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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack General Feedback Megathread


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I also twitted it but I come to point out a real and annoying problem about a recent change of Railjack's navigation for players that wants to farm while in matchmaking but without being trolled.

At the release of Empyrean, the navigation of the Railjack was only accessible to the host and captain of the Railjack. Now, it's being open and accessible to the entire crew, wich give to anyone the right to end the mission when they decide to, forcing everyone to leave the map without even a vote or a warning. Thus, some of the players (either trolls or just ignorant BUT arrogant players) are trolling anomaly missions, rushing to the hidden objective (won't spoil and please don't ask about it here if you dont know what I'm referring to) then to the ship to force a teleport on the Railjack for the entire crew, forcing us, captain and other players to leave the map that didn't have the time to get what they wanted. Some bad players even try to provoke the crew after doing it wich remind us the toxic part of warframe. 

I'm always the patient type about changes but this one is really affecting my and others game experience since we have to wait 3 hours to see an anomaly mission. And yes, I can and could do them solo but we shouldn't be forced to choose a matchmaking we don't want. Plus, DE is known for not liking solo players and not encouraging this gameplay so I suspect it's just a mistake.

So please, revert back to how it was at the release where only the captain can decide when to leave OR make it a gameplay toggle option (but not a vote system) as soon as possible. 

A captain has to be knowledgeable and ask his crew when and where they want to go at the end of missions but he's the one and only supposed to lead the mission and ideally teach the crew. Players that don't have enough game knowledge should never have the lead on important decisions that can impact others players game experience. 

Thank you.

Edited by Sven_Lazar
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Zoom on Railjack guns could Vacuum.

Have you been on the guns, helplessly watching the pilot cruise right past a patch of resource?
Does your squad mate queue up the next mission before you could archwing out and collect everything you saw in the skirmish?
Maybe you're primarily the engineer, and this has tempted you to jump out mid-fire fight..

This would be an active way to give some greater loot collection from inside the ship, without an arbitrary massive vacuum range.

Hold Zoom with the cursor on a resource out in space.
The loot will be dragged toward the Railjack, until it can be picked up.
We'd be able to snipe resources that might have been potentially lost and/or necessary. 😃

Could be good.

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Galvarc's range is... 600m?
A longer range (1600m) with stages of damage fall off would be far more serviceable.
The charges are limited supply with a reload cooldown.
Can't see why I'd equip this as is when I can have a near unlimited range seeker missile instead.

Same thought with Cryophon.. the severe heat accretion + stunted range, along with a shoddy hit detection of structural points? Nah. Gonna pass on that weapon.
Maybe a jet of cold like a burst-fire ignis, with a longer range, slow moving, weaker cold projectile.

I like that there are powerful close range options.. though they lack a fundamental versatility. Some range is needed, else your whole ship needs to optimize for all these close range shenanigans, that you may well out perform with long range/low effort, instead. Sacrificing so much survivability, pulling off dedicated maneuvers, far higher risk, the weapons most difficult to use, most finicky cooldowns, etc... for, as far as I can tell, a relatively negligible dps bump. Close range bonus is a good idea, but not feeling worth the pile of restrictions. These options could even be worked into a school of guns, but depending if my findings are consistent with your usage statistics, the base functionality might need a pick me up.

I have not run the numbers or tried them in veil yet, so my thoughts may change. First impression is they (Galvarc/Cryophon) feel off, though. They were appealing in theory, but underwhelming by comparison to other options in practice, both in range and overall practical functionality.

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Since PS4 doesn't have its own megathead, I'm going to post this here. The fix to the RJ ability menu have made it so you can't activate the tactical menu while piloting or using a gunnery station. For example, if I want to use any tactical abilities, I have to dismount the station I'm on, hold the ability menu button, and press D-Left to open the tactical menu. Holding the ability menu button while mounted doesn't give the option to open the tactical menu, nor does pushing the button do anything, where previously it would prior to the Warframe Revised patch. Since Railjacks already don't have a ton of bindings already, how about making the tactical menu its own keybinding in the RJ controller customization page, instead of solely a sub-menu to the ability menu?

