Har-Vestor Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 Cool, skill based Lich combat when? Dying to the Lich just because you "guessed wrong" on the order you have no other way of obtaining knowledge about STAYS bull-excrement. Please do something about this so the Lich become a fair actual challenge instead of gambling. And yes, dying in Warframe does matter to some people, when they try to invest themselves at least a bit into the world of the game, not just the mechanics. The brought changes look good thought, credit where credit is due 🙂 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AgentScarlet Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 "Liches now run away (but don’t rank up) if you’ve downed them 3 times, but don’t use your Parazon on them" "Blink has become a universal ability for all Archwings" "We now allow the use of Skins on Zaws" Praise DE! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sept3var Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 that new syandana from the cumulus colection is beautiful Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DroopingPuppy Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 When does the quick melee returns? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McCIoud Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 Please reconsider the operator parazon stabbing, titania would have to leave razorwing every time to parazon stab Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadedraxe Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 Any Grendel tweaks or changes coming? Feast’s high energy consumption, nourish UI, Meatball controls? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Lazaroth- Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 Please, allow us to deactivate heavy attacks by holding E because we are losing our combo counter, it's really annoying. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FallenDisco Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 Thank you for update. It's great to not hit ceiling with your head in orbiter anymore 😄 Now about some tweaks that I think should be put under consideration. 1 Can we expect some kubrow buffs? because at current point only Kavats are recieving some love and as for companions only those pets are used because of their crit buffs and damage avoiding abilities. So as for contrast to them could you make kubrows more like tank/berserker/whatever that (considering kavats focus on buffing and avoiding damage) makes kubrows designed to take heavy hits and convert that for something special for his owner, like health regen, or energy buff, or maybe cc enemies better? I dunno but currently they are nothing but a sentinel that can be revieved while kavats can also benefit team. 2 Any chance to give a usage to juggernaut? currently he's just a heavy unit which rewards 'nothing' for killing him (maybe a new warframe parts? like Ash and Grineer Manic) 3 It's more like thought than a needed change but, is there any chance for either give warframes another special slot reserved only for warframe auguments, or make all auguments possible to equip in exilus slot. 4 When will reload speed mods be possible to equip in exilus slot in weapons? 5 That's actually a need: buff Sacrificial Pressure, currently it drains way more campacity than Primed Pressure point and even when teamed up with Sacrificial steel it still grants way less damage buff than Primed Pressure Point and it still needs a lot of endo to level up. 6 Please fix Solo Bounties, thinking about mission where you have to kill enemies to prevent them from taking over a spot. The thing is that since that's a solo mission, less enemies spwawn. But even so, control level drops by default even when there are no enemies in area. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlachWolf Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 18 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said: efiled Snapdragon Stance has received some spice: Added a Slash proc to the third and fourth attacks in the neutral combo. Added a Slash proc to the second and third attacks in the block+forward combo. Increased the damage and combo point value of the last hit in the third attack of the block+forward combo. #*!% yeah, this has made my day. I've been posting about this for a while and am very happy to see this haha. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adem940 Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 thanks for the update, the 3 seconds cooldown on Blink is a bit too much imo, you could limit the time that we can use Blink consecutively other than putting a cooldown to every use. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
S0b3rt00th Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 Would really appreciate heavy attacks with the regular melee key to be depreciated once and for all. edit: skins on zaws is dope. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MirageKnight Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 Thanks for the headstart on Railjack and for any and all fixes - much appreciated. The change regarding getting a Lich nemesis to flee is welcome. However, I don't see any mention of fixes and solutions for the following bugs and issues in the update notes, so here's a polite reminder. Quite a few of these are long-standing issues and concerns that have been reported elsewhere by other players as well as myself. Bugs: - Ranged Stealth kills do not trigger the stealth kill XP bonus timer. This has been broken for more than a month. - Baruuk's Desolate Hands' orbiting daggers will target and kill wildlife, including animals that have been tranquilized for capture as part of Conservation activities. This makes Conservation activities impossible to complete while Desolate Hands is active. - Weapons glitching occasionally when Baruuk switches out from Serene Storm. - Loss of sfx for Baruuk's orbiting daggers when they transfer to other players when playing as a Client. - Host Migrations on Defense missions can randomly reset some player scores to zero while leaving one player's scores intact. This happens after players elect to leave or stay for the next set of waves. - Host Migrations NOT "pausing" the game at times, wherein enemies will still attack and do damage to the player. This has been an issue for years and it can be game-breaking. - Garuda's Talons switch to their "undeployed" animation state after performing a Stealth Kill, even if the Talons were previously "equipped". - Kuva Floods still do not reward