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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack General Feedback Megathread


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Hotfix feedback:
We've done quick 4 missions in the veil and we've got 3 wreckages from the rewards... probably just lucky but the psychological uplift was strong in that department.
Still, I am mesmerized about the fact that from 3 rewards that you got at the end of the mission only ONE is able to roll something meaningful and rest is resources.
I have no use for those resources! I got 100k of each basic resource, something around 80k unused titanium and I have zero problems with Asterite ( i am not in 10k digits there but I was never lacking it when I needed to repair something) The uproar around railjack economics and horrible grind was mislead hyped bs. The rise of titanium drops was a good move but that was all that was needed. I am not even bothering with refining resources in mission, there is zero reason to do it. You must have some way to check the numbers and see how many resources were hoarded by people who actually play Railjack.
Anyway, don't tell me that not even a single person came with an idea to have a chance to roll wreckage reward from any of those 3 (4) possible rewards at the end of the mission? That way you could have a low chance for the desired drop but more rolls. Why is the amount of rewards not tied up to the number of objectives in the mission? So people might be motivated about doing harder missions with more bases etc?
Zetki APOCS are the best guns in the game now... cool. Carcinox rocks too, great. Cryophon? I didnt even tried it after the patch, was functional but boring weapon, so I cant say if u nerfed it too much. The reason for the particle weapons now feels so powerful is that the enemy's armor is much weaker...
Combine that with a Munitions vortex and you are playing Saryn in space. I really wonder if making it that easy was your actual goal with that fix. I hope that someone was really testing this and that those numbers weren't just random idea. If yes and this kind of effortless gameplay (after you acquire right tools) is your goal, then ok, no problem, I can imagine that big part of a community will be ok with it, but I fell under the impression that your idea is to make as do something with this update.
But yeah I love my apocs and carcinox even more now, I am just not sure if it wasn't better to buff weapons and not nerf enemies.
Something went wrong there. I am pretty sure there is some bug with lvl 10 gunnery skill, using artillery and then returning to pilot seat again. Anyway piloting Railjack now feels like riding a drunken whale. Which kinda has its magic (Now I am motivated to let the gunners do more work, coz I am not flying oversized combat jet) but I can imagine the wave of hate coz of that change... coz change.
Bless you, now it's fine. I presume you heard the cry out about lack of proper Vacuum for Railjack and that decision to not buff sucking abilities of our space school bus was intentional. I like it. I still have to do something in that pilot seat but I am not losing loot that was shot into depths of space after the explosion. People in other seats are calling to me like "hey there! on the right, some avionics!" and I CAN SEE THEM and go grab them. Thumbs up.
Can we got all lvl 10 intrinsics skills working properly in the next update?
Nice to see that there is a work in progress there, good luck, keep it up.   
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Cryophon v27.0.9

I understand why the damage on this weapon was cut. It had basically twice the DPS of the Apoc and quadruple the DPS of most other guns. But it went too far. Super over-correction. Damage cut by more than half. Critical hit multiplier dropped from 2x to 1.5x default (something true of no other railjack gun). Vidar, the house that specializes in critical hits, now has a 1.5x.

It can only be fired a handful of times before overheating. The only way to use it effectively is to be right on top of the target (unchanged by recent patch - I can tell no difference in the effective range). It is the only weapon that -should- be able to one-hit most fighters. And if you have the best of the best - a high damage bonus house mk3 cryophon with maxxed out hyperstrike, predator, and section density - and you cannot one-hit literally anything anywhere but a crewship or an outrider with a crit, then something is wrong.

Edited by rstripn
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Non-cryophon feedback post-patch 27.0.9

It is AMAZING to not have to worry about leaving critical loot behind.

* Thank you.

Photor still lists heat accretion values of 0, 2, 6, etc. when in reality it overheats as fast as or faster than similar fire rate other guns.

* Please either fix the listed heat accretion values or decrease the overheat rate to match.

