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[Warframe Concept] Tanuki Warframe (Revival)


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   Alright, so this is my second attempt at this, it got deleted right as I was about o post because my internet went out and hopefully this wont happen again. @FoxFX Please tell me if you would like me to remove this since this is your concept and I'd like to know if this is ok with you. The original post by Fox FX will also be here. TANUKI. While I'm also not sure if the Rules permit me to "steal" or recreate other people's works I couldn't help it with this one. Tanuki is an extremely underappreciated warframe concept with so much potential to be a warframe that separates herself from the current variety of warframes. She's even got more lore reason to be in warframe than most.
   I shall be going around, hopefully, recreating old concepts from time to time which I find have value in Warframe. my intent is to bring warframes that deserve attention back to the spotlight after years of being neglected in the dark or being underappreciated because the creator either doesn't realize they sat on a gold mine of lore, or because the ability set would give them a true purpose to the game, which many of our current warframe releases seem to lack. I will be reworking some aspects of these frames but overall i want to stay true to the creator's intent.

   Why does Tanuki belong in warframe, more than most of the current warframes. Well here's most of the lore reasons, I'll hide them so you don't need to read it if you don't care. This is specifically for those who want to see why she belongs in the game. TLDR she's got 7 connections to the warframe universe and her origin is amazing.


   Tanuki lore is a goldmine for tenno culture. I'm not joking. For starters the Tanuki use their KINTAMA *balls of gold* as drums, and as we've seen ingame and in the stalker codex entry, drums play a massive part in tenno culture. In the clan we often see the drums as decorations, original warframe music heavily involved drumming, and during the stalker codex entry dums were mentioned for honorable ceremonial practice.
   We also have a real life connection here. Warframe was originally developed with massive influence from anime and Asian concepts showcasing updates like Warlords, Prominent symbols like the Lotus, and even warframe designs based off Asian lore and history. I'm not just talking about the Chinese warframes, but the vanilla 8 had aspects of Asian culture blended into their models like Ash who had samurai karuta plate armor going down his arms. Even the motto, Ninja, are an obvious finger pointer towards ancient japan. Weapons like the Kama and parkour system are part of this ninja aesthetic as well. Yokai and Mythology are no stranger to warframe design either being seen in Frost, Nyx, Loki, Oberon, and Titanya. Even some current tennogen names have reference to stuff such as the Yokai skin. Tanuki are Yokai which means she fits the bill.
   Next we have a big one, The Tanuki's transmogrification. This was skipped over in the original concept but the leaves used for transmogrifying and illusions were actually Lotus Leaves. Sound familiar? The Tanuki not only used leaves for that, but used it to create hats. Like mirage she would be a warframe with probably a close relationship to the lotus.
   Up next we have what the Tanuki can turn into. One of their most fun tricks was to become a second moon... hmmmmm... this doesn't end though. They have another connection to Lua because of their involvement with the Moon Hare and being a rival. In other words she would be a warframe who hates Lua, an interesting lore point if she were to get a quest.
   Now we have 8. The Tanuki stood for 8 virtues. This is an awfully familiar number to us now isn't it, but it gets deeper than you think. We may have had 8 player raids at one point. We may have had 8 Warframes to begin with. We do have 8 ranks in total for syndicates. We also have 8 total Requiem Mods. But what I want to focus on are the 8 focus schools. 8? Yes, the polarities are representations of a school's teachings, and we have 8 polarity types in the game. Madurai, Naramon, O, Penjaga, Umbra, Unairu, Vazarin, and Zenurik. Each one focuses on a teaching, or virtue. Koneksi is an old fusion core school which I believe could be swapped for the O polarity.
   Tanuki also carry with them the ability to possess people, to control and manipulate their actions. This does sound quite similar to transference doesn't it? it would be crazy for DE not to call it that if Tanuki were introduced into warframe since it's pretty much staple.
   The next point is somewhat of a stretch. The Tanuki started growing in popularity when metal smiths of ancient japan centered in kanazawa started looking for a material that could contain gold. The reason being they were known for gold lead production. Thus they found the Tanuki Scrotum which was stretchy and could be used to hammer gold into thin shapes resulting in a tale about the Tanuki having large... KINTAMA *balls of gold*. This then lead to the Tanuki being thought of as wealthy and fortunate for their giant KINTAMA being symbols of allowing gold to spread over a large area The orokin, being gold incarnate, might take an internist in that.

