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Atlas Prime Access is Live!


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Quantaminum said:

As someone who's been using boosters for a long time, I doubt boosters work like that.

Do you have a source or proof for that claim?

If you are trying to be that person, then no I don't know what this specific booster will do. Do you have any proof to prove me wrong? No because this is a new booster based on the name unless it was a mistake. So their is nothing wrong with my comment which is a speculation. But, since you are so interested in the logic I will explain. 

I know from experience drop chance booster effect rarity of drops. You get more rare fish spawns, gems from mining, and other less common drops while active. Since this a Mod drop chance booster it should be like the other drop chance but for MODS. Most rare mods are from rotation loot and I have not found any information on boosters effect rotation loot. There is some guesses that the more people in the group will have more rolls. So each person has a chance to roll at rare rotation loot and the highest is what everyone gets. There is no proof I have found on this. That leaves only enemy drops.

Growing Power is a drop (not a rotation reward) in a drop table that only has mods. Since Growing Power (rare) is a 6% chance to drop vs the 51% of Pistol Amp (common) it would follow something like existing drop chance booster where that 6% could become something like 30%. You can see the drop table on the wiki or the data from DE (which is on these same forums).

Regardless of how your attention seeking comment is aimed, Growing Power is an expensive mod and this booster will surly influence the amount of people farming it for plat. Increase in supply equals my silly joke which I now have to explain because your knowledge of a game is how you judge your worth on the forums.

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I just hope that DE plans on reworking Atlas during this release, he's not bad but he needs a bit of a buff/rework, 2 of his abilities are fairly useless and it wouldn't take DE long to make them work better.  The wall really needs to go and/or changed.

That said I'll echo what I've seen said when his prime was leaked, the design looks far too much like Chroma prime rather then Atlas, it's not bad looking but to me it just doesn't fit him as much, not to mention not really that much gold unlike a lot of other primes.

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On 2019-09-24 at 8:59 PM, xRufus7x said:

Scanning things is only useful up to a point and a lot of weapons are ammo efficient enough to not need a weaker ammo mutation. Combine that with the fact that orbs actually synergize with Zenurik, Arcane Energize, Energy Conversion and Equilibrium and the fact that orbs are one of two ways to gain energy while channeling and there are definitely reasons to chose it as your support sentinel over Helios Prime or Carrier Prime.

Lets remember that most people aren't gonna go far enough into an endless where dethcube is useful(levels 200+) so Generally Carrier is seen a more useful.

I haven't seen anyone use Equilibrium in a long while. I mean if you have a hunter andreline build and you're using wukong or Nezha, you're already making enough energy for yourself to make using dethcube ineffective

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23 hours ago, HavocNinja said:

So, this is going to drive down the demand and prices of mods in the market (of course, depending upon how popular it becomes). Not an issue for paying players. But for free players, they will now have a tough time earning plats by selling mods. This might have been a good strategy had mods not been tradeable.

Unless that's exactly DE's plan. As much as we love them, they're still a business. Diluting trade chat to force people to buy more plat instead of trading for it is probably exactly their goal.

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3 hours ago, JaycemeSwain said:

Lets remember that most people aren't gonna go far enough into an endless where dethcube is useful(levels 200+) so Generally Carrier is seen a more useful.

I haven't seen anyone use Equilibrium in a long while. I mean if you have a hunter andreline build and you're using wukong or Nezha, you're already making enough energy for yourself to make using dethcube ineffective

Carrier is pretty useless most of the time though unless you are running an ammo dumping weapon. It is at best niche, possibly even more so then Deathcube. Where it does win out though is its effective health is pretty high for a sentinel. It also comes with a far more desirable sentinel weapon and its useful precept is default while its useless one is the one you have to go out of your way to get while Deathcube is the opposite. I think most people would agree that ammo is less in demand then energy though.

