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Plant Warframe: It's Time For Another Tank/support


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Yes, I know we just got Nekros.

That's why I want to get straight to the punch before something else is conceived.
Ideas are cheap, concept art isn't.


I'm enjoying DE's transition away from "Generic Screen-Wipe Nuker #12" with the introduction of characters such as Banshee, Vabaun, and Nekros.

I believe they should keep this up and not fall back into that pattern because of characters like Saryn or Nova.


In fact, only having one support/healer, means that it's probably a good idea to get another.

There's no better timing, as the last Warframe was male, representing death, and this one would probably be best suited as female, representing life... Plant life.


JUST IMAGINE THE SHEER AWESOME that can be achieved by a Warframe based of plants.

To keep this different from the already highly organic looking Saryn and her Hemlock beret, this could easily be achieved by giving her an oaken or bark-like appearance.


Why not shake things up and actually make a Tanky/bulky female?

Standard 150 Armor as per Frost and Rhino.



Just to get the awesome ideas churning in your head here's a few example abilities on what a Tree-esque warframe could do:

Barkskin: A massive AOE armor buff, essentially giving people a good bit of resilience when their shields end up popping from a Disruptor. Works for her so she'll be virtually indestructible, but still take damage directly to health, unlike Iron Skin's set damage mitigation.

Radial Entangle: I mean, you can't have a druid without the standard immobilization ability. Enemies can still use guns, but can't melee or rotate their body beyond a small angle, leaving their back open and/or pairing really well with radial Disarm.Vines can be carnivorous if damage is necessary.

Thorns: Prevents and returns a certain percentage of damage immediately back to the attacker within a certain range. OR blocks a certain percentage of damage and releases a volley of thorns after taking a certain amount.

Pollen Cloud: Emits a small cloud of healing pollen around her Regenerating her health and those of nearby allies at a slow rate. More useful for recovery in between fights rather than in a fight, also great for even further damage mitigation considering her armor, but is essentially useless compared to Trinity's "Oh Crap" buttons

Grasping Vines: Uses vines to pull in all nearby enemies to her and get them try to attack her instead. Possibly rooting them or otherwise disabling them.

Entrench: She roots herself to the ground for a certain set duration giving her heavy regeneration and damage reduction but being unable to move.



The possibilities are limitless and a plant warframe could lead to a lot of firsts:

Making Health tanking viable

Slower health regeneration, rather than health orbs and lifesteal

A Tank that isn't secretly a massive damage nuker in addition to tankiness.

A Female tank

A bulky female

A Warframe with a Bark-like appearance.



All in all, who wouldn't want to see Warframe have it's own take on the "Strong Protective Hardass Female" Trope?
Misogynists that's who!


Also if you're too lazy to read this, just look at the ability possibilities in the [TL;DR] braces.




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Having used Nekros, I don't like him, at all.  Looks nice but my Rhino will always outclass him.


Rhino the perfect frame for people who are to lazy to play the game.

(My Flame suit is ready)



Stop it.

Sssssstop it.


That's not nice.

Rhino's Great because he's a tanky character, and we need more of those, but my only complaint is that he still has mega damage nuking power, and makes Excalibur almost irrelevant.


Now that we found a compromise...

Does anyone else think that a Plant-based Druid/Botanomancer Would be awesome?

or do people think that Female frames should remain as nothing more then skinny glass cannon nukers in skin-tight latex?


I mean Saryn's high-heel thigh-highs are nice and all, but I think we need a nice awesome muscle girl amazon in this game.

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Great idea! The skills I liked the most are

Radial Entangle: I mean, you can't have a druid without the standard immobilization ability. Enemies can still use guns, but can't melee or rotate their body beyond a small angle, leaving their back open and/or pairing really well with radial Disarm.Vines can be carnivorous if damage is necessary.

Thorns: Prevents and returns a certain percentage of damage immediately back to the attacker within a certain range. OR blocks a certain percentage of damage and releases a volley of thorns after taking a certain amount.

Grasping Vines: Uses vines to pull in all nearby enemies to her and get them try to attack her instead. Possibly rooting them or otherwise disabling them.

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If you make a news one , then Trinity would be useless...and with what you put , we need only one the second will be useless right?

Theire already problems getting a Trinity in your games so another one will be still harder , exept for the first week of release where people would play it only for mastery

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Stop it.

Sssssstop it.


That's not nice.

Rhino's Great because he's a tanky character, and we need more of those, but my only complaint is that he still has mega damage nuking power, and makes Excalibur almost irrelevant.


Now that we found a compromise...

Does anyone else think that a Plant-based Druid/Botanomancer Would be awesome?

or do people think that Female frames should remain as nothing more then skinny glass cannon nukers in skin-tight latex?


I mean Saryn's high-heel thigh-highs are nice and all, but I think we need a nice awesome muscle girl amazon in this game.

I'd prefer they made the berserker frame concept thrown around in the council into a female tank frame. Plantframe doesn't do too much for me as a concept.

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I'd prefer they made the berserker frame concept thrown around in the council into a female tank frame. Plantframe doesn't do too much for me as a concept.


But Rhino IS the beserker.

Or so I can tell.

At least from the fact that they added the Damage buff Roar to Rhino after the Beserker idea went down well with the Design Council.


If you make a news one , then Trinity would be useless...and with what you put , we need only one the second will be useless right?

Theire already problems getting a Trinity in your games so another one will be still harder , exept for the first week of release where people would play it only for mastery



Well not exactly.

Trinity is useless because Rhino just dominates to the point of not needing the "Oh crap" buttons and sustainable energy that Trinity can supply. You can blame her lack of appearance on the Energy regeneration Aura and Rhino's Iron Skin.


Having a Female Tank with a HP regen akin to a reversed Poison cloud wouldn't make Trinity obsolete at all, as that's not by any means even close to the "Oh Crap, Full Shields, Health, and Invulnerability" button, and it requires team coordination for the heal to work slightly.

And even then, that's the only kind of heal I can see making sense on a Plant Warframe, and isn't exactly necessary.

Edited by Yg-Dosst
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Rhino the perfect frame for people who are to lazy to play the game.

(My Flame suit is ready)


You little internet tough guy!  How dare you! I'm mastery rank 8.  What are you? Bet you're only 3 or 4.  Therefore I play the game doubley as good as you.  I love Rhino because iron skin makes me invulnerable.  I don't like being shot at, do you?  Roar.




EDIT:  I want freaking Loki because I want a different freaking play style but I can't freaking find his freaking systems!

Edited by Lanieu
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Nice Idea, but healing is not that great in this game. In later stages all that matters is crowd control and Weapon. Despite this being great Idea and so on I would say better change her abilitys slighty. Give her crowd control agro on her with damage reduction/heal and ability to revive automatically after a short delay if she dies maybe so that she would be viable and outclass Rhino. 

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Nice Idea, but healing is not that great in this game. In later stages all that matters is crowd control and Weapon. Despite this being great Idea and so on I would say better change her abilitys slighty. Give her crowd control agro on her with damage reduction/heal and ability to revive automatically after a short delay if she dies maybe so that she would be viable and outclass Rhino.

Well, the idea is to have enough armor and % damage reduction stacked to make the regeneration effective for her in combat, and a somewhat decent recovery tool between fights, and add a decent counter to when poison clouds start to stack up in one area.
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