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(PC) Empyrean: Bug Report Megathread


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This bug exists since the release of RJ:

When you are inside of a Crew Ship and the mission ends you ALWAYS get crash/freezing of the program. Typical scenario: Veil -> Gian, need to kill 90 fighters and 6 crew ships, actually 7 crew ships have been spawned, if you are inside of the 7th crew ship on the mission finish, this happens. Easy to reproduce.


Another problem occurs occasionally but is very annoying: sometimes after using of the operator in RJ and then entering to a crew ship, all my weapons get "nerfed", that is their damage drop by huge amount and they work like un-modded. I even cannot destroy the reactor by an Arca Plasmor with 26K damage and have to use operator's amp.


Edited by AlexJuli
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I have a visual bug that removes Iron Skin VFX from the head when you sit in a Railjack. I've seen it on other players too but didn't get a screenshot.



How to Reproduce

1. Begin a Railjack mission as Rhino or Rhino Prime.

2. Press 2 to activate Iron Skin.

3. Enter and exit the Turrets or Pilot Seat.

4. Observe the unarmored head.

Quick Fix: Exit and re-enter the Railjack to reset your 2.

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Railjack unboosted speed in space is a small fraction of UI speed displayed in Dojo. Testing of boosted, unboosted, and drift speed suggests actual in-game speed is 1/5 of displayed speed. The displayed km/h engine bonus is speculated to be actual m/s speed in space (default 61.4 m/s real speed without any bonus), while displayed speed in dojo is completely meaningless.

Is Railjack [intended] to have a base speed of 61.4 m/s? Displaying it as 307 m/s is extremely deceptive.

If this is unintended, engine bonuses weigh much higher than they should. Maybe this is why Vidar Engines can up to double Railjack's speed, resulting in highest unboosted, boosted and drift speed in all situations.

Confirmed UI bug.

Edited by Fran_Bow_Dagenhart
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The flying under a wrong angle, is still present at certain points.
I can't say what causes this yet, but it definately is still sneaking around.

You lose your boost ability on archwings, when exiting areas, whilst crouched.
I usually love to slide my last few meters towards an exit, when momentum (from a running jump for example) allows me to go faster.

This makes the player lose the ability to boost their archwing, to top speeds, when going outside into space.
Only blink still works, and is the best way to save yourself, when facing a horde of fighters.
Otherwise, you're pretty much a sitting duck, untill re-entering an inside area.

Once inside, you will find yourself in crouched position also.
Without even holding the corresponding button.
Pressing it, or performing any action that breaks this pose, ends the ducking stance.

This video displays both bugs.
Along with key entry commands.




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Seriously,RJ is becoming more and more unplayable,it causes unstable connectivity between all players,premade or not.

Sometimes there is no problem,everything goes smooth,until you launch and create another session from DD,sometimes it's like RJ gets badly loaded and it's totally lagging.

Everytime everyone thinks it's the hosts fault,but it's not,ping usually 60,it feels more like a packet loss,but it's never the host,I've seen it multiple times and nothing is actually helping,only going to DD,starting the mission again and hoping the session will not get laggy again.

What should I specify?The whole session is just laggy - ships are not moving but teleporting,doors won't open,sometimes you'll get a blackscreen or you'll get stuck somewhere,especially playing as a boarder,your camera sometimes freeze in one place,your operator will spawn somewhere else than you are right now,your weapons act like they are unmodded and more and more,there is a huge list,it's like you were playing with 400+ ping...

And I keep getting this since RJ was released,there is no fix and it's completely ruining the RJ experience,because I want to farm RJ,but sometimes people just give up,because of multiple bugs in multiple sessions.

I've already made a bug report thread about one of the worsts bugs,but this is a huge problem too.




Edited by -FrutyX-
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Navigation console not being able to accessed by anyone in a squad after mission completion.  2 variants: No prompt [x] Navigation when standing near console, or [x] Navigation appears but does not open the navigation map when x is pressed (the prompt also rapidly flashes).

Bug also happens in solo mode. 

Navigation console not accessible in dry dock. No prompt when standing near console.


Reproduction: unknown; occurs regularly during normal play. To access it again, one must leave dojo and reload dojo, thus disbanding the squad.

Edited by Fran_Bow_Dagenhart
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Bug: Railjack gunner and artillery mouse sensitivity is NOT tied to control settings in Railjack section, and is tied to Warframe mouse sensitivity instead. This game's high pace dictates the use of high sensitivities, which is detrimental to Railjack controls. Also, Archwing Slingshot mouse sensitivity is fixed and cannot be changed in any way.




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Bug: Combat Drift intrinsics. After consuming half of total boost meter in combat drift, roll key can be pressed again to trigger another level of combat drift which doubles speed. This second level of boost consumes a portion of boost meter instantly, which limits max amount of time being able to be spent in this drift level.