Now another thing I know people will say is how is this warframe thematically justified. There is one thing I want to cover in main view. Condition Overload. As far as I can tell, FoxFX is the original creator of the Condition Overload Concept yet no credit was given to him or any other creator if someone posted this meta class idea. The Tanuki concept, with a passive containing +damage per status, was released on 1/19/16. DE released condition Overload on 12/1/16. besides that this will cover her thematic appropriateness, her being female, her in game model and animation requirements, and her name options.


   As of recently we've gotten our hands on Grendel, the jack'o'lantern devourer released on halloween. He's more of a joke then Tanuki could ever be with belching sounds, jiggle physics, and more. When she was proposed as a concept people laughed but comparing her to "the running man" or "dinner please" I'd say she's more realistic than either of the two. Another thing in question was how daruma dolls could fit into warframe. Since then, Ayatan Statues have been introduced, why not use those as a fetish to harness the power of the void.
   Now one thing I noticed were people complaining about was her being female. That would be a safer bet. Lets be honest if were going to have a warframe based around a character featuring huge KINTAMA then it should be female. We have Rhino with his golden crotch and that was joked about for taking up the whole screen. What about Nidus, volt, or god forbid gara and zephyr. If a male's main focus were to be THAT then being female would be a huge save to PR and less jokes would be made at her expense.
   The next bit of her will be related to her appearance in general. While I find it cute and can see it in game, there would be some changes made to the overall design. I believe many would argue that warframe like Gauss, Khora, and Baruuk look far better than Tanuki, but I disagree on the basis of Warframes are Biomechanical. Now it doesn't state exactly what % is biological and what % is mechanical, however If we compare the similarities of Tanuki to any of the Vanilla 8, it becomes clear that Biological was predominantly the way warframes were forged. This makes her more accurate in appearance to than Gauss who looks like a gundam figurine.
   There are some issues with Tanuki, specificly her height. FoxFX wanted her to be shorter and that is possible, however this would mean excess animation work. Personally I don't think DE would mind too much given how unqiue they're trying to make new warframes but to be exact all our current warframe have the same animations. Not the actual animation, but if a commander switch teleports you, there's no custom animation for that. Often times you'll see an enemy or warframe stretch or flatten to perform the correct animation. Again I don't think they would mind though given it would be fun to make new drunk animations for her.
   Next we'll talk about Her name. For the sake of this revival I'm calling her Tanuki, however I have a list of names. if you dislike them then please, suggest one of your own 🙂. For starters, there's Mujina, the creator's proposed alternative name meaning Racoon, or Badger referring to the Yokai's origin creature the Raccoon Dog. Tanuka is my favorite being an amalgamation of Tanuki and Zanuka. Zaki would be Sake, just replaced with a Z. Zuki would also be a name in reference to Sakazuki, a cup from with sake is drunk from while also meaning Moon in japanese. To us the moon is important. Kin would be a unisex name fox her meaning Gold and also a slight nod to the Oro-kin empire. Nara is thought to be the era when the first true sake was produced using cleaner and more effective methods and was also the time period on ancient japan where the bake-danuki were first found in literature. Nihon would mean The sun's origin, which is a fun name but also Nihon is part of Nihonshu which translates to Sake for english. Rei or Yurei would be names in reference to ghosts or spirits. For the tenno who are demons or ghosts that inhabit bodies and with the transferring of bodies related to kuva this name fits pretty well. Especially with the ghosts floating around Lua. It's also a clever nod to the slang term of what Spirits means, alcohol.

The stealthy (Tanuki) is a durable trickster who supports her team in unique ways and toils with her prey plaguing the battlefield with chaos before striking the final blow upon her weakened foes.

