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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack General Feedback Megathread


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It is NOT unreasonable to expect even the casual gamer to have some semblance of courtesy. Every Railjack participant knows the amount of resources and time it takes to make a ship so if anyone, regardless of MR, gets aboard MY Railjack, there should be some basic respect and courtesy to NOT use the navigation to select a new mission or terminate the existing one, without asking the OWNER!

While I agree that the owner should have some control over the Navigation console, it can cause problems, such as when the host is out of revives and the rest of the crew can't return back to the drydock after the mission because no can access the console! I have no expectations about any public crew that boards my ship with regards to how actively they participate during the mission. But I do expect my public crew to NOT do things that could jeopardize the completion of the mission (especially after being asked NOT to) such as: refine the forge unnecessarily, or use ship abilities that require crafting in the forge to refill, such as Flux!

My experience with Railjack crews has been generally positive, but yes there are the occasional #$&(%-bag players that sour the mission, but such is life and you just move on.

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Unpopular opinion but I have to say that the tanky enemies DO technically encourage players to actually use CC frames. 


If we nerfed the enemies then well... People are just gonna start using Saryn to demolish everything again. And before you know it, railjack becomes another ESO. 


Until DE starts implementing more mobs with better behaviour, I don't think nerfing enemy health is going to do anything. And I am not condoning the state railjack is in btw. However, I do not think the enemies are part of the problem behind railjack 

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11 hours ago, Thaxano said:

i'd prefer see you out of this thread instead of start another fight...

i'm tired to speak with people that doesn't see warframe in a serious way, if you're not able to see that there's a difference with being free and being a burden for the general evolution of the mission, a can't do nothing for you, feel free ton never come back, like the other one, this thread isn't about whining but to find a solution for toxic people and i mean by that people who are a burden for the progression of the objective and i should just say to  844448 if you want to make it personnal just go to my DM and i will not read you instead of flooding this thread with non-sense... it was late i didn't think about that

I don't take warframe serious because the game doesn't in it self. In my time playing Wed do endurance runs and spend 3+ hours in defenses survivals and heck we even did endurance runs with disruption upon release the game has no want to take itself serious so why should a player do so. And this is coming from a former defender of de. Neglect of balance and the constant hand holding of the game has made the community like simply put you. Expecting random players to cater to your every whim and playstyle and at the slightest inconvenience you're livid and it's hilarious.holding a.random person in a video game to certain "expectations" because "I want them to play how the game is ment to be played and their rude and annoying" holds no true weight other than you seem to expect the world to cater to common a common uncommon rule of thumb "be nice and helpful" especially in a video game where the objective is to play how you like and complete the missions. Nobody is toxic for using up all your resources on a ship that may I mind you fufills upon going back to the dry dock. The mission was completed and you are annoyed simply put. 

Also you shouldn't say that I might just get back into wf and do rj with randoms even if they are using up all my avionics amd Flux etc guess what. It's going. To be right there when I return to dry dock if they aren't playing the way I'd like oh well hope their having fun. If I don't like how their playing I don't have to play with them again and hopefully interact with them again. As well as if I do run into them again I can simply leave the mission.  Either way that's a great solution. Leave I guarantee you it's quicker then wasting your time upset and remaking to get a more efficient outcome.

Also the methods you come up with. Make no sense and hold a true double edge sword not only for squad based matchmaking but the host as well. Leading to more griefing in the long run and even more complaints from you all making the situation even worse. The only thing I do agree with is having a vote function for rj because being able to just go anywhere without the teams vote is counter productive being that a precedent was set with regular missions requiring a vote or a countdown to start. 


