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Do you think PVP can be successful ?


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21 hours ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

So I’ve been around for dark sectors and obviously conclave . Dark sectors/Solar Rail conflicts were pretty well received by the community and people actually enjoyed participating in it back then, but with conclave it’s like 1-5% of the community even play conclave regularly, it’s truly unpopular. So I wanted to discuss so you think PVP in Warframe can ever be successful again in Warframe ? & if so how can it be fixed ? I personally feel like DE should have a team that specifically works on PVP 

Was pvp ever really popular before?

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1 hour ago, (PS4)ErydisTheLucario said:

Was pvp ever really popular before?

When it was brand spanking new, I think there was a really short period of popularity driven by people trying out the new mode. 

Then interest dropped off because most warframe players weren't and aren't interested, and it died. 

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Just remove warframes from pvp and give operators guns.


 For everyone to be equal. That's the purpose of god damn pvp. Not this clown fiesta with conclave mods right now.


We already have 5 schools, to make classes for operators out of them and everything will be cool.

Edited by Gasau
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Straight up run of the mill death match PVP will never be popular in this game.

With that said I wish they would try different PVP avenues like...

Racing: Indiana Jones variant where something pursues racers..I don't have to out run it... I only have to outrun you.

GTA: Motorcycles vs. Jets= K-drives vs Darygn.

Firefight vs Firefight: Teams take on Ai in order to send over boss units to other side.

Cat and Mouse: Squad Spacecrew Mod. Single player controls over powered monster unit.. Other side has to achieve specific goals  to escape in order to win. Monster has to rack in kills to win. This is actually more fun than it sounds.


You know actual Rocket League with warframes like we asked for when it was popular instead of Lunaro...


For years now they've farted over normal PVP and it's gone no where...for god's sake try something else that is PVP and be creative with it so it might entertain your gigantic PVE community...


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I do not believe pvp in this game will ever work well.  With all the frames and customization of builds it creates too much inbalance.

The only possible action would be for players to be locked into using identical frames/weapons with completely balanced stats/abilities and no customization at all.

Which would negate the entire point of gtinding in the game.  And even then internrt connections being unstable create issues.

Warframe is simply not a pvp game nor will it ever be.

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I played a significant amount of Conclave a few months ago to get the skins, and my opinion is that the game is at its best when you have a full server of people to play with, and it's genuinely fun to play.


Unfortunately, when you do manage to find a game, it's usually with the same group of players who have 200 hours on Conclave that can kill you 20-0, and that doesn't feel very good, especially when your standing gain is based on your K/D. The feeling that other players are winning because they have better mods than you is also pretty discouraging. This means that most players play one game of Conclave, get completely destroyed, then never touch the game mode again.


- Conclave definitely needs a balance pass, and there are a few weapons that are just plain unfun to play against like the Ignis Wraith. Apparently Melee 3.0 broke some stuff too.

- The Simulacrum needs a Conclave testing mode, since weapons and warframe abilities can vary significantly from the main game.

- I feel that Mods shouldn't give power, and instead impact customization stuff like zoom levels. Getting one-shot because the enemy has Spring-Loaded Broadhead doesn't feel good. Also, I feel that players should have easier access to mods, and shouldn't have to grind for them.

- There should also be a tutorial explaining features such as knockdown cooldowns, energy regeneration rates, and weapon sidegrades. The notion that Mk-1 weapons do more damage than their primed counterparts in Conclave is so backward that there's no way most players could figure it out without looking it up.

- A server browser is needed so you can actually find populated games

- Better rewards wouldn't hurt. Adding potatos to the Conclave store, or maybe have monthly missions that rewards your choice of a catalyst/reactor could get more people playing.

- And finally, a Conclave event is needed to kickstart the Conclave playerbase. When I first joined the game, there was a conclave event where everyone only had a bow, and it was super fun. Everyone was on a level playing field, and every death felt fair because your killer had the same loadout as you, no mod advantage.

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On 2019-11-17 at 12:38 AM, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

So I’ve been around for dark sectors and obviously conclave . Dark sectors/Solar Rail conflicts were pretty well received by the community and people actually enjoyed participating in it back then, but with conclave it’s like 1-5% of the community even play conclave regularly, it’s truly unpopular. So I wanted to discuss so you think PVP in Warframe can ever be successful again in Warframe ? & if so how can it be fixed ? I personally feel like DE should have a team that specifically works on PVP 


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On 2019-11-17 at 12:03 PM, Loxyen said:


  • a spectator mode: This one is a rather small thing of importance value, but has been asked for ages ago, over and over again. It'll play a big part in service for tournaments and accelerating the learning process of every player and depending on its implementation it can also be a decent tool to spot an aim hacker or get rid of such an accusation. (not everyone has a powerful rig that can record Warframe while playing the game)


I think the spectator angle is highly underrated, especially in these days of Youtube and Twitch. Watching other people fight can be entertainment, too, so it has its own appeal.

