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The Old Blood: Hotfix 26.0.4 +


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4 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Tweaked the Requiem Murmur discovery requirements for each hint to reduce initial ramp-up:
    • Instead of each Murmur requiring the same amount of Hints, the first and second Murmur require 60% of what they used to, with the last Murmur requiring 140%.

This seems sort of vague, can we get some more clarification on this? 

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It would be a good QoL if there was a way to see the weapon that the Lich will have before we kill the Larvaling. 

The Larvaling could be carrying the normal version weapon that the lich will 'kuvafy' or some other identifier.

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5 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed having to toggle Sprint every time you Melee.

Awesome fix, this was really annoying for me!

Hopefully you guys will add more combos/animations to the stances that don’t have one of each type of combo. Currently there are a lot that feel unfinished because of this.

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5 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

As of yesterday afternoon 15,000+ Kuva Lich’s have been Converted and 85,000+ have been Vanquished; you’ve been putting in that work!

That's a ton of free beta testing!

Think I'll let my fellow testers help iron out all the issues before I jump into this seemingly unrewarding grind for a gun.

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17 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Stockpiled Kuva Weapons: Receiving a better duplicate Kuva weapon after you’ve put work/Forma into an existing one can feel rather disappointing. With that in mind, we’re working on a “duplicate consumption” mechanic where you can combine 2 of the same Kuva weapons, thus transferring its buffs while preserving your Forma and Exilus investment, ergo relieving you of your inner turmoil. 

Sounds way worse than making the stats fixed for the weapon (still this randomization is a terrible system - HATE to see it in warframe). But at least better than before...
Lets say I like the element of my old "weak" weapon. I combine them to get it buffed and keep the forma of the old one... Which weapons element will the final one have? The weaker first one or stronger second one? 
Can I get stronger stats of the second one but keep the element of first?

These are the issues that still remain on this system. PLEASE, just make all the stats for weapon type SAME across the board to not make this major pain in the back... I dont mind the Lich system being dificult or grindy but randomized stats on weapons are just AWFUL! 

or AT LEAST... make it so that when you upgrade your kuva weapon ONCE with this method - it'll just upgrade it to maximum possible stats for that specific weapon type... so you need to upgrade each weapon just once instead of possibly 2-3...5 times...

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