That also brings me.to the next question. Why do you feel entitled to someone's respect if you can voice your own opinion as them being toxic and Or a leech because they aren't playing in your suggested playstyile. It sounds to me you're more toxic then anything and I can see why your matched with those who irratate you if that be the case. Demanding or assuming a random person again will offer you respect in a game or any platform where social anonymity exists is hilarious. They don't have to care nor do they. They don't know you your expectations or how you feel in general. Most people queue in pubs to just complete missions and doesn't care what happens. If and again if you want control over your session. Run a pre-made. Expecting again people to feel obligated that since we all had to grind out rj we should treat everyone with this unreal level of respect and courtesy is far from realistic. Everyone did the same thing as you. Most people don't care as we're ALL trying to farm resources as fast as possible for us to get our ship as strong as possible. It's human nature. Would I be upset if I wanted to run for tricaps in pubs and I see an excal with a mote Amp that's fishing all game? Nah because at the end of the day what is me getting upset or ranting going to do or trying to get him to do what I want going to achieve? 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)sinamanthediva said:

It is NOT unreasonable to expect even the casual gamer to have some semblance of courtesy. Every Railjack participant knows the amount of resources and time it takes to make a ship so if anyone, regardless of MR, gets aboard MY Railjack, there should be some basic respect and courtesy to NOT use the navigation to select a new mission or terminate the existing one, without asking the OWNER!

While I agree that the owner should have some control over the Navigation console, it can cause problems, such as when the host is out of revives and the rest of the crew can't return back to the drydock after the mission because no can access the console! I have no expectations about any public crew that boards my ship with regards to how actively they participate during the mission. But I do expect my public crew to NOT do things that could jeopardize the completion of the mission (especially after being asked NOT to) such as: refine the forge unnecessarily, or use ship abilities that require crafting in the forge to refill, such as Flux!

My experience with Railjack crews has been generally positive, but yes there are the occasional #$&(%-bag players that sour the mission, but such is life and you just move on.

This about sums up my opinion and experiences with Railjack so far. it doesnt take long for someone to figure out the basics of the game: at that point basic courtesy ought to kick in and you leave things along unless directed to by the host/owner of the boat (henceforth called the Captain).

It's actually pretty simple: Captain flies the boat, and Captain uses the nav console to determine where everyone goes. The flip-side of this courtesy coin is that the Captain doesnt just queue up missions that he feels like doing, but rather asks the crew what they want to do first. Give and take. I do agree that the Captain should not be only person to have control of the nav console though, for the exact reasons you gave.

Not wasting resources by blasting flux energy or dome charges is yet another courtesy you'd think people would have because it's in a player's own best interest to not waste things or refine unnecessarily.

Unfortunately, some people cant help themselves but be trolls and there's just nothing you can do about it but move on, or play solo.

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hace 20 horas, (PS4)sweatshawp dijo:

That's subjective and again an expectation vs actual reality.

People play how they want to have fun and being completely realistic their fun may differ from yours

Yea m8, I know its subjective. But different concepts of 'having fun' does not justify that behaviour. U sayin spam battle avionics, waste flux energy, waste teammates work and time, picking missions without ask the crew it's ok bc they are having fun. i must respect that bc they having fun?, bro i know here in the forums must be a guy sayin we all are wrong... but u wild bro lol

hace 20 horas, (PS4)sweatshawp dijo:

Yes if they are having fun what are you going to do about it yell and scream @ them on the forums? "So effective!" 

They are having fun being parasites, YES, of course i will yell and scream in the forums, as MANY other players do. So in my crazy mind DE will notice we are a lot of players complaining about this issue and maybe do something about it, just that easy as locking battle avionics for gunners and adding a vote option for next mission, just that easy.


hace 20 horas, (PS4)sweatshawp dijo:

In rj pubs you join with the frame you want on a ship with other players who objectively want to complete the mission that's enough to be said and again being realistic here it's publics you can't expect someone to care about how you want them to play.