Requiem Relics all the time. - Limbo's Stasis no longer pauses the duration of existing status effects afflicting enemies within the Rift. Balance / Gameplay-related Issues and Concerns: - A Lich ally's contribution to gameplay is still largely insignificant. The Lich will only show up at random when player health is very low and will leave after only 2 minutes. Lich allies need to be far more reliable to justify the grind spent obtaining them. Make them a summon-able ally via a deployable beacon. - Acquiring Grendel is still incredibly and needlessly grindy and tiring. Players are not only forced to run numerous Arbitrations to get the needed amount of Vitus Essence (75), but they are also required to run lengthy level 40 Excavation, Defense, and Survival missions without the aid of mods, arcanes or the Operator. I'm guessing this was introduced to provide "challenge" for whiny, entitled try-hards and "veterans". This isn't providing "challenge". This is placing hardcore arbitrary restrictions / conditions and immense pressure on a player to succeed. Grendel's parts being guaranteed rewards doesn't justify forcing us into missions where we are completely stripped of any and all bonuses. As far as being a reward for our troubles, Grendel might be fun, but he is not worth the slog. - Attempting a kill or conversion on a Lich nemesis with the Parazon without the right mod sequence or any mods should not result in the player dying, nor should it automatically level up the Lich. This is needlessly punishing. On defeat and a failed "hack", the Lich should only initiate an emergency teleport escape so it can fight another day. In addition, the Lich should only be able to level up if it defeats the player in an actual fight. We level our weapons and 'Frames by defeating enemies. It should be no different with a Lich. When the Lich defeats a player, it teleports away and levels up. When it levels up, it only reclaims the nodes the player previously cleared out but doesn't spread further. - Allowing Requiem mods to be rendered useless after 3 successful Lich kills / conversions fails to respect player time and effort and it's inconsistent with how all other mods work. - Duplicate Kuva weapons are a bad thing and this needs to be properly addressed. When generating a Lich nemesis for a player, the game could do one of two things. The first would be to check for existing Kuva weapons in the player's inventory and only equip the Lich with a random weapon that the player does NOT have. This would to prevent instances of players winding up with duplicate Kuva weapons. If the player has all the Kuva weapons that are available, the game is allowed to generate a random Kuva weapon for the Lich nemesis. There's still a bit of grind and randomness involved to get the weapon you want, but as stated earlier, at least there's no chance of getting a duplicate weapon. Another idea would be to give the Larva a regular version of the Kuva weapon it would get if it became a Lich nemesis. This way, players can quickly decide as to whether or not to simply gun down the Larva and let it die or trigger it so that it turns into a Lich with the appropriate Kuva weapon. The second solution gives the player more agency and a better idea of what they'd wind up getting at the end of the grind. - Having Kuva and Ayatan Amber Stars as possible rewards for cracking open Requiem Relics is nothing more than needless drop-table filler. - Kuva Weapons require no less than 5 Forma each to get Mastery for them, which is inconsistent with how other weapons work. Don't even bring the Paracesis into this - it's not even comparable in terms of acquisition and origin. - There is a need for an opt-out mechanic / "peace offering" option for players that have a Lich nemesis that they don't or no longer want to fight for whatever reason. - Mercy Kills on anything but Lich nemesis enemies are largely pointless. In addition, the window of opportunity to perform a Mercy Kill on regular enemies is ridiculously small. - Nekros Shadows are affected by Oberon's Renewal despite Nekros having his own means of "healing" them if the player so desires. This can pose a large and unreasonable energy drain on Oberon players who are modded for healing. Shadows need and should be exempt from the effects of Renewal. - Warframes with spam-able "Nuke" abilities, such as Saryn, Equinox, Mesa, and Volt, are still not co-op friendly due to being able to dominate small defense maps by hogging the vast majority of kills. All players should be able to contribute and participate in missions in meaningful ways with whatever 'Frame they choose, not be bored to tears because someone was able to delete most of the enemies for everyone else with extremely powerful and easy to spam abilities that also has massive range. Nerf nuke abilities to more acceptable levels and you'll also make CC-based 'Frames relevant again without the need to rework them. - Zenistar's default timer for having the disc out is still too low. No, the time should not be based on combos. - Pet stasis - as a number of players have pointed out - is a pain to deal with. Also, it would be really appreciated if you all could: - Allow us, if it's possible, to opt out of certain Warframe abilities (such as Volt's Speed and Limbo's Rift Walk portals) via a game preference toggle. We can turn off Octavia's sounds for other players because of how intrusive they can be, so why not potentially intrusive abilities? Not everyone wants to be Rifted or wind up running around like a Russian Dwarf Hamster on meta-amphetamines. Win-win for all, with no need for a player to have to "manually opt out" by rolling / dodging every time an intrusive ability is activated and winds up adversely affecting said player. - Buff fashion frame / customization a bit and give us a color wheel picker to choose colors from instead of having to scroll though numerous pallets to find the color we want. Grey out color blocks on the wheel that are associated with pallets that a player doesn't own. - Please bring back regular Alerts for players that either can't or don't want to deal with Nightwave. Players appreciate having options and Nightwave has not been particularly new-player friendly. To add to this, a number of players have complained about how Nitain is now being effectively locked behind Nightwave credits and a very unreliable reward system (Sabotage & Cetus Bounty, the latter only when Ghouls are present). - Lower the credit cost to build Ephemera and drop the resource costs substantially. It's a purely cosmetic item that does nothing but leave footprints / trails that disappear after a few seconds. Also, if these are supposed to be a prestige item / badge of honor...they need to be a GUARANTEED reward when reaching a particular milestone. If not, lower the grind needed to acquire them please. Thanks for reading. