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Solo Player Experience


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I know there'll be those saying; "This is a multiplayer game, Claudija" but really, there is a Solo option; it exists I promise. 

Yet those who prefer going solo can't really progress and here's why:-

1 ) MP Mission Types.

These are the Interceptions, Disruptions and Hijack missions particularly. I'll let Disruptions be but Hijack I find very tedious and grindy alone as it seems that item does not want to go at all and my Energy is burning out as both the target and my abilities to protect it- both sap that resource making it seem to take hours. Interception especially: is impossible alone. 

2 ) Rare Mission Node Change

On occasion, one Syndicate will offer up an alternative mission that does not always copy the basic one; on the same node. Completing it counts as an unlocked node. This is how I unlocked Maroo's Bazaar as Red Veil I believe, wanted some Grints exterminated. Double bonus as I avoided the Hijack mission on the same node so progress 😊. Trouble is these are set it seems which is frustrating as they rarely go where we need that Interception to progress to unlocking that Junction.

3 ) Speed Runners

I'm the slow, methodical sniper; taking time to fully explore a map and see what goodies are around... nobody playing seems to share this as the majority are: get it done yesterday. Its frustrating trying to plan out say Interceptions when the team go from node to node not really getting the concept of- Take and Hold that point. Yet, with Interceptions blocking completion of any planet.... it's a pain.

4 ) No Solo Stream Play

I love the team on the streams and they crack me up but; there's never any highlight on the state of play for those who; varying reasons- play solo. Even the Empyrean reveal we were told would skip the solo aspect... its kinda unfair you guys.


So, my suggestion? If you expand on the Special Missions a little. What I mean is, if choosing Solo can we have a choice of either existing node (so Interception at Cinxia say) or Survival as base choice: if as I had today writing this typically- there is a Nightmare/Invasion/Syndicate/Relic mission one of those basic two is replaced. So say we had-


Interception - Cinxia or Survival - Cinxia (basic options)

Under Nightmare (Vampire Mode) Survival turns into this Vampiric Survival instead


This keeps the Mission selection per node identical to now just offers up at least some variety to allow us overall more choices on missions we take but especially helping Solo Mains like myself to complete our Star Chart without having to break it just for one mission node to progress.

Finally, I had an issue where; going to Saturn to help a friend; completing the mission did not unlock the node for me which is supposed to happen unless it got patched out?

Thanks for listening, you guys rock.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

1 ) MP Mission Types.

These are the Interceptions, Disruptions and Hijack missions particularly. I'll let Disruptions be but Hijack I find very tedious and grindy alone as it seems that item does not want to go at all and my Energy is burning out as both the target and my abilities to protect it- both sap that resource making it seem to take hours. Interception especially: is impossible alone. 

All about your equipment.
I have no issues doing any mission solo. It does take longer, but it's totally fine.

5 minutes ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

2 ) Rare Mission Node Change

On occasion, one Syndicate will offer up an alternative mission that does not always copy the basic one; on the same node. Completing it counts as an unlocked node. This is how I unlocked Maroo's Bazaar as Red Veil I believe, wanted some Grints exterminated. Double bonus as I avoided the Hijack mission on the same node so progress 😊. Trouble is these are set it seems which is frustrating as they rarely go where we need that Interception to progress to unlocking that Junction.

Again, equipment.
Seems like you are underprepared to do the job.
That's one reason why there is an "online"-option, to get help form others.

6 minutes ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

3 ) Speed Runners

I'm the slow, methodical sniper; taking time to fully explore a map and see what goodies are around... nobody playing seems to share this as the majority are: get it done yesterday. Its frustrating trying to plan out say Interceptions when the team go from node to node not really getting the concept of- Take and Hold that point. Yet, with Interceptions blocking completion of any planet.... it's a pain.

You want others to accept your playstyle. So you do the same and accept theirs.
if you want to learn mission types, you can use Mercury for that. Most mission types are available their, and the enemies are low in level and numbers.

