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Expanded frame concept [ Vivien - Female Excalibur ]- Range Frame -Victorian Influence


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passive i have no idea, maybe make allies in ability range have their range increased by a set amount

Abilities in short are (as of rn):

Passive: Tennos in affinity Range have their ability rqnge increased.

1: channelled buff to range for you and tennos in range

2: Blink Momentum conserving mobility

3: Orbs that give 1st buff to teammates if shot though it, negates projectiles

4: Exalted greatsword, big range and high mobility, Spawning waves and big AOE slams


Edited by Doraz_
removed alternate male idea
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Please change the title - your concept art is extraordinary!

In regards to creating a buff that increases melee range, perhaps instead the buff could cause melee attacks to send energy waves outward (similar to Excalibur's Exalted blade attacks), instead of simply increasing their range.

The buff for projectile based weapons could be to add projectile flight speed, and perhaps even a pseudo-homing mechanic like what we have on guns like the Cyanex.

Overall, I think you have an interesting concept to run with - flush it out a bit more and I am sure you will have more support.

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28 minutes ago, TehGrief said:

Please change the title - your concept art is extraordinary!

In regards to creating a buff that increases melee range, perhaps instead the buff could cause melee attacks to send energy waves outward (similar to Excalibur's Exalted blade attacks), instead of simply increasing their range.

The buff for projectile based weapons could be to add projectile flight speed, and perhaps even a pseudo-homing mechanic like what we have on guns like the Cyanex.

Overall, I think you have an interesting concept to run with - flush it out a bit more and I am sure you will have more support.

Ty 🙂 that's very encouraging. i'll change the presentation as soon as i develop it further.

 I was thinking about waves for his 1st ability, but i excluded them as i want to enhance the weapon itself.

The thing i dislike about excalibur is that he could have a giant exalted toothbrush instead of the sword ... and it wouldn't make a difference in how you use it. Plus it makes it easier for damage to be calculated, less stuff to send via the internet.

A wave can be spawned with heavy attacks ... quite conviniently synergizing with the melee 3.0 heavy attack mechanic ... or they were meant to disappear, i don't remember

A wave limited to charge attacks would be more tactical then, used for instance to trigger the AOE explosion of the orb from a distance.


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I thought about it and the frame should be female instead.
Why? Look at the abilities. Increased range to keep enemies at a distance, blink-like ability that requires the frame to already be moving in order to be effective, orbs to be placed to help teammates from a distance and block enemy fire rather than tank it, long range heavy energy based weapon instead of a real metal one.

In my head this are the powers of a fast, agile, crafty and cretive warrior that in an environment of tanks and dps gods, had to figure out other ways to be competitive and succesful on the battlefield ( i immagine this being imperative in the orokin era, or else being thrown away as a failiure). Puncture damage is prevalent as it is her way to mitigate incoming damage, even if just a bit.

1st ability 
Can be either a draining or timer based ability.
Range of the weapons are increased,
heavy attacks cause an exalibur-like wave.
Hitscan weapons generate fluctus waves that travel instantaniously or very fast (don't know the coding behind it if physics is involved, hitscan would just need visual cues like bullet trails are now) while prjectiles will have the waves as parent of the projectiles themselves. if the projectile is explosive (thus dealing damage after it travels) the romboid creates an explosion. Needed as explosive guns have most of the damage after it travels, as the waves take damage from the projectile itself.
Could be improved by waves takin in all the total damage of the weapon.
-if thrown at orb, trigger orb's radial wave from a distance
-‎enhances new heavy attacks
-‎rewards the use of weapons themselves, giving low tier weapons new life either wirh  newfound effectiveness or experimwntetion

2nd ability
If pressed she keeps keeps moving in her direction of motion without loosing speed. she is invisible and invincible.
enemies that are close to her at the start gets ragdolled to her starting position, while enemies that are close when she exit gets pushed away. As void glass seems to be the theme, puncture damage based on percentage of enemy health would feel appropriate. status proc is guaranteed.
synergy: incentivizes learning and use of movement system rather than relying on either spamming the ability (wisp -_- gauss to a smaller extent) or mov. sys. alone ( don't see many use it at its fullest, sometimes is god mode).

