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The Old Blood: Hotfix 26.0.7


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The Old Blood: Hotfix 26.0.7

Kuva Lich Changes & Fixes

We are several Hotfixes into ‘The Old Blood’, and we’ve got a sizeable amount of tweaks to add to the pile:

Converted Lich Trading is here: If you have a Converted Kuva Lich, you may trade them with another player who may be looking for a specific Kuva Lich Weapon or Ephemera. This system includes the use of a brand new Dojo Room inspired by the early ‘War Room’ design from the King Pin System! Liches can only be traded once - you cannot re-trade a Converted Lich past one person! 

The Crimson Branch: This room serves the purpose of trading Converted Kuva Liches, and will scale up to future entries in the system with other factions! 

Back-to-back Duplicates - Your Kuva Lich will no longer have the same weapon twice in a row. While you may get a duplicated weapon down the road, your Kuva Lich will have a guaranteed different weapon than its immediate predecessor.

RECYCLE YOUR REQUIEM - 4 Defiled Requiem Mods can now be Transmuted into a random, fully charged, Requiem Mod. This gives them some additional use, as well as helping you clean up your Inventory.


  • Void Fissure Missions will now appear on all Kuva Fortress nodes! Previously, only Rescue/Survival missions on the Kuva Fortress were eligible due to other missions having an Archwing restriction; now the whole Fortress is eligible! 
  • A bug now turned feature; Ephemera’s obtained from a Kuva Lich can now be equipped on Sentinels and Companions! For FX sake, this will be a slightly subdued version of the selected Ephemera. Non-Lich Ephemera functionally is in the works! 
  • Increased the chance of your Kuva Lich to have an Ephemera from 5% to 10%. Newly birthed Liches will have the 10% chance, while existing Liches will still be at 5%. Old Liches that are traded and "reactivated" will also be at 5%.
  • Added new Parazon finishers for you to stabby stab the baddies with! 
  • Added a Kuva Lich icon beside Star Chart regions/nodes that are under the influence of your Kuva Lich to address color blind concerns regarding the ‘Kuva Stain’.
  • Increased the base damage (before elemental bonus) of the Kuva Ogris from 454 to 714.
  • Grineer Prosecutors will no longer spawn as Thralls, as they were essentially invincible to everything except area-of-effect abilities.
  • Ghoul Expired will no longer spawn as a Thrall due to their suicide death mechanic. 
  • Removed Pigments from the list of eligible items the Kuva Lich can Tax.
  • Removed rewards obtained specifically from completing a Junction from the list of eligible items the Kuva Lich can Tax.
  • Reduced the camera shake of the Kuva Ayanga explosions.
  • Fixed Kuva Lich weapons that do damage on both impact and explosion (Kuva Ogris, Kuva Ayanga, etc) doing significantly less overall damage than expected. This was due to the Elemental bonus only being applied to the "on impact" of the projectile itself and not the explosion.
  • Fixed Kuva Siphon/Flood Rescue missions not giving out a Requiem Relic at End Of Mission if you completed the mission without setting off the alarms.
  • Fixed Kuva Siphon/Flood Spy missions not giving rewards for cracking the Spy vaults.
  • Converted Kuva Lich allies will no longer spawn in Archwing missions, as they ignore the complete lack of oxygen and requirements needed to fly. As reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/dv6ofx/til_kuva_lichs_can_help_on_archwing_missions/  
  • Fixed no Kuva Lich being born if sentient Umbra performs a Mercy on the Larvling.
  • Fixed no Kuva Lich being born if Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors or Wukong’s Wuclone downs the Larvling and you perform a Mercy.
  • Fixed no Kuva Lich being born if you perform a stealth Mercy on a Larvling.
  • Fixed the Kuva Lich momentarily shrinking when attacking Hydroid in his Undertow.
  • Fixed the Kuva Lich becoming allied until downed when the effects of Revenants Enthrall ability expire. 
  • Another fix for Ayatan Statues Taxed by the Kuva Lich not showing up with the rest of the Recovered items in the End of Mission screen.
  • Fixed getting duplicate and/or invisible Kuva Liches after a Host migration occurs.
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Paranoid’ Liches would kill players even after being Converted: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/dsx2yt/so_my_converted_lich_decided_to_help_me_with_my/
  • Fixed Client throws occurring in the wrong direction. 
  • Fixed an issue where Larvling spawns were not working 100% of the time.
  • Fixed an issue where Kuva Lich weapons were not properly localizing. This fixes future occurrences of this bug, not existing cases. 
  • Fixed a crash that would occur if you opened up your Inbox while the Kuva Lich was in a downed state, ready to be Vanquished or Converted. 
  • Fixed a rare game hang if you somehow managed to use the Parazon on two Kuva Liches in one mission.
  • Fixed Kuva Lich ability descriptions excluding Damage type icons.
  • Fixed losing the Kuva Lich symbol icon when renaming the weapon acquired from it.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur after Vanquishing your Kuva Lich.
  • Tweaked the sound of the Kuva Karak. 

