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Rising Tide: Hotfix 26.1.1


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Thank you for the updates!

But currently I can't even complete the bounties at Orb Vallis, especially when I reach the steps of laying traps for the Coil Drives, when it was already set, the incoming Coil Drive will make a U turn and stucked(it happened twice during solo T5 Bounties and full party co-op T4 Bounties), making the progress halted. Please Fix this issue.

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20 minutes ago, Power_Is_Everything said:

This is nothing personal, but I am still letting you know. That I would prefer you to fix it, than I open up a game engine completely unrelated to "Warframe" and I start making a better game because I can do it and unfortunately for you, I am way better at making stories than you. I understand you want your game to look good, but make it run first before you make it fly.

Go ahead, I want to see Warframe 2 before end of 2022. If you really are capable, you'd be wasting your time and effort.
Current DE's business plan is all they need to stay in top played games list. Or look at other companies, even EA, or Ubisoft. Children nowadays are very, very easy to please; you don't need anything complicated to earn absurd profits. Children will pre-order just anything that looks pretty. Children.

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Afterburner Titania is perhaps the greatest vehicle I have ever ridden. 


Can we we let her use finishers during razorwing though, please?

It’s a little awkward having to shuffle in and out of RW on Lich missions because I she can’t actually Secret Mercy to gain murmur on her own during 4. at that enemy level, it’s also very dangerous to swap back and forth willy nilly.

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hace 6 horas, BurningPenguin6 dijo:

This new Archwing system just violently butchered the one thing that made Titania fun. Razorwing was literally the only thing that kept people (myself included) playing Titania, but the new changes have made it clunkly, and awkward to use.

1: She has absolutely no conservation of momentum, which makes everything feel rigid and hard to control, while also rendering evasive maneuvers (the rolls and dodges you get when pressing Shift and a direction) completely worthless since she barely moves while using them.
2: The change to how boosting works means that I am now forced to move AND look only forward when holding Shift, which severely limits my overall mobility.
Previously, holding Shift increased your movement speed, and you could move/aim in whatever direction you wanted while maintaining the increased speed needed to avoid enemy shots.
3: You can no longer aim and boost at the same time.
4: Her guns new sounds (why did this even need a change???) don't even match her fire rate.
5: I'm not sure about this one, but it feels like you brought the camera closer to the players back, meaning that more of the screen is taken up by the player's character model than before. Kind of annoying, since there's no option to change the FoV for when in Archwing/Razorwing mode.

Overall I feel that these changes to the flight system are a massive downgrade, rather than an upgrade. 
Titania is literally my favourite Warframe in the game because of just how much fun her Razorwing ability was, and I seriously hope you'll take what I've said into consideration.

P.S: While in my Archwing, I keep accidentally triggering the teleport and either slam into terrain, or massively overshoot where I want to be, due to it triggering by holding "Shift" and "W" at the same time, rather than being triggered by double tapping "Shift" or something. With Empyrean on the way, and Archwings being a significant part of that update, I'm worried about having to deal with a clunky downgraded flight system in the coming months.

Thats a pretty good resume of how DE destroyed Titania 😞

I just cannot bear playing with her now... its just so sad.

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7 hours ago, Voltage said:

Thank you for the hotfix.

Any chance the new mining resources could be added to the Exploiter Orb and Tusk Thumper, Tusk Thumper Bull, and Tusk Thumper Doma? Only mentioning due to all other mining resources being here.

Please consider nerfing Blink in a different way such as a higher energy cost or other solution than a cool-down. The cool-down is a poor solution for why Archwing has no diversity and is not played by many outside of Blink for objectives in massive open world maps. Content that focuses on the DPS, Healer, and Buff Archwings would make Itzal less desirable to choose without nerfing it into the ground.

It is also insulting to give Rip Line to Itzal when it has been the most useless ability on Valkyr for nearly 5 years. Rip Line is bad and everyone knows it. It is silly, and highly ineffective for combat.

Also, please look into Slide Attack Critical Chance on Riven Mods. This is plain disappointing:



If you could have ~260% more critical chance on any attack (x2 on Heavy Attack), there is no reason to use ~160% critical chance on slide attacks exclusively. Slide attacks were not overpowered due to bad math formulas because Maiming Strike, they were overpowered due to a neglected Critical Chance Formula from Blood Rush. This mod is being purposefully overlooked because it is considered a problem when the real problem was never this one mod. Killing this mod does not accomplish much other than making it worthless to have. The effectiveness of a slide attack has little correlation in the current melee update to whether that mod/Riven stat is in a build. Consistency with the other Critical Mod changes would be fantastic as Riven Mods are supposed to scale off the base mods, and Maiming Strike was changed from 90% to 150%.