This is the only mechanics that makes Railjack bearable because Railjack's actual speed is 5 times slower than displayed in dojo. Reported just a few posts above. Speed displayed is a UI bug.


Edited by Fran_Bow_Dagenhart
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11 hours ago, Fran_Bow_Dagenhart said:

Bug: being in Forge while navigating to dojo results in loss of all UI in the next mission. Happens to me as a client. Needs investigation if it also happens as host.

If not sooner ... (i have had a mission completely bug out -- no rewards -- because I was using the forge during return to drydock).

Edited by Fleuria
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I launched myself into a crewship and instead of entering the ship I got stuck in the space with nothing arround. I dont see the warframe, items, ships, environment, nothing. I´m not sure if am in the crewship or in archwing mode. Cannot move, use items, teleport to the railjack again, change weapons, shoot, fly, use operator, nothing. I cannot even use the game menu to abandon the mission. And most important, I have lost my chance to investigate the anomaly 😭


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Player is cast into limbo upon completion of the railjack mission





This happened when I was on the enemy cruiser when the mission complete dialog came up


Attempted Actions:

1) /unstuck  -  does nothing

2) returning the ship to drydock  -  it looks like it attempts to load the drydock but you are stuck in a loading loop and nothing is rendered. it is possible for you to be the host and stuck in limbo

3) Aborting the mission does not work either because the mission is finished... according to the system




Final Resolution:

Alt + F4

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I dont know if this was mentioned because I found a lot of posts of avionics, but I have a lot of issues as a pilot with battle avionics, we have the Black hole and the frontal energy shield, and none of those is usable for me, just my friendo hosting, and the other one never used. Its really frustrating depend in one member that already have things to do on the ship

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It is quite... scary...
To enter the mission and find yourself at 3000m distance of an objective.



You're still trying to find your bearings.
And meanwhile, are immediately surrounded by a bunch of fighters, and 2 ramsleds heading your way.
Minimum safe distance is 5000m, so naturally the base allready bombards you with a slew of guests.

I managed, luckily.
But it's not quite what I had in mind with... 'a warm welcome'.

Furthermore, pickups often like to go inside geometry.
Usually by some pilot, drunk on motor oil, crashing into the rocks.
Nothing earthshatteringly big.
But imagine if this was that 0.101% rare drop you where looking for...





On a later mission, I even encountered an invulnerable ramsled.

Things happened way too fast, to be able to deliver any footage.
But it clearly had like 1% health left.
I even kept hitting it with my frontal Cryophon, while boosting the railjack backwards.

Finally, I even launched a Tycho Seeker MK III at it.
Which connected with the ramsled, and exploded.
But the ramsled itself, survived even that blast.

All that was left, was to let the enemy board the ship.
Which pretty much negates, all that flashy dodging and shooting it from the sky.

My only thoughts are, that this may be connected to the crewship heal bubbles, from Veil Proxima.
The ramsled did fly through one, during approach.
And many players (yours truly included), have encountered unkillable enemies before, due to this effect.

Edited by Guest
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Upon Completing the first mission in Veil Proxima (NSU grid) the mission bugged after completion, still saying to "Disarm the Ship killer platform", while the objective had already been complete. This happened to me twice, and i can not proceed past this mission because of it.


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 The mission vand cluster needs you to kill 90 ships and 6 crewships and some other area-related objective, which is already an obnoxious task, but then the mission only spawned 4 out of six crewships, so I had to RESTART the whole 30 or so minute mission since i couldnt kill the last 2. 30 minutes, 4 players, total 2 whole hours because of this bug

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Noticed an instance recently where during a Railjack mission, my equipped melee mods (personal, not Archwing) seemed to stop working. They had been active earlier in the mission; I'd dealt with a boarding party without any fuss, some time had passed, and then I'd left the ship and flown to another location where the enemies were suddenly much harder to kill. My melee attack/heavy attack speed had dipped significantly from where it should be, my damage was quite low, and even though I had Corrupt Charge equipped, I wasn't getting any initial combo counter boost.

I'm uncertain what other mod sets, if any, this effect might have applied to - my Warframe mods (Adaptation in particular) seemed unaffected. My equipped primary was also doing relatively little damage, but as it wasn't fully leveled/modded, I can't confirm that it was also affected.

The effects persisted through the end of that mission and into a second (no drydock visit in between).

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Bug: Repeatedly teleported back to railjack when outside doing objectives (Eg: On crewship). Seems linked to when Form Up avionic is equipped, AND when Void Hole is used. Every time a void hole was summoned, I would be returned back to the Railjack seconds after, which was pretty consistently reproducible.

As far as I could tell, Form Up was never used by any player during the mission(s). We were doing sentient anomaly runs when it was observed, so not sure if that is another thing to consider.

No other player had used the Form Up command, and no cooldown countdown is displayed on the avionic after it occurs. I've always been connected as a client whenever it has happened.

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