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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack General Feedback Megathread


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So far I'm a big fan of railjack. Some notable points for me are:

1. Shared loot. Thank god.

2. Feels way more like a space sim. Having a target lead indicator for example was great, good that they put it low in the gunnery skill tree.

3. All weapons appear to be non-hitscan. Pretty much a necessity in any space sim game or you can dummy enemies.

4. They reworked all archguns for railjack. If they hadnt my satiata imperator vandal would've been nuts.

5. New elements. All of them appear to be useful, further testing required.

6. So far, seems high difficulty + challenging. That's right, challenging is good.


Basically this is what archwing should've been and it's a great outting for "Archwing 2.0". Having ships, boarding ships, it feels great. So far, from me, this gets a big thumbs up. But i havent really experienced the resource grind just yet, so i reserve some judgement for that.

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My first impression of the Railjack is "the interior needs a wear and tear slider like the exterior." I managed to customise my exterior into this pristine, beautiful sleek design with bold colours and a fresh paintjob, yet my exterior still looks like I fished the ship out of the sea. I essentially copied my Orbiter colours, with the bright cyan floors and makes the wear all the more apparent. Massive areas where the beautiful cyan gives way to scratched-up metal underneath, the pretty white walls are caked in dirt and what looks like mould... I get that you guys at DE are going for some kind of "salvaged derelict" look for all your ship designs, but you already have a wear and tear slider, including for the Orbiter interior. Why not let us use it inside as well as outside?

Additionally, the Railjack cosmetic customisation menu NEEDS to allow us to rotate the ship from the outside and move around the ship from the inside in some way. I get that the latter is harder to achieve, but maybe give me a button to toggle between several major areas beyond that one ramp. If there is such an option, I haven't found it. This is particularly important when buying cosmetic ship skins because those are so large that they extend outside the viewable area and we can also only ever see them from a single angle. Even just customising the ship, I can't spin around to see what it looks like from the front or from the back. Again, if free rotation is not an option then at least give us multiple camera angles with at least one long shot which shows the entire vehicle, maybe in a 3/4 perspective.

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I've posted this in another thread as a joke but even though I have not played the content I think it is worth mentioning.

DE, we need a Vacuum on the Railjacks, too much space makes gathering a pain in the rear.

It is time for The Vacuum Within 2: The Vacuum of Space.

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6 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I've posted this in another thread as a joke but even though I have not played the content I think it is worth mentioning.

DE, we need a Vacuum on the Railjacks, too much space makes gathering a pain in the rear.

It is time for The Vacuum Within 2: The Vacuum of Space.


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10 hours ago, VitalAmprex said:

IMO. Times to craft the railjack parts in rising tide need to be reduce. 12 hours, 6 times? Really? I understand it was an afterthought when rising tide came out, but how are returning players going to feel when they find out they have to wait 6 days, not even farming resources, but just WAITING? :P.

Wait what!? I thought I only had to farm the 100 cubes. You're telling me I have to do this 5 more times? Welp, guess I'll see you all in a couple of months, when DE nerfs these requirements, because I'm so bored of the game at this point that nothing but a major grounds-up overhaul of the combat will get me to spend hours upon hours repeating the same boring cycle.

I came back after a long break, but I now I see I might as well stay away.

Goodbye, Warframe, I wish you were better. I'll watch the story unfold on Youtube.

Edited by Tellakey
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1 hour ago, taiiat said:

it was not already a Projectile Weapon, like most Archwing Weapons it was a Ray Trace Weapon previously, with Tracers added. Tracers have to move slowly so that you can actually see them, you couldn't have Tracers at infinity Meters per Second, after all. you wouldn't be able to see them. hehe.

Look, I don't care about subtleties like your use of "ray tracing" vs "projectile weapon". Shots fired always had a travel time for Imperator Vandal even before this update...that's not hit scan (not even infinity meters/second!) and for all practical purposes that behaves almost identically to a projectile weapon.  Shots fired now seemingly have an even higher travel time than before... You could manage to hit Dregs and Dargyns a whole 500m - 1 km away leading your shots. Why do I point this out specifically or even care? Oh, I spent the last couple weeks solo'ing Caelus, Uranus for Dual Rounds, Hollowed Bullets and Auxiliary Power (Shield Dargyns). The fast moving fighters are much closer and it is substantially harder hit them now than moving stuff up to 1km away on Caelus. And those tracers are god awful and not helpful.