The range on photor is crazy high now, but pulsar still only does appreciable damage at mid-close range. Other guns still feel the same as they did as far as effective range. 

* Please alter either the listed numbers or the actual falloff values so that they match.

In general, just looking at the stat block for weapons should be able to tell you what relative range they are effective at. Right now they don't, and that hasn't changed. By relative range I mean to other gun types; super long range, long range, medium range, short range, super short range, etc.

Edited by rstripn
Ranging improved dramatically in hotfix, making this feedback no longer valid. Thank you.
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16 hours ago, Tagadabiiatch said:

I won't lie

I hoped the hotfix would make me want to actually invest time in railjack. But after reading the patchnote and the feedback, i want to avoid it even more. I'll play it once intrinsics are actually farmable in a fun way with effective and cheaper weapons.


I realy hope you realize what you're doing


And looking at recruitment chat I guess we are not alone.

All the grind and just one mission type in a star chart far far away. Nop, thanks.

I think empyrean (and old blood) need way more time to grow. Until then.. back to warframe ;) 


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44 minutes ago, sorcer3r said:


And looking at recruitment chat I guess we are not alone.

All the grind and just one mission type in a star chart far far away. Nop, thanks.

I think empyrean (and old blood) need way more time to grow. Until then.. back to warframe 😉


Yep. If you want a picture of Railjack, imagine Gian Point stomping on a human face--forever. 

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With recent game updates [Liches \ Empyrean] brought a huge amount of RNG to the game. 

As we all know RNG is the cheapest and laziest way to keep a player in the game.  This method works well, but it causes players to burn out very quickly.


For example:

player A - spends a lot of time on the game, invests money in the game. Trying to farm something rare for a very long time and gets nothing in return. He does not get what he wants despite the time spent. Surrenders and throws a game that does not reward him for his efforts.\


player B - He plays a couple of hours a week. He enters the mission and receives from the second attempt what player A tried to get for months simply because he was lucky. And not rarely does he even suspect the value of what he received.


Rewarding for luck is not fair.

In the latest updates, this game only rewards those who are lucky. You create a system which does not care about the player’s efforts.


Over the past half year you have already lost about half of the active players



Start rewarding players for their efforts.
Enough to reward only luck.


De wake up, players burn out. You are losing players.

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Paper mache boats to fight in.

Pea shooter weapons to kill with on the aforementioned paper boats

AW's that cant survive the lowest level missions (one excluded)

AW guns that are pathetic

Horrible interior ship design where getting to key components is inefficient

Horrible ship controls that are slow to interact with - getting in/out of helm, turrets, forge interaction

Long cool downs on Tactical & battle avionics and forge processing.

Ship-killing forward artillery that can't kill a ship with a direct hit.

crazy damage falloff in space

Inefficient means of gather resources required for survival.


At first I blamed CY for the death of his original crew - I figured he was so busy making bathroom quips he neglected to tell them about crew ships that spawned, or boarding parties, or peppered them with commentary with minor hull breaches but didn't tell them when a catastrophic one occurred. But now I realize even if he were half competent, it wouldn't have changed the outcome.


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Farming for specific components and weapons in railjack is an absolute pain:

If we had some means to influence or change the stats on our ships components, similar to how void traces are used to change the odds of what we get from relics, then it would show the mode to have matured a little more, right now it seems as overly-optimistic as several other systems when they were first introduced.

If we're going to be saddled with trying to slog through an RNG system to get what we're after, then certainly the players can be given a means to mitigate the grind somewhat, and allow for players to further customize their railjack's stats and abilities; no?

Rivens have re-rolling and transmutation as a means to get around the limits initially present in the system.
Relics and their refinement are our way around the limits of the initial void keys.
We have some limited influence regarding the Kuva Lich's abilities and elemental damage bonus on their weapons.
Hek, we even have several warframes and augment mods to improve loot drop chances, but these only work outside of archwing/railjack space.

