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(PC) Empyrean: Bug Report Megathread


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here are some of the bugs i have noted:

1) wukong's passive ability [immortal]   doesnt work in Rail jacks archwing mode like it does in normal archwing missions

2) resource drops are rates are bugged, pustrels drop rate in perticular is buggy, not dropping enough compared to its counterpart; is it meant to be rarer than the other one from vallis?

3) loot is not evenly shared among team members, I have run RailJack missions with 1 group for 4 hours and we all noticed that many of our loots count did not match and at some particular missions one person for example received 0 pustrels while i received 40 (both were inside the railJack he was navigator and i was engineer)

4) the loot suction seems a bit buggy at times, when you just fly past the resource and its not picked up so have to manually collect the loot when in archwing mode.

5) archwing guns are still visible to the player when entering and exiting both the crew ship and railJack.however other party members cannot see this glitch.

6) blue prints / parts for weapons not being shared with all the party/team members. encountered this 3 times so far 

7) objective waypoint system pointing to an area/objective where you have to destroy the reactor (hack the system) while inside the astroids when playing as the "away team" points to area outside the map / which is not accessible most of the times behind a dead end door. have to leave and re-enter to make it work but this only helps 50% of the time

8 ) after the mission ends some times the mission summary screen only displays for a few seconds then vanishes

9) after finishing some missions from railJack and returning to Dojo primary / secondary weapons are still equipped (holstered) and can be fired as if still in game / mission mode.

10) itzal archwing's 2nd ability to cloak before the crew ship arrives still allows the crew ship to target the player and launch missiles at them (i.e killing them) happend to me about three times so far, idk if those three times i was just unlucky with it being just buggy or if that is the case with every one. still need to test it out more.

11) unable to access the arsenal section inside railjack after finishing the mission this is particularly annoying if you want to just jump straight into next mission on the starchart

12) drop chance booster and double resource booster not working properly at times. (same drop as when running with out drop chance booster and there have been some runs when my count was slightly higher than others which looks like some drops were doubled but not all)

13) octavia's song is always being played at default (original quest track) unable to save changes, also the option to have the volume off doesnt seem to work anymore.

14) after the crew ship is destroyed there seem to be a lag in updating the ui (with crewship count)


ill update the list or make another post if i encounter any more bugs





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after the latest hotfix:

  • frequent black/grey screen after exiting a grineer crewship / base in railjack missions. can chat, no esc menu, unstuck doesnt work, can only alt-f4 the game
  • dojo decor showing triangular flashes every now and then after the emperyan update
  • railjack name floating around as you hover over the customization menus
  • does the engineering intrinsic even work? have several upgrades that boost forge yeilds, yet creating revo always create 50 per batch / uses same resources / same refine yields
  • can't map railjack tactical command (L on kb) on a controller

Edited by seventhwalker
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I knew a very late update was going to be kinda, well wrong, but it was worse.

I had to sleep and work, so I hoped things would be better on Friday..but nope.

the update Friday night I just ignored, but it seemed to have fixed the connection issues

I hoped for an update today, but nah, it's working just fine, everyone is happy (tehe)

DE needs to do something big for this, we all have wasted time, stressed over the normal "big update" enough, and this one is by far the worse........failed mission, idk wtf was going on!!

I learned how to do stuff solo!!!  A crewship didnt spawn, hit abort, all those rare resources and massive frustration and timed wasted to get to the point of, "oh, it's bugframe, gotta alt F4 or abort, bye bye new rare rescources /wave"

just spent almost 2 hours in a mission, loads of good stuff, great party, and yep that 1 last chewship never showed up, even after host said eff it!

i should have started with how expensive the upgrade are for the ship and weaponry, but it really didnt matter b/c you dont get your resources anyway, right?


also gl getting 1 thing to rank 7 so you can rage even more in the void area, might take ya 2 days of farming to get 1 tier to 7 😄


gg DE, you out done yourselves, yet again, but this time......well the sky was to low for a limit, why not shoot the sun, to burn those who wasted time for this......gg

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I scrapped my old reactor, and equipped a less capacity reactor (dumb ik but not the point here)

Some of my Avionic mods went over the new capacity, and thus poofed into oblivion.

they are gone, not in my inventory or anywhere i looked.

I only had one copy of that mod so :(


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When I started a mission on the railjack, I went into operator mode... and wasn't able to go back into my warframe (Excal Umbra) until I went into the archwing outside of the ship. The warframe showed up on archwing, and stayed on  when I reentered, but I was able to go back into operator mode and get stuck with the same glitch again. Also, my operator couldn't slide, the warframe's abilities were on the ability bar in opereator mode, and the operator's face turned the color blue.CD7EA6F859C330E1BDB770358646A889975DB4EBB9189213DD6C9109A856635C0D6536C649DF6CEB

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Well I just discovered a very nasty bug. I shot myself at a crewship using the archwing warhead. I did not realize one of the other players was inside killing the reactor and I hit it at the same time it exploded. This left me with a black screen and I was not able to take any action. I tried going into operator but that did not work either. Eventually the screen changed to the space background but I was still unable to move, use the omnitool, or any other action. I tried unstuck also and it also did nothing to help. I am staying in the game since I am the host so I don't mess up the mission for the rest of the squad.

Edited by Vasala
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On 2019-12-13 at 4:26 PM, Medicopter_N7 said:

EZai8gX.jpgDuring the Void Jump (for me it happened when I was returning to the dojo from free roam) if you use the Operator form and return to the warframe at the right time (when the ship exits the Jump and you're loaded into the dojo), your operator turns into a warframe and you leave behind a duplicate

This has happened to me as well (Baruuk Mains, Unite!)6jGoGcg.jpg

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Railjack Menu at dry dock console may need some qol tweaks. Upgrading an intrinsic displays increased rank, but if I right click the card to see descriptions, there is no 'V' near that rank, indicating acquisition, up until I leave the menu and go back to it.

Same goes for stat changes caused by avionic/grid improvements. They are only seen after reentering the menu.

Most importantly, turret stats cannot be compared with not-repaired ones, only with other fully built and functional turrets.

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Bug: 5/6 crew ships at the end of the mission but no more crew ships found in map. We lost 1300+ Diracs + weapon parts and engine parts.
How to reproduce: kill fighters fast enough. and not finishing the crew ship target

Screenshot: not applicable.

Analysis: fighters 90/90 completed -> all retriet -> crew ship retriet as well -> mission stuck and fail

Solution: ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT MISSION SHOULD BE ABLE TO COMPLETE! It is just like no spawning in extermination missions. Always check players mission target and set a flag of the necessary spawns, and spawn them as apropriate. It could be hard(??), but at least DE should aware and warn tenno how to aviod this and also aware of this.

Another solution:
Give the ability to return to dry dock in the mission, with the constraints that the railjack has not been attacked within 10seconds or even 30seconds. If we could do this I don't think I would complain here.


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I found a bug with Turrets Statistics. I had both same Turrets with same names and same base stats but after using 1st and 2nd i found that both of them have different stats anyways although they have same base stats. I needed to sacrifice 50p to check if their both are same but apparently they aren't. Plat flow still constantly continues bcoz of that.

Screenshots below:



1st gun

2nd gun


Edited by Grisznaker
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When you slingshot into a crew ship just as its reactor is about to blow up al sorts of bizzare things start happening.

You get AW with your frame weapons to start and then all of your frame weapons stop doing any damage. not even getting 0 numbers, just nothing. Only status effects still do damage.

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