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The Prime Vault is Open!


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Just got back to Warframe after over three/four months vacuum (last time I played was couple days after Wukong Prime released) and I noticed that current unvaulted prime is Ash Prime. There's no "in the hell" way I'm going to miss it. Thank you DE for bringing Ash Prime to Nintendo Switch. ❤❤❤❤❤

I actually don't care about Vauban Prime though but I bought the dual packs anyway. 🤣

Lastly, I'm waiting for Trinity Prime turn to be unvaulted. Only Trinity Prime and soon Ivara Prime left to complete my Prime frames collection.

Again, thank you DE so much. ❤❤❤❤❤


*sorry for my bad English

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I just want to say one thing

It's time to have Trinity Prime unvaulted. I know why she's not been in the rotation; free on Twitch Prime for a long time

However, her weapons... It's ridiculous how difficult it is to get 2xDual Kamas Prime Blades (I'm on PS4), the only prime I've not managed to complete - simply because no one has the parts it seems-

And honestly, best option to pair with her? Probably Nekros Prime for his weapons and accessories. While I've been able to get the weapons over time, it seems like he's due to see the light again

Plus Nekros and Trinity are fitting opposites to have unvaulted. Life and death~

I'm sure you already have things planned, but you can't argue Trinity Prime shouldn't have more relics out there and a healer would be a nice thing to see back

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hace 23 horas, (PS4)DeZaruu dijo:

I just want to say one thing

It's time to have Trinity Prime unvaulted. I know why she's not been in the rotation; free on Twitch Prime for a long time

However, her weapons... It's ridiculous how difficult it is to get 2xDual Kamas Prime Blades (I'm on PS4), the only prime I've not managed to complete - simply because no one has the parts it seems-

And honestly, best option to pair with her? Probably Nekros Prime for his weapons and accessories. While I've been able to get the weapons over time, it seems like he's due to see the light again

Plus Nekros and Trinity are fitting opposites to have unvaulted. Life and death~

I'm sure you already have things planned, but you can't argue Trinity Prime shouldn't have more relics out there and a healer would be a nice thing to see back

Definitely, i miss the uru prime syandana :c

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