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(PC) The Old Blood Bug Reporting


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So I've played a lot of Fortuna recently and...

Bounty Missions:

  • Special duty coildrive not spawning under the coolant reservoir
  • Dropships dropping corpus units into the water instantly killing them, mostly near the coolant reservoir


  • Launching a K-Drive can cause the player to fall through the floor
  • Launching a K-Drive can cause the player to vanish for others as well as being unable to leave the K-Drive without re spawning 


  • Blue mining spots not appearing, usually accompanied by a very strong ore glow/bloom

Exploiter Orb Heist:

  • When entering deck 12 the transmissions will be completely black instead of showing Rude Zuud/Eudico 

Phase 1

  • UI/HUD doesn't fade away when the orb drops into the cave and the boss text "Exploiter Orb" doesn't appear 
  • UI/HUD fades away correctly and doesn't return ever... (re spawning doesn't fix this)
  • The vents don't appear to be iced over for some players (e.g. I could see them iced over but a squadmate couldn't)

Phase 2

  • All the loot dropped from the orb will vanish if the player falls through the floor with a K-Drive
  • Some weapons can't hit the exposed parts (Projectile weapons)

Phase 1 & 2

  • Projectile arc not appearing when preparing to throw thermia containers
  • Players with UI/HUD looking away from players with the UI/HUD issue can show up with a downed icon on the edge of the screen
  • A significant portion of thrown thermia canisters seem to have a momentum/gravity issue not following the arc shown and instead flying straight (usually into the sky) and way too quickly in the direction thrown (many of them getting thrown almost straight up into the sky)
Edited by Ark442
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21 hours ago, Esfuerso said:

I may have some new insight in the "My lich does not die even though I have the right combo" bug.

We were doing a mission, several Liches appeared shortly after eachother, most went fine, one was left. Mine did not spawn, yet curiously I did get messages from my Lich as if he/she/it was there fighting with me. A fellow tenno downed his Lich and died, seemingly having the wrong combination, he claimed in chat however that it showed him he had the right combination, yet the Lich killed him as if he did not. Weird, but by now I was aware this bug existed. 
So far nothing new. Except maybe the mixed up messages. 

When I returned to the orbiter however and checked the anger level of my Lich, I saw that it showed a new attempt, confirming my second rune. But also showing me the third rune was incorrect. I did not fight my Kuva Lich that mission though. What I think happened is somehow his and my Lich got mixed up in code (wrong scope for a variable maybe?) allowing him to fight and parazon him, but somehow making that attempt be recorded as my attempt, which failed since I had the wrong third rune.

I hope this new info helps nail down those gLiches (sorry, had to make it)


In the meanwhile, can people who have this bug try and run the mission solo? Maybe if it works then it could help support the theory that it is related to mixing up data from other players liches.

I only fought my lich on solo and still got the bug, but I have heard of people have the same bug as you

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On 2019-10-31 at 12:07 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

This thread will be used to house your bug reports from The Old Blood: Update 26.

With any update, we focus on fixing the priority issues first as soon as we can! Especially with mainlines, where its likely to have many issues creep up on launch. Lower priority bugs that can be reproduced are logged to be fixed once we’re comfortable with where we’re at with squashing the monster bugs. We appreciate your patience! 

Bug report guidelines: 

  • Be as detailed as possible! The more information we have on the issue, the better we can track down the cause. 
  • Provide steps on how to reproduce the bug that answer "How was I able to produce this bug, and can I do it again?"
  • If possible, provide video and image of the reported issue.  
  • Be respectful - We understand bugs can be frustrating, but the better you can report the bug the better we can get to fixing it.

Thank you! 

Your staff still haven't fixed the bug where there is no prompt to either Convert or Vanquish a lich after it's defeated.  Support ID # 1967022 has the mission log from the most recent time this crap happened.

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I just found out I'm a vampire, we all are. That's the only reason I can muster as to why I and the crew members don't have a reflection on the reliquary... But I guess people didn't reflect in that sci-fi movie with the singularity drive from the 90's either did it... Anyhow, there's some clipping issues with the cameras or defense turrets on the rail jack. I have screenshots but seems like it might be too spoiler'ish to post them. They are all near doorways and easy to spot.

EDIT: Also some camera flicker in the distant lighting if you stand behind it because you wanted to crank the volume but limit the other ambient SFX and get creeped the f out while writing a forum post.

Edited by lemonforest
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On 2019-11-23 at 6:44 PM, Grrumpy_Dragon said:

There was also one instance during testing in the Void, where I could no longer be harmed by environmental hazards like the Laser Plates and Laser Orb. I could still take damage/status effects from other sources as usual though when the bug occurs. I have not had a chance to try to recreate that specific incident yet.

Finally had a chance to try to recreate the instance where the laser plates and orbs could no longer effect Grendel while he was affected by the Stuck in Pulverize ability bug, After multiple tests with orbs around the Void, I'm glad to say that it seems to have been a one time incident. Also, "Owch."


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Just got all three of the parazon guesses correct... and now I'm stuck. Can't open chat. Can't use push to talk to my squad. I'm hoping when they extract I'll go too, but I guess not since it's an excavation. I would prefer not to Alt+F4 this. 



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21 hours ago, -Emptyness- said:

  The game freeze at the time of choice. I saw other players moving, but I couldn’t do anything. Make a choice, open a chat. Alt + F4. 
And after, game tells me that the combination has wrong.
And changed. The faithful runes have moved and replaced?
For what? Why should I spend another time?

Same my dude. Same. I couldn't open chat or anything. Had to Alt+F4 and my try doesn't even show up now. This is like the fourth bug effecting me this week and I am over it. 

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On 2019-10-31 at 12:07 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

This thread will be used to house your bug reports from The Old Blood: Update 26.

