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(PC) Empyrean: Bug Report Megathread


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I can pretty reliably make it so I have my regular guns equipped instead of my archgun in space by, as a client, using the archwing slingshot from within the railjack, and either launching into a fighter or just launching into vacant space. If I exit the railjack via the hatches I generally have my archgun equipped when I load on the other side.


Edited by CheetoMD
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Shifting all the bugs I've experienced, still experience on a regular basis and listed in here cuz someone gave me the recommendations to do it.

- Fair chance you can't repair anything if you join midgame

- Boarding my own Railjack from the Dojo Starchart causes my frame to be stuck in the kneeling emote. I can hover around a bit but can't do anything that isn't kneeling, switching to operator and back fixes this.

- The Railjack doesn't keep its name. Sometimes not even in the Dry Dock, never in a mission.

- Hijacking a Grineer Crew Ship has a chance that the archwing gun or melee weapon is still shown. This can cause the weapon you really use to deal damage as if it had no mods. Leaving and re-entering till the optical bug is gone fixes the damage issue. 

- Using the Wing Turrets and activating the Particle Ram causes this to happen:


- Grineer Crew Ship spawn in very strange places. In the first mission the second Crew Ship spawned literally at the end of the asteroid belt, far away from every battle. In the second mission we couldn't even find it. I had to alt+f4 out as host or would've been stuck there forever as ESC didn't do anything at all.

- Getting bumped while using the Omni recall caused a very trippy experience and completely disabled the Omni for the rest of the mission. Needless to say that it was rather difficult to get back to the Railjack.


- When "working" in a Crew Ship and it explodes the camera is shifted to very close to the right shoulder. Basically like it's mounted on it. When you then use the Omni to jump back to the Railjack the camera gets stuck. You can run around and all but the camera won't follow anymore.

- No objectives, ship marks or health bars when joining a match midgame. Host migration did fix this BUT it literally erases the stars and, even worse, resets all the progress we (probably) made.


- Side turret harness appears broken but is usable by other players. Not by me though.


- Heavy weapons randomly replace the primary weapon when entering or leaving the Railjack and act like, well, archwing guns (ammo refills automatically for example). Also it's kinda... weird placed. Used the Larkspur as actual archwing gun at that time.

https://imgur.com/a/iPdmMF8 Impressed ladies? 😉 (Sorry, couldn't resist)

- Archwing guns have an EXTREMELY slow reload speed, like 1 round every 5 seconds. The actual gun, the bug one mentioned above is unaffected by that.

- Using two forges in short order (approximately less than 3 seconds) glitches out the interface. This means no team overview, personal ressource bars, no map, no crosshair and also like another bug (or the same but this one is worse?) no enemy ship marks, health bars or objectives. Happened when in the heat of battle the super glue for the Omni Tool ran short.

- Railjack avionics randomly act like the base reactor is installed and removes everything above the "new" limit.


After checking which reactor IS installed (the better one) and going back to the avionics I see this:


- 'Wear Down' control of the Railjack jumps back to 100 every time.

- Inaros sometimes dies when entering the Railjack. Happened only with this frame and have witnessed it only on other Inaros' too.

- The game completely crashes after 4 times Korm's Belt in a row at the start of the 5th. Sorry to everyone who had me as host at that time! After said crash the Railjack is completely gone till you leave the Dojo and come back. This includes no access to any consoles in the Dry Dock.

Edited by Deus-Ex-Vesania
Minor formating
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One of the biggest issues I was getting yesterday was for some reason, during missions all my weapon mods would die, completely, and they would only do the damage of a level 30 unmodded weapon. Takes minutes of firing at the generator to destroy it in the crew ships and only dying would fix it. 

A smaller (but still annoying bug) is that the Fulmin's Semi-Auto mode doesn't recharge right. It has a recharge sound, but only goes up 1 point, repeats it 7 times, and then charges back up to full so this takes about 10 seconds in total. Full-Auto mode doesn't have this bug and recharges like it's supposed to. 

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Using the archwing slingshot can sometimes cause you to use your standard weapons instead of archguns when in archwing. This doesn’t occur consistently, but does seem to happen more often when running as a client with a host with high ping.

In some cases, being at the helm of a crew ship when it explodes can cause your archwing to appear invisible or leave you walking in space without archwing. Recalling to railjack normally fixes this, but sometimes let’s you fly inside the railjack. Seems to occur when running as a client with a host with high ping.

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in the forge of railjack, does not appear the missing percentage or the percentage of the forge, so i dont know is this available to create things, this problem is only when i use my railjack, when i join a squad or use a railjack of other player, the percentage appear.

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8 minutes ago, MSEP1 said:

Using the archwing slingshot can sometimes cause you to use your standard weapons instead of archguns when in archwing. This doesn’t occur consistently, but does seem to happen more often when running as a client with a host with high ping.

In some cases, being at the helm of a crew ship when it explodes can cause your archwing to appear invisible or leave you walking in space without archwing. Recalling to railjack normally fixes this, but sometimes let’s you fly inside the railjack. Seems to occur when running as a client with a host with high ping.