Hunter Adrenaline is good in certain scenarios but requires you to take health damage which makes it more burstey then consistent and frames that stack high damage resistance like Nezha, Gara, Mesa and Nekros have an issue where enemies actually have an issue piercing their shields before they die as shields are actually semi useful when they have 90% damage resistance stacked on top of them.

As for Equilibrium, well it is niche for sure but on frames that can reliably generate orbs like Nekros or Nezha it can allow you to run extremely energy intensive builds. I can run Blind Rage on my Despoil/Shield of Shadows Nekros without running any efficiency which is nice when you are already losing two slots to augments and I run a similar build on my arbitration Nezha because running Fleeting Expertise really hampers 3 out of 4 of his abilities and again am running 2 augments. People have a tendency to stick to tried and true methods of building Warframes, which is fine, but trust me when I say there are a lot of other build options out there that can carry you into multiple hours in arbitration runs that don't run standard loadouts. I also would be pretty curious about how often you are checking the builds of people you are playing with to verify if they are using Equilibrium.

And as I said, that isn't the only synergy. Orbs have actually been given a lot of interactions in the last few years. There are 2 arcanes that make use of energy orbs, one of which is extremely powerful, 2 mods, any warframe that channels for extended periods of time also gets more out of them then a lot of other energy methods, especially the ones that can't or don't want to take direct hits. There are a lot of use cases where Deathcube is a better option then Carrier outside of 200+ enemies.

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23 hours ago, Zelmen said:

there is more common and less common drops, it will make the rare (growing powers) more common over the silver mods. Just because A mod is guaranteed it doesn't mean it will be growing power. It does matter to a degree.

I have never seen anything that says that's how it works

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vor 11 Stunden schrieb Hawk1911:

I just hope that DE plans on reworking Atlas during this release, he's not bad but he needs a bit of a buff/rework, 2 of his abilities are fairly useless and it wouldn't take DE long to make them work better.  The wall really needs to go and/or changed.

That said I'll echo what I've seen said when his prime was leaked, the design looks far too much like Chroma prime rather then Atlas, it's not bad looking but to me it just doesn't fit him as much, not to mention not really that much gold unlike a lot of other primes.

For me he looks great. He is not similar to Chroma Prime tbh! 

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14 hours ago, FerockQuartz said:

I doubt since 'drop boost' and 'drop chance boost' are often defined separate boosts...

Yes the chance is doubled from 100% to 200% therefore dropping two mods.

Drop boost would be one mod drop but doubled.

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On 2019-09-24 at 10:51 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Yep, introduce it in other ways for sure, first access in PA, though (maybe Baro will bring it on a visit! Maybe a Nightwave reward! Refresh Sortie rewards?!)!

Anywhere but on the market for platinum, please. Baro and Nightwave would be nice, but not as reward, but available from the Nightwave market to make it possible to pick it when you want it and plan to use it. Just not freely available on the market. Even other 4 types of boosters are quite bad due to being pay2win thing (well, pay for convenience to be precise, but it's the same thing). Adding 5th type there will only reinforce the issue. I'd rather think to get rid of recource boosters or move them to be NW and Baro only. You already effectively nerfed farming frames and made Cheesa effectively useless by forbidding double-dipping on loot. Introducing mod drop booster for money after that will be a dirty moove. Please don't.

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On 2019-09-24 at 3:38 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

This is a slow and experimental change to our tried and true PA formula that doesn't disrupt the existing prices, but gives those who support us first access to something new in the program. It's a bonus 7-day Mod Drop Chance, which doubles a given enemies chance at dropping a Mod (i.e kill a unit with a 20% chance, expect that to double).  A lot of feedback has been 'swap out the boosters', so instead of completely swapping we're just adding a bonus for now (and a new type at that). Hoping to see Resource enter the formula as well later one, but one step at a time.

Also relevant comment:

Yep, introduce it in other ways for sure, first access in PA, though (maybe Baro will bring it on a visit! Maybe a Nightwave reward! Refresh Sortie rewards?!)!


Could we also get this put on the announcement post cause you know most people won't check the second page for this kind of info.


