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I Hate The Vengeful Ephemera Trade


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17 hours ago, Violet_Xe said:

... I'm really sorry to say this, it's going to sound extremely biased as it's coming from someone with a vengeful ephemera already. I know that reduces my credibility but I need to put that out there for honesty sake. I am furious and saddened at the ability to trade lich for ephemera and I'm calling BS on this change, I HATE it. Laugh if you want but I have reason. DE just took back something critical, I remember what DE said. DE pitched ephemera to us on devstream #123 as "trophies" or "achievements".They are meant to show you earned something, to prove to others you did something remarkable and went through some challenge to get these "trophies". ...

I, too, am furious and saddened.

At the fact that this hasn't happened with other Ephemeras, seeing as they're all just RNG based instead of on some kind of token/standing system. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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1 hour ago, Violet_Xe said:

Whether they failed or not at making them trophies or not does not mean they can go back on what they said they would do with it. And that's not correct. Stalker took me a year, I got him, it took me days to get the charge ephemera to spawn, other ephemeras are the same. You can get them if you don't give up.

Then what about Corposant Prime Ephemera?

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3 minutes ago, Xaero said:

Then what about Corposant Prime Ephemera?

2 hours ago, Violet_Xe said:

If were going to talk about the prime, lotus, fae, or easter ephemera these are special occasional ephemera. You should get that by just looking at them. I am not speaking about those ephemera being a challenge, those were never made or meant to feel like you earned them. They are purely for enjoyment and seasonal fun like candy canes, mustaches, and antlers.

these ephemera aren't included. You don't earn them you pay for them or they're just outright given. If I said "corposant ephemera should be able to be earned" then i'd be dumb. I might as well be saying all prime accessories should be able to be earned in game which would horrible for DE. When I'm talking about ephemera being earnable, ones for special occasions do not count becuase they're either for fun or to promote an event. Every company does this and it's nothing new and I've got no issues with that.

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17 minutes ago, Violet_Xe said:


these ephemera aren't included. You don't earn them you pay for them or they're just outright given. If I said "corposant ephemera should be able to be earned" then i'd be dumb. I might as well be saying all prime accessories should be able to be earned in game which would horrible for DE. When I'm talking about ephemera being earnable, ones for special occasions do not count becuase they're either for fun or to promote an event. Every company does this and it's nothing new and I've got no issues with that.

Still, isn't it going back on their words about ephemeras?

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1 minute ago, Xaero said:

Still, isn't it going back on their words about ephemeras?

yes it is, but those are prime accessories which have a pass. Trying to find a flaw in someones argument when it's obviously not meant to be included doesn't do anything for you. I shouldn't have to clarify why certain ephemera are not included in the argument.

It's either you're messing with me, or are incredibly dense and I'm inclined to pick option one.

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33 minutes ago, Violet_Xe said:

yes it is, but those are prime accessories which have a pass. Trying to find a flaw in someones argument when it's obviously not meant to be included doesn't do anything for you. I shouldn't have to clarify why certain ephemera are not included in the argument.

It's either you're messing with me, or are incredibly dense and I'm inclined to pick option one.

Nah, I'm just saying ephemeras concept is a missed opportunity. They should've been hard to get, but not determined by rng or money. If, for example, every 50th beaten lich was guaranteed to have an ephemera, it would be a long-term challenge, but completing it would really feel like an achievement.

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it is astonishing how people can be so jealous and selfish, you only got 1 ephemera but how about some who got duplicate ephemeras? If I got no use over a duplicate one, why dont sell it to others who have hunted down 30 lich but yet to get a single ephemera? Think wide. 

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Let's not forget it is a cosmatic.  This is a perfect place for trade / platinum to come into play.

DE did the right thing and your getting mad!  I can't believe the nerve of people.  This has zero effect on your game, nothing, except maybe being able to sell a duplicate since you were very lucky to get one to begin with.  

It's luck, not skill.  

I brought up grendel missions because they did require thought, and we're rewarded without RNG. 