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My friends and I tried out a few railjack missions before bed last night.  Here are my notes:

  • We absolutely LOVED the content.  Space pirates, woohoo!  We failed the first mission like 3 times, but got intrinsics and came back and did the next 4 or so missions much more easily. Archwing Slingshot is my favorite thing to do. This mode is great, we love it, we know it's buggy, but we still had a blast!
  • We ran into some major confusion about how to get more revulite, still not entirely sure.  Or how to craft anything on the ship, found out it's an engineer intrinsic.  Got the intrinsic, still not sure how to build anything.  The ammo for repairs doesn't feel fun.  We liked that the mode itself was challenging, but didn't like the.. well I guess we lose now, without feeling like we could do anything about it.  We don't mind losing, but we want to be actively attempting to win the whole time!  There are some good suggestions for fixing this already.
  • When we died (which happened twice) we were not able to revive and were out of the mission instantly.  This was sad.  It happened to me, did not feel good.  Assuming this is a bug.  This contributed to our initial failed missions.
  • We didn't actually know there was loot to pickup until we randomly ran into it.  It's really hard to find it.  We did 7-8 missions and picked up one avionic.  Oops.  I see on here now you are supposed to run around with just the railjack to collect the loot?  I don't think that will do.  Autopick would be nice.  More pirating and blowing stuff up, less tediousness please!

That's it!  Please don't take the negative feedback on this thread too hard, because our team REALLY wants this to mature.  It's a ton of fun and I can't wait to get home from work and level up my intrinsics and get some sick loot!  I love space sims, I love warframe, this is a great start and a great direction. 

Edit: So I don't post on the forums, I'm a founder and joined the forums in 2013 and this is my first post.  That should tell you how much I think this feedback is important!

Edited by Trevise
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I am usually pretty critical... But not this time DE.

Apart from the bugs that were already reported, I can honestly say that you did a great job.

The time you took to finish the Railjack was obviously well spent, because the system is polished and fun a it just works.

Congrats on this great update. I apploud. 🙂 

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The only real problem with railjack so far (aside from the matchmaking lag issue and bugs) is the loot collection. To have point plank collection in an unfathomable area is really a big issue. In most cases you miss out like atleast 70% of the loot. The universal vacuum meme might actually be a solution to this.

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Good lord can we please be granted the ability to use actual language when naming our ship     Cant use any form of punctuation no commas no apostrophes pretty much nothing

While youre at it could you please apply that to note beacons and dojo transporters as well because we cant use punctuation there either and to be honest its kind of infuriating and it makes everything seem like it was written by someone who can only produce really long sentences that go on and on and on     thank you

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Also don't you think additional movement keys are in order here? 

Like keys for spinning the ship on its axis. It could be Q and E. (spin left or right)

I feel sick when the ship tries to auto stabilize itself on the reference axis as it interferes with what I predict the ship will do when controlling it. I want to control that spin rather than the ship haphazardly doing it for me.

The current mouse control feels "slippery" as you need to always center the mouse to stop the ship from trying to "catch" it. It would be nice if the ship just aligns itself and stop to where the mouse was pointing rather than chase it in an endless spin. 

An out-of-ship view would also be welcome as its hard to see whats around you with just the cockpit's view. Maneuvering such a colossal ship around asteroids is hard when you cant even see what you're about to collide into.



A 3D radar on the corner would also help see where the enemies are instead of doing a 360 degree spin. 

And a gauge to see how fast the ship is currently moving.

Also in what direction its heading.


Its hard lol. I play WW2 plane sims and they didnt make me get motion sickness. Its probably that uncontrollable spin and slippery mouse control.

Edited by H.Katsura_999
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good day fellas,

there are still improvements needed for the brand new rising-tide update, here's my points of view about railjack:

*not a propaganda* Warthunder's plane control is a very good example of how to fly an aircraft, even for space battleship.

1. change A and D to rolling left and right will greatly improve the experience of flying which you wont get dizzy and upside down all the time.

2. Also while piloting railjack, the screen should be following the aiming icon, not annoyingly keep going as you will never be stable unless you aim your mouse icon back to middle.

3. Please add a "return to dry dock" option in the esc menu with a smaller note "return and obtain loots" after current mission is done. There are many players don't know how to return and just looped in infinity missions and lost all their resources as they click abort mission cuz they don't know how to get back.


i think thats all the bigger problems IMO,  hope there will be a fix soon.

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1 hour ago, nslay said:

Shots fired always had a travel time for Imperator Vandal even before this update

They did not. Your shots landed the moment you clicked the button. An entirely separate visual effect was played which appeared to have travel time, but this was just a visual illusion. The actual hit was simultaneous with the S#&$. This is still the case with the Atmospheric Imperator but not with the Space Imperator.