What we need is to find a way to implement something similar for railjack weapons/components.

Perhaps something along the line of a mission blueprint made in the foundry like the keys for some quests (Sands of Inaros.) A blueprint for a mission that is guaranteed to reward a specific railjack part. But a version of it with higher component costs to build it from scratch rather than repairing old salvage.
This component, built from the ground up, would have sub-component blueprints. With options for each segment that we would be able to choose for ourselves what we wanted. Just like building a modular weapon or pet moa.

Higher MK components would have a higher capacity for additional segments (MK 1 has 1, MK 2 has 2, etc.) which could all be the same to focus on a particular component stat, or they could all be different to build a decent generalist component.

The modular systems in use already lay an excellent foundation for the future if this route is followed. And the chance to make each player's railjack even more customized and as varied as each player's zaws and amps sounds like a lot of fun!

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The latest hotfix brought an enemy range indicator to the game but it's largely unusable without pinpoint perfect accuracy.


Can we just get the range of any enemies that we can see in front of us please? Or at least the first 5~10 closest to our reticle to prevent clutter.



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I dont know if it has been mentioned earlier or if DE is considering, but i´d like to propose that you let the Railjack equip and deploy titan extractors, you could use them to help you gather loot at the end of objectives or you could deploy it mid mission to help you gather resources quickly to forge something albeit at the risk of it being destroy.

Perphaps you could put ui elements to choose what kind of resource you command the drone to search for or do a general sweep, with is healt visible as a squad member with a button for a quick recall if it suffers damage.

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Can you stop being lazy and only implement the patches that screw people over only to postopne the fixes later? I mean I can balance the game in 5 mins with nerfs, but you have people who you pay a good amount of money just so that they can spend 5 mins a day to lower the numbers on thing that people find usefull, and you dont even playtest them after.

-You nerfed rhino and saryn buffing weapons (yea i know that was unintened but it was fun and usefull for killing a 90 FIGHTERS WHO ARE DODGING EVERY SHOT)

-You killed ivara intrinsics farm, the only way you could farm intrinsics in a decent way (the problem you created on purpose to gate the veil behind lvl 7 intrinsic) 

-You nerfed cryophon, the only weapon that was balanced for high level content. 

The thing you didnt change

-rng on reactors

-rng on weapons

-rng on drops (you kinda fixed it but not really, because missions take longer now so 2% before and 4% noww are kinda the same)

-rng on mission objectives

-amount of resources needed for crafting items

The general mission of railjack goes like this:

Get there, spawn black hole until everything dies, and board crewships. That takes 7-10 mins on average. Then either loot titanium for 5 more minutes while you fly in empty space or you restart the mission. Does that sound fun? Do you think that nerfing it will make it fun?

My suggestion is to tweak the rng, let us select the mission objectives, and increase the vacuum range and buff the drop rates on titanium and asterite because even with the new hotfixes they are still low for the amount of rng they have to cover and the amount of things you have to craft with them.

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Avionics - the mods of RJ

There's multiple things wrong with how this has been handled. 

  1. Lets start with the obvious: There shouldn't be several upgrades to the same avionic. 
    There's no other point to this than adding playtime. They do not offer variety. Either make choosing a house over another have value or get rid of this. There's no point in one house just being superior.
  2. Capacity: Capacity is king. Therefor taking anything other than the reactor which you can squeeze out the most avionic capacity is pointless. Having a higher flux-pool doesn't matter. Again, having randomness in this is pointless, as there's no reason to use anything other than the max capacity reactor.
  3. Battle & Tactical Avionics: Some should be available from the get-go or from syndicates. Having a ressource that does nothing until you get lucky is useless. Doesn't need to be something great, just something at all.
  4. Scrapping avionics could use "Scrap all duplicates". This would need to only scrap avionics if you have the same house avionic on the same rank at least twice.