Melee Phase 2: Technique Changes & Fixes
While most of our previous Hotfixes have focused on base functionality and bug fixes of Melee: Phase 2, this Hotfix takes a stab at some balancing in the wake of all the changes. This Hotfix also adjusts some Stances based on feedback. 

Overall Changes:


  • UI: Split ‘HEAVY ATTACK’ Stats into their own category to better organize the various stats associated with all Melee Weapons. 
  • ‘Hold Melee’ will now perform heavy attack like it did before Phase 2.
  • Removed Combo Hit Multiplier with Glaive's hit damage. Only explosive damage will use the Combo Multiplier. 
  • Madurai Rising Blast can now be held vs tapped for either a charged or uncharged shot.

Mod Changes:
The Critical Chance game has largely allowed Blood Rush to shine for active melee players, and with the ‘Steel’ series of Mods applying at the Base Critical Chance level, it’s led to players feeling they are obsolete. We are significantly buffing these Mods to give players a different option for Critical Chance builds. We want to give a more upfront Critical Chance and hard-hitting Heavy Attacks to builds that don’t rely on maintaining a high combo multiplier.

  • True Steel increased from 60% to 120% Critical Chance (x2 for Heavy Attack) at Max Rank. 
  • Sacrificial Steel increased from 88% to 220% Crit Chance (x2 for Heavy Attack) at Max Rank. 

Stance & Weapon Changes: 

  • Crimson Dervish:
    • Fixed Crimson Dervish not having it’s sliding heavy attack hooked up.
    • Increased the damage and combo-point value of Crimson Dervish's Neutral (Twisting Flurry) and Forward+Block (Coiling Impale) combos
  • Gun Blade:
    • Added a free movement shooting attack to the first move in the Forward Combo for High Noon (Vagabond Blitz) and Bullet Dance (Magnum Mamba).
    • The Heavy Attack shot is no longer free movement (the wind up remains free movement). 
  • High Noon
    • Neutral Combo (Desperado Zeal) is now Tactical Forward Combo (Final Showdown), and vice versa.
    • Switched the order of the two Tactical Forward attacks and increased the forward distance of the first attack
  • Bullet Dance
    • Moved the first attack of the Neutral Combo (Samba Slash) to the end of the combo chain. 
    • Bullet Dance - Neutral Combo (Samba Slash)  is now Neutral Block (Automatic Rhumba) and vice versa.
  • Rapier: Vulpine Mask
    • Swapped the order of the first two attacks in the Neutral Combo (Assailant Guise). 
  • Nunchaku Stance: Atlantis Vulcan
    • Decreased the forward movement of the first attack in the Tactical Forward Combo (Blazing Vortex) and increased it in the second.
  • Wize Razor 
    • Second attack in Forward Combo (Cut Thrice)  is now free movement
    • The last attack in the Neutral Combo (Threshing Grain) is now the first attack, damage multipliers and combo points adjusted accordingly
    • The last attack in the Tactical Forward Combo (Calling Thunder) is now the first attack with increased gap closing movement, damage multipliers and combo points adjusted accordingly.
  • Dark Split Sword Heavy Blade
    • increased Critical Chance from 10% to 15%
    • increased Puncture Damage from 68 to 78
  • Zenistar
    • Combo Multiplier applied to disc recall explosion.


  • Fixed Blood Rush / Weeping Wounds resetting when using a normal attack on Gunblades.
  • Fixed Exodia Valor considering every target to be Lifted whether they actually are or not. 
  • Fixed Zenurik Inner Might not applying correctly. 

Launcher Area-Of-Effect Change:
Area-of-effect Damage is now a separate stat with its own header in the Arsenal (plus everyone else that stats are shown), and AOE damage radius is now also displayed. Previously, AOE damage values were merged with regular on hit damage values. 


  • Tweaked the density of Ember’s Ability FX on nearby hits. 