IF emphermas were awarded based on skill or some sort of challenge / accomplishment, then I agree don't trade.  Since it is blind luck, DE did the right thing to reduce grind. 

Shame on you for being hateful. 

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I know about duplicate ephemera, someone already brought that up. If an ephemera is meant to be worn by those who earned it and said they they are EARNED ONLY then having some plat to purchase that ephemera is enough to earn such a thing. Don't make it sound like I don't think about players like that, I have friends that play the game that are in that exact situation, I also have ones who have several.

1 hour ago, HeartPurity said:

it is astonishing how people can be so jealous and selfish, you only got 1 ephemera but how about some who got duplicate ephemeras? If I got no use over a duplicate one, why dont sell it to others who have hunted down 30 lich but yet to get a single ephemera? Think wide. 

Jealousy, yes I have that, I'm admitting to that. Selfish? No. This has nothing to do with me being selfish this is about DE lying and me wanting them to hold true to their word.

1 hour ago, Educated_Beast said:

I brought up grendel missions because they did require thought, and we're rewarded without RNG. 

They were not rewarding, they gave you the part after an excruciating amount of time with no fun involved. Everything you did in the game had no impact in the game for that mission. If you consider that a challenge, then you're insane because all that farming you did making the perfect build means nothing. arcanes, operator, focus, mods, all gone. Again though not related so I'm stopping there. Stop bringing up a mission to acquire a warframe in a discussion about ephemera trading. I see where you're going with it, and you can say it without having to rope in grendel's missions.

1 hour ago, Educated_Beast said:

Let's not forget it is a cosmetic.  This is a perfect place for trade / platinum to come into play.

DE did the right thing and your getting mad!  I can't believe the nerve of people.  This has zero effect on your game, nothing, except maybe being able to sell a duplicate since you were very lucky to get one to begin with.  

Cosmetic yes, perfect for plat yes, but DE implied this wouldn't be paid and I want to hold them to that. If their word means nothing on an official stream to deliver information, why would I put my trust in anything they say ever during said streams. If DE never said they would be earnable only, we wouldn't be having this conversation because I wouldn't have posted this.

DE did not do the right thing, unless you consider doubling back on promises the right thing. Yes, this is a free to play game... A free to play game with prime access, tennogen, contests, normal microtransactions, and more. DE does not need the extra money and I certainly don't feel like they deserve it as of late. I would be more lenient if the system was more polished and full but the lich update was in the works for 2 years and they just tagged another cosmetic AFTER monetizing a massive bundle in the market and dropping Melee 3.0 with forma galore. I refuse to believe DE needed more financial gain.

Also yes, these do have an affect on gameplay. Players farm for it, that's an effect. Players will use it on warframes and get to look better, something else. The more value that ephemera has the more often they will use it and the more they appreciate the fashion they have made which keeps them in the game longer and makes for a happier player. Cosmetic have affects on gameplay, but it takes place in the mind, not on the screen.

1 hour ago, Educated_Beast said:

IF emphermas were awarded based on skill or some sort of challenge / accomplishment, then I agree don't trade.  Since it is blind luck, DE did the right thing to reduce grind. 

   At least I can half agree with you on this, I did not make this clear with the original post and that's on me, i'm sorry. I'd much rather the RNG be taken out and as players have suggested make it guaranteed after a set amount of lich or challenges. I'm all for that because it gives the feeling of progression and you can see yourself getting closer to that goal. But even if it is luck I do not want them to be traded because DE said they were earned only and I doubt DE will ever listen to that feedback even if it's fair and justified. The challenge at present is testing your patience and luck which is still a challenge however dumb and unfair lady luck is.
   They have just allowed players who have done nothing to be on the same level as players who killed dozens of lich. Yeah, players that kill dozens without one ephemera are deserving of this trade mechanic. It's technically deserved but again still not earned. It's bought. Another issue is the option for trading this ephemera is open to ALL PLAYERS, including those who don't deserve it and more than likely it will go to whoever is willing to pay the higher price, and that will be the players that dislike grinding and chances are those players haven't killed one or two lich.
   Blind luck or not it still fits, however twisted that fit is, the definition of earned to an extent because you obtain it through grinding OR luck. Not money. I was not 100% pleased with how the ephemeral rewards were handled before. Just like how some players still prefer keys to relics and how they enjoyed the dozens of primes and skill over higher chances for 1 prime. I prefer the old non tradeable ephemera to what we have now which just adds to trade chat's virulent tendencies.