8 minutes ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

4 ) No Solo Stream Play

I love the team on the streams and they crack me up but; there's never any highlight on the state of play for those who; varying reasons- play solo. Even the Empyrean reveal we were told would skip the solo aspect... its kinda unfair you guys.

This has nothing to do with this discussion. At all.
Streamers do their thing. They do it because they want to. Doesn't mean the game needs to be changed.
If one streamer never uses a specific weapon, does this make this said weapon bad? No, it's just tells us that the streamer doesn't want to use that specific weapon.

10 minutes ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

but especially helping Solo Mains like myself to complete our Star Chart

But you CHOSE to play solo. You CHOSE to make it harder for yourself.
The game doesn't need to change because of that. You need to change. Either get stronger, or play with others.
You don't even have to play with random people. Find a clan. People their will help you understand the game. (Not every clan will do that, but their are clans like this out there)

12 minutes ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

Finally, I had an issue where; going to Saturn to help a friend; completing the mission did not unlock the node for me which is supposed to happen unless it got patched out?

Thank god taxi'ing is gone.

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As a primarily Solo player, I agree and disagree with you.

1) Eventually you will be able to pick frames that can cheese these no problem. Rhino with Redirection makes HIjack hilariously easy. Nekros (and Excalibul iirc) can cheese Interceptions. It generally kit that makes a difference.

2) I did the same thing to skip Spy missions, so some kind of alternate would be cool for most nodes. Back before the Star Chart got ultra-reduced, I would plan paths based on how many Interceptions and Spys I could avoid.

3) While I know we're not alone in this, there exist people who don't mind exploration. We're just a minority. Personally I just kinda plod towards objectives, neither going particularly slow or fast, just whatever the frame's non-sprint speed is.

4) Occasionally Solo player do get mentioned, but generally the game is catered towards the majority (or perceived majority) that is multiplayer co-op. It's how the game is shilled.


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33 minutes ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

not really getting the concept of- Take and Hold that point.

Most frustrating part of interceptions. I get you want to pick up all the loot but go back to the point. The number of times 3 people stack on one point is annoying. For a community that has to speed run everything, it amazing they can't comprehend that holding 4 points at the same time is faster than consistently losing a point. Keeping the mission capped at 3/4 points at a time.

That said...

35 minutes ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

Interception especially: is impossible alone. 

Is not true. I have solo many of these with different frames.

Hydroid probably has the easiest time doing it. His Staggering and CC kit always for you only to juggle 1-2 points while abilities handle the rest.
Frost's bubbles give you time to clear a point and move to the next before a point is captured
Nova with slow specs can do this
Saryn... sure
The list goes on

This game leans heavily on how good your mods are (Are they ranked up and all slots filled for a correct build). You can't figure out where the build lacks and adjust the build. If that is not something you want to take the time to learn then ask on forums or watch a video. They will get you there 90% of the time. When things start to get hard, auto fill mods button is not a good option. It's fine for MR fodder builds but you still need something with you done correctly to carry.

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44 minutes ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

1 ) MP Mission Types.

These are the Interceptions, Disruptions and Hijack missions particularly.

I disagree wholeheartedly. Interceptions is much faster AND easier done solo. Why you ask? Because you can take a point in mere seconds instead of what it feels like minutes. The more players in a squad the slower the rate is...but not for the enemies. They can re-take them easily with brainded members who run around and don't defend their point.

Never happens to me. If you want me to I can look for the picture I've taken about a Sortie 3 solo Interception where the enemies scored a hilariously low 7% in total.

Hijacks as well. It cannot be fast than solo. You pick Inaros, stand on the target and do literally nothing. MP is just as fast if all players reach extraction at the same time.

Disruption on the other hand is okish solo but easier in groups, I guess. Never had a group (inactive clannies and definitly no randumbs) so I don't have hard evidence

50 minutes ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

Its frustrating trying to plan out say Interceptions

May I ask what there is to "plan" in Interceptions aside from camp the point where the enemies will rush this round?

52 minutes ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

Even the Empyrean reveal we were told would skip the solo aspect.

Maybe it because I'm not native english but can you elaborate this please? We can play Empyrean solo.