Why it wasn't there sooner or took several hours to get added is just baffling. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Ragology said:

No it isn't.

Isn't what? Are they not pay for convenience? Is pay for convenience not the same as pay to win?

Of course when you have enough of any resource these boosters become quite meaningless, but that happens only late in the game when you already have everything. We can trade plat and buy them for that plat, but it have to come from someone, so someone paying for it anyway. So, they are not free, but paid for and they are very convenient to have since they cut farming time of any resource at least in half. And this directly affects your progress. You can farm resources for crafting faster, thus can acquire items to increase MR faster at early stages; you can get 2x more fish on plains, stock up on it and then just visit them for a moment every day to max out your daily standing; you can do the same with gems on Fortuna and half the mining time makes this a lot easier. By buying them you paying for skipping at least half of the grind. When something have low chance to drop on top of low amounts two drop boosters actually quadruples the outcome.

And the worst part is that when there is a booster drop amounts and chances usually tweaked to be bearable only with it. So, introduction of new _paid_ mod drop chance booster eventually will affect drop chances of mods in the negative direction.

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5 minutes ago, lainverse said:

Isn't what? Are they not pay for convenience? Is pay for convenience not the same as pay to win?

I feel that pay for convenience sounds right. (or pay to skip as I hear people say.)

Pay to win would be more like "raising Rhino Prime to level 30 gives him  base 300 armor, but platting him to 30 gives him base 900 armor" since this is a gameplay advantage outcome that can only be done with money. As long as "time spent" is the only difference between a player who spends plat and one who doesn't, I don't think it really counts as pay to win. Otherwise we'd see things like "eidolon hunts, Plat Primes only" because they'd have triple the stats of primes raised the normal way.

A no lifer can be the maximum at this game and so can someone who throws plat at it. When things get to the point that there are heights that can only be reached by plat (especially if these heights give a substancial advantage over the people who grind) then I'd definitely say its a pay to win situation.

Though I'd be inclined to call it pay to win if the grind were exceptionally unreasonable as well. Like if it took 700 hours (about one month)  to make a forma if you didn't rush it.

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54 minutes ago, (PS4)Ragology said:

Though I'd be inclined to call it pay to win if the grind were exceptionally unreasonable as well. Like if it took 700 hours (about one month)  to make a forma if you didn't rush it.

Are 24 hours anywhere reasonable? I have at least 1-5 forma pretty much at everything in my inventory. That is hundreds of forma. I don't even want to know how long it would take me without plat. Also, crafting frame for 3 f-ing days and 12 hours for parts. How exactly this is reasonable? Especially when crafting that certain quest frame suddenly takes just 5 minutes. At least they did realize that putting 3 days long motherwrench in there would ruin quest experience for everyone. Ye, I do realize they want to sell frame packs or at least craft boosts... and it directly affects time to craft. "Pay for convenience" always negatively affects game experience for everyone not paying. Well, I'm actually fine with these 3 days for frames since that is rare occurence. I'm not crafting a new frame every day after all. But 24 hours per forma is ridiculous and forcing everyone to buy them if they want to mod their stuff to any reasonable condition. Of course that won't affect you if you are fine with playing the same 5 frames and 10 guns forever. But seriously, modding 1 crit-based kitgun takes at least 4-5 days on crafted formas to get it to max damage output. And what it makes even more inconvenient is that it is exactly 24 hours, so unless you will re-craft it immediately your next ctafting time will move later and later into the night until you will be forced to skip 1 day.

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8 minutes ago, lainverse said:

Are 24 hours anywhere reasonable?

I think 24 hours is a bit too long. Its an easy wait for days when I work since I spend most of the day either away from home or asleep, but on my days off its a pain. I'd be fine waiting the 24 hours if I could craft multiple forma at once. Even if it were at a net deficit (like a "forma x5 bluprint" needing enough mats for 7 forma but only getting 5 out of it.) And yeah there's the problem with the strict 24 hour cycle that ends up costing us a day like you said. 

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