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If there's a railjack event coming out, you really REALLY need to put a childlock on some of the ship's functions. This means that the host should be able to disable other players using:

-The navigation console

-The helm

-The large cannon

-Missiles (or that other secondary weapon that nobody ever uses)

-Ship abilities (eg. void hole)

-Refining resources

It doesn't matter whether it's due to incompetence or malice, the net result is the same. Someone enters your game and messes it up.

I'd say that the majority of players here would be doing the event either solo or in public matches. Railjack in public mode is horrible.

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3 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

If there's a railjack event coming out, you really REALLY need to put a childlock on some of the ship's functions. This means that the host should be able to disable other players using:

-The navigation console

This is the most important one. Make sure that people can't just random-walk the ship to Earth missions at the end of an event attempt.


Also, any news on Vidar weapon damage bonuses?

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9 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

If there's a railjack event coming out, you really REALLY need to put a childlock on some of the ship's functions. This means that the host should be able to disable other players using:

-The navigation console

-The helm

-The large cannon

-Missiles (or that other secondary weapon that nobody ever uses)

-Ship abilities (eg. void hole)

-Refining resources

It doesn't matter whether it's due to incompetence or malice, the net result is the same. Someone enters your game and messes it up.

I'd say that the majority of players here would be doing the event either solo or in public matches. Railjack in public mode is horrible.

I'd like one more:  They can't create something from the forge if the amount created plus the existing amount exceeds the capactiy for that thing.

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DE you gotta do something about Slingshots.  

If you jump in a slingshot when someone else is in there it completely breaks the game..  Block slingshot access if someone else is already in the cannon.  Or make it so multiple people can use it at the same time.  


You made crewships rounds not able to home in on archwings.  What about Missile Platforms.  Those were made to destroy RJ's how can the missile home in on and track archwings???  That is the WORST point of interest to deal with because if you have to take out the radiators yourself you will get nuked if your not super fast.  

Also it would be really really nice if people could board points of interest and disable their defenses so the RJ could get close to take out radiators..... 

How do dieing crewships launch boarding parties?? 

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19 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

I'd like one more:  They can't create something from the forge if the amount created plus the existing amount exceeds the capactiy for that thing.

That would also be a useful limitation, though I would probably relax it if the mission's over and there are no more hostiles left.

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3 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

That would also be a useful limitation, though I would probably relax it if the mission's over and there are no more hostiles left.

That would make sense, here's a few more things I'd like to see changed:

  • The "refine all" button is removed
  • Resources (in mission) are given marker that would fall behind enemy markers, so it's easier for the pilot to get the resources
  • Ship resources can be added to in the dry dock by the ship's owner
  • Ship resources never are "zero'd out" in a mission, but only added to based on what the group finds.
  • Summarizing what we've been talking about, when there's an active mission going on, the refinery will show you how much of a given supply you can make, and will prevent you from making more supplies than the ship can hold.  Once you're in free mode, this restriction is lifted.
  • Anything that is still firing on the ship after the mission ends so it can be dealt with during the mop up phase

And while we're at it, I'd love to see something akin to Windows ACLs (Access Control Lists), specifically for these things:

  • Railjack Pilot (uses Piloting Intrinsic)
  • Tunguska Cannon (uses Gunnery Intrinsic)
  • Navigation
  • Side Turret (uses Gunnery Intrinsic)
  • Archwing Launcher (uses Gunnery Intrinsic)
  • Forge (uses Engineering Intrinsic)
  • Repair (uses Engineering Intrinsic)
  • Tactical Avionics (uses Tactical Intrinsic)
  • Ordinance (does not include Tunguska Cannon)

For each one there should be two dropdown lists, one for Tenno, and the other for Crew (NPCs).  Each dropdown list will have enabled, ranks 1-10,  and "disabled" - with disabled being that the tenno (or crew) can't use whatever you've set, enabled allowing a either group to use something, and a rank setting a minimum use requirement that cannot be lower than the actual use requirement (so someone would still need at least gunner R5 to use the Tunguska Cannon).  For example, I can set the tenno option on pilot, tunguska cannon, navigation, and ordinance to disabled, and then set the tenno options for the side turret to R2 (360 view), set R5 on the forge (be able to make everything), and set repair to R1 (complete repairs quickly).