   I once farmed a nova prime system for 6 months in the derelect, I am one such person who understands what a cruel mistress lady luck is. Yet all throughout those 6 months I did not give up. I farmed and farmed and eventually I got my hands on that thing. Not once did I complain to DE or post on the forums about how dumb the drop rates were because it was a common drop. Why would I complain, I had bad luck and was too stubborn to go to trade chat. Pride bound me to farming that item, so yes I recognize more than most some items are a pain in the rear to grind out due to RNG. Yet I'd take RNG achievements over trading any day of the week. This is my opinion, nobody has to agree and nobody has to care but this is my view and no matter how much someone laughs at me, slanders me,

1 hour ago, Educated_Beast said:

Shame on you for being hateful. 

shames me,

1 hour ago, HeartPurity said:

it is astonishing how people can be so jealous and selfish

calls me sinful and selfish,

10 hours ago, Kenmei said:

To me it looks like you are a bit jealous and selfish, you want these to be only for yourself.

misunderstands me and pushes me down,

On 2019-11-14 at 7:16 PM, peterc3 said:

You might want to take another look at what you wrote, because the judgement is pretty apparent.

or misunderstand and or lies about me

It does not reduce the validity of my statement and it wont stop me from posting about what I think and believe in. DE lied and went back on their word and I, a player, am unhappy with that. I may be one person but I want to have my say in the game. And nobody is going to hold me down from that. Unless I get strikes for breaking the rules, then I deserve it.

I wont comment again on these posts nor do I intend to make myself look like a saint and the victim here. Hell I openly admitted I am jealous and envious of players having something I do not. I am simply stating the things stated above are pointless. They do not add to the conversation and are there purely to degrade me and make you feel better. You can do that because I expected stuff like this, I said that in my original post. So again, I won't comment again, feel free to continue but it will get you nowhere.

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saying earned only is both implying that trading is not going to be involved and confirming. What I meant was DE IMPLIED that ephemera would be only obtainable through non currency means. Earning them. that's earning them. Flat out buying is not earning.

Do not bend my words when my point is clear.

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On 2019-11-15 at 9:18 AM, Violet_Xe said:

   I admired players for having an ephemera I wanted, now I don't. They probably bought it. I had pride in my charge ephemera. Now I don't. I used to grind lich for the ephemera *and feedback*. Now I don't. Why do any of that when I can trade for one. This may be a positive change in many players eyes, but this not only killed the only value the lich had for me, which isn't even content, but also deeply wounded by trust that you'll ever provide us with exclusives and achievements ever again.

To be fair, no longer being proud of manually getting your ephemera is kinda a you thing. I get being bitter that you could've just waited and bought it when you put so much work in, but others' decision to skip the content doesn't negate how much work you put in. Most of us know it's just RNG, sure i'll be proud and happy for someone for finally getting a cosmetic that they really wanted, but i'll also be happy for folks who get a cosmetic they really wanted via trading if that's the way they want to do it. Warframe is a game where you largely set your own goals and find your own satisfaction in whatever you pursue once you've worked through the story/starmap. DE can't make you be happy with yourself for grinding something out, you have to do that yourself. To be honest I don't really think anything of people for their ephemera beyond whether I think they cool to me or not, and even if they did buy it I wouldn't think less of them?

I still have some pride in some of the exclusive things I own, but I don't really like that I do. Because the main enjoyment of having them comes from the fact that other people don't, and that's pretty sucky. I recommend working on unlearning that, it's a much more pleasant experience to be glad people get to enjoy certain content than to be bitter about it.