  • Fixed Requiem Relics not counting towards "Unlock Relics" Nightwave Acts.
  • Fixed ‘Blood for Ammo’ not working if you don’t have both a Primary and Secondary weapon equipped.
  • Fixed another case of the Vasca Curative not working/curing infected Kavats
  • Fixes towards Ayatan Stars and other pickups that can’t be vacuumed launching themselves into unreachable corners. 
  • Fixed having to be very close to initiate your Archwing Melee lock on mechanic. 
  • Fixed missing hit notification sounds on the Acceltra. 
  • Fixed an erroneous [PH] on Dojo Fast Travel. 
  • Fixed issues with enemy navigation in the Grineer Galleon. 
  • Fixed overlapping music at end-mission. 
  • Fixed a game hang when throwing any fishing Spear leading to inputs not working for several seconds.
  • Fixed a Lunaro bug where air attacks and combos were not working. 
  • Fixed Ukrainian text missing in many cases. 
  • Fixed some Amalgam enemies dropping Resources that looked like Mods. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Corpus hacking mini-game would lock up if another player starts it right while you finish. 
  • Fixed an issue where you would be unable to use Corpus Hack Panels. 
  • Fixed AI struggling to navigate in Grineer Spy mission tilesets.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur with Ember’s Fireball. 
  • Fixed a script error that could occur with Gauss’ Thermal Sunder. 
  • Fixed missing Localizations across the game. 
  • Fixed cases where the Sari Syandana was covering UI menus.
  • Fixed Teshin missing a description for his Conclave Loadout Slot.
  • Fixed the Polarize screen not displaying the correct max rank of weapons that go over 30 (Paracesis, Kuva weapons, etc).
  • Fixed waypoints pointing you towards dead ends in Corpus Archwing missions.
  • Fixed a Kitgun Riven Disposition always displaying 3/5, even if the Riven disposition itself is lower than that.
  • Fixed some UI screens not applying your chosen UI theme border color.  
  • Fixed weapons requiring Health to reload to only partially reload if you don't have enough Health for a full reload.
  • Fixed inability to rename your weapon if you don’t own a max rank Kitgun.
  • More fixes towards Infested Corpus ship doors clipping into other rooms.
  • Fixed terrain clipping into the Orb Vallis Spaceport building. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/dw3ojs/found_a_weird_panel_sticking_out_at_the_top/
  • Fixed a level hole in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/dw3wim/found_a_hole_on_europa/
  • Fixed Vasca Kavat Floof description reading Orb Vallis instead of Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed inability to see what players are selling in Maroo’s Bazaar. 
  • Fixed weapons above Rank 30 (Paracesis, etc) not maintaining their Rank if a Host migration occurs. This also fixes some Mods being ignored due to Mod capacity being in excess of the standard 30 Ranks.
  • Fixed gaining Melee Combo when you have a ‘Chance to not gain combo’ Riven that is over 100%. 
  • Fixed Archwing enemy UI markers stacking in doorways.

    Serverside Hotfix:

    Fixed an issue where traded Liches would come with 3 erroneous Requiems - they had no bearing on the traded Liches hints. If anyone is having issues with traded Liches not spreading influence, please reply to this with details. 

Thanks for the hotfix. Trading kuva lich contracts is a pretty good idea, and also thanks for letting people know the percentages for the Ephemeras from them.

Is the heat proc on mirage not buffing her 3 a bug? It used to be a thing before this mainline, or actually before how the heat proc changed it's mechanic, and players loved to use that to "buff" their Mirage and their Eclipse with weapons such as Penta. Was not mentioned in patch notes and players would like to know if this was actually intended or a temporary bug.

But, this game has a pretty unique building system for weapons and warframe, which has it's downsides when talking about "what to build" and "based in my playstyle, what do I use", we do have simulacrum to test our builds against scanned enemies, which is the solution, in part.

Most weapons do require forma, potatoes and specific rivens to work, but if players doesn't know what to build, how are they supposed to forma? My suggestion would be a "Build mode" in simulacrum which allows people to "temporarly" forma their weapons (without using formas and without leveling) allowing them to test their builds before actually going into real forma on their weapons. It happened to everyone to place a wrong forma because "that build sounded better on paper but doesn't fit my playstyle", doing this will allow players to make sure they can test what their playstyle fits best in their weapons and warframes before actually formaing them. 

Also, can we get an update for nightwave to remove duplicates? For who played the Series 1 and the first Intermission has already Eidolon Ephemera or Wolf armor, putting more useful rewards for who already played the past nightwaves would be nice.