Totally agree, randoms do not have to care about how i want them to play, but this doesn't mean they just can join and sabotage the mission bc maybe they don't know what to do. I kindly ask them or suggest them what they can do, I always ask randoms what they what role they want pick, sometimes my 3 teammates just wanna do gunners or engineer i have to do crewships myself as well, and it's totally ok. What it's NOT OK it's sabotage the mission bc u are having fun.

hace 20 horas, (PS4)sweatshawp dijo:

It's seems like an issue if you're upset on the forums about it. And I always say you attract the energy you place in this world. I never ran into afkers or leeches and usually get pretty chill people because I don't care how a random does in a public setting it's warframe not a trial on eso the missions going to be completed regardless 

Oh c'mon man, i attract the energy i place in this world? So that's why u ALWAYS get chill and helpful people, and my karma is sooo bad, that i always get leachers and afkers, c'mon dude that's so cheap lmao. I will ask my unicorn if he can help me to be a chill person.

Even YOU, eventually will get this kind of players, no matter the energy u have placed in this world.

Yeah m8, you are sooo right, and we are sooo wrong.

Whatever, it's late over here and don't want to keep going with this discussion, now just wanna have a nice time with my sons and wife, Thanks Karma i have them.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)l-p4p-I said:
20 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:


Yea m8, I know its subjective. But different concepts of 'having fun' does not justify that behaviour. U sayin spam battle avionics, waste flux energy, waste teammates work and time, picking missions without ask the crew it's ok bc they are having fun. i must respect that bc they having fun?, bro i know here in the forums must be a guy sayin we all are wrong... but u wild bro lol

There is no defined negative behavior. As for one de themselves hasn't deemed this as an issue. It's a personal gripe.  You get all that filled back up upon returning to dry dock it's not as if it's as limited as one would assume the way people complain about it. At the end of the day the mission generally gets complete regardless. Also I stated the only thing I actively agree on is adding mission voting or requiring the ship captain to start mission votes. 

Other then that yes. When have we ever been actually tasked with resource management In wf and with that ask yourself how many people actively have a rj complete. On top of that there is no tutorial for rj or an immediate need for resource management outside of the resources used to repair your ship. And to be frank even then once your rail jack gets built decently enough you rarely ever need to watch your resources.

Also you don't have to respect anything just as you're a random to them they are a random to you vice versa. But complaining and expecting someone to play how you want them to or how it's "expected" from some unknown entity leads you here upset on the forums. 

16 minutes ago, (PS4)l-p4p-I said:

They are having fun being parasites, YES, of course i will yell and scream in the forums, as MANY other players do. So in my crazy mind DE will notice we are a lot of players complaining about this issue and maybe do something about it, just that easy as locking battle avionics for gunners and adding a vote option for next mission, just that easy.


DE still hasn't fixed host migration issues and simple strings of code to optimize performance in many many many instances. 

DE still has long standing bugs with power donation and if your cheeky enough to know about some old exploits  some Still work to this day. To this day people still complain about vote kick and an auction. House and those two features have yet to and are unlikely to be implemented in game. Locking avionics won't happen because of the grief potential and while you may say "yay nobody touches my weapons without MY PERMISSION GRRRRR" Thaf one big factor will make rj very more unfun than what it is now making the active players even smaller. Yes your happy but the general population won't be and overall results in a less active game mode. Meaning it'll be harder to get a group of randoms and you'll be forced to smaller groups something you're presumably trying to avoid if your upset randoms are touching yer toys. It also leads directly into griefing  you being seen as more of a nuesense  because. It's literally just a rail jack pub mission and if you're that upset about.someone using up all yer stuff don't go on rj or don't play pubs because again you get it back upon returning to DD

23 minutes ago, (PS4)l-p4p-I said:

Totally agree, randoms do not have to care about how i want them to play, but this doesn't mean they just can join and sabotage the mission bc maybe they don't know what to do. I kindly ask them or suggest them what they can do, I always ask randoms what they what role they want pick, sometimes my 3 teammates just wanna do gunners or engineer i have to do crewships myself as well, and it's totally ok. What it's NOT OK it's sabotage the mission bc u are having fun.

How often do you fail a mission because even in rj I've yet to fail even when my ship was suck with randoms who were of little aid to me. It's not sabotage as people are using avionics to kill enemies. It's not like they burn your ammunition and just instantly leave the game. That. Would be griefing and even then you can report someone for such. You're upset because people arent again playing how you'd like.