So back to crew, they will (at minimum) act as frontline defense against boarders and also handle the repair work.  Crew should have the restriction that they cannot leave (nor pilot) the railjack, with each rank of the Command Intrinsic increasing the total number of crew while also granting them the ability to do various things aboard the railjack, giving the captain the ability to hire up to 10 crew (which should be captured liches and mercs available from the various factions once you're at max rep with them).  Crew also use the captain's intrinsics for their own.  If the crew are assigned to a side turret, a tenno can kick them out of the turret if the tenno would rather use the side turret.  The advantage to crew is that it allows the pilot to be able to safely leave the ship and join the rest of the players exploring stuff or rushing objectives so the captain isn't forced to be in the captains seat the entire time.  So what we'd see with the ACL would be Pilot, Navigation, and Archwing Launcher would be permanently set to disabled for the Crew, and I'd likely set Tunguska Cannon and Ordinance as disabled to avoid the NPCs from derping on things that really should be left to the players.

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Things i would enjoy very much in the railjack

  1. The visibility of the aim-marker + in the turret/pilot HUD.
    • The little white one showing the spot where you have to shoot in order to hit where the enemy is gonna fly to. That little marker is the most important thing in the pilot/turrent HUD and it's the least visible. Some games make that marker better visible. Some connect the enemy fighter to the marker with a line. 20 year old games like Freespace, Starlancer did it, and modern games like Star Citizen do that. Please do it!
  2. Map overlay switching according to where you are ( in RJ, in space, elsewhere )
  3. Icons next to the players showing where they are and hat they do (pilot icon, turrent icon, space icons, boarded icon )
  4. The avionics icions and tooltipps could be more useful and more clear.
  5. Using turrents there are very often visual errors that block the screen, mostly black polygons.
Edited by CortiWins
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Both for the Railjack and Archwings. I'm unsure what a good value would be for the Railjack (but definitely should be significantly higher), but Archwings are particularly bad. Right now you have to be 50m away from an item to pick it up, which in space is nearly within melee range. The range should be increased to AT LEAST 300m. Why 300m? Because teleports take you 500m forward, so making the vacuum range 300m means you wouldn't be able to accidentally "jump over" loot.


It feels really obnoxious to have to wait for a ship to finish spiraling out of control for 1-2s before exploding and dropping its loot, especially in an Archwing because of the non-existing vacuum range. Though BY FAR the worst offender of this are crewships. If you detonate the reactor from within, you have to wait for HALF A MINUTE to get the loot, as you first have to wait for 20~ second for it to explode, and after it has exploded, you need to wait an additional 10~ seconds for the smoke cloud from the explosion to completely clear out... THEN it finally drops the loot.

Looting in general feels really annoying in Skirmish, and in dire need of QoL improvements.

Edited by Redpaws
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This kind of reminded me of Eve only with 2020 graphics.

I am liking whats been started so far and look forward to see where it goes.


Some feedback that may already been posted ?

Sticking at doorways in the railjack is number one complaint I have, funny that Grendal doesnt seem to have that problem.

Also getting stuck on the railing in the lower part of the ship, choke point for ship fluid pathing.

Loot in space is not easy to spot and gets passed up often.


Feedback on game play,

I am surprised that the personal landing craft wasn't considered for more of a role even before the railjack,

Maybe it still can be added to this new part of the game ?

I would like to see more status in the railjack especially in the forge area, maybe an always on while in the ship, ui display showing ship and forge status ?

Why so much titanium to make things, will mining be added later, not asking for that unless its part of the railjack and not manual.


New Feedback,

Refining/Empty the forge should be by railjack owner only. 