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If DE implied it they didn't outright promise it, so they are not going back on their word. In terms of being able to buy the ephemera in trades, who's to say that isn't earned? People work to earn money, which could have been used on the plat that bought the lich trade. Even if the plat wasn't bought by the person, they could have farmed rivens and sold them for the needed plat to get the ephemera. It's not your call to decide what qualifies as "earned" for the entire community or DE.

For me, the new changes do promote cooperation, as I'm working with someone to farm the ephemeras now that we're allowed to trade for them. If it was just me, it could take much longer for the two of us to get them all, but we have a way to grind them out faster together. You brought up the Smoking Body ephemera from the Stalker. Yes it has low chances of dropping, BUT if it does drop the entire squad benefits from it. That alone means that a full squad gets twice the benefit than any lich ephemera, which is restricted to two people.

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On 2019-11-15 at 6:48 AM, Violet_Xe said:

   Now... you're letting players sell the ephemera? I'm somewhat on the fence about that increase to 10% but this feelsnot just dirty and monitized, but completely goes against what ephemera were introduced as. You went back on your word AGAIN DE. Or were you always intending on making ephemera traceable just to make more money and lied to me, to us? This even disrespects the players that farmed hours, days, even a full week to gather several ephemera. You just devalued all that time spent. 

The thing is, the ephemera is not actually sold. You sell/buy the LICH that has the ephemera.. you still need to go through all the entire process of defeating the lich normally. The only thing you bypass by buying it is the rng of the possibility of the lich having the ephemera to drop. And considering you can control the elements of the lich by choosing which warframe is the progenitor, that rng isnt a big deal anyways.

I would've been pissed if you could actually directly trade the weapons or ephemeras from the lich without taking the effort to defeat them. But thats not the case. Its still earned. Just you spend some plat to circumvent a lil rng thats all.

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I like the idea of a cosmetic that players win for completing hard, elite tasks. Not for elitism, but for accomplishment. Ephemeras seemed alright to that end, even though not ideal. As pretty nice cosmetics they are I wouldn't want to deprive newer players of getting their own, just like they'd get syandanas for free or plat. So I'm partly glad that DE failed to keep their word (which is still disappointing in its own), so that ephemeras aren't such a high standart cosmetic.

Now, as I said, I do like the idea of a trophy cosmetic in exchange for a hard task. But let them do it with something else. Not a whole category of wearable gear, but something that can be placed down somewhere, and make a collection out of it. Something less easy to plaster in other player's faces, and make them jealous, since that's not the point of an elite trophy in Warframe. At least for me.

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On 2019-11-15 at 3:18 AM, Violet_Xe said:

DE pitched ephemera to us on devstream #123 as "trophies" or "achievements".They are meant to show you earned something, to prove to others you did something remarkable and went through some challenge to get these "trophies".

Yes, and they were absolutely wrong to do so. To me, this shows that DE are entirely incapable of learning from history and determined to repeat all the mistakes of the past. Selling an entire category of cosmetics as veteran/prestige/status items is always the wrong move, and for a few reasons. The value of cosmetics is in the eye of the beholder. For some, more sparkles and more dangly bits and more spikes on the shoulder pads equals "better." For me it equals "gaudy." I have several Ephemera by this point and refuse to wear any of them because I've yet to find one that isn't butt ugly. Hell, I don't wear any Syandana, either, because I've made my weapons part of my colour scheme and "capes" clip with them pretty badly. As a result, you're gating a supposed "veteran status symbol" behind a cosmetic item that some might want for the look who don't care about status symbols and so can't have the look they want, while others may want for the status symbol even if it makes them look utterly ridiculous.

I may be uniquely biased in this regard because I STILL hold a grudge against City of Heroes for trying to pass capes off as "prestige" items that we had to earn at level 20 and Auras (what Warframe would call Emphemeras) at level 30. For no reason. People wanted to wear a cape because that's a thing for super heroes, not because it shows veterancy, yet had to run around with an incomplete look for 20 levels. And then there were the people running around in jeans, t-shirt and cowboy hat AND ALSO a cape because it's a status symbol and they wanted that status symbol. It's ridiculous, it's pointless and it's always a bad idea no matter what game that comes up in.