25 minutes ago, (PS4)l-p4p-I said:

Oh c'mon man, i attract the energy i place in this world? So that's why u ALWAYS get chill and helpful people, and my karma is sooo bad, that i always get leachers and afkers, c'mon dude that's so cheap lmao. I will ask my unicorn if he can help me to be a chill person.

Even YOU, eventually will get this kind of players, no matter the energy u have placed in this world.

Yeah m8, you are sooo right, and we are sooo wrong.

Whatever, it's late over here and don't want to keep going with this discussion, now just wanna have a nice time with my sons and wife, Thanks Karma i have them.

I'd say in a way yes. I don't let people upset me in a game such as warframe or any game really even in my run ins on smite lol and for honor I'm usually very level headed as overall if something goes wrong it's a game especially in pve games where I can just redo or remake with ease if I'm not satisfied. Instead of getting all bent up over little Timmy spamming yer black hole mind you he's trying to kill enemies and it's likely that he just has fun shooting black holes and killing things. Not because he's some horrible.person with plans to sabotage your rj experience. Realize it's warframe a game you where people can play literally however you want to. And little Timmy doesn't care about you or your feelings.


I run into plenty of non helpful people especially in my time in wf I've ran into pppl who don't want to stay as long as me in endless missions. People who don't like how I play those who like to troll and try to go out their way to bother me. Those who've sent me messages via psn about my opinions via forum (it's so funny hearing people that upset over me) I've had it all. You know what I do? I play the game how I want and keep it Pushin someone don't wanna stay till rotation x y Z I'll just solo it.

Not stabbing or stabbing yer lich I don't care i have fun my lich will spawn whenever.

Good old loki and switch teleports I used to preemptively fire a seeking shuriken to get kills and actually thank the loki cause he just may have got me out of a tough spot (not really I just love to let people know their efforts failed) or being that I mainly would run ash I'd just teleports back and continue with my journey. 

Afk? Kids prolly busy idc I still got my rewards. 

We even ran into a guy who held the last shard hostage while we were doing tricaps so I got bored and played my shazwin. Currently I was learning unravel on my ps4 controller and I do know the jojos theme('s) well enough to put an actual guitar  player to shame. Even so that's far an few that I meet anyone who's annoying and if then. Poof I just leave the mission and wow they are gone.  Other then that If I'm in pubs I'm running a mission beat it say my ggs and leave.

I hope you enjoy your family as well. No this is not a snide comment as I do have a heart believe it or not but I just don't understand how people think dictating and assuming once is a leech because their playstyle isn't compatible with yours is sound thinking it makes me sad to know my elders think like this 

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16 hours ago, 0verridden said:

Unpopular opinion but I have to say that the tanky enemies DO technically encourage players to actually use CC frames. 


If we nerfed the enemies then well... People are just gonna start using Saryn to demolish everything again. And before you know it, railjack becomes another ESO. 


Until DE starts implementing more mobs with better behaviour, I don't think nerfing enemy health is going to do anything. And I am not condoning the state railjack is in btw. However, I do not think the enemies are part of the problem behind railjack 

The enemies tankyness is so ridiculous that people don't even bother with CC, saw some players just spamming invisible frames, or demolishing everything with ridiculous high damage builds (Kuva Bramma equipped on Mirage for example... yes, it is loud as you can imagine).

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I dont have this issue myself, but some friends of mine who do not have their Railjacks built yet have this problem and it really bothers me.

Players need to be able to access the 'configure railjack' terminal in the dojo even if they dont have their own railjack built.
First, this allows them to access and upgrade their intrinsics without having to leave the party, go back to their orbiter, then be re-invited when they're done.
Second, right now there is no way for them to scrap wreckage, so if they play more than just a handful of missions they're going to max out on wreckage capacity and lose any subsequent loot. It's not fair to them that they can't see their own loot because their boat isn't done. I'm sure this was probably just an oversight, but it's a big oops that needs immediate resolution. Either give them access to the terminal so they can manage their avionics and wreckage, or deny players access to railjack, in it's entirety, until they've finished building their boat.