Edited by ccgomega
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Refining on the railjack needs to either be taken away completely.  or controlled by the captain with some kind of confirmation on screen. it makes it so I need to go back to the dojo before any quest to restock.  thats a huge waste of time  2 loading screen, fast travel to dry dock,  re stock, get back on rail jack and then re commence the quest again (or choose another) 

instead of being able to control who is allowed. or have some kind of confirmation window for the Captain of the group.  simply bringing up a dialogue box like when someone invites you to a quest,  but instead the confirmation is for refining the engineering.  this would be much more preferable than loosing all that time on restocking between quests. 

those with SSDs and high end computer it may not be a big deal with good load screens, but with a few people with medium to poor setups the load screens would take a good chunk of time between quests. 

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Also, I didn't realize the Bug report page for railjack was locked. I hope my issue will be viewed here. 

when piloting or using the side guns I'm unable to open the tactical screen,  i need to drop out of the driver seat, and open the menu. 

I've tried it a few times in a few missions and the issue stuck after a reboot.  I'm not sure if that is the way it's supposed to be,  but not being able to select the tactical screen map, members cameras or tactical commands for freezing boarders or putting out fires is annoying.

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On 2020-03-17 at 4:12 AM, DoomFruit said:

If there's a railjack event coming out, you really REALLY need to put a childlock on some of the ship's functions. This means that the host should be able to disable other players using:

-The navigation console

-The helm

-The large cannon

-Missiles (or that other secondary weapon that nobody ever uses)

-Ship abilities (eg. void hole)

-Refining resources

It doesn't matter whether it's due to incompetence or malice, the net result is the same. Someone enters your game and messes it up.

I'd say that the majority of players here would be doing the event either solo or in public matches. Railjack in public mode is horrible.

Yes all of this. some hotkeys on all of this for owner of the railjack.

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For better or worse, Railjack is a typical product of DE's strategy of rushing out new content as quickly as possible.  The upside is it adds yet another module, providing a fundamentally different experience from the rest of the game.  The downside is that it is half-baked - signifincantly flawed both on a technical and on a conceptual level.  I will try to go over the multitude of problems I have encountered while playing.  Unfortunately, this only scratches the surface.

1) The economy is terrible.  Warframe, in general, suffers from a disconnect between resource costs and resource availability.  This is most readily apparent in major research/crafting projects such as the Hema or the Sibear.  Railjack is no exception.  Obtaining the Titanium necessary to repair parts for your ship requires a great deal of dedicated farming.  This process is made incredibly monotonous by the lack of variety in the available missions, the variation in the stats (randomized within a certain range), and the low drop chances of the parts themselves.

2)  The progression is terrible.  The Intrinsic system is currently among the worst, most intolerable grinds in the game.  The main problem isn't even the sheer amount of time you need to spend leveling them up but rather the tedium of doing so. If you want to level weapons, gain standing, farm focus, you can equip the appropriate weapon/sigil/lens and play the game normally.  If you want to gain Intrinsics, you have to play the same Railjack missions over and over.  Even worse, you are disproportionately rewarded for killing enemies normally, rather than focusing on Railjack-specific activities (shooting down ships, completing mission objectives, repairing, etc.). 

On top of all of this, the rewards for unlocking higher skill levels are meager and spread too far apart.  Why does it take as many Intrinsics to get from level 9 to level 10 as it does from 1 to 9?  Compare this to unlocking Operator abilities, which is similarly time-consuming but paced much better.  The ultimate rewards (Waybounds) are actually useful throughout the game, rather than applicable to a very small number of specific situations.

3) Railjack is filled with terrible design decisions.  This is, again, true of Warframe as a whole, but the number of times I've looked at something in Raljack and thought to myself: "What where they thinking?!" is genuinely concerning.  Why is the ship so confusing to navigate?  Why is it so poorly explained what happens to rewards and resources at the end of a mission?  Most players think that they have to go back to the dry dock to not lose anything.  Why are players forced to abort if they want to quit, but someone else chooses to continue on to another mission or to farm resources?  Why do random players have control of the navigation in the host's ship?  Is it so difficult to add an extract option for individual players? Why is the Anomaly event timed?  This encourages people to abandon games and force host migrations.  Why are squads disbanded if someone tries to join a Railjack mission from their Orbiter?  Why does the refine button exist?