Thank you for the ability to trade Lich contracts.

Maiming Strike should be buffed with these other Crit mods. You are probably going "why does this guy want to buff that mod". Well, the entire rework is for diversity, and sliding is a playstyle. The mod can still be nerfed but not completely worthless in a build. Maiming Strike is now strictly worse than Sacrificial Steel and it is situational. Likewise, the changes to Critical Chance do not even address the issue here. The issue is that Blood Rush does not interact with modded Critical Chance. Stat dilution actually indirectly nerfs Blood Rush in this update.

Also, it would be nice if Tonfa weapon stats were looked at. They had a nice niche as a sliding class but are now lackluster in this sense as the slide attack nerf washed that entire playstyle from Tonfa weapons. Tonfa weapons should have close to (if not) the highest slide attack damage out of all melee weapons.

Additionally, please update Riven Mods with Critical Chance on Slide Attack and Critical Chance stats. Riven Mod values are supposed to be based on the existing mods with a multiplier from disposition.


I don't see any mention of fixes and solutions for the following bugs and issues in the update notes, so here's a polite reminder. Quite a few of these are long-standing issues and concerns that have been reported elsewhere by other players as well as myself. 


- Ranged Stealth kills do not trigger the stealth kill XP bonus timer. This has been broken for more than a month.

- Baruuk's Desolate Hands' orbiting daggers will target and kill wildlife, including animals that have been tranquilized for capture as part of Conservation activities. This makes Conservation activities impossible to complete while Desolate Hands is active. 

- Weapons glitching occasionally when Baruuk switches out from Serene Storm. 

- Loss of sfx for Baruuk's orbiting daggers when they transfer to other players when playing as a Client.
- Host Migrations on Defense missions can randomly reset some player scores to zero while leaving one player's scores intact. This happens after players elect to leave or stay for the next set of waves. 

- Host Migrations NOT "pausing" the game at times, wherein enemies will still attack and do damage to the player. This has been an issue for years and it can be game-breaking. 

- Garuda's Talons switch to their "undeployed" animation state after performing a Stealth Kill, even if the Talons were previously "equipped".

- Kuva Floods still do not reward Requiem Relics all the time.

- Limbo's Stasis no longer pauses the duration of existing status effects afflicting enemies within the Rift.


Balance / Gameplay-related Issues and Concerns: 

- A Lich ally's contribution to gameplay is largely insignificant. The Lich will only show up at random when player health is very low and will leave after only 2 minutes. Lich allies need to be far more reliable to justify the grind spent obtaining them. Make them a summon-able ally via a deploy-able beacon.

- Acquiring Grendel is incredibly and needlessly grindy and tiring. Players are not only forced to run numerous Arbitrations to get the needed amount of Vitus Essence (75), but they are also required to run lengthy level 40 Excavation, Defense, and Survival missions without the aid of mods, arcanes or the Operator. I'm guessing this was introduced to provide "challenge" for whiny, entitled try-hards and "veterans". This isn't providing "challenge". This is placing hardcore arbitrary restrictions / conditions and immense pressure on a player to succeed. Grendel's parts being guaranteed rewards doesn't justify forcing us into missions where we are completely stripped of any and all bonuses. As far as being a reward for our troubles, Grendel might be fun, but he is not worth the slog.

- Attempting a kill or conversion on a Lich nemesis with the Parazon without the right mod sequence or any mods should not result in the player dying, nor should it automatically level up the Lich. This is needlessly punishing. On defeat and a failed  "hack", the Lich should only initiate an emergency teleport escape so it can fight another day. In addition, the Lich should only be able to level up if it defeats the player in an actual fight. We level our weapons and 'Frames by defeating enemies. It should be no different with a Lich. When the Lich defeats a player, it teleports away and levels up. When it levels up, it only reclaims the nodes the player previously cleared out but doesn't spread further.

- Allowing Requiem mods to be rendered useless after 3 successful Lich kills / conversions fails to respect player time and effort and it's inconsistent with how all other mods work.

- Duplicate Kuva weapons are a bad thing and this needs to be properly addressed. The recent changes don't seem to cut it but we'll see. When generating a Lich nemesis for a player, the game should do one of two things. The first would be to check for existing Kuva weapons in the player's inventory and only equip the Lich with a random weapon that the player does NOT have. This would to prevent instances of players winding up with duplicate Kuva weapons. If the player has all the Kuva weapons that are available, the game is allowed to generate a random Kuva weapon for the Lich nemesis. There's still a bit of grind and randomness involved to get the weapon you want, but as stated earlier, at least there's no chance of getting a duplicate weapon. Another idea would be to give the Larva a regular version of the Kuva weapon it would get if it became a Lich nemesis. This way, players can quickly decide as to whether or not to simply gun down the Larva and let it die or trigger it so that it turns into a Lich with the appropriate Kuva weapon. The second solution gives the player more agency and a better idea of what they'd wind up getting at the end of the grind.

