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Rising Tide: Hotfix 26.1.1


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Grendel needs to be able to use nourish once and receive all possible buffs from enemies in his stomach and his nourished strike toxin buff either needs to not combine with single elements ruining fire procs or just change it to a gas buff so you still deal toxin dot with it but you don't ruin single elements. Love grendel btw.
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13 hours ago, BurningPenguin6 said:

This new Archwing system just violently butchered the one thing that made Titania fun. Razorwing was literally the only thing that kept people (myself included) playing Titania, but the new changes have made it clunkly, and awkward to use.

1: She has absolutely no conservation of momentum, which makes everything feel rigid and hard to control, while also rendering evasive maneuvers (the rolls and dodges you get when pressing Shift and a direction) completely worthless since she barely moves while using them.
2: The change to how boosting works means that I am now forced to move AND look only forward when holding Shift, which severely limits my overall mobility.
Previously, holding Shift increased your movement speed, and you could move/aim in whatever direction you wanted while maintaining the increased speed needed to avoid enemy shots.
3: You can no longer aim and boost at the same time.
4: Her guns new sounds (why did this even need a change???) don't even match her fire rate.
5: I'm not sure about this one, but it feels like you brought the camera closer to the players back, meaning that more of the screen is taken up by the player's character model than before. Kind of annoying, since there's no option to change the FoV for when in Archwing/Razorwing mode.

Overall I feel that these changes to the flight system are a massive downgrade, rather than an upgrade. 
Titania is literally my favourite Warframe in the game because of just how much fun her Razorwing ability was, and I seriously hope you'll take what I've said into consideration.

P.S: While in my Archwing, I keep accidentally triggering the teleport and either slam into terrain, or massively overshoot where I want to be, due to it triggering by holding "Shift" and "W" at the same time, rather than being triggered by double tapping "Shift" or something. With Empyrean on the way, and Archwings being a significant part of that update, I'm worried about having to deal with a clunky downgraded flight system in the coming months.

These are all pretty common AW issues too tbh.

The HUGE FILL SCREEN thing is an AW issue too, it's not AS bad as it was, being originally it filled 85-95% of the screen, and DE's response was 'working as intended, shut up'. Eventually the reduced it a bit.


But yes, there was no need for forcing this upon Titania. It's just made her worse and less fun to use.

I hope it's fixed, and swiftly rather than declared working-as-intended or just ignored for 2+ years, as I put 12 forma into her, immediately bought the deluxe bundle, etc, and was planning to do the same to her prime when it comes out, but if it's like this still I'm quite probably not going to bother and it'll be another shelf stuffer gathering dust. It's what I get for looking forward to something I guess.

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1 hour ago, MunsuLight said:

If people can only play the weekend to get their nightwave done it is pretty gamebreaking. .problem is that They did again à friday release when they shouldnt have ..  


How the hell is people being able to do their nightwave missions over the weekend gamebreaking?

You still can't do more than that amount of things. It's just allowing people with a schedule, that work, etc options.

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Did you changed the POV angle in archwing also? It used to be centered behind and now is skewed to the side. I'm using Odonata Prime and now my aim reticle has view obstructed because of this change. Why change the angle in the first place? It wasn't causing any issues as far as i know. I suspect is to better show case the new flight animations? They are nice, but unobstructed view is even better.

So i've played more with the archwing and after a small period of adjustment, i really like the change in the movement in the open maps of Eidolon and Orb Vallis. It allows more flexibility in gameplay. In space combate maps is a mixed bag. The problem is the dogfighting doesn't play as well as before. I can't put it in words. It just doesn't play right.

I don't know how it affects Titania because i still haven't play with her, but considering the complains perhaps you can keep the old navigation system in her case? 

As for the blink thing, having it in other archwings is nice, but i think Itzal should keep his previous ability as it was.

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Titania is completely broken. 

Her flight animations just giving motion sickness and don't fit her, and the audio of her weapons don't match either(it never needed a fix), if you shoot faster than the base fire rate the sound skips bullets, 1 sound per 4 or 5 bullets for me. 

Please revert her back the way she was, there was nothing wrong with her. 

She went from awesome to unplayable. 

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I was looking forward to this new Orbiter look.
As soon as I took over the game and saw the lighting in the Orbiter, I knew something was wrong.

The skylight looks good but everything else looks cheap, old and dirty.
We can no longer adjust the lighting in the Orbiter. For me, this room is very bright and the intersection area has become very dark.
Now, every time I come back to the orbiter, I'm disappointed.
For those who do not care about decorations and who do not care to decorate, the Orbiter
probably enjoy it. But for players who have invested hours, resources and Plats like me, it's a big disappointment.

I know some players will say "What's wrong?" I like it like that!