4) There is an enormous number of bugs. Some of these are minor (Mk I parts dropping in the Veil, archgun graphics persist outside of archwing mode).  Some are major (missions are impossible to complete because Crewships don't spawn).  However, these are incidental or minor annoyances as long as you are the host. 

Conversely, it is difficult to overstate how bad Railjack feels to play as the client.  Every single issue with the typically dysfunctional Warframe matchmaking is magnified tenfold.  Enemies are hard to hit because they are not actually where you see them onscreen.  Parts of the screen are obscured.  Doors do not open.  The camera locks in place and refuses to move, persisting even past the end of the current mission.  Abilities and movement become temporarily (or permanently) disabled.  Turrets (and other parts of the ship) become unusable.  The screen goes completely black.  Dying (no matter the number of available continues) results in a permanently glitched state that cannot be reversed until mission end.  Crewships become unkillable, teleporting you around inside.  There are, honestly, more bugs than I can list in a reasonable amount of time.

Releasing anything with this many technical problems is ludicrous.  Failing to fix them for months afterward is completely unacceptable.  It's still shocking to me that DE plans to use Railjack as the starting point for even more content, when it is borderline nonfunctional outside of singleplayer.


In the end, I've found Railjack to be one of the worst additions to the game in all of my 6.5 years of on-and-off playing.  Some of this has to do with my inherent distaste for Archwing content (especially following the Itzal nerf).  However, most of it is because Railjack is unbelievably repetitive and unfathomably buggy.  Adding more mission variety, adding more abilities (grinding 512 Intrinsics to unlock some Railjack-only power is just laughable), halving the Titanium cost of parts, removing part RNG, adding some basic quality-of-life improvements, and most of all, TAKING THE TIME TO FIX THE UTTERLY OUTLANDISH NUMBER OF TECHNICAL ISSUES would go a long way towards making Railjack playable.  All it is to me, at the moment, is Mastery fodder.

Edited by am0rtized
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5 hours ago, am0rtized said:

For better or worse, Railjack is a typical product of DE's strategy of rushing out new content as quickly as possible.  The upside is it adds yet another module, providing a fundamentally different experience from the rest of the game.  The downside is that it is half-baked - signifincantly flawed both on a technical and on a conceptual level.  I will try to go over the multitude of problems I have encountered while playing.  Unfortunately, this only scratches the surface.

1) The economy is terrible.  Warframe, in general, suffers from a disconnect between resource costs and resource availability.  This is most readily apparent in major research/crafting projects such as the Hema or the Sibear.  Railjack is no exception.  Obtaining the Titanium necessary to repair parts for your ship requires a great deal of dedicated farming.  This process is made incredibly monotonous by the lack of variety in the available missions, the variation in the stats (randomized within a certain range), and the low drop chances of the parts themselves.

2)  The progression is terrible.  The Intrinsic system is currently among the worst, most intolerable grinds in the game.  The main problem isn't even the sheer amount of time you need to spend leveling them up but rather the tedium of doing so. If you want to level weapons, gain standing, farm focus, you can equip the appropriate weapon/sigil/lens and play the game normally.  If you want to gain Intrinsics, you have to play the same Railjack missions over and over.  Even worse, you are disproportionately rewarded for killing enemies normally, rather than focusing on Railjack-specific activities (shooting down ships, completing mission objectives, repairing, etc.). 

On top of all of this, the rewards for unlocking higher skill levels are meager and spread too far apart.  Why does it take as many Intrinsics to get from level 9 to level 10 as it does from 1 to 9?  Compare this to unlocking Operator abilities, which is similarly time-consuming but paced much better.  The ultimate rewards (Waybounds) are actually useful throughout the game, rather than applicable to a very small number of specific situations.