Image result for Tanuki warframe concept

The Status Warframe, (Tanuki)
Health 350 {30}
Shields 300 {30}
Armor 265 {30}
Energy 225 {30}
Sprint Speed 1.1 {30}
Passive: Crippling Fortune, (Tanuki) deals 5% more damage, 10% on critical, for every status effect on enemy targets without limit.

(Tanuki) Noble Animation: (Tanuki) shifts between various loudouts acting tipsy and drinks from her sake bottle. On other frames will not transform.
(Tanuki) Agile Animation: (Tanuki) becomes relaxed and casual, playing with credits and drumming her chest before looking around disguised as an enemy. On other frames will not transform.

Ability Description    Ability Features   Augment     Ability Name     {{{{{Section}}}}}

S = Affected by Power Strength       D = Affected by Power Duration
E = Affected by Power Efficiency     R = Affected by Power Range

{{{{{Ability 1 Quaff Shojo's Brew}}}}}



Quaff 10 Energy Cost / 5 Energy Cost per second / +10% Multishot per DW Stack / +10% Evasion per DW Stack
          10 Splash Energy Cost / 2X splashed status DoT enhancement

(Tanuki) takes a swig of sake becoming gaining a stack of drunken brawler becoming harder to hit and granting increased multishot the more drunk she becomes.
-Quaff grants 1 stack of Drunken Brawler up to 4 stacks per second while holding down to chug sake.
   -Drunken Brawler stacks increase multishot per stack
   -Drunken Brawler stacks grant evasion per stacks
-Quaff can be tapped once to splash Sake at her enemies weakening them permanently.
   -Status affects applied on Splashed Enemies will have double duration.
   -Status affects applied on Splashed Enemies will suffer Increased status DoT.
   -Status affects currently applied on Splashed Enemies will be refreshed.
S = Increases or Decreases Splash and Drunken Brawler effects.           D = N/A
E = Increases or Decreases energy cost of Quaff                                    R = Increases or Decreases Splash radius

Shojo's Brew
Quaff recovers 100% missing health over 15s and heals in a 15m radius around her. Splashed Enemies have a higher chance to drop health globes.
S =Increases or Decreases amount of healing and health globe drop chance        D = N/A
E = N/A                                                                                                                     R = Increases or Decreases range of healing radius


{{{{{Ability 2 Zen Charm Time Distortion}}}}}



Zen Charm 50 Energy Cost / 50% Status Chance increase / 20m Aura Radius
(Tanuki) places down an Ayatan Daruma Doll harnessing the power of the void creating an aura. Allies inside the Zen Charm Radius will be granted additional benefits while being shielded from negative energies.
-Allies within Zen Charm's aura gain 50% Status chance to all weapons
   -If status chance exceeds 100% the excess percent will be used for a second different status effect.
   -If status chance exceeds 100% the excess percent will be used for a third different status effect.
-Allies within Zen Charm's aura are cleansed and protected of all status effects.
-Allies In Zen Charm gain the benefit, but effects instantly are removed if player steps out of Zen Charm.
-Only 3 Ayatan Daruma Dolls may be active at once.

S = Increases or Decreases Zen Charm Percent boost           D = N/A
E = Increases or Decreases energy cost of Zen Charm          R = Increases or Decreases Zen Charm radius

Time Distortion
Zen Charms emanate a dense fog altering the area and flow of time, slowing time by 60%
-Slowing of time affects Enemy Projectiles and Duration of Abilities
S = Increases or Decreases slow of time up to 90%       D = N/A
E = N/A                                                                            R = N/A


{{{{{Ability 3 Transmogrify Bullet Transmutation}}}}}



Transmogrify 75 Energy Cost / 16% Enemy Level Reduction / 90o Transmogrify Angle / 25m Radius
(Tanuki) releases a cone of wind carrying lotus leaves, enemies affected by Transmogrify will be permanently crippled.
-Enemies affected by transmogrify will suffer a loss in level.
   -Level Reduction cannot surpass 40%
   -Enemies cannot suffer from level loss more than one time.