On Railjack controls:

Controlling the ship via the the helm seat is bad. "Console port to PC" levels of bad. We have an on-screen reticle, fair enough, but that reticle simply sets a fixed rotation angle/s for the ship. The ship isn't chasing the reticle, it's simply turning in the direction of the reticle at a constant speed. If I want my ship to stop rotating, I need to manually move my reticule to the centre of the screen. This is how GTA 5 air vehilces fly, and it makes for a horribly unintuitive control scheme. We really, REALLY need an option for reticle self-centring, where the ship's heading will actually chase the reticle and stop once the ship has aligned with where I'm pointing.

I don't know why DE went with the current implementation, but it's bad enough that I'm considering just flying with the keyboard instead of my mouse. If my mouse isn't going to point the ship but just set angle of offset, then I might as well just use keys to do it.


On the side turrets:

It's common knowledge at this point that the Railjacks' interior set is hosted off-site and the view out the windows is projected into them. What this means is that while walking around the ship, our view horizon is relative to the ship interior. When we get on the turrets, however, their view is relative to the orientation of the world, which doesn't always (or hardly ever) correspond to the ship. As a result, I'm always sitting inside the turret corked to one side or - at extreme pitch angles - with the floor almost flat against my side. Why are the exterior turrets oriented to the world and not the ship? I get that this makes aiming them a little easier since the ship's pitch won't affect your aim, firing arc notwithstanding. However, this runs dangerously close to making me queasy because the world corks to one side the moment I sit on the turret.

I'd like an option to keep turret orientation always fixed to the orientation of the interior set.

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I have four suggestions, really.

Ability to use emblems and sigils in addition to glyphs on the Railjack. (After all, having your clan emblem on the side of your Railjack would be pretty sweet.)

Ability to have font displayed for Railjack name to be in corpus, grineer, orokin, or solaris. (The eternal battle of Prodman VS Clem)

Also, one more thing. There's a no-build zone right here. I'd like to be able to build over this person, as I've done with the rest of the drydock.


Oh, and uh, I'm going to mirror almost everyone else's feedback about flight here, because this looks like archwing 3.0 all over again. Remember all the people saying they were getting motion sickness? That was pretty bad. Thankfully, you fixed that right up, and you did a really good job of it too. I hope to see the same here. Actually, no, I know you can. You're good people. You care.

Edited by Krylia_Viru
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It would be nice to be able to display Clan insignia on the outside and inside of our Railjacks.

A "wear and tear" slider for the Railjack's interior would be most welcome.

Selecting the Multi-tool from the end of the Gear menu is a real pain. If it were me, I'd have sockets positioned at strategic intervals throughout the Railjack that hold (and can recharge) a Multi-tool. You pick up the Multi-tool from the socket and return it there to recharge it.

7 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

Controlling the ship via the the helm seat is bad. "Console port to PC" levels of bad. We have an on-screen reticle, fair enough, but that reticle simply sets a fixed rotation angle/s for the ship. The ship isn't chasing the reticle, it's simply turning in the direction of the reticle at a constant speed. If I want my ship to stop rotating, I need to manually move my reticule to the centre of the screen. This is how GTA 5 air vehilces fly, and it makes for a horribly unintuitive control scheme. We really, REALLY need an option for reticle self-centring, where the ship's heading will actually chase the reticle and stop once the ship has aligned with where I'm pointing.

Completely agreed.

7 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

I'd like an option to keep turret orientation always fixed to the orientation of the interior set.

This! And for the exact reasons you gave.


Ability to have font displayed for Railjack name to be in corpus, grineer, orokin, or solaris.


Edited by MirageKnight
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So now that apparently all Archguns except Imperator (Vandal) are useless in Railjack, can we please get something like Imperator Vandal but as an energy weapon? I normally use Fluctus and Larkspur because shooting bullets is so crude and archaic, what am I, a Grineer?

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22 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

They did not. Your shots landed the moment you clicked the button. An entirely separate visual effect was played which appeared to have travel time, but this was just a visual illusion. The actual hit was simultaneous with the S#&$. This is still the case with the Atmospheric Imperator but not with the Space Imperator.

No they didn't. You're mistaken. Maybe you haven't used Imperator Vandal at significant range. On Caelus, shooting a moving enemy at a different tower (500m to 1 km), you had to lead the shot to actually hit them. This is not instant and not a visual effect. Now a fighter 50m away requires significantly more shot leading than a moving Dreg or Dargyn 500m - 1km away before the update. And the tracers add to the confusion.


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   I'm not going to say anything in regards to bugs... we all know they exist en mass. I could honestly write a book titles Emperyon 76 pertaining all the glitches in my first hours of gameplay. From dying during a deployment animation to not being able to escape enemy ships, I can write it all. But this is feedback not bugs.

