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(PC) Empyrean: Bug Report Megathread


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Resources despawning after certain amount of time.

Finished an Earth tile solo, which had the 60/4 enemies.

There was a cluster of resources left after killing everything at one spot that I could see within my Railjack, parked the Railjack near the cluster (did not gather them up), and went outside to gather other resources that had scattered about (did not travel far from cluster as I could still see it).

Ported back to Railjack and refined what i gathered, then went outside to get the cluster, ... it was gone, went back inside and could not see the cluster.

This has happened twice now. 

Edited by SteRage
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When playing Railjack yesterday I encountered what I would call a "Shudder-Bug".
Put simply, I recalled using the omni from an exploding crewship with the transport effect occurring just as the crewship did its shudder effect as it gets rocked by the second explosion. I needed to head out to target the commander in the galleon, so as soon as I came in, I headed out again. 

As I flew to the galleon, I noticed something on. The screen was still having the camera shake effect (slightly) when I was in arcwing. It wasn't too much for me to not get where I was going so I went to the galleon to assassinate the commander.

Once I got in, however, things went... a bit crazy. The whole ship looked like it was tilted slightly to the left around 20 degrees. It was fascinating being in what basically looked like a typical grineer level from railjack, but the tilt made everything look rather strange. then, as I approached the bridge, the screen started shaking violently. Absolutely violently. If I were a motion sensitive person I would have been puking my guts out it was so bad. I managed to keep track of the boss (purely because of the red dot) long enough to kill him and get out of there. At several moments I needed to pause and get my bearings, since the pause menu stopped the crazy levels of shuddering. 

As I returned to my railjack a second time, the shuddering persisted, forcing me to pause to see if that worked. It did after pausing for around 15-20 seconds. Please address this, as I can imagine that, even if its rare, the level of nausea that this will induce would be extremely off-putting.


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Last hotfix made Railjack unplayable (for me at least).

  • Spawning into space often renders my Archgun "unmodded".
  • Entering a Crewship or returning to Railjack does the same with my usual weapons
  • When returning to Railjack from Crewship with Tac4-Teleport I often end up bugging by getting stuck in a Crewship that I cannot leave anymore and that will kill me once reactor timer hits zero.
  • There appears to be huge lag although the real "ping" latency is perfectly fine. I have had like 10 matches today where I had good pings with 30-80ms but it felt like I was having 800+ pings.
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Projectile based Railjack turrets such as the Apoc are currently unusable. This is because the lead indicator is easily affected by lag which causes it to shake constantly, and since most Railjack games have an average of 100 ping, this is pretty much constant. The only way to hit enemies with projectile weapons is if they're either flying straight towards you, are a slow lumbering target like a crewship, or are a stationary target like a turret.
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Sigma Engine MK2 increases boost multiplier only (by marginal value).

Ship speed states 370m/s. Engine promises adding +20 km/h to speed. After installing it the speed value remains unchanged.


Additional calculation: 370m/s * 3600 s / 1000 = 1 332 km/h. So upgrading it by 20 km/h means (1332+20)/1332=1.015, or 1.5% speed boost. If it was even working.

I guess something is completely wrong either with numbers or units. Engine upgrades as they are now feel completely useless.

Also crates in "distortion" anomaly cannot be picked by railjack, they are not vacuumed and collision prevents you from passing through them. You need to go out and collect them on archwing (which flies around without any collisions):


And the last one is pure graphical glitch. Seems like messed up vertices. Spectacular to behold, but highly improbable that was intended:


Also Dirac seems not existing, you can get exactly zero from mission, even if you took your time flying around and gathering everything. Before the change it could be collected from turrets, which was quite nice and bringing back some 100 Diracs per run on low level nodes felt like moving forward one step at a time. Now it's like "oh, no Dirac again, that's fine".


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If I board my Railjack directly from the Orbiter and then start a mission, I cannot use my Operator. The Operator is stuck in the same sitting position as in the Orbiter, cannot move or use any of the abilities. Going back to Orbiter, then to Drydock and then boarding the Railjack gives my Operator the ability to move, but dashing is still broken. Only doing a regular mission or going to Plains or Vallis gives my Operator the dashing ability back inside the Railjack IF I board my Railjack from the Drydock.

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One big issue we are seeing in Veil Proxima is immortal Outriders. They get hit with the healing bubble as their weakpoints are killed and then do not regenerate the weak points making them nearly impossible to kill if the healing effect ever drops off them. The healing bubbles also tend to be invisible to anyone who is not the host.

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Bug: Space mode Larspur ammo capacity been dropped to a mere 100 (from 600).. unless i missed the patch note where they said they would nerf.