-Transmogrify is affected by line of sight and will not pass through walls.
-All status affects caught in transmogrify are taken and applied to all enemies within the ability's area of affect.
S = Increases or Decreases enemy level loss                          D = N/A
E = Increases or Decreases energy cost of Transmogrify        R = Increases or Decreases Transmogrify Angle and Range

Bullet Transmutation
Enemies affected by Transmogrify have their weapons into ammunition for her team and at the same time disarming enemies.
S = Increases or Decreases ammo transmuted         D = N/A
E = N/A                                                                       R = N/A


{{{{{Ability 4 Lotophage Veil Void Sense}}}}}



Lotophage Veil 25 Energy Cost / 5 Energy Drain Per Second / 5m Lotophage Veil Radius
(Tanuki) channels energy into herself, concealing her presence from enemies in a veil of lotus leaves made of void energy hiding as one of her foes. Enemies that wander too close become possessed with gluttony.
-Enemies only attack Tanuki under two conditions
   -Enemies become aware of Tanuki's presence and attack her if she comes within her Lotophage Veil.
   -Enemies become aware of Tanuki's presence and attack her if she attacks them first.
-Enemies that enter the Lotus Veil become starved and attack anything nearby, eating their allies alive.
   -Effects remain until Lotophage Veil is disabled.
-While Lotophage Veil is active, she will not gain energy from warframe abilities or energy pads.
-Allies within her Lotophage Veil will gain the benefits of Lotophage Veil while within it's radius.
S = N/A                                                                                                          D = N/A
E = Increases or Decreases energy cost and drain of Lotophage Veil         R = Increases or Decreases Lotophage Veil radius

Void Sense
While Lotophage Veil is active (Tanuki) can sense her enemies and find their weaknesses gaining +30 Enemy Radar and 30% Critical Chance on attacks that proc status.
S = Increases or Decreases Critical Chance           D = N/A
E = N/A                                                                    R = Increases or Decreases Enemy Radar




   We start with stat changes. Overall I've maxed her stats to what they would be at {30} and made her more survivable to mirror the desire for her to be durable, but not tanky. She can definitely be built for armor if someone wanted to survive but skilled (Tanuki) players shouldn't need to focus on armor as they have multiple ways to evade and manipulate their enemies. She has become a high skill cap character, but simple to understand, yet comes with a collection of unique abilities which both support her team, and control the field.
   I've added in depth descriptions to her stats to how she'll function ingame so people can know the ins and outs of her ability set. She's also built similar to the old warframes where she can ignore a stat, specifically duration, making modding matter. This is why i made her ultimate a Drain instead of a duration cast. However she is only like this because she possesses no direct damage abilities or nuke potential, rather she's a mechanic specialist who can deal damage with weapons similar to loki.
   Normally this portion would be dedicated to warframe exilus, however I don't particularly like the idea of warframe exilus anymore. reason being it would feel like the frame is forced into using said exilus over other ones removing choice and options. So, no exilus.

   Her first ability has been altered to better suit the modern play style and due to bellow's removal, I had to give it more value. Thus I've added splashing, and drunken brawler. This will increase evasion for added survivability and multishot due to it's ability to increase status chance. Splashing was added to have her be more melee focused, however she doesn't have to be melee focused at all if she doesn't want to. Splashing should be something any status heavy warframe such as garuda, saryn, or ember will love her for it. Drunken Warrior is a small damage and survivability boost.
   Shojo's Brew is based off the Shojo Yokai and an old tale about their sake and it's rejuvenative properties. This allows Tanuki to take on a more supportive role with a unique healing over time AoE. This also provides ability syngery and the ability to use some specific arcanes and mods make her build variety expand further.

   The second ability, Zen Charm, was made ayatan in nature for lore purposes. I realize the critical chance would have been nice but she is in fact a status warframe and critical is already heavily dominating the game at present, thus I went for more status. This is also my suggestion to 100%+ status would look like from DE's posts. (Tanuki) can be used as a proving ground much like M3.0 used Wukong. Zen Charm protecting from "negative energy" fits thematically and makes her useful in status heavy areas. The permanent placement also means she'd be more energy efficient in missions where she won't need to place as frequently.
   The augment is actually originating from limbo and has very unique support altering the flow of time, and duration. This means any duration based warframe would love to have her as a partner, or EV trinities would hate her guts. Either way it's a very unique augment providing a control over time limbo cannot offer. While this is not part of (Tanuki) lore, it is part of warframe lore as the void has control over space and time. Thus good fortune from the void should imply such benefits.