Ephemeras have no business being used as status symbols, they have no business being challenge achievements, they have no business being exclusive and unavailable and restricted. An Ephemera is no different from a helmet, a cape or the colour of the glowy bits your Warframe ship with. It's a bit of cosmetics which should not be any more gated or unavailable from any other bit of cosmetic customisation.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ephemera have no particular value except as one more random drop. They don't grant abilities or improve your strength, they're just pretties that show up entirley by chance. I mean, what am I going to do with the two extra Smoking Body ephemera I have? I like that I have one, but I don't need 3. They don't get smokier. 

They should be like the emblems or shaders (think Glowhoo) from Destiny. You get them from doing a particular thing. You can only get them from doing that thing, and you will get them the first time you successfully do it. They're a symbol that you did it. Eidolon emphemera? First tridolon kill. Smoking body? First time you kill the Stalker solo. Or a reward at the end of the Second Dream quest. You get the point. 

Sure, some people will have the sigil / ephemera because they got carried. So what? They were there, they actually saw the elephant. It may have sat right on them, but they saw it. 

Edited by Ham_Grenabe
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1 hour ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

Ephemera have no particular value except as one more random drop. They don't grant abilities or improve your strength, they're just pretties that show up entirley by chance. I mean, what am I going to do with the two extra Smoking Body ephemera I have? I like that I have one, but I don't need 3. They don't get smokier. 

They should be like the emblems or shaders (think Glowhoo) from Destiny. You get them from doing a particular thing. You can only get them from doing that thing, and you will get them the first time you successfully do it. They're a symbol that you did it. Eidolon emphemera? First tridolon kill. Smoking body? First time you kill the Stalker solo. Or a reward at the end of the Second Dream quest. You get the point. 

Sure, some people will have the sigil / ephemera because they got carried. So what? They were there, they actually saw the elephant. It may have sat right on them, but they saw it. 

I agree but that ship sailed.  It blows my mind DE missed this opportunity.  There is plenty of other things they could monetize no one would be upset about (dojo rooms, dojo color schemes, more cosmetics and custom armors / weapons).

I said screw emphermas after DE screwed me on Tennocon when I watched, had account linked, submitted screenshots to 'support', and they gave me nothing.  

I don't watch DE streams because they do lie and customer support is the worst I've ever seen in any game.  So I missed the message the OP is upset about.  You can't be upset if you don't watch!

Just play the game for what you enjoy, don't worry about what other people have or do not, and take a break when DE kills your puppy. 

Just be glad there are people around still buying plat and buying cosmetics because I stopped after the Tennocon fiasco.  In other words, they have to do this to continue making money, otherwise they go out of business.  

Deal with it, or play another game.  I am now a F2P player only.

Edited by Educated_Beast
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I feel like making it able to trade is only fair, to allow players to sell/share duplicates.

The game isn't about showing off regular grind rewards. I mean, if you see someone in a prime frame the day of its release, you more or less assume that they bought it. There are folks who put in stupid amounts of effort to farm it out on the first day, using plat gained from trades to rush everything, but nobody but those players care.

Hell, I don't even see people trying to show off sigils/regalia from limited events. It's more about fashion framing than it is about just showing exclusive content. You could have the most exclusive/difficult ephemeras or sigils in the game, but if they don't look good it's not going to matter to anyone but you.

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On 2019-11-14 at 9:35 PM, Violet_Xe said:

Can you say that a random low ranked new player who has only killed one lich deserves an ephemera over those who have hunted over 30 lich since release for the exact same goal?


Considering it's pure luck of the draw, the word "deserves" has no place in the discussion from where I'm sitting. It's cosmetic fluff and frankly I'd rather they be traded so the person lucky enough to have them drop can derive value out of it rather than the eyeroll inducing option to trash spares for credits.

