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Rework Mag?


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Mag's kit in concept is fine, but as it revolves around an entire concept of Magnetism, it could do with getting a facelift.

1. Pull. They gave Grendel Greedy Pull for free, they really need to make a pass over all the augments that are remnants of a more stingy, outdated design philosophy. Greedy Pull should be a part of Pull always, and replaced with the Absorb-like ability they showed in that cinematic trailer. Activated by holding Pull, it creates an Absorb cone in front of Mag's hand, range scaled by Ability Range. Taking incoming damage and scaling it up based on Ability Strength, letting it go within that cone's radius' line of sight. Maybe base of 5 energy per second drain while held, affected of course by Efficiency and Duration mods.

2. Polarize shards. They currently only have an interaction with Magnetize, right? If I'm forgetting, my mistake, but they should be given synergy with the other two abilities. With Pull, you should be able to pull them around you to form a protective shell, maybe functioning like Health Conversion. Flat Armor, or straight up Damage Reduction per orbiting shard up to a cap, that gets chipped away per damage instance. With Crush, all shards nearby or orbiting Mag should be consumed and added into the damage of Crush by a flat amount per + scaled with Strength possibly.

3. Maybe give Crush its augment as well. Magnetic damage is poor for the majority of targets, and it looks incredibly silly to see enemies get right back up after being folded multiple ways. Maybe immobilize them for 3 seconds, unmoddable, then the augment adds a permanent armor strip to those who could be picked up, and an additional amount of immobilization time.

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Mag is fine. 

Warframes that receive reworks have a tendency to have their role completely altered (Ember is a recent example) and Mag currently has a strong role that mechanically cannot be done by any other warframe. She is very diverse and can utilize all of her tools to fit the situation.

A rework would most likely turn one of her abilities into a boring "skin" ability. Vex armor, turbulence, shatter shield, etc. She is not squishy at all when played attentively and modded to accommodate for her weaknesses: status procs that ignore shields. Any damage that isn't slash/toxin can be negated by the fact that she can instantly gain 1650 shields and leave the entire battlefield ragdolled. I would be very annoyed if DE gave Mag a "skin" ability, because that seems to be a thing people ask for whenever a frame is "squishy." She has a defensive ability already. She has 4 of them. She's just not a warframe that you can press a button and turn on "skin" for and it can confuse a lot of players that normally rely on them with other warframes.

Admittedly her crush is a weak ability that doesn't scale. (On its own. With the augment, it scales fine.) -But this is okay because it is a tool for restoring shields, not for nuking.

Edit: I made a post on reddit a few months ago about ways to make her kit synergize better. (Doing 2 more damage with crush to enemies in a bubble is not a good synergy.) 

As others have suggested, the polarize shards could potentially become an actual, usable resource akin to Atlas's rubble. The shards could be sucked to her body using pull and used as temporary shield armor. I would be okay with that.

Edited by EmailSoup
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No, no need for a rework at all. Some small tweaks perhaps, like:

  • Pull not pulling enemies out of Magnetize.
  • That cinematic-inpsired idea someone posted (basicly, holdcast Pull to make the cinematic's absorbation shield - including pulling in polarize shards so they have better useage).
  • Tweaking her passive so it's not something redundant when you have a sentinel or companion with you.
  • Let us cancel Magnetize bubbles without the augment

Maybe some small things more, but seriously; she's pretty great as is.

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Warning: Unpopular opinion incoming.

I'd cut the damage of Polarize by at least half. At present, Mag can pretty much sit in the middle of most Defense maps and and do nothing but spam 3 to nuke the level. Boring and frustrating for everyone else trying to actually play. Built right, it puts Magnetize to shame in terms of "efficiency".

And before anyone says "Git gud", it's a bit hard to "git gud" when a Frame is able to kill enemies before you can see and target them yourself.

1 hour ago, Diavoros said:

If anything it would be cool to get the augment to make her Magnetize work like in the CGI trailer.


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9 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

Warning: Unpopular opinion incoming.

I'd cut the damage of Polarize by at least half. At present, Mag can pretty much sit in the middle of most Defense maps and and do nothing but spam 3 to nuke the level. Boring and frustrating for everyone else trying to actually play. Built right, it puts Magnetize to shame in terms of "efficiency".

And before anyone says "Git gud", it's a bit hard to "git gud" when a Frame is able to kill enemies before you can see and target them yourself.


You're not going to be nuking level 100+ Graneer with mag's 3 anytime soon

Edited by (XB1)Skiller115
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13 hours ago, Cubewano said:

Why? She's probably one of the few decently balanced frames in the game, she doesn't need a rework. 

Okay, so I play mag in sorties and even solo flood missions. As long as you are running the mod for polarize you will be okay, unless you have to deal with nullifiers and arbitration drones. She cannot deal with them (or anything you cannot CC), and does not have the survivability to handle any incoming damage. This could be resolved by making skill two a free cast on location versus a target (and possibly increase mag prime shields a bit). Passive is 100% useless. It is a weak vacuum...

