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Rising Tide: Hotfix 26.1.1


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  3 hours ago, wipitou said:

I was looking forward to this new Orbiter look.
As soon as I took over the game and saw the lighting in the Orbiter, I knew something was wrong.

The skylight looks good but everything else looks cheap, old and dirty.
We can no longer adjust the lighting in the Orbiter. For me, this room is very bright and the intersection area has become very dark.
Now, every time I come back to the orbiter, I'm disappointed.
For those who do not care about decorations and who do not care to decorate, the Orbiter
probably enjoy it. But for players who have invested hours, resources and Plats like me, it's a big disappointment.

I know some players will say "What's wrong?" I like it like that!

i really do like the orbiter older looking the new changes at wonderful to look at and match the fortune decorations perfectly, perhaps DE could add the ability to customize the layout and design of your orbiters interior, sorta like how the clan dojo is have three types to start with, orokin, og tenno: eg old style, and new tenno: eg the new look.


I know there will be many people that will like the new look   I know that.

I agree with you when you say  we should have a customize option.    I think  if they give us the option to adjust the lighting in the Orbiter like before and fix the intersection area been way to dark    then we can do something nice with the new look. 


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Orb Vallis is a bit screwed up. Moas sinking into the ground, them transport circles doing circles and getting stuck instead of riding along the road like before, enemies not spawning when you have to protect the drone.

Also introducing new mining material while we have millions of millions other materials in our inventory is silly thing. What is the point of the new material when its gonna be again forgotten after everyone builds the docks.

While warframe is on that surf board there is no damage effect on the screen if someone is shooting at me. I see shield dropping, but there is no effects indicating that I am being attacked.

If I use surf board with Rhino armor (skin), and that armor gets damaged while I'm surfing, when I jump down, armor visuals are still visible even though there is no protection.

During Orb Vallis 1 star bounty that circle transport got stuck a mile away from excavator which I have to protect. It shoots that white beam and is doing great amount of damage from very far to the excavator, and since that transport is stuck so far away, I have no choice but leave the excavator and go deal with transport, that exposes excavator to enemies nearby. This issue might be very serious for new players. If I hadn't had fully modded frame and weapons, I would have failed easily that mission. I completed it with excavator having just 30% of health left

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Hey so trying Titania's changes out real quick i'm noticing severe issues with the camera now.

Attempting to strafe sideways with or without diagonal movement now jerks your camera in that direction as well instead of remaining steady as was the case prior to this update, this leads to some rather nauseating movement while aiming. I'm prone to motion sickness and this made me feel ill in just a short exterminate mission. 😩

The loss of the ability to sprint and fire while moving forwards is also a large downgrade in ability to keep up with others on the ground. Overall it feels your changes accomplish precisely the opposite of fixing "her current situation of being very janky while in Razorwing."

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8 minutes ago, Kemokkoryuu said:

Hey so trying Titania's changes out real quick i'm noticing severe issues with the camera now.

Attempting to strafe sideways with or without diagonal movement now jerks your camera in that direction as well instead of remaining steady as was the case prior to this update, this leads to some rather nauseating movement while aiming. I'm prone to motion sickness and this made me feel ill in just a short exterminate mission. 😩

The loss of the ability to sprint and fire while moving forwards is also a large downgrade in ability to keep up with others on the ground. Overall it feels your changes accomplish precisely the opposite of fixing "her current situation of being very janky while in Razorwing."

I am not prone to motion sickness but even I get motion sick from it.

The new Archwing style animations and movements just don't fit Titania and it makes her nauseating to fly with. 

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Please revert back to the old archwing flight model. I am fine with the Itzal nerfs, but I'm not fine with the new flight model. I want the old boost back, I want inertia back, I want side rolling back. The new system does give you more control, but that is not what archwing should be about anyway. I was enjoying every moment I spent with the old system. Going from place A to place B was a real blast and had a feeling to it. The new system feels about as engaging as using a frame and pressing shift to run. It is not fun.

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20 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Kuva Lich

Can we have the Lich spawn immediately in all subsequent missions after we get the 3rd hint? Lich was spawning every mission just before we got the last hint and somehow after we got the last hint (not dying to Lich by trying parazon mods etc), Lich doesn't spawn at all for the next 4 missions.

The last hint already took long enough to get, plus why made the Lich not spawning for the next few missions after we got the last hint? It's just wasting more of our time, denying us to try parazon mods arrangement.

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-Coildrives are broken. Could you give us the option to steer hacked coildrives into position?

-Can you please give us a toggle for "hold E for heavy attack", or the possibility to opt out of them entirely? They are just no fun for me and using them accidentally breaks my flow. I'd rather use them not at all, than accidentally. (No fun = They still feel like a waste of mobility, time and resources. Why stand still, waste your combo counter and do a single swing, if you could do 2-4 swings in the same time, every single one of them more than enough for your enemies, while retaining combo counter and mobility?).

-It the whole point of the new archwing-mode is, to make it as appalling as possible, so people use Hoverboards more often: You NEARLY nailed it. It was quite fun before, but the new mode feels as engaging as watching paint dry. Why just nearly? 3d Movement still beats the earthbound hoverboards (and being able to use weapons in a shooter game adds utility on top). Please revert and/or instead of outright nerfing archwings, give us an incentive to use boards over wings (say flying with archwings increases the alert level of an area, making it a choice whether to move in super fast from the air with alerted enemies waiting for you, or a little less fast by board ("these damn kids again")).