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DE needs to fix the balance in Railjack for Archwings....

I want to be a figher for my mothership (the railjack).  instead, I'm the fly that keeps getting swatted out of the sky that can only annoy other ships until I happen to drop into a crew ship and blow up the reactor, or go do an objective.  It would be really nice if all the prep work I did into building out my archwing arsenal could function in Railjack.... or Railjack actually used the same damage system as the rest of the game >.>

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2 hours ago, OrSpeeder said:

The enemies tankyness is so ridiculous that people don't even bother with CC, saw some players just spamming invisible frames, or demolishing everything with ridiculous high damage builds (Kuva Bramma equipped on Mirage for example... yes, it is loud as you can imagine).

I've only ever been able to deal with RJ enemies at any appreciable pace with the eminently breakable melee heavy attacks, my guns are flat out useless and I dunno how much further I could possibly crank them.

The issue here is one of outliers. There was some big damage-outliers, and DE jammed crack into grineer veins until they were decent for that... And left like 95% of guns in the dust.


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Il y a 23 heures, (PS4)sweatshawp a dit :

I don't take warframe serious because the game doesn't in it self. In my time playing Wed do endurance runs and spend 3+ hours in defenses survivals and heck we even did endurance runs with disruption upon release the game has no want to take itself serious so why should a player do so. And this is coming from a former defender of de. Neglect of balance and the constant hand holding of the game has made the community like simply put you. Expecting random players to cater to your every whim and playstyle and at the slightest inconvenience you're livid and it's hilarious.holding a.random person in a video game to certain "expectations" because "I want them to play how the game is ment to be played and their rude and annoying" holds no true weight other than you seem to expect the world to cater to common a common uncommon rule of thumb "be nice and helpful" especially in a video game where the objective is to play how you like and complete the missions. Nobody is toxic for using up all your resources on a ship that may I mind you fufills upon going back to the dry dock. The mission was completed and you are annoyed simply put. 

Also you shouldn't say that I might just get back into wf and do rj with randoms even if they are using up all my avionics amd Flux etc guess what. It's going. To be right there when I return to dry dock if they aren't playing the way I'd like oh well hope their having fun. If I don't like how their playing I don't have to play with them again and hopefully interact with them again. As well as if I do run into them again I can simply leave the mission.  Either way that's a great solution. Leave I guarantee you it's quicker then wasting your time upset and remaking to get a more efficient outcome.

Also the methods you come up with. Make no sense and hold a true double edge sword not only for squad based matchmaking but the host as well. Leading to more griefing in the long run and even more complaints from you all making the situation even worse. The only thing I do agree with is having a vote function for rj because being able to just go anywhere without the teams vote is counter productive being that a precedent was set with regular missions requiring a vote or a countdown to start. 


That also brings me.to the next question. Why do you feel entitled to someone's respect if you can voice your own opinion as them being toxic and Or a leech because they aren't playing in your suggested playstyile. It sounds to me you're more toxic then anything and I can see why your matched with those who irratate you if that be the case. Demanding or assuming a random person again will offer you respect in a game or any platform where social anonymity exists is hilarious. They don't have to care nor do they. They don't know you your expectations or how you feel in general. Most people queue in pubs to just complete missions and doesn't care what happens. If and again if you want control over your session. Run a pre-made. Expecting again people to feel obligated that since we all had to grind out rj we should treat everyone with this unreal level of respect and courtesy is far from realistic. Everyone did the same thing as you. Most people don't care as we're ALL trying to farm resources as fast as possible for us to get our ship as strong as possible. It's human nature. Would I be upset if I wanted to run for tricaps in pubs and I see an excal with a mote Amp that's fishing all game? Nah because at the end of the day what is me getting upset or ranting going to do or trying to get him to do what I want going to achieve? 

i will not read that


Le 26/02/2020 à 01:06, (XB1)sinamanthediva a dit :

It is NOT unreasonable to expect even the casual gamer to have some semblance of courtesy. Every Railjack participant knows the amount of resources and time it takes to make a ship so if anyone, regardless of MR, gets aboard MY Railjack, there should be some basic respect and courtesy to NOT use the navigation to select a new mission or terminate the existing one, without asking the OWNER!