NPC from our chosen Syndicates will accompany us instead of players.

40 minutes ago, TheSixOfDiamonds said:

Rhino with Redirection


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1 hour ago, GnarlsDarkley said:
2 hours ago, TheSixOfDiamonds said:

Rhino with Redirection


Last time I bothered running a Star Chart Hijack it worked fine, though this was a while back. Does it not drain shields to power the thingamjig anymore? If it's energy instead of shields, literally any Rage/Adrenaline build will work. The whole reason Rhino + Redirection worked worked was a simple Guardian on the sentinel to refresh shields, and Iron Skin to do well... Iron Skin.

EDIT: according to wiki, still shields

"The objective will siphon power from a player's Shields in order to move, stopping when no shields are available, either when the players' shields are fully drained or when no players are close enough to the objective to siphon power. "

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6 minutes ago, TheSixOfDiamonds said:

EDIT: according to wiki, still shields

"The objective will siphon power from a player's Shields in order to move, stopping when no shields are available, either when the players' shields are fully drained or when no players are close enough to the objective to siphon power. "

It is shields. I never said anything about not draining shield. I am just laughing about recommending Redirection. And on top on a frame who cannot even make huge profit off it.

Mods are % based...so Volt would be better, not to mention Hildryn. Or skip shields like I said and run an Inaros. Where there is no shield it drains HP

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16 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

It is shields. I never said anything about not draining shield. I am just laughing about recommending Redirection. And on top on a frame who cannot even make huge profit off it.

Mods are % based...so Volt would be better, not to mention Hildryn. Or skip shields like I said and run an Inaros. Where there is no shield it drains HP

I mean, my RhinoP is at 1200 Shields, which is more than enough with the combo I mentioned. And yes, I know it's % based, though I didn't know it drained health if there were no shields to begin with. Zephyr might be another alternative.

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Veteran Solo lord checking in. The OP may seem to be exaggerating as a less-experienced player, but there is a bit of a mixed-results situation for several solo-life experiences.

For example, Interception; yes, you capture your point quicker. On the other hand, you literally cannot be in two (to four) places at once - and some maps are both large and lack line of sight, making this also affect enemy recapture efforts, either while you're still making the initial captures of a round or those times they don't all pile on one point later. It's invariably slower and often irritating for the most part, but not impossible.

Disruption is an insufferably slow affair when alone. You generally can't get key drops fast enough to activate multiple conduits, and if you do, well, you're likely going to start losing them sooner than later. It's poorly designed for squad size scalability.

Spawn issues are a known problem as well - particularly Excavation carriers and historically Survival upkeep - and this is why people have long asked for a "treat me like I'm a full squad" button.

I don't have a problem with standard Hijack, but since Nullification is such a pervasive cancer to the player's arsenal (mechanically speaking), the Sortie Hijacks reduce your options as a lone Tenno to very few approaches. You pick your tankiest non-ability-reliant and, unless it's Inaros who doesn't care enough, do your best to gun down opposition from your field of crippled misery.


Solo is a valid and viable path to take, whether it's by necessity or by choice. Whenever anyone has a problem with matchmade influences, the first thing people like to tell them is "go solo then", after all. Interception proves that we can have things scale, even dynamically within a mission, to the player count - even if that's an imperfect example, it's a start. More of the game's design direction should follow that. It wouldn't hurt to make Disruption key carriers more common, and the demolisher's approach direction more easily located for the individual who is tied to exploring one path at a time.

Judging from criticism I've had to supply myself in times past, I agree that DE often seems to have precious little testing for those who don't squad up for the vast majority of their missions. It's matchmaking - and random matchmaking for 90% of it. You're never guaranteed to find someone. When solo is permitted, especially restricted solo, the responsibility is then on the developers to make squadding up a choice, not a tantamount necessity (to the average player).