- Having Kuva and Ayatan Amber Stars as possible rewards for cracking open Requiem Relics is nothing more than needless drop-table filler.

- Kuva Weapons require no less than 5 Forma each to get Mastery for them, which is inconsistent with how other weapons work. Don't even bring the Paracesis into this - it's not even comparable in terms of acquisition and origin.

- There is a need for an opt-out mechanic / "peace offering" option for players that have a Lich nemesis that they don't or no longer want to fight for whatever reason.

- Mercy Kills on anything but Lich nemesis enemies are largely pointless. In addition, the window of opportunity to perform a Mercy Kill on regular enemies is ridiculously small.

- Nekros Shadows are affected by Oberon's Renewal despite Nekros having his own means of "healing" them if the player so desires. This can pose a large and unreasonable energy drain on Oberon players who are modded for healing. Shadows need and should be exempt from the effects of Renewal.

- Nikanas lack fluidity post U26. The base stance uses essentially the same W+E combo as Decisive Judgement and Tranquil Cleave, which interrupts player movement after every other attack.

- Warframes with spam-able "Nuke" abilities, such as Saryn, Equinox, Mesa, and Volt, are still not co-op friendly due to being able to dominate small defense maps by hogging the vast majority of kills. All players should be able to contribute and participate in missions in meaningful ways with whatever 'Frame they choose, not be bored to tears because someone was able to delete most of the enemies for everyone else with extremely powerful and easy to spam abilities that also has massive range. Nerf nuke abilities to more acceptable levels and you'll also make CC-based 'Frames relevant again without the need to rework them.

- Zenistar's default timer for having the disc out is still too low, nor should the timer's length be based on combos.

Also, it would be really appreciated if you all could: 

- Allow us, if it's possible, to opt out of certain Warframe abilities (such as Volt's Speed and Limbo's Rift Walk portals) via a game preference toggle. We can turn off Octavia's sounds for other players because of how intrusive they can be, so why not potentially intrusive abilities? Not everyone wants to be Rifted or wind up running around like a Russian Dwarf Hamster on meta-amphetamines. Win-win for all, with no need for a player to have to "manually opt out" by rolling / dodging every time an intrusive ability is activated and winds up adversely affecting said player. 

- Buff fashion frame / customization a bit and give us a color wheel picker to choose colors from instead of having to scroll though numerous pallets to find the color we want. Grey out color blocks on the wheel that are associated with pallets that a player doesn't own.

- Please bring back regular Alerts for players that either can't or don't want to deal with Nightwave. Players appreciate having options and Nightwave has not been particularly new-player friendly. To add to this, a number of players have complained about how Nitain is now being effectively locked behind Nightwave credits and a very unreliable reward system (Sabotage & Cetus Bounty, the latter only when Ghouls are present). 

- Lower the credit cost to build Ephemera and drop the resource costs substantially. It's a purely cosmetic item that does nothing but leave footprints / trails that disappear after a few seconds. Also, if these are supposed to be a prestige item / badge of honor...they need to be a GUARANTEED reward when reaching a particular milestone. If not, lower the grind needed to acquire them please. 

Thanks for reading. No, I really couldn't care less if certain points I've made here are unpopular with certain members of the community. My concern is that the game be as functional, balanced, and enjoyable for as many players as is reasonably possible. 




Bug with Garuda in shop (melee weapons):






"Hold Melee’ will now perform heavy attack like it did before Phase 2."   ...  WHY?  ((((


Thank you for the update DE. I wonder how some people can respond so fast on a Hotfix everytime. Wukong and Nova mains found I think. I want to have the first comment on Patch Notes sometime. ^__^

"Sacrificial Steel increased from 88% to 220% Crit Chance (x2 for Heavy Attack) at Max Rank."

That's some decent amount of Crit Chance. Very cool.

"Fixed a Lunaro bug where air attacks and combos were not working."

I waited for Lunaro fixes. Thank you DE. Time for some Lunaro matches. ^__^ 

What about adding the scores from the Hallowed Flame Event to the profile? That would be very cool. Some people really put some effort in to get a high score.

