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Tennobaum 2019! - Feeding Through the Gift of Giving


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On 2019-12-06 at 2:32 PM, MollAgdeduba said:

I wish:

Decoration for my orbiter

Forma boundle & Exilus & Catalyst

Various slot


Really Thx!!! 😃 😃 😃

TY @Leyvonne for your forma Boundle 😃 Really appreciated!



On 2019-12-06 at 4:28 PM, ZwiechuYW said:

I wish:

forma boundle




On 2019-12-06 at 4:46 PM, Tangociss said:

If anyone's feeling generous I'd be much appreciative of the Equinox or Titania deluxe skins for the sword and shield skin and gunblade skin respectively.  That and if I may make a request on behalf of my main Warframe teammate Ryanrulez5,  a Khora for him. Thank you. 


Lastly for my other pal -BM-Swab, he would be more than appreciative for forma bundles.  Thank you again lads. Happy Tennobaum to you all! 

Incoming, folks!



On 2019-12-06 at 3:45 PM, NotGustavoM said:

I just... wish for a hug.

Bring it in!  *bear hug!*

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My wishlist lol: Kavat incubator segment cause alloy plates XD, Nezha Deluxe skin, Titania Deluxe, Riv elite guard armor set, Nekros deluxe pack lol, Baruuk and Nidus also nidus' Night Hunter skin, Vauban deluxe skin, Harrow deluxe pack hehehehehe and Wf/ WP Slots and potatoes. Feel free to check my wishlist on PS4. I don't mind if I don't get anything but Happy Tennobaum I've enjoyed all 4 years playing this game and adapting to it the starting again from scratch was hard but it was worth it 🤗 MR 24 to MR 15 Babey🖤 Oh I also want friends lol I need those or I'ma end up soloing Empyrean XD

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4 hours ago, (PS4)corpusbonds said:

Pretty sure you can get her again through Simaris as he sells quest frame BPs.

Yes but I've needing to get exilus adapter and the weapons from cephalon before I could even think about buying her blueprints and I also would like it just because I could have the expanded mod capacity

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I feel greedy doing this lol but w/e.


-Stasis slots

-Warframe/Weapon/Robotic slots

-Forma (normal)

-Little/any decor for ship


I have other things on my in game wishlist but they’re more expensive.

Merry Tennobaum and all, sent out about 50+ things and I’m now broke lol. Gotta wait for the next plat sale.

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It feels odd to post from my PC account, even though it's my oldest account, and the one I play on mainly. I've been using my Xbox account to post on the forums for years now haha

My wishlist, if anyone is feeling generous towards a broke tenno:



-Riven slots

-Any of the skins or such on my in-game wishlist

Merry Tennobaum to all my fellow tenno, and may DE Santa bring Empyrean and New War for Christmas!

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