And this "few decently balanced frames," statement... You know there are many frames that have 100s of ehp and deal more damage than she does? Is the fact that she is loaded with CC a reason to have no survivability, when the CC does not work when you needed the most?

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27 minutes ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

Okay, so I play mag in sorties and even solo flood missions. As long as you are running the mod for polarize you will be okay, unless you have to deal with nullifiers and arbitration drones. She cannot deal with them (or anything you cannot CC), and does not have the survivability to handle any incoming damage. This could be resolved by making skill two a free cast on location versus a target (and possibly increase mag prime shields a bit). Passive is 100% useless. It is a weak vacuum...

And this "few decently balanced frames," statement... You know there are many frames that have 100s of ehp and deal more damage than she does? Is the fact that she is loaded with CC a reason to have no survivability, when the CC does not work when you needed the most?

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, Dodge!

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She doesn't need anything, they already buffed her energy pool/she's good enough.  Would I like her to have a higher energy pool like chroma (why does he have 850 energy he doesn't need...) yes, however, the only lackluster part of mag is her 4 but even that gives you overshields to work with adaptation.  Mag is a fantastic frame as is and many other frames need a rework before her.  

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The only thing that could make Mag closer to perfect is her 1 not pulling enemies out of her Magnetize. Outside of that, Mag is great. She’s one of my favorite Frames to play (especially with Counter Pulse) and even though her Armor strip dosen’t scale if you don’t build for it, her 2 + certain Weapons can deal with that while her Damage from Magnetize gets stronger when the enemies are hitting harder which, like Garuda, makes her a good Frame to use at Mot with their 3x Damage.

Edited by GPrime96
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Some Qol changes maybe (speed of the 3 spread and enemies being down after her 4 for longer perhaps) , 

But a rework is not needed. 

She is in an OK place at the moment. 

I am looking forward to the changes as per the trailer where she caught bullets in bubbles though. 

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I love mag.
her 1 is a quick long range CC
her 2 attracts doom into faces ((try it with projectile weapons. its beautiful))
her 3 strips armor,restores lost shields,augmented to stun.
her 4 while slow. restores shields and over shields to everyone around her for each damage tick. 

my mag is ran with high eff/half duration cuz kohm/lanka/dual cestra/miter. is beautiful with those orbs. aim at a big guy and shred him to pieces. 
press 1 pull a crowed. press 4. boom your whole party rocking over shields.

or alternatively high duration/range mag. augment 3. press 3 and stun the entire map for a year.

honestly the only thing i want changed is synergy. have her shards effect more things.

atm her shards only work on her 2. acting as projectiles.
but it should also work with 1. causing them to shred enemies they pass through procing bleed.
and her 4. making it do more damage for each shard consumed.
would be a fair buff and give spell combos more usage.

Edited by Ordosan
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Well i see mag as an armorstriping beas, a dps using his 2 with some range in a cornered space makes it imposible for the enemies, and 1, 3  and 4 hab have some relation with the 2. Making it, at last for me, the most powerfull hab. 1 and 4 gain some damage and 3 in a buble generates the litle traces of armor that drop from enemies a mortal trap.

Even if mag is more CC can be used as DPS.

A rework woud be more suitable to way less used warframes(baruuk or the lord of the seas/memes hydroid).

Its true that her habilities don do REAL damage but is more of the usefullnes of them. 1 ragdolls to the floor . 2 CC damage bubles(they explode if the enemy inside die and the timer hits 0). 3 armor striping and peble traps for the 2 one(not as good as other warframes that can strip the shields but kinda good) 4 well more like a overshield me up or cc control 2.0 

Have a fantastic day 😄

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On 2019-12-04 at 3:12 AM, kwlingo said:

Just a few months ago I finally understood the power of Quick Thinking and Prime Flow. Its truly meant for fragile frames. It can make them as tankies and any tank frame as long as you have a way of giving yourself energy. I just ran an arbitration into wave 40 before with Mag, never downed once with these two mods.

Just to add, if you also add in Prime Sure Footed, Pain Threshhold (to cut down that stagger) and give her a healing return weapon with halfway decent range and speed she's actually a top tier melee frame.  

I've been having great fun with her with a 'Mag to the Face' build that uses pull along with a fast Exodia Hunt zaw to gather up all the friends and make them nap.  

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On 2019-12-04 at 10:57 AM, (PS4)dursereg said:

What the hell is wrong with mag now? Squish, yes. All casters are. Never stand in one place.

Yea Mag get's the short end of the stick all the time. How many Re-works was there? It's been so long now, Not to mention many many years ago someone posted a "Mag Useless" Art on the forums because of how bad she was. Now in 2019 we still are going to keep picking on Mag? Sheesh

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