3) Railjack is filled with terrible design decisions.  This is, again, true of Warframe as a whole, but the number of times I've looked at something in Raljack and thought to myself: "What where they thinking?!" is genuinely concerning.  Why is the ship so confusing to navigate?  Why is it so poorly explained what happens to rewards and resources at the end of a mission?  Most players think that they have to go back to the dry dock to not lose anything.  Why are players forced to abort if they want to quit, but someone else chooses to continue on to another mission or to farm resources?  Why do random players have control of the navigation in the host's ship?  Is it so difficult to add an extract option for individual players? Why is the Anomaly event timed?  This encourages people to abandon games and force host migrations.  Why are squads disbanded if someone tries to join a Railjack mission from their Orbiter?  Why does the refine button exist?

4) There is an enormous number of bugs. Some of these are minor (Mk I parts dropping in the Veil, archgun graphics persist outside of archwing mode).  Some are major (missions are impossible to complete because Crewships don't spawn).  However, these are incidental or minor annoyances as long as you are the host. 

Conversely, it is difficult to overstate how bad Railjack feels to play as the client.  Every single issue with the typically dysfunctional Warframe matchmaking is magnified tenfold.  Enemies are hard to hit because they are not actually where you see them onscreen.  Parts of the screen are obscured.  Doors do not open.  The camera locks in place and refuses to move, persisting even past the end of the current mission.  Abilities and movement become temporarily (or permanently) disabled.  Turrets (and other parts of the ship) become unusable.  The screen goes completely black.  Dying (no matter the number of available continues) results in a permanently glitched state that cannot be reversed until mission end.  Crewships become unkillable, teleporting you around inside.  There are, honestly, more bugs than I can list in a reasonable amount of time.

Releasing anything with this many technical problems is ludicrous.  Failing to fix them for months afterward is completely unacceptable.  It's still shocking to me that DE plans to use Railjack as the starting point for even more content, when it is borderline nonfunctional outside of singleplayer.


In the end, I've found Railjack to be one of the worst additions to the game in all of my 6.5 years of on-and-off playing.  Some of this has to do with my inherent distaste for Archwing content (especially following the Itzal nerf).  However, most of it is because Railjack is unbelievably repetitive and unfathomably buggy.  Adding more mission variety, adding more abilities (grinding 512 Intrinsics to unlock some Railjack-only power is just laughable), halving the Titanium cost of parts, removing part RNG, adding some basic quality-of-life improvements, and most of all, TAKING THE TIME TO FIX THE UTTERLY OUTLANDISH NUMBER OF TECHNICAL ISSUES would go a long way towards making Railjack playable.  All it is to me, at the moment, is Mastery fodder.

I don't agree with most of your listings, especially after the updates but I understand some of your gripes with it.

I'm a huge fan of railjack and, when the intrinsic system was first shown, I immediately understood that the intrinsic system was not meant to be rushed and cleared but buffs over time. It's a long term functional vessel for future missions so why allow near instant progression? Just like with focus wayward abilities, these intrinsic mechanics stay with you in railjack but take a considerable amount of time to achieve completely. No problems there.

The size and layers of the railjack itself is clearly a method to express a sense of alarm and urgency, no different than when you see space or ocean movies where the crew is scrambling to put out fires or fix water breaches. Again, DE does not design Warframe to be instant win. It's a seven year running, highly artistic game with a ton of detail that the creators hope you enjoy and take your time over. It's no fun if everything is simple to do. Communicate and act to destroy the enemy, then explore and wander through detailed terrain and potential secret locations.

If this was the original release, then you'd have a point with the bugs but, considering you wrote this 5 hours ago, I have to say I've yet to experience 5% of the bugs you mentioned unless I'm playing with a host with horrible connection.

As for the economy, again, I would've been with you if this was the original release. The economy is well done in my opinion and only gets a bad rub from those who just want everything now. Explore, collect, recycle your old gear and reuse it for your new gear. No issues there.