While I agree that the owner should have some control over the Navigation console, it can cause problems, such as when the host is out of revives and the rest of the crew can't return back to the drydock after the mission because no can access the console! I have no expectations about any public crew that boards my ship with regards to how actively they participate during the mission. But I do expect my public crew to NOT do things that could jeopardize the completion of the mission (especially after being asked NOT to) such as: refine the forge unnecessarily, or use ship abilities that require crafting in the forge to refill, such as Flux!

My experience with Railjack crews has been generally positive, but yes there are the occasional #$&(%-bag players that sour the mission, but such is life and you just move on.

maybe a special condition for when the captain can't revive himself who trigger a come back to the dojo can be add to the rest then

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18 minutes ago, Thaxano said:

i will not read that


maybe a special condition for when the captain can't revive himself who trigger a come back to the dojo can be add to the rest then

Posing a topic for discussion then refusing to read a rebuttal because of length in a discussion is quite counter-intuitive 

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On 2020-02-24 at 6:56 PM, Thaxano said:

basically what i ask can sound like "my railjack, my rules" that's all and it's not much

I can have the best door locks on a BMW that money can buy but that doesn't mean there aren't still neighborhoods (pug) I wouldn't dare park it in if I don't want to face the risk of losing those sweet rims.


On 2020-02-24 at 6:34 PM, Thaxano said:

i have to play with people if i want to go further on the railjack mission...

P.S. No you don't.


But then all joking aside...

I do understand what you are saying and agree that the matter could be pulled off in a better capacity than it is.

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Il y a 12 heures, (PS4)sweatshawp a dit :

Posing a topic for discussion then refusing to read a rebuttal because of length in a discussion is quite counter-intuitive 

i told you before, if you want to make it personnal dm me and i will not read it, if you want to start another fight i will not feed you like i feed the other one, i don't want to loose my time to trying to explain to someone that things can be better than this is when he can't stop thinking things like "if you don't think there's a problem, there's no problem, let the world burn, what you gonna do? stop every one?" and this thread isn't about trying to convince everyone but to improve a solution and hopeflling raising it to the dev, if you don't want to be a part of the solution, there's other topic where you can try your best to tell everyone that your vision is the best, but we don't care here...

your way of thinking is stupid and counter productive, so ok you've give your opinion more than once even if you come in the topic saying "is this about whinning again? i don't want to read one more line" well i'm tired of reading you and i will not loose my time further, like you love to say "what you gonna do? force me?"

Peace bro

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Il y a 3 heures, Aesthier a dit :

I can have the best door locks on a BMW that money can buy but that doesn't mean there aren't still neighborhoods (pug) I wouldn't dare park it in if I don't want to face the risk of losing those sweet rims.


P.S. No you don't.


But then all joking aside...

I do understand what you are saying and agree that the matter could be pulled off in a better capacity than it is.

yes i've to, i'm not powerfull enough to use the railjack at his full power only by myself 😕

Thanks for the support 👌

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31 minutes ago, Thaxano said:

i told you before, if you want to make it personnal dm me and i will not read it, if you want to start another fight i will not feed you like i feed the other one, i don't want to loose my time to trying to explain to someone that things can be better than this is when he can't stop thinking things like "if you don't think there's a problem, there's no problem, let the world burn, what you gonna do? stop every one?" and this thread isn't about trying to convince everyone but to improve a solution and hopeflling raising it to the dev, if you don't want to be a part of the solution, there's other topic where you can try your best to tell everyone that your vision is the best, but we don't care here...

your way of thinking is stupid and counter productive, so ok you've give your opinion more than once even if you come in the topic saying "is this about whinning again? i don't want to read one more line" well i'm tired of reading you and i will not loose my time further, like you love to say "what you gonna do? force me?"

