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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack General Feedback Megathread


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I'm kinda curious as to why it performs or functions in the way it does. It's armed with three anti-fighter weapon ports, battle avionics, missiles and a forward artillery cannon. Everything but the artillery cannon is based around or geared towards killing/damaging fighters and the only weapon it has that can damage equivalent sized ships is the artillery cannon.

Why? Crewships have multiple turreted guns that can and will cause significant damage to your Railjack. Fires rapidly and if there was any kind of consistency, they'd make short work of the fighters too. Why can't we get some of those for our Railjacks? How come our only means of damaging Crewships is a single weapon or a boarding party? I can see that they wanted to introduce game mechanics to make it more complex but all they're doing is limiting what they can do down the line. 

Why not have something like the following:

MK1 50% damage to Crewships

MK2 75% damage to Crewships

MK3 100% damage to Crewships

Missiles do damage to crewships and there's the risk of them knocking out Crewship systems such as engines, turrets or the special abilities from the Proxima Veil Crewships.

Using your forward artillery on them would still be usable but should function as a one-hit kill to all Crewships in all the nodes with the forward artillery being best used against asteroid bases and capital ships like the Galleons, requiring the Railjack to move to certain positions and strike certain areas. You could even have an interesting mechanic where the Railjack's turrets and missiles can be used on the Galleons to find randomised weak spots on the Galleon so you know where to fire your forward artillery at. 

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IMO, the forward artillery doesn't deserve its own seat. It could have just been a battle avionic or an ordnance that you swap the tycho seeker out for. The rail jack's turrets can bring a crew ship's health to 0 but still can't kill it. I say just make the forward artillery seat another gunner seat, let the turrets kill crew ships (tho blowing up the reactor from the inside is still faster), and turn the forward artillery into a battle avionic.

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Currilicious:

Throw us Engineers a bone?

You are never restricted to do one job and one job alone. Spec a bit into the tactical tree and you will get the "Command Link" ability. The default binding to "L" is a bit stupid so I have changed mine to the button left of the number 1, above tab (dunno what its called in English) for easy access. I find myself using it all the time now.

vor 4 Stunden schrieb Currilicious:

More than 5 dome charges?

What for? You can re-forge Doma Charges with enough points into the engineer tree. You have to make those intrinsics valuable somehow after all.

vor 4 Stunden schrieb Currilicious:

Wider "vacuum" range for the ship?

Yes, everyone and their mother keep yelling about this. Agreed.

vor 4 Stunden schrieb Currilicious:

Longer immunity when boarding crewship or dropping out of airlock.

Agreed too. This is not a network issue. As soon as you drop out of the airlock or get into open space by other means, you're dead. I have had that a couple of times now, with me being host and without. It's quite frustrating, even after the rework. Winged Steel doesn't quite cut it either

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5 hours ago, Currilicious said:
  • Wider "vacuum" range for the ship?

We've asked for that for ages now. At this point its just f*cking ridiculous we don't have it.

5 hours ago, Currilicious said:
  • Longer immunity when boarding crewship or dropping out of airlock.

While it could be latency issue on your part, mine is with boarding the crewship. More often than not i get instagib as i land inside the crewship because it just so happens they we're allll at the cargo bay. How lovely of them to be there waiting for me and killing me while i look at my character animation.

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3 hours ago, dreadgame said:

It was something to pine for. Something to show you're insane and feel good that sane people don't have it. Why can't that be a good thing?

because that sounds super unhealthy and helps less than it would just being more reasonably available? honestly elitism is never a market i'll get into so my frame of reference will always be limited in affairs of gear exclusivity in games, i'm never going to see value in hyper exclusives except as insecurity points. 

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You have probably heard this a few thousand times, but simply just fix up the Refine part of the game.

First off, change the “Abort Mission” to return to dry dock. This will take you (just you) to the dry dock with all of the things you got. Now here’s the catch, you get nothing that’s kept in the forge.

When your doing a mission you should have no way to refine materials, only when you finish will they be auto refined.

After you’re finished the mission, the refine button should return as you are in a “free roam” state.

This will clear up everything with auto refining, ect.

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Can we have valence transfer for Empyrean? Let's say I have a Lavan MK3 reactor and I found another one, but the stats are better, or the bonus is more interesting. It would be nice to be able to transfer stats rather than collect resources again and wait 12 hours for a better item to finish. It could only work between items of the same type, house, and tier. It might help with relieving the grind slightly, even if the transfer had a small resource fee.