It doesn't have to be brainlessly easier mode outside of a group. Little things can have a lot more impact to a limited individual than their absence would for the diverse squad. Going back to the Interception example - the capture speed increase narrows the squad gap to account for concurrent (but slower) captures, but nothing addresses the enemy recapture aspect. They could take a bit longer (but not fourfold as with player capping bonus) to complete a recapture, allowing an individual to cross the map from a far distant point, or to personally deal with two enemy capture attempts without the second simply being a lost cause.

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On 2019-10-04 at 9:39 AM, (PS4)Claudija said:

1 ) MP Mission Types.

These are the Interceptions, Disruptions and Hijack missions particularly. I'll let Disruptions be but Hijack I find very tedious and grindy alone as it seems that item does not want to go at all and my Energy is burning out as both the target and my abilities to protect it- both sap that resource making it seem to take hours. Interception especially: is impossible alone. 

I do all of those solo. The only missions I cannot do solo are Eidolons and Orbs.

And even then, I can do Eidolons solo, it's just such a pain in the ass that I'd rather not.

On 2019-10-04 at 9:39 AM, (PS4)Claudija said:

3 ) Speed Runners

I'm the slow, methodical sniper; taking time to fully explore a map and see what goodies are around... nobody playing seems to share this as the majority are: get it done yesterday. Its frustrating trying to plan out say Interceptions when the team go from node to node not really getting the concept of- Take and Hold that point. Yet, with Interceptions blocking completion of any planet.... it's a pain.

I play solo specifically because of speed runners, but I don't play it so slow that I fully explore the map. The simple explanation is this: most of us don't need to farm resources anymore and have all the things (Cephalon and Somachord, etc etc). We have no reason to fully explore the map. (except when we're hunting for Syndicate medallions)

On 2019-10-04 at 9:39 AM, (PS4)Claudija said:

2 ) Rare Mission Node Change

On occasion, one Syndicate will offer up an alternative mission that does not always copy the basic one; on the same node. Completing it counts as an unlocked node. This is how I unlocked Maroo's Bazaar as Red Veil I believe, wanted some Grints exterminated. Double bonus as I avoided the Hijack mission on the same node so progress 😊. Trouble is these are set it seems which is frustrating as they rarely go where we need that Interception to progress to unlocking that Junction.

I'm not sure what you're saying. You're saying you've used Syndicate missions to sort of "bypass" a node that would otherwise have been too hard for you, simply because of mission type?
See my answer to the 1st complaint.

On 2019-10-04 at 9:39 AM, (PS4)Claudija said:

4 ) No Solo Stream Play

I love the team on the streams and they crack me up but; there's never any highlight on the state of play for those who; varying reasons- play solo. Even the Empyrean reveal we were told would skip the solo aspect... its kinda unfair you guys.

...what? I personally don't care to watch streamers anyways, and I have no real incentive to bother streaming. It's my understanding, though, that people who watch streamers do so because of the personalities of the streamers themselves, rather than for the gameplay, and having 4 people on a team results in interactions that viewers can find entertaining. A solo streamer would need to be entertaining entirely on their own.

But with Empyrean, we can still play that solo. They've said there will be mechanics and systems in place that make it possible.


You seem like you're still figuring out the game and are fairly new to it. There's nothing wrong with that, but trust me, the solo experience isn't impossible. You just need to get better gear, better mods, and get more familiar with the game mechanics. You'll get there - no need to rush.

Edited by DrakeWurrum
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On 2019-10-04 at 1:06 PM, TheLexiConArtist said:

On the other hand, you literally cannot be in two (to four) places at once - and some maps are both large and lack line of sight, making this also affect enemy recapture efforts, either while you're still making the initial captures of a round or those times they don't all pile on one point later. It's invariably slower and often irritating for the most part, but not impossible.

My specters beg to differ!

On 2019-10-04 at 10:33 AM, GnarlsDarkley said:


He's saying do a Rhino with Redirection because Iron Skin means you don't really need the shields, and the hijack escort can drain the shields with impunity.

Rhino, naturally, being one of the easier frames new players can acquire.

Is it ridiculous because Rhino doesn't need shields? Sure. But the hijack escort needs to drain them.