Also, I'd say PvP is inherently more interesting to watch than PvE.


Anecdotal evidence, I know, but this one guy playing Destiny 2 PvP has almost as many viewers as the whole of Warframe on Twitch right now:


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12 hours ago, (XB1)Saint Nasim said:

Out of all of the weapons and frames in conclave, I cant think of any of them that are useless. What brought you to this conclusion. Im sure a /profile on you would be very revealing.

go for it, i am quite sure i have played much more then you.

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12 hours ago, (XB1)Saint Nasim said:


Very revealing, it was. A 0.21 kd is almost impressive in a way. I can see why you think weapons are useless in conclave. Although, I do think that you are misguided in your belief that all weapons and frames are useless. All of them have value and can kill in a flash, except maybe the embolist. You are welcome to join the conclave discord and ask for advice, they are really friendly and welcoming there.

conclave has always been busted.    i only play when forced to for events, the mode is crap, not even lunaro could save it.     frame abilities do not matter nor mods or weapons, it is useless.

Even DE has stopped forcing conclave events on  us, it is a failed mode where being host picks the winner.

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1 minute ago, Kyronz said:

conclave has always been busted.    i only play when forced to for events, the mode is crap, not even lunaro could save it.     frame abilities do not matter nor mods or weapons, it is useless.

Even DE has stopped forcing conclave events on  us, it is a failed mode where being host picks the winner.

>not knowing the significance of energy leeching and knockdowns/impairs/disarms from abilities
>not knowing the significant damage boosts from mods like SLB or warframe augments that are unavailable in PvE
>not knowing the difference between low and high mobility metas causes by mods
>not knowing that there are significant differences between the weapons
>not knowing about dedicated servers
You are posting cringe right now.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Saint Nasim said:

>not knowing the significance of energy leeching and knockdowns/impairs/disarms from abilities
>not knowing the significant damage boosts from mods like SLB or warframe augments that are unavailable in PvE
>not knowing the difference between low and high mobility metas causes by mods
>not knowing that there are significant differences between the weapons
>not knowing about dedicated servers
You are posting cringe right now.

Well, the game doesn't really do a good job at conveying any of this information.

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4 minutes ago, Gentleman_Bird said:

Well, the game doesn't really do a good job at conveying any of this information.

You are right. You really are right. The game does a terrible job at conveying information to new players. Most players resort to using the wiki and youtube for information, but what happens when both those sources are biased against conclave? Players get misled. The best place to get conclave information is the Conclave discord, which is partnered with Warframe now.

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On 2019-11-18 at 7:46 PM, Kontrollo said:

I think the spectator angle is highly underrated, especially in these days of Youtube and Twitch. Watching other people fight can be entertainment, too, so it has its own appeal.

Also, I'd say PvP is inherently more interesting to watch than PvE.


Anecdotal evidence, I know, but this one guy playing Destiny 2 PvP has almost as many viewers as the whole of Warframe on Twitch right now:


Didn't that one guy used to be a prominent conclave player who made numerous montages for conclave?


 nope. different guy with a similar name. Still, that one guy has almost as many viewers as all of the people streaming warframe combined.

Edited by (XB1)Saint Nasim
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In this game, no. 

The community won't accept it on any level. We've seen this repeatedly. 

The why's are probably more complex, but it really comes down to the fact that both systems simply won't work in the same game. This has always been true in games with RPG elements. 

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Saint Nasim said:

Didn't that one guy used to be a prominent conclave player who made numerous montages for conclave?


 nope. different guy with a similar name. Still, that one guy has almost as many viewers as all of the people streaming warframe combined.

Nevertheless, thanks for mixing the two up. 😏

I hadn't even seen this montage yet. Pretty cool.


In any case, the developers have already acknowledged -- if indirectly -- that visuals can be a worthwhile addition to gameplay, or Captura wouldn't exist.

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Warframe has a reputation, and that reputation is being a PvE game.  I wager most people on the outside looking in don't even know conclave exists and they gauge their interest in this game based on what they see PvE wise.  Most people who buy prime access I wager have never played a single conclave match of any mode, or they played it a few times and then left it behind permanently because the PvP for warframe is awful and if you really want to play a PvP based game you're better off looking at CoD, overwatch, or any number of games that emphasize online PvP before everything else.  

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