It doesn't look like that will happen at all, which is a bit sad.  

2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Void Fissure Missions will now appear on all Kuva Fortress nodes! Previously, only Rescue/Survival missions on the Kuva Fortress were eligible due to other missions having an Archwing restriction; now the whole Fortress is eligible! 

Wait, what did you just do to my fissure surival kuva runs? I guess they were a little too generous. This was coming and will bring players back to old kuva farming ways.
EDIT: I launched the game and seen 3 relicts missions, everything is better about this!

2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Converted Lich Trading is here: If you have a Converted Kuva Lich, you may trade them with another player who may be looking for a specific Kuva Lich Weapon or Ephemera. This system includes the use of a brand new Dojo Room inspired by the early ‘War Room’ design from the King Pin System! Liches can only be traded once - you cannot re-trade a Converted Lich past one person! 

The Crimson Branch: This room serves the purpose of trading Converted Kuva Liches, and will scale up to future entries in the system with other factions! 

Real nice to see the first trading system implementation! I really hope this won't stop just here. If this will allow us to trade kuva weapons and ephemeras to other players then I would also propose a feature to kill a converted lich for ourselves without a trade. For the moments when we made a mistake and wanted to kill the lich. We could also have a change of heart and want that weapon anyway. Also when you got something good but no one wants to trade then maybe we could still use it ourselves. There's also a point for the new lich hunters who might have no idea that they would want or get that weapon or ephemera.

2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Back-to-back Duplicates - Your Kuva Lich will no longer have the same weapon twice in a row. While you may get a duplicated weapon down the road, your Kuva Lich will have a guaranteed different weapon than its immediate predecessor.

I don't know about that one. From one side it's good since it will make us receive less duplicates but on the other side it will disallow us from getting that one weapon we want multiple times in a row if we're lucky. I think it's a good change but i also wish I could opt out of it myself whenever I want to since I don't really need it after countless liches I defeated.


Umbra still loses all buffs and applicable invulnerability upon Transference

Exalted Blade no longer auto-blocks while attacking (and this issue itself has gone under the radar for the longest time)

The Aero set mod bonus does not activate when damaging enemies with melee weapons or abilities

Any plans for Mercy Finishers to be more practical/rewarding?

vor 5 Minuten schrieb [DE]Megan:

Wize Razor 

  • Second attack in Forward Combo (Cut Thrice)  is now free movement
  • The last attack in the Neutral Combo (Threshing Grain) is now the first attack, damage multipliers and combo points adjusted accordingly
  • The last attack in the Tactical Forward Combo (Calling Thunder) is now the first attack with increased gap closing movement, damage multipliers and combo points adjusted accordingly.

i cant describe how good this change is ❤️


Now this is a hotfix I can sink my teeth into!

Hopefully we see even more stance refinements and additions with future updates. Several of them feel incomplete since they don’t have all four types of ground combos for example.

3 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Void Fissure Missions will now appear on all Kuva Fortress nodes! Previously, only Rescue/Survival missions on the Kuva Fortress were eligible due to other missions having an Archwing restriction; now the whole Fortress is eligible! 

While I appreciate the variety, Kuva survival fissures as a consistent thing was a highlight of the Lich system for me.  I'd love to see a semi-permanent fissure on that node in addition to others appearing in the Fortress. 


So 4 spent relics to recharge 1 req? I see they still haven't figured out the issue with the Lich system. Gonna keep avoiding that specific aspect of the game while I wait for them to figure out to get rid of the charges entirely like with arch wing launcher.


Make Kuva Survival fissures prevalent. This should be the go-to for all Kuva Farming, since boosters from the fissure apply to harvested kuva.

Personally, I would rather have it be Kuva Survival fissure all the time. None of the other missions appeal to me, because they do not reward kuva. The Kuva Liches themselves do not reward kuva, lending to some confusion. Kuva Liches should reward Kuva. It's in the name!


Thanks for the update. Lots of needed changes came with this one.
Confused about the requiems after you trade someone a lich. After you trade someone a lich it will show 3 requiem mods all in blue (presumably the order used to capture the lich the first time). Is this solely meant to be historical data? Attempted to kill it with the same order and it did not work.


Increased the chance of your Kuva Lich to have an Ephemera from 5% to 10%. Newly birthed Liches will have the 10% chance, while existing Liches will still be at 5%. Old Liches that are traded and "reactivated" will also be at 5%.

i hope my lich n°35 have a ephemera, i was already losing hope


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