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   K so apparently this thread suddenly came back after about two weeks of nothing, cool. So I'll repost my ideas this since people may have missed this if they hadn't read the full thread. It's my fault for not putting this in the main post so here. I'm not opposed to an alternative way to obtain ephemera such as an achievement or token system. This way "I don't want duplicates" isn't an issue anymore. I'm not opposed to secondary methods but I'm neutral on how they handle it as long as it doesn't involve money.

   IMO it was acceptable in it's previous state. The fact that it's cosmetic and not an essential mod makes it perfectly fine to place it behind a hard grind wall and makes even more reason for it not to be tradeable. You want it? Go earn it.
   The reason I say "earn" is because That's how DE phrased it when pitching the idea. Players who purchase the opportunity to kill the lich with the ephemera don't deserve it. Why? they didn't generate it, they didn't convert it, and by DE's own words they shouldn't have involved trading to ephemera in the first place. If you say "they technically didn't break their word" that makes it even worse because then they framed their words to give them an out to monetize it later under the guise of trade. They pride themselves on transparency then do that?
   Extremely low drop chance is still "earning" in grinding game standards and it matches with what DE said. They specifically said that it would be from arbitration stores, drops from ESO, and challenging content in general. If you had a problem with it and knew you were going to get duplicates then you should've said someone about it back then right? You can farm for 10 minutes or 100 hours and it would still be earning in grind game standards. This has been a thing since WoW with rare cosmetic drops and players have dealt with it since then. Why are we only getting angry at stuff like this now?

   Someone said "If you want to grind for your Ephemera by yourself and place value on that grind then by all means feel free" That's dumb, not for you but for me. Why would I farm something when I say it holds no value to me in it's new state. It presents an ultimatum to players like me, will ww farm for 2-3 days, or buy it for 100p. I mean It's pretty obvious what I should and would pick but if I don't care it's worth 0p to me.
   Tradeable ephemera has also made entirety of the lich system skippable via cold hard cash. Yet again players can bypass all "endgame" content with money meaning there's no incentive to go get it and play the game yourself. It actively lets players avoid the content DE spent 2 years making. Unless you either really enjoy it or you're one fo the few to grind it for trading purposes, you won't play it. I was once an avid lich supporter, one who gave feedback and tossed around dozens of ideas of what the nemesis system could evolve into. I went from that to straight up abandoning it. Striking it makes me feel better than actually getting the ephemera at this point.
   Not only that but this is about vengeful ephemera specifically. You run into the same vengeful ephemera twice, cool why do you care. You're not losing out on anything. The lich comes with the gun, it's not like you lose out just because it comes with an ephemera. 

   I wouldn't be so fussy about this "cosmetic fluff" had they not made the face value of their pitch imply that ephemera would be seperate from trade or platinum. They said this on an informational stream then later proceeded to disrespect the time of players who killed lich for ephemera when the update first launched. I struggled against a system I had many issues with, but liked, for a week. 
   We had no reason to believe they'd be made tradeable so we farmed away. Had DE made an official statement about this shortly after the initial ephemeras launched then chances are I'd also be less irritated, but It felt like our effort got stabbed in the back without any warning or reason. They already dropped a deluxe skin, warframe, cosmetics, and made an old blood bundle there is no reason to monetize these.

   I also again want to clarify this again incase people somehow skipped it. I am not interested in having exclusive rights over the ephemera. I'm also well aware of how cruel RNG can be, more than most players. I spent 6 months farming nova prime in the derelict. I didn't just make this thread willy nilly I knew what I was posting and how some people feel. What I want DE to stick to their word, OR I want an honest, transparent, formal statement from DE why they made this change now, why specifically vengeful ephemera and not other ephemera and cosmetics, and why through trade and not some other more fair system that doesn't loop into monetization.
   If anyone thinks I'm alone and I'm just making it sound like it's more people by saying we, I'm not. This is the second area I posted this. This was also put in the old blood feedback and I didn't get any pushback and was only supported, surprisingly. That means there are people who feel the same as I do. It doesn't matter how few we are, we should get at the very least a response but for some reason I don't think we're going to get one.