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6 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Rising Tides: Hotfix 26.1.1


Known issues:

  • *snip*

I SEE that there is no "known issue" with the melee still broken in conclave? At least state that this is what you really want.

Too much damage on spins basically oneshotting anyone, unpunishable slamspam, 100% damage block that is at least annoying, and 150m dash spamming to cross entire map.

Also not being able to unstable as client because ball has no momentum? Where is the "known issue" for that?


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6 hours ago, BurningPenguin6 said:

This new Archwing system just violently butchered the one thing that made Titania fun. Razorwing was literally the only thing that kept people (myself included) playing Titania, but the new changes have made it clunkly, and awkward to use.

1: She has absolutely no conservation of momentum, which makes everything feel rigid and hard to control, while also rendering evasive maneuvers (the rolls and dodges you get when pressing Shift and a direction) completely worthless since she barely moves while using them.
2: The change to how boosting works means that I am now forced to move AND look only forward when holding Shift, which severely limits my overall mobility.
Previously, holding Shift increased your movement speed, and you could move/aim in whatever direction you wanted while maintaining the increased speed needed to avoid enemy shots.
3: You can no longer aim and boost at the same time.
4: Her guns new sounds (why did this even need a change???) don't even match her fire rate.
5: I'm not sure about this one, but it feels like you brought the camera closer to the players back, meaning that more of the screen is taken up by the player's character model than before. Kind of annoying, since there's no option to change the FoV for when in Archwing/Razorwing mode.

Overall I feel that these changes to the flight system are a massive downgrade, rather than an upgrade. 
Titania is literally my favourite Warframe in the game because of just how much fun her Razorwing ability was, and I seriously hope you'll take what I've said into consideration.

P.S: While in my Archwing, I keep accidentally triggering the teleport and either slam into terrain, or massively overshoot where I want to be, due to it triggering by holding "Shift" and "W" at the same time, rather than being triggered by double tapping "Shift" or something. With Empyrean on the way, and Archwings being a significant part of that update, I'm worried about having to deal with a clunky downgraded flight system in the coming months.

The new animations are very very clunky and makes me motion sick. 

Makes 1 of my favourite Warframes near useless for me. 

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The new flying animations are very clunky and makes aiming and flying hard and give me motion sickness. 

Why not give us the option to use either the old or the new animation in the menu because now Titania, 1 of my favourite Warframes just became unplayable and flying in general is unplayable for me. 

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Strongly dislike Archwing changes, and see that they are applied to Titania as well.  First boot of the new patch into open world and I immediately quit and exited the game.  Super classy move with the Itzal as well. Seems thouroughly thought out, because you just know that everyone loves ripline. 

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BUG: When equipping a full/unused 3* requiem mod in the Parazon that mod disappears completely from the list of available mods.

Example: I have 7 "Vome", when equip one in the Parazon, all 7 are gone. Instead it should show 1 Vome in the Parazon and 6 in the inventory.

The mods are still there (and visible in the mod workbench, calming a brief panic that i had lost 6 mods).


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First of all, thank you very much for killing the itzal, DE! I can't even imagine how bad it was for the game to have a way to quickly travel around the map on eidolon hunts and bounties.

As of now, the fortuna bounties are broken, because the coildrive just won't get to the trap. This happened 3 times on all 3 fortuna bounties I attempted after the update. Could you look into it, please?

Also, will we ever have the "kill nobody but the capture target" bonus condition revisited? Since most of us do the bounties in public groups, there's too much of a chance that some random dude will just shoot whatever he wants and lose the bonus for the whole group. Or maybe make it individual, so that whoever killed somebody else won't get the bonus, while the ones who didn't will. It's a really annoying mechanic, to be honest.

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22 minutes ago, ShimmerDoll said:

Did they change the FOV of most of the game? It makes me sick trying to play now.   Everything feels really stretched and strange.

If you are talking about the flying then they moved the camera closer, they removed the weight during flying(instant top speed and stanstill) and made the animations snappy. 

That causes motion sickness

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