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Atlas Prime Access is Live!


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11 hours ago, GingerDream said:
12 hours ago, Oreades said:

The mod specific drop chance booster has me legit concerned.... does this mean we can look forward to even worse natural mod drop chances in an attempt to sell these going forward?

Yeah honestly, this feels pretty gross. 

I would say let's first observe, keep a close eye on dropchance of new mods coming out and compare them with past mods, then we can judge.

The only reason I use and have used Boosters is for Kuva, Mutagen Samples and Double Credits weekend Index runs. So far, the dropchance of boostable stuff has been pretty fair, I have no reason to suspect different for those mod boosters, doesn't mean I wont be watching those chances, but it's still innocent until proven guilty.

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53 minutes ago, Vethalon said:

I would say let's first observe, keep a close eye on dropchance of new mods coming out and compare them with past mods, then we can judge.

The only reason I use and have used Boosters is for Kuva, Mutagen Samples and Double Credits weekend Index runs. So far, the dropchance of boostable stuff has been pretty fair, I have no reason to suspect different for those mod boosters, doesn't mean I wont be watching those chances, but it's still innocent until proven guilty.

Last time people did this, they got away with such tactics, people need to stand their ground, this is NOT ACCEPTABLE, everyone knows (even in Reddit) that this is a scammy/scummy thing to do and the fact its in a paid to win type of pack. you can see why people think that way.

The only reason why this was added, cuz this new PA won't likely sell well, cuz of how unprofitable the Warframe is, as hes not the "most used" at all in, by a long shot, everyone wants a rework for him. So they added an "bonus" to try sell it out. They did the same with Mesa Prime, she was loved by everyone, lets add more to it, to help it sell even more. 


So, all in all, there is no justification for this 

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1 hour ago, Vethalon said:

Care to elaborate?

You are also using words like "Everyone" and "All" an awefull lot, you sure seem to speak for the community.

Sorry, habit, don't take that into context lol, "We and "all" I tend to mention the people who I saw post the same thing or have the same feelings on such topic, so don't look into it too much ^^ (Turst me, even I'm dispointed in myself for such)

As for the elaboration: Carrier Nerf is main big one I wanted to point out, they nerfed it and wanted it to be as it is and of course the comminty back-lashed (or with what "I" Saw), same goes for Mesa Prime, when she had an alt-helmet, why was it needed, if the others didn't have it?, Mesa as a frame is used almost by everyone, because shes just that good , in order to make sales even better you put extra goodies in, like a alt helmet.

When it comes to boosters or such or intentionally nerfing something, only to band-aid it after, is what I was trying to point out. Nekros/Hydorid? (the water frame lol) farm thing was nerfed the ground and the mod drop-rates are so low (according to some), so rather then doing the sense able thing and buffing both, they add a "pay only" item to have you get a higher drop rate chance and the fact the item is being put in an PA FIRST is very scummy.

PA is not as "P2W" as people think (even I tend to get such mixed up), its pay to get now. but when you start adding boosters to the mix, that only give you a even better chance, then say a player who don't spend money on the game, its kind of a dual edge blade. Yes, there is ways to get plat without YOUR wallet, but someone has to get the plat somehow to trade, so while you may not be paying, someone else is.

 In the end of the day, no matter how people try to see it, its pretty much what this guy said (and the irony in his name also)

48 minutes ago, ---RNGesus--- said:

Selling solution for bad drop rates? 

So all in all. I fully understand WHY the choice was made, Atlas, with what I have experienced and seen posted on the forms is a really unpopular frame, same goes for say Ember and Vauban etc. So if a frame is not as popular, it's not going to sell much for the PA, so in order to try make the PA look more nice to buy, you add something extra, but this time, it's "wait hold on"

Maybe alot of people, who come from games like and I dare summon the devil here "EA" but when you have enough of such, flying around the net, its hard to trust something "New" that ends up like this. No matter who makes it,



I hope that's clear enough, if not feel free to ask me more

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16 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

This is a slow and experimental change to our tried and true PA formula that doesn't disrupt the existing prices, but gives those who support us first access to something new in the program. It's a bonus 7-day Mod Drop Chance, which doubles a given enemies chance at dropping a Mod (i.e kill a unit with a 20% chance, expect that to double).  A lot of feedback has been 'swap out the boosters', so instead of completely swapping we're just adding a bonus for now (and a new type at that). Hoping to see Resource enter the formula as well later one, but one step at a time.

Also relevant comment:

Yep, introduce it in other ways for sure, first access in PA, though (maybe Baro will bring it on a visit! Maybe a Nightwave reward! Refresh Sortie rewards?!)!