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Companions are very painfull in railjack even with oberon with umbral mods and adaption i die quick and companions like Helios Prime or Carrier prime just melt in seconds and the companion variants have more hp but it doesnt help that they dont really dodge with me usually i take cover or move forward and pet lags behind stares at a grineer as he unloads his twin grakatas  into his face.

not to mention all the GOD DAMN BUGS with the pets staying behind when you teleport back so it cannot be revived so you end up with either a dead pet or if your lucky it bugs out when ship blows up and you get a moa with 1 hp that doesnt follow you.


and can someone explain to me what the point of random stats is for the gear? we wouldnt tolerate that S#&$ with warframes or weapons why would it be acceptable for weaponry for a space ship? random stats is tolerable in games like D3 because you get 20+ items in a hour or something and you can equip and use it instantly but with warframe its

chance for item to drop (2% chance for best reactor for example)

chance for item to have decent stats (they almost removed that with reactors this patch)

farm the required materials for item (can take afew hours to a day or two)

wait 12 hours for it to "repair" (better hope a better one doesnt drop)


if the system was maybe more like you found the MK3 reactor then you did repairs on it with mats like dirac or whatever to max out its stats that would have been more enjoyable not this RNG on top of RNG on top of wait times


right now im sorta doing afew railjack missions now and then but i cant do more than afew before the bugs or the pathetic ammounts of asterite i get per mission piss me off and i take a break.


still i keep trying out railjack hoping it will be better cause there is alot of promise in there its just a question if the devs can actually bring it out and not just abandon it like they did with fortuna/plains of eidolon/kuva liches because once you have the items from those places there is zero reasons to go back and i get the feeling once i complete all the upgrades for my railjack im going to stop doing railjack like with the above mentioned areas.


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After playing a bit more with the Railjack and getting virtually every single avionic there is, I've noticed an issue with the battle avionics...they're very few and kinda boring, in the sense that, once you get them all, Void Hole, Ram and Vortex are virtually the go-to setup. 

The others are literally unusable in my opinion, they're cool looking, that's for sure, but damaging ones like Shatter Burst and Seeker Volley do little to no damage to Veil enemies. This is not necessarily a game breaking issue right now, I understand there is tweaking to be done to damage, scaling and other parameters. However, I'd like to see more variety/choices of equipment, some made, as you hinted in the TennoCon demo, on the fly. This is when I thought," What if battle avionics had a set of 3 augments each, that were toggleable on the fly for a small flux cost(like, 10-25 or so)?" 

I didn't choose 3 because it's a magical number, no, I did it because you can link it with something that's already in the game: grid slot enhancement. Since there's 3 grid slot upgrades...these should also be the 3 augment slots for each battle avionic. Given how capacity is still being tweaked, I don't think these augments should cost any capacity. The flux requirement to switch between them should be more than enough.

These augments should bascially change the way an avionic works in order to make it suitable for a use scenario. For example:

Particle Ram;

  • Augment 1 - Particle Shield - The Ram changes shape and envelops the Railjack in a bubble like shield that absorbs damage for x seconds/hits. The Railjack moves y% slower while this effect is active.
  • Augment 2 - Particle Nova - The Railjack comes to a stall, creating a particle ball in front of it and rendering the ship immune to damage. Damage "taken" while in the stance gets absorbed into the ball. When released (could be a flux drain/hold button mechanic), the damage is then dealt in a 750m(this needs testing, as distances aren't quite eye-bally in space) radial explosion, multiplied by something(seconds active, damage threshold etc.)
  • Augment 3 - Particle Vaccum - Particles flow outwards in a range of 1000meters, then inwards grabbing all the loot in the area. (Sort of like Hildryn's Pillage). This also deals some damage(enough to break containers, rocks and stuff)

This could also open up variety in normal modding. Like for example...right now...al we do is just pump HP and armor into the ship and call it a day.
This is the setup I use...ship's just pure bulk and firepower... Having the augments I described above, would maybe make me drop the Vidar Reactor in favor of one with more Flux, drop the Bulkhead to a lesser cost one etc. etc.



Another example of augments:
Blackout Pulse

  • Augment 1 - Seeker Pulse - Instead of one big pulse projectile, it shatters into 5-10 little seekers that stop and disable enemy fighters.
  • Augment 2 - Healing Pulse - Emits a 500m radial healing pulse of 250 HP/s for 5s(regardless of ally stat, this could mean that you could be in a crew ship on foot and get healed)
  • Augment 3 - Hijack Pulse - Hold the 1 key for 3 seconds, then discharge a pulse that converts the target into an ally for 30s. After the effect ends, its alert state is reset.


These are just some examples...I'm sure the devs and other memebers of this community can come up with far, far more and better ideas than I can. I wanted however to propose a way to make gameplay more varied without compromising slots, mods and other parts of the modding experience. Instead of having a separate battle avionic for what I just described,driving their number to 1500 out of which only 10 might be viable, existing ones can be molded into more specific tools.


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Here are the biggest problems:

- The fighters are overpowering for most AW.   To be fair, AW combat has never been very popular and has never been truly integrated into the game before now.  However, now you have to have good mods and a good frame just to have a chance of AW vs fighter combat.  Most players never took the time to fully develop their AW.   Most players only put in just enough effort to have a decent frame to make it useful on one of the Open Worlds.   However, all AW should be able to be used vs fighter, not just Amesha.  .  There is still some balancing needed by DE.  Perhaps, AW could have buffs added from the Railjack to help with balance?   Maybe there should be a minimum AW requirement as well for the different Railjack nodes?   Special gear items for railjack missions could also be helpful and add more fun to AW combat.