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6 hours ago, Violet_Xe said:

 Tradeable ephemera has also made entirety of the lich system skippable via cold hard cash. Yet again players can bypass all "endgame" content with money meaning there's no incentive to go get it and play the game yourself. It actively lets players avoid the content DE spent 2 years making. Unless you either really enjoy it or you're one fo the few to grind it for trading purposes, you won't play it.

I'm going to have to disagree with this.  I've been playing Warframe for quite a long time now, I've done a lot of prime access, ground out plenty of content etc...  I think one of the strengths of Warframe is that you can play the game how you want to play it. You want to grind it - you can grind it - you want to be a zero plat purchased player and sell stuff for plat - you can do that - you can dump a ton of money in and skate through the game.  If that is what you want to do - and it makes you happy - then go for it.  I will say there are exceptions to every rule - but in general I think it comes down to a pretty simple concept.  The heart of the game is getting in the matches and being a god like space ninja. This is for the vast majority of people more fun to do with friends or randos who might become friends - and anything that makes the game more enjoyable without truly hurting your experience - makes it that much easier for someone to like it - and stay with it - and join you in the joy of launching grineer into the skybox with a kuva seer in the plains. 

Don't be concerned with how other people approach the game, be concerned with whether you derive joy from it. If the way your playing it makes you happy - then be happy - but don't try to take away ways for other people to enjoy it too.  Not everyone has the time to invest in this game (or the money) but having ways around time intensive grind walls probably keeps half my clan active as much as they can be - and that matters.

I'll throw an example at you about the idea of people deserving stuff too.  Do you have the original Brakk? Did you get it from the Grustag Three or did you grind out 100+ frigging exterminates over the course of a week trying to get your side to win in The Gravidus Dilemma.  I did the latter, for the Corpus - ran well over 100 missions trying to do my part - we lost - I got the blueprint and got one of the first delete buttons in Warframe.  Only to later see it nerfed into the ground and then made available to everyone - in a much MUCH easier way to obtain.  There was a point where i didn't feel like anyone who didn't play through the GD deserved to have that weapon, but it's long past - because whether other people have it or not has zero effect on how I play the game. And yes - the Kuva Brakk is almost as nice as the old one pre-nerf.   

NOW - that being said - I would not be against DE adjusting their RNG mechanic to have some logic  that does something along the lines of "RamPuppy has not gotten an ephemera from his 16 lichs (true story) there for on his next lich, the drop chance goes to 11%. If he doesn't get one from that - 12%, 13%... 14% etc." It is still grindy enough for DE - but also gives players hope that they can grind it out rather than resort to buying it.  


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Imagine getting this upset over people procuring a more direct way of getting the items they actually want, rather than repeatedly having to smash their heads against the wall of RNG that is the Kuva Lich system.  What DE said in a devstream months ago about it being an ""endgame reward"" hardly matters, especially considering how you'd likely get laughed out of the room for believing it's any legit challenge to get ephemeras (not including the game testing your patience with RNG).  If you get an ephemera it isn't because you strategized well or that you git-ed gud, you just got a lucky diced roll.  Acting like it's anything more than that is silly, to put it nicely.

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I just started playing this game, and let me say I’m so glad I did, it has replaced my old love. Now on to the tonic at hand. I’m big on having things that most don’t have, and I am a fan of buying almost anything in a game, but you still have to do all the work of having the ability to buy it an use it so yeah I see your point, but then you’ll just have players charging other player’s to help them farm. I did it in my past love. But to say low lvl having it is a stretch. You can’t be low lvl to reach the quest line to get it. Believe me I looked into it. I luv luv luv having an effect on my armor set, and I also am will to put in the work to be able to purchase it off the market or I could simply end up getting it off the first run. Again this is just my opinion, and that’s all. 

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