3rd Ability
Spawn orb where aiming (orb spawned set meters away on the normal of the surface targeted).
Melee weapons trigger a radial explosion (needs to recharge, not spammable), it recharges when ranged weapons are shoot trough it.
Hitscan weapons generate romboid shaped trail, projectile get one instance of romboid damage waves that become parent as said before.
Orb has 2 concentric spheres, the smaller one is used to trigger the melee explosion, the bigger one less bright is used ro block enemy fire and make it easier for teammates and you to shoot trhough it.

4th Ability

It's been a while that an exiting and enjoyable frame specific weapon was released (garuda and hildrin sadly do not apply) so here is our chance.
Remember that this should be her DPS ability, so it needs to have range and scaling by being "buildable" for slash and crit 
certainly no to(sword, fists,nikanas,whips,daggers,dual sword, staves and mokeysticks)
possible are
(Heavy Sword, Heavy Hammer)
in any case, particular of this weapon is the ability to trigger rhino stomps (NO! I JUST SAW THE DEVSTREAM AND EVERY WEAPON WILL HAVE IT LMAO)  ... well then have it creating a really big stomp area on combo  and slams compared ro other weapons ( stances are the same of heavy sword or hammer, no need to create another one).
I'd think think an heavy blade is better, so that the gram prime is not the only option and her having already a gram-like melee she can equip something else.

Design-wise as she will be pretty slim (i like frames that allow me to see my surroundings ... or if not it should be mesa or wisp, no particular reason 0_0 ... ) the weapon is of metal on the hilt and of energy on the blades ( similar to war and broken war).

I could try my hand at sketches (i only have a mouse so it would be vector-based) but that google drawing doesn't set the best of hopes for the final result. 

[wrote this on the phone, can't use the pc now]


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38 minutes ago, Doraz_ said:

I thought about it and the frame should be female instead.
Why? Look at the abilities. Increased range to keep enemies at a distance, blink-like ability that requires the frame to already be moving in order to be effective, orbs to be placed to help teammates from a distance and block enemy fire rather than tank it, long range heavy energy based weapon instead of a real metal one.


What does any of that have to do with being female?

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18 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:


What does any of that have to do with being female?

Logically "nothing", i know 😄

But historically in cultures around the world and their archerypes in works of fiction, "everything". That's probably why it feels more fitting to me.

Plus we already have a femme fatale that melts you just by looking at you and a helicopter-mom that makes sure you act like a good tenno.

The warrior out of necessity is a cool theme lore-wise and to relate with, and a nice change of pace.

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unfortunately i don't have a switch or a controller but i think this should be amazing with it.

Every projectile becoming AOE makes targeting more forgiving, forgiveness that must be earned through appropriate positioning, and the movement ability is perfect for a joystick where the speed can be adjusted, unlike a keyboard where it's either on or off.

plus, the fact that multiple orbs can be spawned gives the option for the buklets to pass through multiple orbs! Additional AOE damage can either have range, damage or both increased 😄

My drawing most likely doesn't say anything xD but i would love if her design takes elements from bloodborne, dark victorian kind of look.

It should be obvious my kind of playstyle, so ...

1)her abilities should be all pretty cheap ... i think 25 for casting and 5 ene./sec. is the standard for most frames.

2)the survivability should come from either yourself (rad proccing enemies, movement, damage reduction mods) or other frames in the group.

if you really want DR ... well, the only way for it to be useful and scalable is if it becomes "Damage Negation", on her (remember that you can negate damage by standing INSIDE the orb!) Damage Negation can be granted if holding the 3rd ability, instead of placing an Orb, a smaller orb is created on herself (sort of like zephyr) tha negates all incoming damage for a period of time.

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Something like this( man drawing is so uncomfortable).

The dress-thing on the bottom (don't know the name sorry ) would be interesting to see in action with the in-game physics, the operator have one if i remember correctly but it's short doesn't drag on to the floor, but her's does :D, would behave like wukong's tail. 

Behind her are some simbols, it would be cool if her greatsword, orbs and herself while casting bright rings of orokin symbols are formed, but i know too little about that right now.

I'm thinking on a sobstitute for the Exalted Greatsword as an Ultimate Dps but i really can't think of anythingelse rn.

Exalted Greatsword isn't in the game but something more unique would be cool, and not just a sword to forma a couple of time, destined to be worse than weapons most tennos already have, like wukong's stick. special mechanics and insane range would make it fun enough to use tho.