With any update, we focus on fixing the priority issues first as soon as we can! Especially with mainlines, where its likely to have many issues creep up on launch. Lower priority bugs that can be reproduced are logged to be fixed once we’re comfortable with where we’re at with squashing the monster bugs. We appreciate your patience! 

Bug report guidelines: 

  • Be as detailed as possible! The more information we have on the issue, the better we can track down the cause. 
  • Provide steps on how to reproduce the bug that answer "How was I able to produce this bug, and can I do it again?"
  • If possible, provide video and image of the reported issue.  
  • Be respectful - We understand bugs can be frustrating, but the better you can report the bug the better we can get to fixing it.

Thank you! 

Hi again!  Just got the same stupid unable-to-select-convert-or-vanquish glitch for the second time today, and it looks like others have as well.  I've attached my second EE.log to support ID # 1967022: you folks might want to make this a priority?

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Too immortal lich. I killed him four times. Please fix. P.S. After several more attempts to kill him, I noticed that during the mission this Lich had Excalibur's head on his arm.7FEE648DA22562BD00C0844414FF56368A6FEDC2

Edited by Mr.Mikron
Perhaps an important new detail
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Although it would be hard for me to visually show this through my available Methods I have noticed a bug that if you have a Hemen equipped when you preform a mercy finisher it will constantly do the 5% health drain as if it was reloading throughout the whole animation

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Arbitration perma-death not working.

I just went through an hour arbitration mission (survival on V Prime) in which every time someone went down, they entered bleedout and were able to be revived as per standard missions, companions included.  Only thing that seemed different at the start was my duo randomly disconnected right away, 2 people joined via public, then he rejoined before another player filled his slot.  

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I found a quite annoying bug with Inaros and Kuva Liches. If you get hit by a Lich grab attack whilw you're using Inaros Sandstorm you will be stuck in ragdolling until you are killed. I haven't been able to test if falling out of bounds fixes it. 

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Skins on nikana zaws are quite buggy currently.

1) The sheath's colors are linked to the main weapon colors, not the attachment colors like they are supposed to be.

2) Energy colors are not working at all on the sheath (specifically on the Dax skin).

3) Attachments on zaws (nikanas for sure, I haven't tested with other zaws) are duplicating and being placed in weird locations on the weapon

4) Sheaths do not appear in mission.

5) When using a skin on a zaw, it does not make any sound effects when used.

6) Zaw sheaths and attachments are making clones of themselves in the arsenal. I can't replicate this consistently.


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Oh god it glitched out and didn't upload all of the images I'm sorry let me try that again unknown.pngunknown.pngOkay so as you can see even though there were no enemies around I took damage from the Hema reload, this happens throughout the whole animation and can take you down to 3 health

It seems to only happen if the weapon is missing ammo however if it is full it doesn't do it as far as I can tell

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Kuva Lich seems to have a 100% steal rate on X Neuroptics (currently trying to get Ember again after her rework since before she was... hot garbage. Mostly garbage.) while having a 0% steal rate on X Systems and X Chassis.

Not sure if this is a bug or if this is just you guys as devs making a funny prank.

Also, while on the subject, can we have a scaling rework at some point in the future? Pretty sure a 95% DR Scatter Shield is supposed to make Mesa not get melted in under 3s by seven Lancers, or get onetapped by a Shielder when against lvl 70-100 enemies (specifically only seems to happen in Lich missions, is there some damage increase tomfoolery in those runs or do their levels exceed 220?)


Edited by Oro_Hishan
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4 hours ago, Fennikk said:

Okay so as you can see even though there were no enemies around I took damage from the Hema reload, this happens throughout the whole animation and can take you down to 3 health

It seems to only happen if the weapon is missing ammo however if it is full it doesn't do it as far as I can tell

you read about the hema on the wiki page by chance? ( https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Hema )  it might answer why the weapon eating you alive when reloading  ^^)

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sometimes, when mercy killing anything (thrall or not) the gun equipt will keep firing after the animation until the player manually fires again or switches the weapon... this might take an ugly turn if happen with 'certain' weapons and looking in the wrong direction ^^)

oh, forgot to mention that it might have to do with activating the mery kill while still firing (not sure though for it's kinda hard to do on purpose) but it happens often enough accidental to notice it.

edit: it happens indeed when still holding the trigger when activating the mercy kill. also, i found out that switching won't stop the autofire - the autofure won't happen to the other weapon, but if you switch back without firing once manually, it goes on when being back to the 'original' weapon... funny bug, still dangerous though.

Edited by fr4gb4ll
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Kuva liches vanquishing with the same mods

I think I have a bug to report.
My first and second liches had the same mods required to vanquish: NETRA, RIS and LOHK
What are the odds of two sequential liches require the same mods?!
But wait, there's more. My third lich already requires 2 of the mentioned mods.
And last but not least, on the first attempt to kill this third lich the try crossed 2 mods at once as wrong mods. And the second attempt didn't cross none.
I'll not continue further on this third lich for now so you guys can see my account with the said scenario. (I'm a software developer so I know how these things are important).

I hope this helps.

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and yet another lich-related bug:

very often the mission type of the kuva-lich nodes are incorrect. e.g. pavlov/lua which is descirbed as extermination for the lich mission turns out to be a mission like the normal node on pavlov is.

this doesn't happen every time when starting a kuva lich mission,  but it happens far to often to be a random glitch and it also isn't related to any host/client inconsistence for i got this in all cases - me being the host, being the client and even in solo runs.

most of the times it doesn't matter, but for some mission it's a bit of a hassle, like the mentioned lua mission which turned out to be a spy run when i just was out there to fry some thrall-steaks with ember ^^)

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