I'm 100% with you on the sentient ship. I'd rather it be the reward for clearing the veil than to have it appear randomly in time.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)GEN-Son_17 said:

The size and layers of the railjack itself is clearly a method to express a sense of alarm and urgency, no different than when you see space or ocean movies where the crew is scrambling to put out fires or fix water breaches. Again, DE does not design Warframe to be instant win. It's a seven year running, highly artistic game with a ton of detail that the creators hope you enjoy and take your time over. It's no fun if everything is simple to do. Communicate and act to destroy the enemy, then explore and wander through detailed terrain and potential secret locations.

This doesn't make sense to me from a from a narrative standpoint or a design standpoint.  Why would these ships be made more more confusing for the crew to traverse?  Like, during a battle, how is it not extremely detrimental to end up next to the drive when you want to get to the forge?  There's a magical omnitool to fix every kind of hazard, but the layout is so confusing that rookie crew members have trouble navigating it?  Why not just make repairing hazards more involved?  What this looks like to me is the triumph of design over common sense.  In any case, the Tactical Intrinsic lets you skip all of this entirely, so I struggle to understand why it's necessary in the first place.


6 hours ago, (PS4)GEN-Son_17 said:

I immediately understood that the intrinsic system was not meant to be rushed and cleared but buffs over time. It's a long term functional vessel for future missions so why allow near instant progression? Just like with focus wayward abilities, these intrinsic mechanics stay with you in railjack but take a considerable amount of time to achieve completely. No problems there.

I think you misunderstand my point.  As I've said in my first post, the problem isn't really that it takes the same amount of time to get from one level to the next as it did to get to the current one from the level 1.  The problem is that there's nothing in-between and the rewards don't get better as you go.  I'm currently sitting at 9 9 9 9, and I'm only halfway to the end of the grind, but I only have 4 abilities left to unlock.  Furthermore, these abilities aren't even worth it.  Why would I care about turrets snapping to enemy fighters when they're desync-ed in multiplayer anyway?  The amount of time spent on unlocking level 10 is utterly incongruous with what you obtain for getting there.

When it comes to Focus, the abilities you get are much more useful (the Operator can be used everywhere, including Railjack missions), and there are multiple abilities you can pick up along the way to unlocking Waybounds.


6 hours ago, (PS4)GEN-Son_17 said:

If this was the original release, then you'd have a point with the bugs but, considering you wrote this 5 hours ago, I have to say I've yet to experience 5% of the bugs you mentioned unless I'm playing with a host with horrible connection.

I have not played Railjack upon release.  I started about two month ago.  All of the things I listed I have had to deal with in the past month.  I'm glad that you've managed to avoid the worst of it, but I experience some kind of technical issue in every mission unless my connection with the host is flawless.  If the connection is horrible, then the issues are horrible.  I basically have to pray there won't be a softlock.  This is absolutely not the case anywhere else in the game, including open world areas.  If DE cannot design around the limitations of peer-to-peer hosting when it comes to Railjack, then they should offer dedicated servers.  Right now, the best way for me to play is solo.


Rereading through my initial post, I've come to realize that my main problem with Railjack (apart from the BREATHTAKING NUMBER OF BUGS) is that there's just not enough to do for how long you're forced to play to get rewards.  I'm fine with smaller updates, I wouldn't even mind if DE stopped adding new content and focused on fixing some of the problems they've been ignoring.  However,  if they plan on coming out with something big like Railjack, then it should feel like it's worth playing.  It shouldn't be a frustrating slog, which forces you to replay the same Exterminate mission hundreds of times.  Fortuna, for all its issues, was a great example of how to do Warframe content.  Empyrean is an abysmal one.

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8 hours ago, am0rtized said:

This doesn't make sense to me from a from a narrative standpoint or a design standpoint.  Why would these ships be made more more confusing for the crew to traverse?  Like, during a battle, how is it not extremely detrimental to end up next to the drive when you want to get to the forge?  There's a magical omnitool to fix every kind of hazard, but the layout is so confusing that rookie crew members have trouble navigating it?  Why not just make repairing hazards more involved?  What this looks like to me is the triumph of design over common sense.  In any case, the Tactical Intrinsic lets you skip all of this entirely, so I struggle to understand why it's necessary in the first place.