Mandatory RNG section
I don't care if you do not want to get rid of randomness stats, because they're bad and they should go.
If you wanted players to accept it, the least you could've done is to keep the ranges smaller. It shouldn't be, that you can find a 2.5x better version of an item (Vidar 30 vs 100 avionics). Be more sensible about the ranges (90-100 avionics and 80-100 flux would seem more reasonable) and consider a less random approach (fixed possibilities, say a 90-100 avi 80-100 flux reactor had 10 points to spend with a x2 mod for flux so that you'd get combinations from 90avi 100flux to 100avi 80flux).

But you didn't do this and you're vehemently refusing to go back on something that is a very tedious mechanic that is not fun or enjoyable . The only thing I will feel if I ever get a 90+avi reactor is relief that I am done with this pointless task you've put upon your players. If I even manage to keep doing this.

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Something really needs to be done about all these host migrations. Can’t play a single game without somebody host migrating. It’s getting out of hand. And I don’t care if somebody else hasn’t encountered this issue. I’ve been encountering this issue a lot and it’s not my internet otherwise the rest of the squad wouldn’t be reconnecting with me after the migration. Never in the 3.5 years of playing this game have I encountered host migration this badly. 

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I would like to adress a few points in my feedback:

1. Battle Avionics and clear meta around them

2. Resoruces

3. Archwings

4. Breaches

5. Artilery


1. Battle Avionics

We all saw you trying to "fix" the meta around Railjack weapons, which is nice but while you do so, Battle avionics are overlooked.

Would you be suprised if I told you that only 2 Battle avionics are being used by players? Void Hole and Particle Ram. There are clearly most used Battle Avionics and nothing else is really standing up to them. Tether was interesting despite it is broken and explodes randomly and it's effect is gone - its RNG if this skill works. Also Seeker Valley, skill I was most hyped for - deals 0 damage above Earth.

Seeker Valley is simply useless, it doesnt do anything on Veil - it does like 10-20 damage which enemies can heal off instantly. I think there should be a % scaling on that or it's damage should be improved

Tether would be almost a perfect little replace for people that couldn't get the void hole. But its bugged and explodes randomly giving nothing back. Also why would anyone use Baby Void Hole instead of Void Hole?

I did not get to try more of the avionics (despite particle ram i mentioned above) but people already say they simply dont stand up.

I think you should take a look at battle avionics and give players the choice, not only leaving Void Hole and Particle Ram supreme over everything else.


2. Resoruces

I got tons of diffrent resoruces and after the changes Economy looks mostly fine despite Titanium. While other resoruces drops everywhere and are required like 8k per part, Titanium have way less places it can drop from and amounts needed for parts is double the other resoruces.

I think there should be some tweaks to Titanium drop.


3. Archwings

I dont think there is much new to say from me:

Odonata - Was a tanky starting archwing, now dies from everything and even it's shield doesnt work properly

Itzal - It is not used after the removal of blink. Look its second ability allowed you to stay cloaked and move if you used blink during it. I Think you should put stealth of Itzal on a duration and increse drones damage to make it viable.

Elytron - His abilities, all of them (despite 2) works on a system "hit a wall to trigger" it was nice in closed spaces of archwing missions but now it has to be changed. As it was the monster DPS it should stay on it's pedestal of DPS Archwing. Change 1st ability as its useless totaly, 2nd is ok, 3rd allow us to detonate it during flight like void hole, 4th same as with 3rd ability and increse of damage

Amesha - THE Archwing of railjack. Im mad because community said since this archwing was added that its broken, but archwing missions were so unpopulated DE just let it slip. Now as it causes problems in the newest expansion its time for fixes. Well good. Balance it out with other archwings and we are good.


Archguns and Melee

Archwings deal 0 damage to Railjack ships (not mentioning few examples - hi Cyngas meta) All weapons should be balanced for railjack so players can have a choice to stay on guns or fly around, it should be up to player to choose. So all of the guns should be balanced over in Archwing missions AND Railjack so all choices are more or less viable.