   Transmogrify is my favorite of everything here. Controlling an enemy level with CC is completely alien to us. At the start it wouldn't be very effective at all but when you're fighting level 1000 enemies during endurance runs, (Tanuki) undercuts massive portions of their stats making enemies much easier to handle. To hammer home her status motif I wanted to sew in a status spread unique among the current roster. With this status spread she can watch for high priority targets that are more than simple eximus or heavy enemies. She carries her own playstyle because of this. Good (Tanuki) should theoretically always have all enemies under the affects of transmogrify and thus will be a joy to play with.
   Her augment is another awesome CC ability not only disarming enemies, but provides ammo for you and your team. This augment can also be seen as an alternative to personal ammo mutation for organized groups opening up quite a few exilus mod slots for other options. This augment should be well worth the slot given it's flexible nature and that it comes with added benefits.

   The biggest change about this rework was bellow being replaced and I'm honestly sad to have to do that. The biggest reason for this was because it was too similar to chaos and irradiating disarm as both are large scale AoE abilities that turn enemies on each other. However I will give credit if Nyx wasn't a thing it would totally be there. I did want to see if viral could be used as a replacement but that seemed to similar to miasma. Simple AoE abilities don't really cut it anymore for WF development because all simple AoE status abilities are taken.
   I will give credit and i don't know if FoxFX knew this, but what they did with bellow was very similar to Tanuki Tsuki where the tanuki affects and possesses their enemies into turning violent and attacking everything, even their allies. But again, i had to alter it to keep nyx and loki relevant.
   Bellow's replacement is a clever twist to Leaf Form, another ability suggested by FoxFX while retaining the chaotic affect of Tanuki-tsuki. Thus the Lotus Veil provides not only skill based survivability based on intelligent positioning but holds up to her previous concept, just with a different name. The ability and build for her however should encourage larger range which means players can make the lotus veil larger causing enemies to attack one another making it still further unique.

   So, what do you guys think about this revival attempt? Has she changed much from the original? Did I keep true to what the (Tanuki) are but kept it close to warframe? If you want to see the original it's here. TANUKI. If this turns out well enough I may hopefully go around and revisit some old and underappreciated concepts. Few strike me as fitting as (Tanuki), but I believe I can find some worthy of mention. If anyone has any questions that I may not have already answered in reasoning, feel free to ask. I'll try to respond as soon as possible.

Edited by Violet_Xe
Lowered Transmogrify level reduction
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29 minutes ago, FoxFX said:

Its fine @Violet_Xe. This was a concept I had to drop eventually. Go crazy with it.

   Thanks 🙂 it means alot to know that the creator isn't gonna tear me down. Also I want to know, did you know about how many ties (Tanuki) could have to warframe or no? I was surprised when I dived into what the tanuki folklore. Ranging from drumming and lotus leaves to possession and playing with the moon, they seem to share a lot of qualities with tenno culture. Maybe not a lot but certainly enough to justify her being a legitimate warframe.

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1 hour ago, Violet_Xe said:

   Thanks 🙂 it means alot to know that the creator isn't gonna tear me down. Also I want to know, did you know about how many ties (Tanuki) could have to warframe or no? I was surprised when I dived into what the tanuki folklore. Ranging from drumming and lotus leaves to possession and playing with the moon, they seem to share a lot of qualities with tenno culture. Maybe not a lot but certainly enough to justify her being a legitimate warframe.

I don't think you need much to justify yourself as warframe. Vore was deemed a good enough theme. Futhermore Revening exist 


As far as your kit is concerned just don't allow the level reduction effect to affected by power strength. Level reduction is such a ridiculously strong debuff. 