Peace bro

It's not about being productive if you're going to limit other players by " being a leech" and yes what your doing is whining. Things won't be better by controlling who is able to do what via ship because of griefing potential and other factors that would.make rj less enjoyable for others.

I'm not here to tell everyone it's my way or no way but everyone posting about public matchmaking short of asking for voting in rj makes no sense. It's like the stab lich situation imo and is pointless. They aren't going to punish a player for not using your suggested playstyle and it's clear. Explain to me how adding restrictions to rj use of weapons would further benefit the game mode rather then seriously stunt it 

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Il y a 2 heures, (PS4)sweatshawp a dit :

It's not about being productive if you're going to limit other players by " being a leech" and yes what your doing is whining. Things won't be better by controlling who is able to do what via ship because of griefing potential and other factors that would.make rj less enjoyable for others.

I'm not here to tell everyone it's my way or no way but everyone posting about public matchmaking short of asking for voting in rj makes no sense. It's like the stab lich situation imo and is pointless. They aren't going to punish a player for not using your suggested playstyle and it's clear. Explain to me how adding restrictions to rj use of weapons would further benefit the game mode rather then seriously stunt it 

i've already say it, focus the member on the tactic to finish the mission and avoid waste of time/ressource/productivity
Other people already told some situation they have to face sometime and i've the same memories they've

and add an OPTION to orientate the focus of everyone on the tactics to have isn't that bad that you say, yes there's some people who will abuse of it, like people abuse the patience and the peace of other people rightnow by having the utility of a chicken without head or just don't want to cooperate.

As the "captain" of the ship he should have the right to organize the tactic to apply... that's all and you do not agreed with that, everyone can see that from the start of the page 2 so, stop trying to impose your opinion to everyone, It's useless and it doesn't help to improve the idea like other people was able to do before and after you've come with your sourness...

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4 minutes ago, Thaxano said:

i've already say it, focus the member on the tactic to finish the mission and avoid waste of time/ressource/productivity
Other people already told some situation they have to face sometime and i've the same memories they've

and add an OPTION to orientate the focus of everyone on the tactics to have isn't that bad that you say, yes there's some people who will abuse of it, like people abuse the patience and the peace of other people rightnow by having the utility of a chicken without head or just don't want to cooperate.

Adding an OPTION won't do any good. (You see how random caps make no importance to your statement?) coming ina random session and being  LIMITED DURING PLAY.  (Ahh I see why you guys do it it's fun) isn't engaging or fun. The general masses. Matchmaking would take longer because again. People don't like being limited in a public setting where they are just trying to complete the mission.

In cases of people using your avionics. In most cases from what I've seen people are spamming abilities in effort to try to kill enemies. The general throught process of me is oh they just like it and thinks it looks cool they are trying to kill enemies and probably don't have it on their ship or rj at all. My guns are strong enough to do the work without my black hole or my missiles or my various other mods I farmed mostly solo along with my intrinsics. I don't care cause when I go back to the dojo my resources will be filled back up. Not "oh my God he's spamming avionics stawp I work hard for that stop it stop it stop it play how I want."

In many cases said player is helping achieve the obj. Player is flying around trying to kill ships with their archwing or cc.tanking with nesha(yes I've seen it) they are still trying to kill enemies and also with that said being productive to the mission having fun with their setup. I don't say get back in the ship or go do something else because they have a right to play how they want to. Guy who gets resources from the back before anyone can refine. Oh okay cool I'll just go back to dojo and remake if I want to. Hope I don't run into that loading glitch cause ya know. Rail jack buggy.

Someone goes back to dojo without my perms or instead of having team voting function we are forced. This is the only thing I actively agree on.it needs to have a team vote for missions. 