Edited by DrakeWurrum
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I have always gone Solo. What you're probably having are unnecessary difficulties because you're not prioritizing things properly. Here's why:


1) Hijack missions aren't executed by running alongside the vehicle/fomorian core. The only thing you need to do is to mount yourself on it, and then let it go along the path on its own. The vehicle only needs your shields to move forward without stopping, as long as you have shields.

Interception missions don't require you to kill. They require you to capture the towers. The only thing you actually need to do is to capture the towers until you are dominating... And then defend the one being captured once you are dominating.

Disruptions aren't difficult. The only thing you have to do is to preemptively find and kill the Demolyst unit before it enters the room... Yes, that means that you have to leave the console alone (its ok, since the Demolyst units are the only ones that can damage and destroy it) to find it, while having your sound system loud enough to hear their specific presence tune. Forget not bothering other people with Warframe sounds, just yank it up until you can hear footsteps from 100m away (lol). You can complete 20 rotations like this alone, easily.


2) There are no "Rare Mission Changes", those are optional afaik. Selecting the node should show you a list of mission types on that specific node, like the Relay/Cetus/Fortuna/Bazaar channel choice. Other than that, they are cleared like any other mission... Having Syndicate Operatives following you is equally optional.


3) There are no Speedrunners in Solo... That's why you run in Solo, right? So you can take your time and properly explore those maps, right? People shouldn't even bother themselves at jumping from one node to the next, on an endless mission like Interception and Disruption missions. Its a lot easier when each full squad member takes a node/console, and defends it... But not everyone grasps that concept, willingly or otherwise. In fact, things are done a lot faster if they spread out and each hold a tower/console.


4) Streamers never go solo for this simple reason: They need someone else to kill while they are showing off their fashionframe because taking the time to properly ruin an enemy's day is overrated. I considered getting into it and go solo, but I quickly dropped the idea because no one is interested in seeing a player waste an hour or more in a single mission, to execute the several different things that can be done in that single mission. That's how it is.


Unlocking nodes through taxi'ing with pugs is gone since Starmap 3.0 was released. You can forget unlocking nodes through that method...

On 2019-10-04 at 3:39 PM, (PS4)Claudija said:

So, my suggestion? If you expand on the Special Missions a little. What I mean is, if choosing Solo can we have a choice of either existing node (so Interception at Cinxia say) or Survival as base choice: if as I had today writing this typically- there is a Nightmare/Invasion/Syndicate/Relic mission one of those basic two is replaced. So say we had-


Interception - Cinxia or Survival - Cinxia (basic options)

Under Nightmare (Vampire Mode) Survival turns into this Vampiric Survival instead


This keeps the Mission selection per node identical to now just offers up at least some variety to allow us overall more choices on missions we take but especially helping Solo Mains like myself to complete our Star Chart without having to break it just for one mission node to progress.

This is your suggestion based on the difficulties you've pointed out... I would prefer having randomized mission types on each node.

Wanting the possibility to choose a mission type, so that you can bypass a certain difficulty you may find yourself facing, sounds more like an excuse than a suggestion... Something like "Let me choose different mission types for node <Insert alphabet letter here> because the current Star Chart is too difficult to handle"... I've pointed out some suggestions before I quoted you, OP... You should probably think about your approaches to each mission type, most failures result from wrong prioritization.

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On 2019-10-04 at 1:06 PM, TheLexiConArtist said:

Disruption is an insufferably slow affair when alone. You generally can't get key drops fast enough to activate multiple conduits, and if you do, well, you're likely going to start losing them sooner than later. It's poorly designed for squad size scalability.

I agree with this so much. The time it would take me to reach lvl 220+ in Disruption Solo would be the same as if i was playing in Arbitration with bad Players. I would be fine if Disruption scaling alone was the same as it was with a Squad but for now, i’m more forced to play Survivals for better scaling than Disruption.

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20 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

I have always gone Solo. What you're probably having are unnecessary difficulties because you're not prioritizing things properly. Here's why:


1) Hijack missions aren't executed by running alongside the vehicle/fomorian core. The only thing you need to do is to mount yourself on it, and then let it go along the path on its own. The vehicle only needs your shields to move forward without stopping, as long as you have shields.