Mentioned many time Archwing ammo regen is broken. Imperator now reload by 6-7rounds segments rather than one smoothe reload. Larkspur reloads a single round every 4-5secs (with the other bug makes it pretty much unusable at all). Did not tested others weapons but apparently most battery type weapon are affected

With how railjack relies on archwing I wonder how those bugs went unnoticed in testing and why is it not fixed yet.


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Didnt get a screenshot of this, but I was doing a Saturn mission, when it started no one on our team(public) would get HUD displays, so we tried playing it like normal anyways for the challenge. 

Here was everything that went wrong after:

-Shot down 200 fighters no progress could be heard. More kept coming.

-No crew ship spawns.

-base not interactive

-slingshot was bugged

-abort mission not available it said the mission was complete

-ship was invincible, if we had a crit it would disappear and reappear after 1 minute

-no interactivity on the jump console

I had to alt f4 so hopefully my teammates would get some exp for their troubles.

Before this I failed a mission with a part of the crew,  and we went back to the dock, when we started the new mission we did get a quick complete screen. So it seems like it thought we completed the mission before we even started.

Here is the order of what the crew went through: 1 success>dock>1 fail>dock>bug.


Hopefully this gets fixed :)

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tried to get into a sentient tileset railjack mission 5 times, 3 of those times the loading got stuck and everyone left out of frustration, 1 of those times the host left and stripped the railjack and archwings of all of their mods, and the last time the mission registered as complete before actually starting and stuck in a loop until I manually closed the game, why, DE... Why did you Lock This much content behind an incredibly buggy system and an arbitrary time gate, it's like you're Trying to make life as hard as possible for your players... when I can't even progress through the story because of the sheer number of game breaking bugs it's a wonder I even still play the game...

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Khoras Ensnare is very hard to aim in the tactical display. I am unsure whether it requires to exactly hit a red arrow-marke of an enemy, which due to the cursor in targetting mode representing the ability-icon and the radius is almost impossible. So far i never got it to work when trying to use this ability for a team-mate in a remote location, i only got it to work once in my own Railjack, and even then when the enemy was actually in my sight already.

It almost seems as if this ability still checks for line of sight from my warframe to the enemy when used in the tactical display, which of course in most cases will fail.

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Noticing sometimes railjack parts dont actually apply their stats.
Sometimes this is fixed by just repeatedly unequiping and reequiping, like i had to do with the sigma mk2 reactor, the part but other times I cant seem to force the stats to actually work.

One example being the Sigma Mk2 Engines where the +20m/s never actually applies but the engine boost does

Ive noticed this with salvaged parts as well where the stats will say 1 thing but when previewing the actual changes theyll do something else. These are generally much smaller like a Lavan Mk1 reactor SAYING +11 but only granting +10. Parts that i noticed doing this always seemed to round down.
Sadly i didnt think to screencap that before smashing it however.

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This bug has happened to me couple times now, and im sure for many others too. So you get into turret, turret will go to firing position but then comes back and the whole ship is invisible.

This time i paid more attention to it and i realised that before this happened, there was a player on the turret before i went on it and he left the game while in the turret (probably just afk on the turret and was kicked for afk, i dont know) and after he left the game, the turret stayed bugged and possibly has something to do with him leaving the game while in the turret.

So i took couple clips since i gladly have the NVIDIA shadowplay. From the video you can see that before i goto the turret where the player left the game, its bugged like someone would still be sitting on it, and it pretty mutch spits me out after i get to firing position. And i was able to fix it by magicly finding the spot where you enter the turret and i re- entered it.


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This bug has been here since railjack landed. Going into the Railjack, going into Crewships, going into the objective, companions just randomly die. This included Venari. There's also times when out in Archwing companions will spawn in space and instantly die. Makes it impossible to use a Kubrow.

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Teleporting back to the railjack from an explodiing crewship at the exact same time as a squad mate caused me to stay in archwing mode upon returning to the railjack... This appeared to cause me to have all my weapons stuck.. I could interact with all terminals within the railjack, but upon interacting with the pilot station, I became stuck within the pilot seat and unable to interact with anything, couldn't even call the chat window to unstick myself... Only option was to close warframe from the windows desktop.

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I have bug to report, in the mission to kill the boss to farm the new weapons, the ships is totally invisible, i tried with a check of the download but still the ship is invisible, i bump into it, i shoot to it, i can enter to it. But the model seems missing, except for some spheres, i can provide i capture in a few hours that im out of the work.

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16 minutes ago, yoa92 said:


Can we have a way to cancel repairs of the part of RailJack, I started some of those early on and now I'm stuck with them just taking space.

I really don't wanna waste resources completing those one.


They said they're working on that, it's coming eventually---the ability to stop repairs and be able to re-purpose them to a different avionic you might want to repair

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