How about instead of putting this booster available for everyone through rewards (saturating the pool further btw) and the market you keep it PA exclusive (or omit it before it's too late) and reimplement Warframe Looting Abilities stacking on Corpses?

Someone brought this perspective to my attention recently: You'll essentially be making us pay for (or lose out on a reward for a temporary version of) something that used to be a feature of the game for the longest time. I'm honestly not sure if I want that when instead all you have to do is revert a recent nerf.

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There are multiple reasons that Atlas is unpopular. The first is that the quest to get him is long and annoying, especially solo. The Jordas Golem is not the easiest boss to farm alone as a casual player. Combined with his lackluster kit at release (Landslide was the only ability worth using, by and large), he fell by the wayside and left the stage open for newer, stronger, easier to get frames.

Is his kit better now? Yes. He has more durability and a way to recover his health, especially now that Petrify is an instant cast with 100% success rate (old Petrify was a channeled ability and stronger enemies would take longer to turn to stone). However, his 2 and his 4 (Tectonics and Rumblers) remain underpowered, and he wasn't made any easier to get. Thus, all the patch really accomplished was making the existing Atlas fans happy without making him that much more appealing.

If DE paved the way to his Prime Access with another rework, perhaps reception would be warmer. The way things are now, there are lots of things for people to pick at besides the apparent lack of rework.

  • A Prime variant of a less popular Sentinel.
  • The base weapon of aforementioned Sentinel is one of the worst in the game.
  • The syandana is the only Warframe cosmetic (the other accessories are for Sentinels).
  • Last but not least, the controversial booster.

I was really excited for this. Really, I was. I've wanted Atlas Prime since the day I got him. But right now? I'm not sure if I want to pay money to support these kinds of decisions.

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I'm not going to waste my time and energy again to write an essay about why the mod booster is another bad decision for players yet again. Instead I'll wait and see how this is the first of many small steps into a less customer-friendly era of Warframe and will point to this post saying: "I called it back then.". That is all. Continue giving feedback to be ignored/not acted on.

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52 minutes ago, (PS4)Deeceem said:

I'm not going to waste my time and energy again to write an essay about why the mod booster is another bad decision for players yet again. Instead I'll wait and see how this is the first of many small steps into a less customer-friendly era of Warframe and will point to this post saying: "I called it back then.". That is all. Continue giving feedback to be ignored/not acted on.

Even with the mass backlash of all this, from Reddit and here, they still not changed their minds and I don't think they will, so we'll just sit and watch and tats all we can do, I'm afraid. 

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb YatogamiOdin:

There are multiple reasons that Atlas is unpopular. The first is that the quest to get him is long and annoying, especially solo. The Jordas Golem is not the easiest boss to farm alone as a casual player. Combined with his lackluster kit at release (Landslide was the only ability worth using, by and large), he fell by the wayside and left the stage open for newer, stronger, easier to get frames.

Is his kit better now? Yes. He has more durability and a way to recover his health, especially now that Petrify is an instant cast with 100% success rate (old Petrify was a channeled ability and stronger enemies would take longer to turn to stone). However, his 2 and his 4 (Tectonics and Rumblers) remain underpowered, and he wasn't made any easier to get. Thus, all the patch really accomplished was making the existing Atlas fans happy without making him that much more appealing.

If DE paved the way to his Prime Access with another rework, perhaps reception would be warmer. The way things are now, there are lots of things for people to pick at besides the apparent lack of rework.

  • A Prime variant of a less popular Sentinel.
  • The base weapon of aforementioned Sentinel is one of the worst in the game.
  • The syandana is the only Warframe cosmetic (the other accessories are for Sentinels).
  • Last but not least, the controversial booster.

I was really excited for this. Really, I was. I've wanted Atlas Prime since the day I got him. But right now? I'm not sure if I want to pay money to support these kinds of decisions.

I will support this kind of decisions. Bescause Atlas ist my boi. 

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)GER_SIGNUM said:

I will support this kind of decisions. Bescause Atlas ist my boi. 

I mean, I'll continue to support the game in a general sense because I'm going to continue playing, but I don't want to buy Prime Access if it encourages DE to continue down the road of aggressive monetization. I intend to get Atlas Prime either way.

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A whole lot of whining in this thread, but that's the internet I guess.