Interception missions don't require you to kill. They require you to capture the towers. The only thing you actually need to do is to capture the towers until you are dominating... And then defend the one being captured once you are dominating.

Disruptions aren't difficult. The only thing you have to do is to preemptively find and kill the Demolyst unit before it enters the room... Yes, that means that you have to leave the console alone (its ok, since the Demolyst units are the only ones that can damage and destroy it) to find it, while having your sound system loud enough to hear their specific presence tune. Forget not bothering other people with Warframe sounds, just yank it up until you can hear footsteps from 100m away (lol). You can complete 20 rotations like this alone, easily.


2) There are no "Rare Mission Changes", those are optional afaik. Selecting the node should show you a list of mission types on that specific node, like the Relay/Cetus/Fortuna/Bazaar channel choice. Other than that, they are cleared like any other mission... Having Syndicate Operatives following you is equally optional.


3) There are no Speedrunners in Solo... That's why you run in Solo, right? So you can take your time and properly explore those maps, right? People shouldn't even bother themselves at jumping from one node to the next, on an endless mission like Interception and Disruption missions. Its a lot easier when each full squad member takes a node/console, and defends it... But not everyone grasps that concept, willingly or otherwise. In fact, things are done a lot faster if they spread out and each hold a tower/console.


4) Streamers never go solo for this simple reason: They need someone else to kill while they are showing off their fashionframe because taking the time to properly ruin an enemy's day is overrated. I considered getting into it and go solo, but I quickly dropped the idea because no one is interested in seeing a player waste an hour or more in a single mission, to execute the several different things that can be done in that single mission. That's how it is.


Unlocking nodes through taxi'ing with pugs is gone since Starmap 3.0 was released. You can forget unlocking nodes through that method...

This is your suggestion based on the difficulties you've pointed out... I would prefer having randomized mission types on each node.

Wanting the possibility to choose a mission type, so that you can bypass a certain difficulty you may find yourself facing, sounds more like an excuse than a suggestion... Something like "Let me choose different mission types for node <Insert alphabet letter here> because the current Star Chart is too difficult to handle"... I've pointed out some suggestions before I quoted you, OP... You should probably think about your approaches to each mission type, most failures result from wrong prioritization.

So how did you complete; Archwing: Rush (such as Kepfer-Phobos) and Archwing: Interception solo? I genuinely want to know as the first blocks me from completing Phobos and the second is for the Limbo Theorum quest series. With how Archwing seems unpopular by many threads on here and DE not seeming to take those offering tips to fix the mode; it is something I will be stuck on for good.

Randomised nodes would go with my OP as at least I could try each day for a mission I feel more confident and comfortable taking on in order to progress my map. As-is at least the Interceptions and Disruption I've had to pop into a PuG as we call random groups on my FFXIV server to progress.

I meant I had the choice of Red Veil Exterminate or Hijack on the Tharsis node is it; right before Maroo? As the quest I was working on wanted me to talk to her and I couldn't get through the Hijack despite numerous tries. On completion of the Veil quest the node for Tharsis; unlocked permitting access to Maroo and quest progression. It was the basis of my OP asking if this could be applied to all nodes regularly with one of the two options being replaced by special missions (invasion, syndicate, fissure etc.) when they come by. That way, we'd always have two means to complete a node instead of current.

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22 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

I do all of those solo. The only missions I cannot do solo are Eidolons and Orbs.

And even then, I can do Eidolons solo, it's just such a pain in the ass that I'd rather not.

I play solo specifically because of speed runners, but I don't play it so slow that I fully explore the map. The simple explanation is this: most of us don't need to farm resources anymore and have all the things (Cephalon and Somachord, etc etc). We have no reason to fully explore the map. (except when we're hunting for Syndicate medallions)

I'm not sure what you're saying. You're saying you've used Syndicate missions to sort of "bypass" a node that would otherwise have been too hard for you, simply because of mission type?
See my answer to the 1st complaint.