Edited by keikogi
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1 minute ago, keikogi said:

I don't think you need much to justify yourself as warframe. Vore was deemed a good enough theme theme. Futhermore Revening exist 

As far as your kit is concerned just don't allow the level reduction effect to affected by power strength. Level reduction is such a ridiculously strong debuff. 


Lol, yeah I know. But I find it interesting how much support I can put behind a warframe. I also want to put it out there just how much some concepts have in value when compared to, for example, the vore warframe grendel. Tanuki was originally seen as a joke concept with a giant belch ability but now we have a warframe who literally Zen Headbuts enemies and works side by side kirby incarnate.

I was sort of thinking about that and  I wouldn't be opposed to it, But i'd prefer it to be STR affected punishing over extended users slightly. It's also meant to be a powerful debuff though as she can't nuke enemies, she can't tank too much, and she's not a reliable CC frame, nor is she a traditional supportive frame. She's like loki being incredibly powerful but only to the right players. The high energy cost should also prevent heavy spamming of such an ability right?

She's not exactly a normal warframe concept so her abilities are awkward to think about, craft and balance so I could be wrong.

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4 hours ago, Violet_Xe said:

The high energy cost should also prevent heavy spamming of such an ability right?

Energy cost are meaninless for a true veteran. Like I have a gamer mouse I can just macro the one button to cast use a energy restore and them use the skill. Also arcane energy and 175% energy eficiency exist so unless the skill is literely unusable at base ( see Grendel enemy storage cost ) you can't balance it by rasing the energy cost. My full opnion on the energy system is here.


4 hours ago, Violet_Xe said:

Lol, yeah I know. But I find it interesting how much support I can put behind a warframe. I also want to put it out there just how much some concepts have in value when compared to, for example, the vore warframe grendel. Tanuki was originally seen as a joke concept with a giant belch ability but now we have a warframe who literally Zen Headbuts enemies and works side by side kirby incarnate.

I just confused your passion with insecurity. You justified it so much that I tough you are trying to hard to justify something that is fine ( frame about mythological creature , perfectly reasonable with just that ). So I was like " knock it off, no need to worry about that ".

Also man there some truly astonishing concpets in this forum. From entire threads dedicated to enemy factions ( the Sentient and grineer one are amazing) , weapon concepts and some unique visually and mechanically warframes. Even I threw my hat on the ring and think I got a few things right ( a suport warframe that has to actively play to be able to support and a summoner frame tha both scales and doesn't enable auto play. I wish DE copied homeworks more often.

4 hours ago, Violet_Xe said:

was sort of thinking about that and  I wouldn't be opposed to it, But i'd prefer it to be STR affected punishing over extended users slightly. It's also meant to be a powerful debuff though as she can't nuke enemies, she can't tank too much, and she's not a reliable CC frame, nor is she a traditional supportive frame. She's like loki being incredibly powerful but only to the right players. The high energy cost should also prevent heavy spamming of such an ability right?

There os a EHP calcultor using a enemy level slider on the wikia you can use that to help you refine your balance. Also after second consideration the skill is a debuff with means it won't affect the newer elite enemies , so it can't be that strong. Even sonar with it's isane damage mutiplier is not enough to make banshee broken in most of the game content.

Edit: energy drains are way more detrimental than what they initially seen because you can't regenerate energy while channelling.

Edited by keikogi
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the super late response. I was typing up a massive post and was worried that it would be erased if I typed here. I've had that happen to my posts before so i didn't wanna risk it.

On 2019-12-03 at 3:17 PM, keikogi said:

I just confused your passion with insecurity. You justified it so much that I tough you are trying to hard to justify something that is fine ( frame about mythological creature , perfectly reasonable with just that ). So I was like " knock it off, no need to worry about that ".

Also man there some truly astonishing concpets in this forum. From entire threads dedicated to enemy factions ( the Sentient and grineer one are amazing) , weapon concepts and some unique visually and mechanically warframes. Even I threw my hat on the ring and think I got a few things right ( a suport warframe that has to actively play to be able to support and a summoner frame tha both scales and doesn't enable auto play. I wish DE copied homeworks more often.