Lore-wise, i got the impression most frames were just powerful warriors before being turned ... so I wanted this character to have had the opportunity to live among high orokin society, maybe she was forced into being used in the infestation experiments and turned in a frame when the orokin were so desperate to win the war that they began sacrificing even their own. 

A visor/glass looking helmet and gloves would play into her theme of keeping enemies at a distance (like mag), bodily fluids included, while gaduda would probably swim in them 😧


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On 2019-10-24 at 7:57 AM, Doraz_ said:


looking for victorian names i found out "Nora" means "Light"  ... contrasting with "Night", cool.


"Eva" sounds like a good enough name, short common and recognizable.

You've mentioned that you want her to be similar in appearance to Excalibur and similar features with the waves coming off the weapons.

I think, from a thematic perpective, the name Vivien (as in the Lady of the Lake, from Arthurian legend) suits your character very well. Since in the legend, it is the Lady of the Lake who guards Excalibur itself - it would tie the characters together very nicely. 

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On 2019-10-30 at 2:12 PM, TehGrief said:

You've mentioned that you want her to be similar in appearance to Excalibur and similar features with the waves coming off the weapons.

I think, from a thematic perpective, the name Vivien (as in the Lady of the Lake, from Arthurian legend) suits your character very well. Since in the legend, it is the Lady of the Lake who guards Excalibur itself - it would tie the characters together very nicely. 

I'm absolutely for it.


I'll change Name and presentation as soon as i can work on this more :D


Edited by Doraz_
( well name i think i can change it now tho)
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Couldn't use the pc but still wanted to work on this.

Exalted greatsword is something i want too much to reaplace so here are some ideas to make it fun to use and make it have a good place in the new changes/mechanics melee system is getting.

I'll defenitely try to post a more appealing version of the entire frame concept as soon as possible.


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On 2019-11-06 at 10:10 AM, Doraz_ said:

Couldn't use the pc but still wanted to work on this.

Exalted greatsword is something i want too much to replace so here are some ideas to make it fun to use and make it have a good place in the new changes/mechanics melee system is getting.

I'll defenitely try to post a more appealing version of the entire frame concept as soon as possible.

- snip -

I like the idea of the sword being pulled out of a puddle, and following through with that, I believe your third option for the deactivation makes the most sense; re-submerging the sword into the puddle with some AoE effect.

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On 2019-11-08 at 5:39 AM, TehGrief said:

I like the idea of the sword being pulled out of a puddle, and following through with that, I believe your third option for the deactivation makes the most sense; re-submerging the sword into the puddle with some AoE effect.

Yeah, in my head i imagine

1) the sword being liquid first then solidifying and being pulled up with great strenght, and then

2) the sword being rotated once to build strenght in the hand and being pushed with force in the ground generating an explosion, then turning to liquid again and disappearing

... although the second option, going "I don't need this anymore" and yeeting the sword to the poor souls in front of you ... i really like xD, the first one would be ripped from excalibur so it's the worst of the three for now.

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AH ... or even better!...

On the ground:

she summons and puts away by fishing it and submerging it

On the Air:

She "prays" it into existance and yeets it into the ground from a distance. (particles effects turning into water after the explosion).

That would make the usual problem of abilities requiring frames grounded ( old Trinity) a situational feature insteag 😄

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How to Aquire the frame

Seeing how many people disliked the grendel missions (i personally enjoyed them but i may have been carried a bit xD) i'm thinking on a quest that would fit in warframe's style of mission design but is still connected to some plot elements.

-Lived as an orokin
-‎"killed" to build a Warframe
-‎Used to win the old war
-‎Rebels alongside other frames
-‎Isolates herself because of guilt
-‎Ends up in a settlement ( Earth ) that shelters her while the rebellion takes place, she does missions elsewhere with this settlement as a base of operations
-‎Before falling in cryo sleep, she helps the settlement escape( The new trailer makes it look like cryosleep was sudden, it would be cool if she went to sleep "because" she had no more people to fight for).

I think Earth would work as it could be with the help of the silver grove/ new loka syndicate that her presence is located, allowing the tennos to find the blueprint and parts. [in my head, there is already a moment where vey hek comes up all angry you are on earth again going "Tenno, this is my air as well, stop at once!"] ... in any case ...

It can't be too big or complicated, must mirror Warframe's mission design. It would be a nice opportunity to make a proper village/settlement along the lines of palladino and clem's place, but used to actually play the game and fight.