-The new Itzal Power feels also quite underwhelming.  I want to make a prediction: Unless there's something better to do with Archwings then going from A to B as fast as possible (Empyrean hopefully has something to offer), people will still use Itzal more than anything else, because it's still the fastest and thus the best to go from A to B (especially now, as flying feels so appalling, I want to do this as short as possible).



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Please, please revert Titania's flight model. As a Titania main, she's frequently unplayable now:

  • the camera's been moved so we can't see what we're aiming at now
  • "sprint" forces forward movement, so we can't be as agile in other directions as we must be to survive (plus it also sounds like we're engaging archwing afterburners which is just stupid)
  • the new movement turning model is making me motion sick after a very short run in razorwing, something I've never encountered in a video game until now

The loss of momentum in her movements alone breaks what was one of my greatest joys playing this game 😞

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I've been gone for a few months, but I like the Archwing changes and handling. Though I know some people don't like it, so maybe eventually get an option to switch between both I guess?


Also while in Archwing while on Plains of Eidolon, Secondary fire seems to go straight to Heavy Melee attack taking me out of my Archwing. I'm using an Argonak most of the time, so instead of zooming in/out, falling out of the sky.

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Any way to re-add the Archwing's drift action as an 'on command' prompt? I liked the floaty, bounciness, but also this current iteration's on-the-dime positioning. Having both would certainly help with per situation needs. (akin to switching to non-archwing's melee only mode and back, perhaps?)

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It's frickin weekend and I can't frickin farm Mutagen Mass for Railjack's Cephalon Research on Orb Vallis because of the drunk Coildrive driver. I keep failing the mission just to restart it again and again.

Guys, please, can you check everything before shipping the update? Especially when tomorrow's holiday or weekend? Don't you guys have game tester?

And please fix the waypoint. It's frick up everywhere; in PoE and even in Orb Vallis, too. I'm really exhausted of the stupid murmurs farm (plus DUPLICATE WEAPONS) and wanted to farm resources for the Cephalon Research. And now this? Again, please check everything before ship the updates. It's okay to delay for the sake of less bugs. 

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Le 23/11/2019 à 02:50, Voltage a dit :

Thank you for the hotfix.

Any chance the new mining resources could be added to the Exploiter Orb and Tusk Thumper, Tusk Thumper Bull, and Tusk Thumper Doma? Only mentioning due to all other mining resources being here.

Please consider nerfing Blink in a different way such as a higher energy cost or other solution than a cool-down. The cool-down is a poor solution for why Archwing has no diversity and is not played by many outside of Blink for objectives in massive open world maps. Content that focuses on the DPS, Healer, and Buff Archwings would make Itzal less desirable to choose without nerfing it into the ground.

It is also insulting to give Rip Line to Itzal when it has been the most useless ability on Valkyr for nearly 5 years. Rip Line is bad and everyone knows it. It is silly, and highly ineffective for combat.

Also, please look into Slide Attack Critical Chance on Riven Mods. This is plain disappointing:



If you could have ~260% more critical chance on any attack (x2 on Heavy Attack), there is no reason to use ~160% critical chance on slide attacks exclusively. Slide attacks were not overpowered because of Maiming Strike alone, they were overpowered due to a neglected Critical Chance Formula from Blood Rush. This mod is being purposefully overlooked because it is considered a problem when the real problem was never this one mod. Killing this mod does not accomplish much other than making it worthless to have. The effectiveness of a slide attack has little correlation in the current melee update to whether that mod/Riven stat is in a build. Consistency with the other Critical Mod changes would be fantastic as Riven Mods are supposed to scale off the base mods, and Maiming Strike was changed from 90% to 150%.

Or keep this number and buff all special attacks instead (heavy and slide attacks). I don't think that adding huge critical chance buffs here and there is much smart balance wise. Melee is already (still) broken, all of its features need to be seriously looked at. As far as i'm concerned i really think that the raw damage increase was a bad move, melee was already overpowered at full combo and now that they have removed it, mods are less impactful in the whole formula. I would have buffed damages by a lesser amount first.

Obviously they want to reduce the amount of spin-2-win exploits by nerfing how it's performing to the ground, which (in my opinion) is plain dumb and not much wise since a lot of players are still abusing this feature for three reasons: Even with reduced critical, you can still oneshot enemies with the right build anyway (or just use true steel mods instead of maiming strike...) , whips are gone but you can switch to other buffed weapons though, and finally one can still abuse this macro and move faster than anything else in the entire game while killing everything around...

So they're losing their time with such nerfs, better buff heavy attacks up to insane levels instead at this point since they don't seem to be quite popular yet (for reasons, spin-2-win makes you move faster, heavy attacks are slowing you down...).

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  • Archwing. blink functions very poorly. this needs to be bound to a separate key. It feels like it was just tested to see if it worked mechanically, not if it was comfortable and reliable to use as Rebecca found out on stream.
  • Selecting Archwing again in your gear wheel should also allow you to exit it.
  • Using "change weapon" when you have tranq or mining laser equipped should return you to the weapon you had selected instead of going to the next weapon.
  • Up and Down do not work in archwing while the tranq rifle is selected.
  • Currently you can melee straight out of gun but can't heavy attack out of it. this should be resolved.
  • Allow dodge cancelling out of slam attacks.
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