   This update, bugs aside, is a huge leap in the right direction. I'm not done with it yet but it's super fun and has alot of potential for future investment. I do want to say though you missed out on a major intrinsic opportunity. I came up with the name for this one so it's kind of fake but it's an important and risky role to play. Interceptors. Just like the grineer you have interceptor tenno which primarily use archwing to support the railjack from the outside.
   The Amesha deploys cover and defense, Elytron provides great area damage, Itzal destroys any crewships before they can come close. Not only do interceptors have access to their archwing powers but they also disrupt enemy fire preventing enemy AI from attacking the railjack. Intercepting is hard to do because you always put yourself out there in danger without the shield of the railjack and it requires you to have stuff from all intrinsic sections as well as a good understanding of archwing. Due to the different playstyles of people and the goal is defending the railjack all archwings should have a use now.

   Also I find it really REALLY clever how you designed the enemy pathing. It's on offensive variation of what the pursuit ships use and I'm wondering if maybe archwing enemies might also be added to emperyon eventually too. I also noticed that enemies have a very special new type of health. When I glitched and died in the middle of space I got the rare opportunity to shoot the enemy ships with my actual guns. Despite the fact that they are level 12 and lack much armor I wasn't doing thousands of damage. Will we be seeing this anywhere outside of emperyon, because a heads up would be appreciated.

   Now about solo content ).) I don't think you considered too much because I was able to solo all of earth by using specters to guard different areas of the railjack. This means I was free to leave the ship and simply act as an interceptor for solo play escorting my railjack whenever I needed to and even if the ship got damaged 1 minute is always more than enough  time for me to take down a ship, teleport back, and seal the breach. I don't think this was intended so maybe put more pressure on us with a timer between 30 to 40 seconds? 60 feels way too long.

   As for rewards you did a fantastic job. Some people are complaining about how we have to go around to pick them up but I say that's completely fine. There are those of us who survive without carrier so do it now. Not only that but resources are shared, if one player picks something up we all get it. That means at the end of a mission when players do the loot runs 3 players leave the ship and go around collecting resources. it's actually quite relaxing and gives a bit of downtime while still retaining that warframe drops everywhere feel.

   If I have one thing I want to say that's bad about this is that it's a pain to have to farm so many resources just to make essentials. I know the payload lets us carry that revolite but can you allow us to carry resources into the mission within the payload too? Stocking up on raw resources in resource management ships should be mandatory in games like this but we can't do that. Larger forge capacity would also be appreciated even if it's an item we have to install into our ship. Further more when we refine our materials it refines all of them. Can we have a way to refine a specific amount so we don't dry up the things we need for revolite?

   This part will be due to concerns I have for multiplayer. Due to a bug I had to force close warframe and hope I could reconnect to my session. Little did I know I wasn't going to be able tor reconnect and I lost all my resources. Getting mission reconnects in quickly should be a priority especially for something this buggy. I also noticed that whenever I sent an invite I sent about 3-7 invites at once followed by a crash leading to anthem amounts of loading screens. 

   So far that's all the feedback I can really give. I don't know if this will be a disruption 2.0 where we need to improve rewards but from what I've seen so far it's promising.

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I am heavily confused about the loot system in the railjack. I do not get any resources while the mission is active. After it is finished I get the bonus rewards and I'm allowed to farm the space rock as much as I won't. However this leaves we with a question. Why to do I get so many resource notifications about stuff I picked up from destroyed enemy ship if I don't actually get it? Those drops are not included in bonus rewards, waiting didn't make them appear in the end of mission log and after I get back I do not have those minerals.

Ok, so I'm not really fond of reading encyclopedias for a patch notes, but I'm a little disappointed that such a KEY MECHANIC is only explained in the patch note and not in game. "Resource forge" is also an extremely stupid mechanic with the new economy when I need those minerals to upgrade the ship but I can't even play without spending all of the left and right.


Edited by WhiteWolf3500
I figured it out...
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QoL: allow emote tactical commands: 

Using the emote action wheel to give functional commands. 

Let players reply to such emotes with other emotes.

This should allow for critical tactical communications without a language barrier. 

Should be useable outside and inside combat situations.

Example: before mission: ship commander requests for an engineer using an emote, someone would reply to acknowledge and fill in the position. 

during mission: yell that "someone must put out that fire!" Mark a crew ship to be boarded.

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8 hours ago, diaversai said:

1) I think some resources are shared but not all? In a co-op required scenario where people are supposed to be separated I think any resource picked up by anyone should be shared by everyone.

You need to convert them to receive them as rewards by "refining" on the topside of the screen while in the forge UI.

Any resource you collect is given to the railjack, and not to players. Its there for the railjack's use (shared). If you click refine, the resources will all be given to the players and will cease to exist in the railjack inventory.

This honestly leaves room for trolling. some troll might refine resource to collect it and then ruin all the plustils you were farming for the Dome Charge.

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