-  Intrinsics Tactical Lvl 4 is required to be able to teleport back to the RJ.   Without this, getting back safely after destroying a crewship  with an underdeveloped AW is extremely difficult,  can take a great deal of time (since the RJ can move great distances quickly)  and could be a deathtrap. Int Tact level 4 should be the minimum requirement for Saturn,   I would say that for Saturn and above, all intrinsics should need to be unlocked to level 4.


Other Suggestions: 

- What about planet nodes without cap ship combat objectives, but only the spaceport/hangar objectives?  Cap ships can still come in with fighters, but then players could then have  the choice to avoid them and go straight to the spaceport hangar objectives.   It adds a little variety and allows underdeveloped RJ to be used in missions.  Why not make a node where the side objectives are the main objectives?

- Fighting the enemies on the crewships or boarding parties is not fun.  It is just a grind.  It is not difficult, but just boring.  It is an exercise in use an Area of affect ability to capture the enemies and then attack the bullet sponges until they die.    What about a Railjack buff to players? Or perhaps some special gear items that can be used on RJ and Crewships to give players specific buffs or negative buffs vs enemies?  Or there could be a control panel on the ships that can give players buffs or negative buffs vs enemies when activated..   But keep the boarding party away or it can be used against your team?   That could be used on both crewships and RJ.

- Why are there no defenses to handle boarding parties on the ship?   Why do the crewships not have any defenses either?  

- Taking out a crewship is boring. It is just bypass the enemies, go straight to the reactor and take it out.   Maybe the captain should have the key to reactor shield, and you have to take out the captain to get it?   This could make having an ivara sneak aboard the enemy ships very popular strategy.

There should be multiple ways of handling the different objectives to make it fun to try different frames.

These ideas will make it very useful to have RJ captains recruit teams with specific make ups.  (Ivara to sneak aboard cap ships, Area of effect frames to handle the boarding parties.







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please remove refine option in the forge, random people join go to the forge, refine then you can't repair, failed mission now equals no Intrinsic, 20+ minutes of solo before they join is wasted...

Edited by alboon
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It has been said many times but i'll say it again, random stats RJ's weapon, we saw this system on liches , we disliked it...

It is so damn punishing, you don't have luck ? You're doomed and there's nothing you can do about it.

Please DE listen to us, get rid of this random stat system, we don't want to see this in future update.

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Countermeasure is not really useful compared with the other avionics in the same slot.  I have a few ideas to make it more useful.

- make it a toggle avionic, continuosly deploying X amount flare.

- make it emits a radial wave slowly expanding and destroy a projectile along the way.

- make it release flares and buff the shield with a chance to deflect an incoming projectile for a duration.

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Engine speed increases are wrong. my Zetki M3 shows an increase of 37.6 km/h but increases my railjacks speed by 188 m/s or 676.8 Km/h. your conversions are wrong. not sure how you even got them in the first place. 2nd place for funny issues behind the crewship stuck in the dojo wall. 

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Empyrean gameplay is very slow. Railjack systems and missions are not very complex.

As a mixture of 3rd person shooter and space game it feels like it is worst of both worlds at the moment.



Maybe we don't need such complex ship systems but right now it is too far away from keeping me awake. ;)

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There is a lot to like about railjack, and plenty of potential. The one thing that really needs to be nipped in the bud is the random stats on components and armaments that take huge investment to build. This needs to be removed, or at the very least, not expanded to any other part of the game. Liches were bad enough. 


I think you can have random stats on equipment that you can use instantly for no cost, or you can have equipment that takes a big resource investment. Both is just too much. It's making me want to just say forget the whole thing. 

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Things like the Pennant and Quellor blueprints glitching out and despite being shown in your inventory as you exit the galleon not showing up in your Forge, my advice would be to make them spawn as fully intact weapons that are automatically added to your inventory or just simply patch it to have them properly enter your inventory

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4 hours ago, retrogaming3000 said:

Things like the Pennant and Quellor blueprints glitching out and despite being shown in your inventory as you exit the galleon not showing up in your Forge, my advice would be to make them spawn as fully intact weapons that are automatically added to your inventory or just simply patch it to have them properly enter your inventory

There's something definitely weird with those awards, because I've received the Pennant 3 times, but it only showed up in the foundry - not in the end-of-mission reward screen. So if you see it in your rewards, you don't get it. If you don't see it, you might get it? 

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- 'blink'ing out of missile lock needed (described many times in detail why and provided possible solution). Or just make it a passive for Itzal.
- new AW flight: full stop great. In space: still great. Everywhere else: No. Simply no. Flying where you aim: majorly sucks. I wanna stay leveled/at the hight I placed myself and aim/look wherever I want without the need to constantly adjust my position. Flying over something while keeping your eyes on the ground is nigh impossible without constantly pressing space

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Suggest to add more visible target lock status. Suggest to add manual target lock with R key, and highlight target to team with double tapped R key.



Suggest to add 3d minimap for situational awareness.





Example taken from Star Conflict (2012). Here's a video of this game's space combat in action. Star conflict is a PVP game so a lot of attention has been put into situational awareness. Warframe could borrow some of that to make development easier.



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