People keep throwing "pay-to-win" around as if you were competing against someone else in Warframe. What is it that you're winning? Bragging rights over who has the most powerful frame? Give me a break. And then some of you dare to compare DE to freaking EA? For starters Warframe is free-to-play. You don't have to spend a dime to get the game, play and advance if you don't want to, but let's say you really, really need platinum to buy something from the market. Easy solution, play the game, open relics trade prime parts for platinum. You invest you time, not your money. Take a look at FIFA Ultimate Team alone and tell me how it's the same at the way Warframe handles monetization. And that game costs at least $60 even before getting to that part.

DE sells boosters and there's a new one coming with this Prime Access, so what? They have to make money somewhere. You complain they "nerfed" farming squads, but you ever stop for a moment and think that stacking that amount of abilities wasn't the way it was designed and perhaps it was hurting platinum sales? Lastly this new booster is not even exclusive to Prime Access or will remain locked behind a pay wall. I'm pretty sure you don't have to spend money for Nightwave rewards, right? The only thing that seems reasonable among the complains I've read is that MR27 players with a lot of credit truly don't need the boosters so it would be nice to have the option to choose.

My point is, DE give us a lot, they're communicative like few other devs are, and it doesn't seem fair that some (very loud) gamers want to have everything thrown at their laps with any kind of effort, and then sound the alarm any time they think DE is trying to take money from them.

I've been playing Warframe every day for almost a year now. I haven't bought either Prime or Vault Access because I don't really need it. For me it's more fun and exciting to get stuff on my own, but I love the game so much and appreciate the devs so occasionally I'll buy a few platinum, and I got the Tennocon digital pack because I want to support them. We've all seen what they're cooking for us with Empyrean and New War, right? Where do you think they're getting the money for that kind of development?

Come October 1st, I'll be happy farming those relics to get my Atlas Prime.

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3 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:


No worries, that's why I wasn't trying to be accusatory right away XD

From my past weeks of browsing the forum, these words just really started to trigger me XD

The Carrier Nerf kinda underlines my thinking here, because they did NOT get away with it, we saw how it worked ingame and then raised a ruckus, so they gave back full range Vacuum for all. That's why I say, let's wait and see how the booster is implemented.

The Mesa Prime alt Helmet is just a cosmetic, I don't really see a difference to Prime Syandanas or Operator Cosmetics.

Mostly I like the Lootframe nerf (wait, don't burn me, let me explain XD) I really hate extreme meta, like "if you are farming, better bring Nekros, Khorra AND Hydroid or don't even bother" same reason why I don't like Eidolon hunts and rather do them solo. It's cool, that warframes have specific roles they shine in, but as soon as one Frame is the absolute must-use, that's just restricting.

Some mod droprates are definitely BS, like Condition Overload or Healing Return, but the booster won't help much there. Imo mods that only drop from 1 enemy should never have a dropchance below 0.1% At least if they are as powerful and widely used as Condition Overload.

I also still don't see anyone changing their mind on getting atlas prime access, simply because of the booster. It's 7 days of 0.2% chances to get a rare mod instead of 0.1%.

How many rare mods to people usually get per week?

My main worry would be if this were ever to appear in the market, it could quickly become a must have for newer to mid range players.


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The mod chance booster seems like a waste. For the price boosters go, you'd be better off buying the mod you want from someone.

Most mods people are looking for are in rotation or bounty rewards, which aren't affected by boosters, and few others already have 100% chance of being dropped.

I can't think of 10 mods I would consider buying a booster for before farming.

It would be better to just fuse it with double resource booster or resource drop chance booster.

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15 hours ago, Zelmen said:

there is more common and less common drops, it will make the rare (growing powers) more common over the silver mods. Just because A mod is guaranteed it doesn't mean it will be growing power. It does matter to a degree.

As someone who's been using boosters for a long time, I doubt boosters work like that.

Do you have a source or proof for that claim?

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vor 20 Stunden schrieb [DE]Rebecca:

This is a slow and experimental change to our tried and true PA formula that doesn't disrupt the existing prices, but gives those who support us first access to something new in the program. It's a bonus 7-day Mod Drop Chance, which doubles a given enemies chance at dropping a Mod (i.e kill a unit with a 20% chance, expect that to double).  A lot of feedback has been 'swap out the boosters', so instead of completely swapping we're just adding a bonus for now (and a new type at that). Hoping to see Resource enter the formula as well later one, but one step at a time.

Also relevant comment:

Yep, introduce it in other ways for sure, first access in PA, though (maybe Baro will bring it on a visit! Maybe a Nightwave reward! Refresh Sortie rewards?!)!

Not too long ago we saw lootframes getting a heavy nerf, which also affected the farm for Condition overload. Now the stacking gets sold back to us in form of a booster. This looks extremely shady because it's basically selling the solution for a self invented problem.

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