...what? I personally don't care to watch streamers anyways, and I have no real incentive to bother streaming. It's my understanding, though, that people who watch streamers do so because of the personalities of the streamers themselves, rather than for the gameplay, and having 4 people on a team results in interactions that viewers can find entertaining. A solo streamer would need to be entertaining entirely on their own.

But with Empyrean, we can still play that solo. They've said there will be mechanics and systems in place that make it possible.


You seem like you're still figuring out the game and are fairly new to it. There's nothing wrong with that, but trust me, the solo experience isn't impossible. You just need to get better gear, better mods, and get more familiar with the game mechanics. You'll get there - no need to rush.

Empyrean is having solo yup, I referred to Steve saying they were not going to show us it.

The bypass node.. You know we get say Nightmare (Vampire Mode) giving a node that red highlight? Well at Tharsis (sure that's the one before Maroo) has the default Corpus-Hijack mission. I struggle with Hijack until the day I tapped the OP when Khora and Venari completed it for me and that helped me reach a Junction objective on Jupiter. But back to my example heh, Tharsis had on offer;

Red Veil - Exterminate

Corpus - Hijack

So I took the Red Veil. Completing that mission the game counted it as if I'd done the Hijack instead, unlocked the node and I continued to Maroo to continue my quest.

What I'm asking in my OP is what if this were regular? That we have two choices (though I like Uhrektor's idea of randomising nodes too) as basic for the nodes and should a special/event mission also use that node; it would replace one of the two base options- we'd always have two choices per node basically.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

So how did you complete; Archwing: Rush (such as Kepfer-Phobos) and Archwing: Interception solo?


Let me figure this out since I haven't done those in a while. But I believe that Interception is done exactly like in any other Interception mission.



Edit: Ok, after my Rush mission, I can say for sure that you'll have to spend most of the time with your thrusters on... Not afterburning, but not slow movement either. Depending on your piloting skills, you will reach with a minute left on the timer, give or take a few tens of seconds. The run I just did was executed with Experimental Flight enabled, which means that "planetary horizon plane" auto-leveling is disabled, and roll moves can be performed. Took me a while to destroy them because the invulnerability beam of the drones, the ones that keep the transports invulnerable (obvious relation), points everywhere else other than the transports themselves. It took me 2 minutes to travel over 5kms, with an Itzal and no Blink, afterburning only on straight corridors and destroying the Tether Mines that are placed along the travel route. I believe that they have around 15m range of tethering radius, so any obvious Mines that are unavoidable should be destroyed. You'll have to ignore enemies on this one, until the transports are destroyed. Then, you can explore the map all the way to the starting point for containers and enemies (and their drops).

Edited by Uhkretor
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5 hours ago, Uhkretor said:


Let me figure this out since I haven't done those in a while. But I believe that Interception is done exactly like in any other Interception mission.

I'll edit this post after I make a refresher run on Rush mission type.

thank you as I am really struggling to: reach the freighters in time 90% of the time with the dead ends and confusing layout. When I do get there the drones are just so fast I can't keep up and they must be destroyed in order to remove the freighter shield; to break the freighter before it takes off. Trouble is each freighter seems to share launch times so mid-duelling a drone, two freighters launch and just as I get the drone the final freighter goes and I get a Fail message.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)Quantaminum said:

you don't have to be some expert with 50h+ of play time to solo interception

56 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

not everyone has the same performance as a player...


Edit: Let me know how my suggestion works for you, Claudija.

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13 hours ago, Uhkretor said:


Edit: Let me know how my suggestion works for you, Claudija.

Thank you Uhrektor. I've only got an Odonata and its Primed variant, let me pop you my build here so you can give further advice;


Odonata Prime, Rank 11- Enhanced Durability Max, Superior Defenses Max, Energy Amplifier 4/5 and Morphic Transformer Max. I have no other mods yet.

Imperator, Rank 13- Quasar Drill, ParalaxScope, Magazine Extension, Automatic Trigger (all unranked) and a 1/5 Rubedo-Lined Barrel. I have no other mods yet.