This map would be the settlement where she stayed (Landing and 2 missions), the cave where she went to sleep(3rd mission), and the tunnel where the settelers escaped(Extraction).

A cool additon would be in the settlement, small pieces of lore are present and souls of settellers are floating around, phasing in and out, created by the pure intensity of the bond of gratitude and affection the Warframe and settelers felt for one another, maybe she dreams of those days during cryo sleep and dreams manifest in shadow-y/liquid-like shapes.

The methods of course vary depending on how grindy you want to make it, but i think plat should be spent by players on cosmetics, formas and potatoes to max her, while letting them enjoy the quest, not pushing them buy the frame and skip it.

In addition, i know that making maps is hard, so i will suggest another way of doing it that uses already present tilesets.
After all, it is just one map that hardly can be used for anything else, maybe Sanctuary onslaught.

Finally, to avoid the usual problem of having to go in and out of missions, wait for loading screen or hope you don't get the 5th neuroptics in a row, you will have the opportunity to ger all 3 parts without leaving. Let's begin.

Enemies: All will be standard grineer enemies but will take the form of shadows (red/dark colored to distinguish them from settelers) created by Vivian's dream/memories.

(1) Neuroptics
Mission - Demolition
This mirrors the chaos of the day the settelers were attacked and forced to escape. Around the settlement consoles are spawned as usual and disruption plays out for 4 waves.

(2) Chassis
Mission - ViP defense
Closer to the cave entrance (still closed shut) a standard defense with vip target, will play out for 10 minutes, vip being a settler's memory.

(3) Systems
Mission - Survival
Inside the cave, this mirrors the last stand she put up to give time everyone to escape. It plays as a standard survival mission, taking 15 minutes. Setting it inside a cave makes it claustrophobic, with enemies coming from all sides

After completing each challenge, a puddle of water will appear and interacting with it will drop the respecting part's blueprint.

The other alternative, if the settlement can't be made to work with the missions, simply is that the settlement is connected to 3 earth tiles, generated as usual that will let people do those missions. In any case you are locked into that tileset until you complete it.

At the end the tunnel leading to extraction clears and you can extract.

The blueprint can be given at extraction, meaning that during the mission (story-wise) you did not retrive the parts but the she gave you her blueprints, as she both wants to fight (via you crafting frames on her image) but is unable/unwilling to wake up and prefers dreaming with the people she couldn't save. (i know too litle of WF lore tho, and what i know is confused, this is what I would do).

[Alternatively the tunnel clears and the puddle with the systems is on the extraction platform, meaning she was destroyed there (although how did the other parts go outside of the cave and what powers the shadows if she is dead? not ideal, would require something similar to silver grove, maybe the individual parts still live or are reactivated and want to be put back togheter to fight once again.)]

Cool would be that randomly or in key locations, puddles are spawned for a brief moment and if interacted with, an orb from her 3rd ability spawns to give the tennos a bit of help and a preview of her ability.

Warframe is getting a lot of dynamicly rendered effects, so i would hope making these enemies is as simple as adding a effect pass and some particles specific to them., but it's never that easy xD ... usually.

Just some ideas, stat-wise she would be similar to mirage, can't say right now, i'm sorry for mistakes while writing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i was afraid WF having finally reasonable range for all weapons would take away from a new "range frame"'s necessity to exist , but it really doesn't after thinking about it.

*Ability wise* - The most "difficult"  😕

content (expecially the new liches, and relics) calls for a compromise when building a frame, meaning i have to sacrifice some strenght or range to be able to stay alive, expecially alone.

So her passive (that i think would work best as a side effect of his 1st, mechanically identical to nehza's 1 in how you use it and how it permits energy regeneration) is very useful to her and the team to get back some of that lost damage or area of effect.

*Weapon wise* - A part from it being a mechanic not curently present in the game regarding ranged weapons, for melee ones Range takes the place of a drifting contact or a combo duration or a status mod for condition overload. 

I saw that to make a weapon satisfying to use, i would end up with only 3 or 4 spaces for actual damage, as range, speed, combo duration needed to be compensated.

I started considering ash a sobstitute for drifting contact. it would be nice if we had a frame that would sobstitute primed reach 🙂


Ivara looks amazing, that transparent floating cloth and hat was what i had in mind ... only much longer, and not so beautifully made xD ... and more floaty as well when abilities are used.

