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Rising Tide: Update 26.1


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Since I have gone and built my Sigma series railjack I am wondering if others have to have their railjack built in order to go in mine as soon as the next phase is launched? My friends haven't built their own just yet and I'm the only one among them that has it fully built.

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On 2019-11-24 at 4:51 PM, Fl_3 said:

Some people simply don't have the free time to grind all the materials for Railjacks, something that should have been a clan project not for the individual.

Can you at least make it so that clan members can help fund other clan members builds? I have a couple of people in my clan who only get to play a few hours a week because of real life commitments and have basically throwing up their arms already at the fact that it's going to take them weeks to grind the mats they need.

This wouldn't be a problem if the rest of us could at least assist their clan mates.

Huge build requirements are not a good way to gate content. 

Other than the credits and possibly the argon crystals, nothing required is all that rare or hard to get. Also it's a huge space craft, so did you expect it to be free?

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My feedback - archwing is bad now! Its not flying anymore, when you stop instantly after releasing W.

Reading all the complaints about inertia - ok, turn it down a bit, not disable it! It was fluid, you could fly, slow down, tap W to continue moving, now its just stupid.

And you are locked in upright position, cant fly sideways or upside down, to turn you need to use mouse, it is so clunky.


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15 hours ago, Bathynomus said:

Other than the credits and possibly the argon crystals, nothing required is all that rare or hard to get. Also it's a huge space craft, so did you expect it to be free?

Apart from the Argon crystals (which I farmed on the day I needed them) and the new items (which I farmed as soon as I knew what they where) I had all the things I needed for the Railjack. 4k+ hours in game allow you to get a lot of resources under your belt ready for whatever building projects DE come up with.

Why do you think DE keeps adding new mats? it's to time gate those of us who have been playing the game long enough that we have everything.

People who haven't been playing as long don't, but are still expected to grind them. Why does DE feel the need to punish people simply because they haven't been playing as long as I have? Why shouldn't I be able to help other people in my clan build their railjacks? Why?

I don't expect an answer to this question because DE believes that ignoring the questions of it's player base is the best policy for some reason.

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16 hours ago, Gladiatar said:

Lol like what? All they do is the samething over n over again. They have better things to do HAAA please, the game hasn't gone anywhere. Because all they do is make a Warframe, Prime a Warframe. 

@Gladiatar and deleting the orbiter is the thing that is going to make the game "go somewhere"? If you want the game to "go somewhere" then stop wasting your time complaining and actually come up with feedback that you think you think will actually make the game "go somewhere".

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