Agkuza, Rank 24- Cutting Edge, Extend, Poisonous Sting and Sudden Impact. All mods are capped though I have no other unique mods for my Archmelee

I do have unranked:- Larkspur and Fluctus Archguns and a Rank 3 Veritux Archmelee.


What should I focus on to help make the Rush solo attempt at least easier than I currently have and is Experimental Flying a mod or setting please?

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Hi there, I'm a Founder who did virtually all of my 4.6K hours and MR27 solo. I found it very doable. The only exception was the Trials and they are mercifully gone now.

On 2019-10-04 at 3:39 PM, (PS4)Claudija said:

These are the Interceptions, Disruptions and Hijack missions particularly. I'll let Disruptions be but Hijack I find very tedious and grindy alone as it seems that item does not want to go at all and my Energy is burning out as both the target and my abilities to protect it- both sap that resource making it seem to take hours. Interception especially: is impossible alone.

Interceptions: Slow Nova makes them a breeze.

Dirsuptions: I have had no problem with any of those (You don't actually need to defend anything just hunt the Demo's) I currently run them with Khora, Gara or Wisp, for fun

Hijack: Radiation disarm Loki and shield pizzas

On 2019-10-04 at 3:39 PM, (PS4)Claudija said:

3 ) Speed Runners


I'm the slow, methodical sniper; taking time to fully explore a map and see what goodies are around... nobody playing seems to share this as the majority are: get it done yesterday. Its frustrating trying to plan out say Interceptions when the team go from node to node not really getting the concept of- Take and Hold that point. Yet, with Interceptions blocking completion of any planet.... it's a pain.

Yeah, Warframe is a fast moving game, and you'd need to form a custom team to get likeminded people. But I'd strongly suggest getting into the feel of moving quickly and running and gunning, it's critical to enjoying the game IMHO.

On 2019-10-04 at 3:39 PM, (PS4)Claudija said:

Finally, I had an issue where; going to Saturn to help a friend; completing the mission did not unlock the node for me which is supposed to happen unless it got patched out?


Thanks for listening, you guys rock.

Taxi doesn't unlock the node unless you are eligible to run the node.

Edited by SilentMobius
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4 hours ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

Thank you Uhrektor. I've only got an Odonata and its Primed variant, let me pop you my build here so you can give further advice;


Odonata Prime, Rank 11- Enhanced Durability Max, Superior Defenses Max, Energy Amplifier 4/5 and Morphic Transformer Max. I have no other mods yet.

Imperator, Rank 13- Quasar Drill, ParalaxScope, Magazine Extension, Automatic Trigger (all unranked) and a 1/5 Rubedo-Lined Barrel. I have no other mods yet.

Agkuza, Rank 24- Cutting Edge, Extend, Poisonous Sting and Sudden Impact. All mods are capped though I have no other unique mods for my Archmelee

I do have unranked:- Larkspur and Fluctus Archguns and a Rank 3 Veritux Archmelee.


What should I focus on to help make the Rush solo attempt at least easier than I currently have and is Experimental Flying a mod or setting please?

You should be able to get to the objective area with some time to spare with Odonata Prime. The Itzal is a fast Archwing, but it isn't as fast as you may think. I even removed all the mods from my Itzal to have a clear feeling of how long it would take to reach the target. As long as you don't get distracted by enemies and destroy only the Tether mines that you find along the path that will slow you down, even the Imperator should be enough to destroy the targets.


Experimental Flight is a setting present in the Controls section of the options menu. Having it disabled allows you to use the old Archwing movement, but you're permanently auto-leveled to a 2D horizontal plane that's only used in the Plains of Eidolon/Orb Vallis.

Having it enabled gives you access to a control method that makes more sense in space, but its much harder to control for anyone that isn't used to navigate in full 3D spacial environment. It also reduces the chances of ramming yourself against obstacles. The way controls work between having it disabled or enabled is different. I suggest running a few Archwing missions on other Archwing nodes with it enabled so you can get used to it.

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