In warframe they don't have to cooperate to get the job done. It's been this way for years.  Trials and eidlons were and are the only thing in the game that "require" actual co/op along with orb. And even then the content can be soloed or you can do your own thing in game and progress just as fine via any mission pretty much. The game has been leaning toward solo play for years and with it being a co-op game I am somewhat against that idea.  Nobody is abusing your patience. Do people like I said earlier. Use up all your Avonics and leave mid mission. Most people die in rj due to being out and a crewship does  crewship things tut other then that it's still very few deaths from what I've seen and heard around rj. The cosma grinder and sentients are just tanky. So it's not like ppl are just braindead. People collecting resources after a.mission ends is generally a sign that they might want to leave and if so common sense would tell you hey let me leave so I don't have to deal with the pain of low resources. And even so during the mission. Unless your rj is severely weak and damaged it's still not as important being tat you get the resources back at a decent pace. You're idea and even option to impose restrictions in a public match made setting with the current implentstion would cause players to do more of A or B.

Play solo even more.

Or Do Premades even more.

Thats my point

more  people would already be more willing to do what you apparently can't because your friends aren't online or etc. 

Adding a vote function. Is sound however limiting player playability isn't. 

Give me a different option such as gating rj behind the requirement that you have to have rj completed to play which would at least run into more people who hopefully feel the same as you. Or a better matchmaking system that allows you to search for people who have a set amount of intrinsic hopefully they'll feel the same as you or something (it's called recruiting chat atm not trying to be rude but yes recruiting chat can help you with your issues but I'm not opposed to players being able to refine matching to a certain  degree)

25 minutes ago, Thaxano said:

As the "captain" of the ship he should have the right to organize the tactic to apply... that's all and you do not agreed with that, everyone can see that from the start of the page 2 so, stop trying to impose your opinion to everyone, It's useless and it doesn't help to improve the idea like other people was able to do before and after you've come with your sourness...

I don't care about forcing my opinion on. Anyone you're Goin to do and think how you want it's human nature. But I do belive your opinion is more self centered and less productive this my said view on things. However if me reading your initial paragraph and seeing How it's worded I see someone whining on the forums and that usually gets a serious eye roll and snide remarks. Calling someone a leach or a lazy player etc etc just dosent seem like you want to be productive. It seems lime your using inflammatory  statements to push your agenda and hopefully find like minded individuals to help in aid of such.

I can also say your opinion is useless as an entire rework to matchmaking would be more likely than limiting a players acessablility and choice of combat  in game. But I guess my opinions wrong 

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On 2020-02-24 at 7:34 PM, Thaxano said:

Hello guys m i alone to need something to make people STOP using the f... map without any permission? Same for the artillery and stuff of course...

How can we put to the attention this idea to the dev?:

Put a menu, anywhere to BLOCK the acces to any stuff separately in the railjack to every people? They waste the ammo, waste the ressources to refull unecessary ammo, they CHOOSE A MISSION ON THE MAP OF YOUR OWN RAILJACK when nobody asking for, and especially before we can refind all the ressources we got in stock.. personally it's start to peace me off REALLY bad... i can't count how many people i want to punch in the face since i start to do railjack mission, between the noobs on earth with a level TWO in mastery who don't know anything of what they're suppose to do and the people on saturn who shoot crewship EVEN when a member of the squad shoot himself in it... the amount of ressources wasted by people who just want to do what THEY want and don't even think about the rest of the squad or the tactical plan we follow is aberrant...

PLEASE, add a menu where you can block the access of the map, the heavy weapon, etc etc

AND allow people to vote BEFORE going on a mission or in a dojo from the railjack and allow the host to refuse it, PLEASE!!

PS: in before people told me "play alone or with you friend", the amound of my friend who like playing warframe isn't enough to fill up a squad and i have to play with people if i want to go further on the railjack mission...

Alternatively, limited ammo for railjack weapons and repair paste should not be a thing.

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