Sorry about that, It's just making a warframe like "Tanuki" with that design is kind of inviting people to take it the wrong way and I'm insecure about myself in general so it kinda just came out. But I really do like to spotlight just how much support I can put behind a warframe like "Tanuki". I'll try to avoid that in the future but it's a bad habit of mine.

On 2019-12-03 at 3:17 PM, keikogi said:

Energy cost are meaninless for a true veteran. Like I have a gamer mouse I can just macro the one button to cast use a energy restore and them use the skill. Also arcane energy and 175% energy eficiency exist so unless the skill is literely unusable at base ( see Grendel enemy storage cost ) you can't balance it by rasing the energy cost. My full opnion on the energy system is here.

There os a EHP calcultor using a enemy level slider on the wikia you can use that to help you refine your balance. Also after second consideration the skill is a debuff with means it won't affect the newer elite enemies , so it can't be that strong. Even sonar with it's isane damage mutiplier is not enough to make banshee broken in most of the game content.

Edit: energy drains are way more detrimental than what they initially seen because you can't regenerate energy while channelling.

So after second consideration would the energy drain and transmogrify ability be ok as they are now? Or do I still need to make some edits to the kit?

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5 hours ago, Violet_Xe said:

Sorry about that, It's just making a warframe like "Tanuki" with that design is kind of inviting people to take it the wrong way and I'm insecure about myself in general so it kinda just came out. But I really do like to spotlight just how much support I can put behind a warframe like "Tanuki". I'll try to avoid that in the future but it's a bad habit of mine.

Second hand adivice but "Stand up straight with your shoulders back"

5 hours ago, Violet_Xe said:

So after second consideration would the energy drain and transmogrify ability be ok as they are now? Or do I still need to make some edits to the kit?

Personaly  just dont deal with enemy level because the scaling is sily.


From the wikia, for example if you take enemy a500 , reducing his level by 25% will reduce his efecetive HP by 4 times. Assuming the debuff scales with power str at 50% reduction it will reduce the efective HP by 10 times. While it does to much agaist high level enemies it does nothing agaist low level ones. 

Check out for yourself 


It is really hard to balance something round it


Edited by keikogi
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On 2020-01-11 at 4:16 PM, keikogi said:

Personally just don't deal with enemy level because the scaling is silly.

   The idea of altering enemy levels as CC is one of the main reasons I liked Fox's concept. It's a really unique ability because it's meant for high level content. The idea is that she would suffer at lower level content because the power is close to useless, but at higher content she makes life really easy. Depending on circumstances, level included, certain playstyles and warframes are favored and that doesn't have to be a bad thing. At least that's how I see it.
   Transmogrify excels against grineer, but it's effects are less against other factions. Sure she cuts armored enemies by a large amount but she can't affect infested and corpus to such an extent because they don't multiply scaling health with scaling armor in all cases and they're difficult in their own ways. She also unable to affect all enemies because of nullifiers.

   Also in regards to enemy scaling I personally believe that dealing with enemy levels is fine. Players already cut EHP the way you say with corrosive, viral, and magnetic or shattering impact. Cutting enemy levels doesn't make much difference to me because chances are you've already fought them at that level before.
   DE also has level scaling as an issue they're looking to fix soon though maybe not since it was said awhile ago and plans change. If scaling is made less of an issue then dealing with a level changing ability would be easier to come to terms with.

   I'm going to lower the level reduction, but tossing the idea of level reduction CC is the last thing I'd like to do with the concept. 

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On 2020-01-11 at 2:06 PM, Violet_Xe said:

Sorry for the super late response. I was typing up a massive post and was worried that it would be erased if I typed here. I've had that happen to my posts before so i didn't wanna risk it.

you should probably write it in chunks on a cloud-saved document service (I use google docs) and copy/paste bits in later, so them getting deleted wont be an issue, I know you've had problems with it before

Edited by AlfredDean
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9 minutes ago, AlfredDean said:

you should probably write it in chunks on a cloud-saved document service (I use google docs) and copy/paste bits in later, so them getting deleted wont be an issue, I know you've had problems with it before

I Just write the entire post on word. Paste it here than ajust the spacing, images and spoiler tabs.

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