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Ok, i realized something, playing with different frames in these weeks.

The first, second and third ability i suggested might be perfect for mesa, wisp and zephir respectively.



She would receive Vivien's 1ability as a buff to her 1st, giving her shots AOE potential.

In addition, it would be best to change it transforming it into a timer based ability as well, but with a twist:

1) cast the ability, rate is 0 at start

2) damage dealt charges it up to 100

3) when 100 is reached, you can press the button again and the damage and aoe buff is granted for a short period,not only a single shot.

It would effectively make builds with her 1st augment really attractive, a 100 status chance on a cooldown, really cool.



Her second ability when held is a bit uncomfortable and prevents you from moving forward.

So, give the momentum conserving dash ability as i have described it to wisp.

She would jusy have to move in the direction she wants (example a door with lasers) and just keep pressing 2 to continue in that direction.

Quick-tapping the ability would remain the same.



I read a little rework thread some days ago, about her other abilities, and that got me thinking.

About my "orbs giving range buff" ...

... they sound TOO op, absolutely game breaking ... or (arguably worse) they would have to be so weak to compensate, with no scaling, useful only in lower level missions.

So ... that AOE buff seems something perfect for zephir's 3 ability, now only a defensive and weapon/frame speed ability.

It would behave like this:

"For the duration, Zephir shoots waves of slashing air when shooting, causing bleed procs to enemies, scaling with power strenght."

Nearby teammates would receive the buff as well if the augment is used.

This would make her capable of Crowd controlling and applying impact with her 2 and slash with her 3.

This is not a replacement, all her other buffs would stay, she would just recive this new one as an added bonus.

It could have a set damage, scaling with power strenght or (more like saryn) a percentage of the weapon's damage is added as slash damage, causing a bleed proc.


I may be asking to kill my own frame suggestion xD, but hey ... if it makes more sense and it's better, that's the way to go. (At least it does at the moment).


Edited by Doraz_
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15 hours ago, Doraz_ said:

Ok, i realized something, playing with different frames in these weeks. The first, second and third ability i suggested might be perfect for mesa, wisp and zephir respectively.

I may be asking to kill my own frame suggestion xD, but hey ... if it makes more sense and it's better, that's the way to go. (At least it does at the moment).

It is noble to offer your suggestions to help other frames, and you're right - if it makes more sense, these abilities should be scavenged to help other frames.

However, I don't think you should give up on your dream - you have a concept and you should continue to flesh it out; I would like to see how far you can get with it. 

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1 hour ago, TehGrief said:

It is noble to offer your suggestions to help other frames, and you're right - if it makes more sense, these abilities should be scavenged to help other frames.

However, I don't think you should give up on your dream - you have a concept and you should continue to flesh it out; I would like to see how far you can get with it. 

If those frames DON'T get these buffs, for sure i will continue to develop this frame concept.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a quick thought ...


I'm thinking about making the stats really reflectt the theme of the warframe.

So, even if it goes agains my usual build, i propose this:


(Standard version)

Armor 100

Health 225

Shield 950

Speed 1.2

Energy 225


(Prime Version)

Armor 125

Health 250

Shield 975

Speed 1.2

Energy 250



-Stats should incentivize building for shields, as it plays in her theme of keeping things (in this case enemies) at a distance, and preferring not to get shot dirrctly. Plus, all those AOE toxin damage that usually are a death sentence to squishy frames are "solved" as she can deal with enemies at a distance.


-Prime version can be a 25 buff, just for lols. A frame shouldn't wait for it's prime to be competitive at high level (looking at u atlas -_-).


-My only fear is that stats like that are NOT good for a melee frame ... and her ultimate is a giant sword xD.

Given, i gave her waves to do damage at a distance and increased range in general, a mechanic to regenerate shields/overshields would be really cool. 

While health can be regenerated on player choice with life-steal or arcanes, the sword can grant overshields on kill or percentage of damage dealt (capped ... of course xD, no 1 million overshields per hit sorry).

I think an exclusive "shield-steal" mechanic can be very cool to play around with 🙂

An effective build unique to her for melee frames could have have Adaptation, Shield recharge (finally not just a meme)vand shields, leaving all othrr slots to improve ability range strenght durstion or efficiency.


Man, looking back at previous posts I really need to improve the overall presentation xD


Ok, signing off for now ...

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  • 4 years later...

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