Had the same bug.  Made it really frustrating to slingshot out, all ready to shoot some enemies and I have my fulmin which doesn't even scratch them AND is affected by the reload bug that is currently happening, as has been stated by many people in this thread, and other threads like this one

Going back into a ship fixes it, but having to leave the railjack by the exit really makes those intrinsics I spent on using the slingshot worthless.

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hace 7 horas, Slacka dijo:

Just to expand on this, it seems to be caused an unexpected interaction caused by the tether ability hitting enemies while they are inside a crewship heal bubble. I finally narrowed it down to that after a lot of frustration with it and a lot of testing with friends (I previously reported this in the thread a couple days ago).

I have since unequiped tether from my railjack, which has resulted in no more perm heal ships, so I guess that's a workaround for now.

i dont have tether ability on my ship and still some ships are gods, perma healing, so that is no the factor. Also no taktis ships alive near.

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Game enters an infinite loading loop when changing mission or getting back to the dojo; infinite loading loop if

a player exit the railjack before railjack departure to next mission; viewing components bonuses disappear

untill components are re-equipped; bonus from upgraded grids not showing up until avionic is re-equipped;

components bonuses doesnt match description; operator abilities and amp sometimes not working.

Ship's name getts offset: slides down the default position by few meters, ship name not showing up, ship name resets to default no name.

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Not sure if this counts as bug but it seems like these numbers are outside of a reasonable range for RNG:

Found 2 Zetki Generators Mk II with the following stats:

1) +6 Avionics and +30 Flux capacity

2) +7 Avionics and +30 Flux capacity

but the stock sigma Generator Mk II looks like this:

+30 Avionics and + 50 Flux Energy Caps

It would seem that the Mk II Zetki value ranges are too low if they can produce those results? 

If the Avionics cap is below the Sigma that would make sense if at the same time the flux cap would be significantly improved, especially since the Avionics cap is less than a quarter of the basic Mk II part.

Or is this working as intended and the Zetki things have something else going for them that is just not visible to me?



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I started clan and was unable to add Cephalon Cy research in the drydock, presumably because I have him already.

There's no way of cancelling a railjack 'repair' job if you've contributed funds to it.

Railjack mission - loaded into mission as client but the railjack colours were mine and not the host's although the host's weapons etc were equipped. On the second attempt it was the host's colours but we got stuck in an infinite loading warp screen. I left mission (by returning to dojo) and clicked 'join session' on my friend (aforementioned host) which left us both in a mission but with no icons on the enemy ships, no mission UI, no lead-targeting (from intrinsic). I aborted the mission but the host was unable to do so and had to Alt+F4.

My tactical menu keybind was not set at all in railjack keybind options despite it supposed to have been set by default. I had previously set L as another keybind in the regular keybind options so maybe that was the issue? But I did set those to binds to the default keys after Empyrean launched.

Starting a solo mission after the host left had me back on his railjack (his colours) but with the default Apoc weapons and not the ones either of us had added. Aborting and started again 'fixed' it, however, I shot down the enemy fighters and took out one crewship but when I had one more crewship to destroy there was not a single other ship marked anywhere on the map (I flew around for a good five mins) - only the occasional turret - and I ended up having to abort.

'Target lead indicators' sometimes just don't appear at all in missions as host or client.

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Posted this on the PS4 bug forum and I've no idea if it's solely on my end. 


It's been driving me crazy - when your so focused on attacking and meanwhile the damage you take slowly creeps up till you hear the ticking; then you look at the health bar and go: 

scared boy meets world GIF

Searched the forum but there's no mention of this. Anyone on PC with me? Just PS4? Or am I missing something?

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8 hours ago, Lokidus_Prime said:

Being inside a crewship when it explodes doesn't kill you - screen just fades to white and then you just poof into archwing completely unscathed.  I'm not sure if this is actually even a bug, but it feels like you should die if you dont get out in time.

certainly not - or you should also die when sling-shooting through the crewships hull and not being completely fine fighting inside of it afterwards... so, that sure was intended this way.

but, the chances of being screwed anyway when the ship explodes one you is still great, as is just exiting it the normal way.

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For the love of god please stop host migrations from ruining missions for the rest of the team - we only get left with the intrinsics. This should be your number one priority guys, players are wasting hours and hours worth of loot. It's a really bad experience. Stop pandering to the tweaking that vet players are bleating on about and fix these major issues - you must be haemorrhaging players from the game it can be hard to find a team with the veil almost empty half the time - the vets will *@##$ and moan but won't be going anywhere.

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Kasio's Rest (last Saturn node) is the mission to farm new BP weapons but.... how do you want us to be able to farm those if there is almost always a bug that kills this mission ? The last 19 times I did this mission, I couldn't end it 17 times because of a bug ! Not 1 or 2 times but 17 out of 19 !


Among those bugs, most frequent ones are :

- last crewship not spawning

- Host migration making squad to loose everything (fortunately I did not get a single bp in these 17 times)

- Crewship shooting indefinitely at railjack

- A crewship spawning out of the playable area


At least I managed to farm some intrinsics....



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