all then. currently the game takes zero skill to play where there are no hard raids for ppl to show they did something like in wow or pvp to show ranking has left some ppl who just think hours and mr makes u the better player wen there are funny times high mr players with alot more hours have less skill and knowledge than someone with lower mr and hours so ive seen a unfair system of high mr players saying low mr shouldnt even talk.

even if no one likes or agree with these, they atleast shown a good amount of times. what makes it worse is that each one on its own has a big list to be worked out till they are really fixed/completed and it also leaves me wondering if warframe will ever get itself together cuz in these 6 years it felt like many stuff i was just learning to deal with rather than really putting my time and effort into something.

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