(Same for archwings)

Removal of hitscan also hit hard as there is no indicator where to shoot on archwings like we have on RJ guns. Either speed up the projectile or give us indicators like on railjack, cuz this change made RJ archwing and normal archwing hardly enjoyable experience.


4. Breaches

From the day one I saw the abuse of 60 seconds timer and immortality afterwards. Im happy you are adressing that and I hope you will continue to do so, as RJ doesnt feel hard after you learn this trick. Its only the matter if my ship is fast enough to pick up resoruces to get to repair breaches.

Please keep working on that cuz if this stays - RJ doesnt feel as challenging anymore...


5. Artilery

It was a cool concept to have such gun on our ship. But on veil it starts to get useless... I get it that you dont want players to just pew pew CrewShips (CS) off the sky one after another. My solution? Decrease ammo to 3 or 2, incerese damage like A LOT and lets see how it works.

Also as every part of our ship can be customized and changed - Guns, Shield, Engines etc. We cant do anything about this artilery. Maybe allow it so shoot out seeker valleys? Allow for mini tethers? Allow it to buff railjack or debuff enemies. Just make the gun more viable - give it more super powerful options but limit their usage and increse costs to use them. Let them be super powerful destroyers or super powerful debuffers or buffers. It can be added as reward on upcoming corpus tilesets. Just think about it, to make every part of RJ more or less viable.


Thank you for reading~

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1. We asking for some kind of vacuum range buff for Railjack or even a avionic to upgrade Railjack vacuum range --> DE "oh let's us highlight the drops for you" btw the vacuum range right now still bugged , most of the time you actually have to fly right next to the mod or Wreckage to loot it.

2. DE " Players will now have ~3 seconds of invulnerability when exiting the Railjack or a Point of Interest!  " --> oh great 3 bloody seconds , it's completely useless for ppl with high ping and most of ppl just playing with regular internet speed. Plus the bloody crewship still shooting at you even after you destroyed the core. C'mon DE you should known this better.

3. "Asterite Resource pickups now reward 2x as much Asterite" --> nice one , wreckages tier 3 cost at least 1k or even more than 1.5k. Asterite usually pick up like 1-2 per drop and now you x2 it. Nice math indeed , that gonna help a lot.

4. Doubled the chance of obtaining Wreckage from End of Mission Rewards --> did you fix the random stats ? no ? so give us x2 chance to get a piece of junk with stats worst than the basic come from dojo research ? 


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I really enjoy this update, thank you.

One suggestion I would like to see, is something like a "favorite" feature added to scrap items. It gets tedious having to compare stats with everything every single time I go to make room by scrapping stuff...especially since they shift order in the list after scrapping ( A B C becomes B A after scrapping C, for example). If I could favorite which items I like or want to keep (but haven't had the resources to repair yet) it would make scrapping stuff a lot quicker. It would be a pleasant QoL increase.

As far as reactors and capacity go, I'd like to see polarization, such as "House Fittings". This would work in the same manner forma does for frames and weapons, except it would apply to specific houses. Once polarized with a "Fitting", an Avionics slot would accept that house's mod at a reduced capacity cost (like say -33%), while other houses it would increase capacity used if they occupy that slot (+20%). I think this would alleviate some of the stress of trying to find high grade reactors, while allowing for more varied customization of each players Railjack.


Edited by Vaeldious
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2 hours ago, SECURATYYY said:

Can we get a custom indicator for ramsleds? The new one for crewships is a very welcome addition. Sometimes Cy is talking too much, and by the time he announces 'ramsleds inbound' they're like 10 ft away and its too late to react.


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2 hours ago, SECURATYYY said:

Can we get a custom indicator for ramsleds? The new one for crewships is a very welcome addition. Sometimes Cy is talking too much, and by the time he announces 'ramsleds inbound' they're like 10 ft away and its too late to react.

Yeah this is a feature we need, getting hit by ramsleds is a pain, especially when solo.

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