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoenix86 Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 Nice ty, please also add a toggleable option to the "hold E to heavy attack" function... it's frustrating with fast spamming weapons, it registers as a hold while it is not and resets the combo counter! Some ppl like, some others not, plz make it an option to turn on/off! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Issxi Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 Game refuses to start after this update. 😞 I press play and it doesn't do anything. I've tried it 8 times now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enemystand Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 what happens if the Lich spawned 1.5Km away and the guy who is far behind down the Lich 3 times before the owner reach the Lich?, we will likely live another Host migration simulator but is good to have a mean to make the lich flee anyway Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Madway7 Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 19 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said: Kuva Lich Changes & Fixes: We have 2 design changes to Liches to aid in the co-op nature of our missions, as well as the general mission flow. Rank 1, 2, 3, and 4 Liches now drop Kuva for all squad members when a Parazon is used on them - whether that leads to defeat or ranking up, the Kuva is yours on Ranks 1 through 4! You will recall there was a brief window where Thralls could drop Kuva or a Requiem Relic. We removed the Kuva, and are now applying it to Liches. Kuva numbers are balanced against Siphons / Kuva Survival missions, and take into account the fact that multiple Liches spawn in missions. The aim is to not make this the best Kuva run, just an added value. Siphons and other missions are meant to be the optimal path. Rank 5 Liches do not have Kuva as a drop as they could intentionally be kept alive for a vector to acquire Kuva. The Drops are: Rank 1: 150, Rank 2: 200, Rank 3: 250, Rank 4: 300. This is lower than some other discussed numbers because we are now letting it share across Squadmates. Liches now run away (but don’t rank up) if you’ve downed them 3 times, but don’t use your Parazon on them. This allows you to overpower your Lich and have it flee, instead of having the only way to remove it from a Mission be your failure to know a Requiem. So any future changes planned towards fixing the RNG or the amound of grind for the liches or will this be it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bathynomus Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 How big is the drydock? No matter where I try fitting it, it just says there's not enough space. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pizzarugi Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 20 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said: Liches now run away (but don’t rank up) if you’ve downed them 3 times, but don’t use your Parazon on them. This allows you to overpower your Lich and have it flee, instead of having the only way to remove it from a Mission be your failure to know a Requiem. 20 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said: Fixed Kuva Lich despawning after getting downed while temporarily friendly from Revenant's Enthrall. "I have fulfilled my obligations here. By your leave." ~Revenant's Enthrall Bug Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morthal Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 20 minutes ago, .doggo said: Thanks for the unexpected update! Was literally being broadcast during the devstream though >_< But I agree..."Fixed AOE Status Effects such as Electricity or Gas not occurring on killing blows." ❤️ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dead_Throne Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 Thanks for update! Liked this Dev devstream, that was great 😄. Hope problem with ports will solve in near future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horonelius Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 Even when using a skin, everything in this thread is still occurring: Now with the addition of floating Zaw links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yamazuki Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 When will there be a response to the heavy attack issue in regards to accidental use that are problematic for certain weapons? or the bugs with Blood Rush (and similar) interactions with Naramon+Operator resetting stacks to 0? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mchaggis79 Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 Please either get rid of ember's meter or remove the energy drain. She's still too squishy at higher levels because no matter how high your efficiency and duration the energy drain from her meter at 90% becomes so great you either have to spam 3 or get rid of the defensive ability. Just let her shield reach 90% damage reduction based on power strength the same as gara or Mesa and let's call it a day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mr_razorite Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 18 minutes ago, .doggo said: as a player, what does motivate me to play a lich when I know it's weapon and it's element is weaker than what I got already? A button to "remove" your lich if he/she has weaker statistics than you owned weapon already would be really appreciated. Reb all but confirmed during the recent Devstream that converted liches will have a role to play during railjack, so if its a weapon you dont want and isnt worth trading there may still be a use for them when railjack rolls around. I agree it would be great for some sort of reward package for conversion but at this point I would not hold out hope. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noel_Woodsoul Posted November 22, 2019 Share Posted November 22, 2019 I just get 'insufficient space' when I try to install a drydock, despite the fact that there are no other rooms in that direction. I even tried installing a hallway and rushing it in case it can't be built directly from a Grand Hall, but still no dice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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