I think you misunderstand my point.  As I've said in my first post, the problem isn't really that it takes the same amount of time to get from one level to the next as it did to get to the current one from the level 1.  The problem is that there's nothing in-between and the rewards don't get better as you go.  I'm currently sitting at 9 9 9 9, and I'm only halfway to the end of the grind, but I only have 4 abilities left to unlock.  Furthermore, these abilities aren't even worth it.  Why would I care about turrets snapping to enemy fighters when they're desync-ed in multiplayer anyway?  The amount of time spent on unlocking level 10 is utterly incongruous with what you obtain for getting there.

When it comes to Focus, the abilities you get are much more useful (the Operator can be used everywhere, including Railjack missions), and there are multiple abilities you can pick up along the way to unlocking Waybounds.


I have not played Railjack upon release.  I started about two month ago.  All of the things I listed I have had to deal with in the past month.  I'm glad that you've managed to avoid the worst of it, but I experience some kind of technical issue in every mission unless my connection with the host is flawless.  If the connection is horrible, then the issues are horrible.  I basically have to pray there won't be a softlock.  This is absolutely not the case anywhere else in the game, including open world areas.  If DE cannot design around the limitations of peer-to-peer hosting when it comes to Railjack, then they should offer dedicated servers.  Right now, the best way for me to play is solo.


Rereading through my initial post, I've come to realize that my main problem with Railjack (apart from the BREATHTAKING NUMBER OF BUGS) is that there's just not enough to do for how long you're forced to play to get rewards.  I'm fine with smaller updates, I wouldn't even mind if DE stopped adding new content and focused on fixing some of the problems they've been ignoring.  However,  if they plan on coming out with something big like Railjack, then it should feel like it's worth playing.  It shouldn't be a frustrating slog, which forces you to replay the same Exterminate mission hundreds of times.  Fortuna, for all its issues, was a great example of how to do Warframe content.  Empyrean is an abysmal one.

Sorry man but your post is weird to me. You've played a significant amount of Railjack for completely different reasons than me which could explain that. I'm at 7 9 9 7, completed the veil and am now hunting for the Shedu. I've enjoyed the learning curve, mastering the ship layouts and working with a well oiled crew (try changing your ping settings to fix your variable rando connection problems. I'm running at 250-300).  To each their own I guess.

In regards to the year of fixes, that's exactly what they're doing. However, that goes as far as three feet before the internet does what it does best: contradict itself. 

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Kindly enable Vacum kind of ability/mod/feature (for resource gathering) for the Railjack.
Logically, when r wasting 12k Titanium on building any wep or part, this is the least bit u guys can do to make it a littble bit agonizing and excruciating for players who dont want to drift in dark and chilly space just to have that 20 pieces of Titanium.

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Because the event doesn't allow me to pug railjack missions, I tried a couple of regular railjack missions. Both failed.

Totally wished railjack had a solo mode. It's like survival missions and how awful that feels playing solo pug because of how the spawns are handled. But in railjack, it's much much worse.

And it doesn't take that long to see how bad the system feels as a solo pugger, making me baffled why this hasn't been addressed yet.

I don't even know what to play in this game anymore... the new content isn't fun to play.

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I'm still confused as to why RJ missions don't require members to vote before departing like every other mission.

This causes so many issues in scarlet spear with people talking to NPCs or being in loading tunnel from a previous mission getting stuck in infinite loading if host starts right away...

And same if non-host picks a node in the navigation during a mission, that needs a vote because it's not their ship in the first place...

Or simply vote always, if someone declines the same rule as regular squads apply, they appear with "X" and if they X again they leave squad.

Leaving squad in RJ should do the same thing it does in open worlds, migrate to solo, allows people to collect loot and what not without being forced along with the RJ.

The host's RJ could stay as a departing point since they can't navigate to other nodes anyway (only dojo) as it's not their RJ.

Edited by HunterDigi
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