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This is my first time typing a reply thingy on a hotfix, let alone any update of sorts, so pardon me for being a bit too clueless and awkard ^_^; 

The hotfixes are interesting and the whole rising tides update was a crazy new addition that i jumped in my seat the moment i realized my liset had a sunroof  and how much bigger the interior got XD. Enthusiasm aside, i kinda want to speak about a bug that seems to be cropping up around with the Chimera Prologue  (i'll be as vague as possible, but take this as a spoiler warning i guess to anyone who still hasnt made it to this quest yet) 

In the first part, after chasing "the man in the wall", and fighting off his spectral minions in Lua, i jumped down into the Lotus' chamber again where they sorta do a flashback to the Apostasy prologue. After walking down the hall and with "the man on the wall" mocking the operator, he goes into some sort of portal thingy. I jump into the portal and everything flashes white and fills with loud ambient noise.  I thought it was part of the quest, so i give it some time. 5 minutes later i kinda felt like maybe it was a bug or something, so i started to see if i could move around. I could. The entire Screen was glowing a bright white, and my entire fov was stretched out a bit, the light only fading when i went to the starting area of the Lotus' chamber. This was also happening to some other Tenno too on reddit and the Warframe community discord, so i thought it may be a good idea to bring it up here.

I kinda felt bummed because i just recently did The Sacrifice the other day and even after that emotional roller coaster, i was eager to find out what happens next. Many thanks for the updates and hotfixes and stuff, and i hope you guys can take a look at the Chimera Prologue quest whenever possible!

[edit: Below is a link to my screenshot of what it looks like when moving around in the glitched/bugged state  that occurs every time i try to enter the portal]




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Bugs aside, I'm pretty happy with the archwing control changes. Being able to stop on a dime, not having momentum randomly carrying us around, no more going upside-down, faster sideways/strafing movement, being able to move up/down while boosting, and the universal blink - it's all great!

The big problem is the automatic forward movement while sprinting. It is very uncontrollable. Maybe the solution is to just have two speed levels instead of three? I find that the non-sprinting mode is just way too slow to be practical. Maybe you could scrap that speed level, and change it like this:

  • Current non-sprint speed -> Removed.
  • Current sprint speed -> New non-sprint speed. No automatic forward movement.
  • Current afterburner speed -> New sprint speed.

I also like the idea that some people have put forward, of having the universal blink have a set of charges that cooldown independently. Having three or five charges would let us spam blinks quickly in succession, but they'd still each have the same cooldown so we wouldn't be able to blink endlessly.

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13 hours ago, SolarSabotage said:

Liset interior, Operator room

There are changes to these rooms as well.
The legs of the chair in the operator room,
and the market and codex up the ramp in the main interior.

Or maybe I'm just sort of seeing them anew, and hadn't paid enough attention.
Pretty sure those were all revised in little ways to fit the new aesthetic.

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16 hours ago, kanzu said:

melee system with channeling

Far as I know the long term plan is to rework channeling to be more universally functional,
and return it when it's better balanced and utilized.
Might be a little while, as some of the balances intended may be planned as part of future events or updates.

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Can we have the heavy melee attack work like the normal one? I mean, initiating a melee attack if we're using primary or secondary, and not only when wielding a melee weapon? Because like it is now it can cause a mess and death when counting on life strike to regain health, for example.

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tnx for the update, i love the option for make ur lich flee and the archwing blink thingie but

since the update the "oh-so-annoying" chat error 10054 is back... in spamms!

i dont know what to do anymore, had it figured out and solved b4 (it was my firewall, not router), but it didnt change (the firewall) and the error is back!

PS. im sure someone else already said this but the chat really needs an ArrowUP kind of thing as shortcut for last messages..

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First things first i want to commend the Devs for doing tremendous work and thank you for the updates.
Today I am here to report a major mission bug in Orb Valas where the Coildrives are running around in circles, and running off the path or getting stuck behind pipes and between rocks. My group and I keep failing Coildrive capture missions as well as having to look for the coil drives for finishing elimination bounties.
Plus there's tremendous lag happening in game, that's been causing client crashes and host migrations.
I'm sure there are more bugs but i felt these are the most impending of things to have to report.

Thank you for all your hard work and have a great day! 😃


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3 hours ago, wipitou said:

I was looking forward to this new Orbiter look.
As soon as I took over the game and saw the lighting in the Orbiter, I knew something was wrong.

The skylight looks good but everything else looks cheap, old and dirty.
We can no longer adjust the lighting in the Orbiter. For me, this room is very bright and the intersection area has become very dark.
Now, every time I come back to the orbiter, I'm disappointed.
For those who do not care about decorations and who do not care to decorate, the Orbiter
probably enjoy it. But for players who have invested hours, resources and Plats like me, it's a big disappointment.

I know some players will say "What's wrong?" I like it like that!

i really do like the orbiter older looking the new changes at wonderful to look at and match the fortune decorations perfectly, perhaps DE could add the ability to customize the layout and design of your orbiters interior, sorta like how the clan dojo is have three types to start with, orokin, og tenno: eg old style, and new tenno: eg the new look.

 in other concerns perhaps DE should remove heavy attacks as they are and make them a heavy combo with the same vein as the attack we have for melee now, only different would be it would allow fluidity and combining heavy attack with light attacks kinda like DMC

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