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Empyrean and the decline of Warframe


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4 hours ago, RX-3DR said:

You can't guarantee that there is going to be someone babysitting the ship, especially in public matches.

Archwings already struggle with enemies. The only reason why they're viable in the Veil is because the Amesha can shrug off attacks completely and the guns on the Railjacks are horrible. Buffing up enemies will just make everything except the Amesha completely unusable, eventually resulting in Archwing being nothing more than a transportation method, destroying the purpose of having Archwings be part of the game as they can be replaced with a loading screen by then.

The key problem is the Railjacks are too fragile to deal with groups of enemies, even with upgrades. Crewships will rip through them in seconds while are immune to all your attacks unless you have a Rank 5 Gunner supposedly. The Railjacks will need massive buffs all around to bring their risk reward into a sensible ratio. Until that happens, you can't blame people for picking them most practical option which is to leave it safely behind. There's simply barely any fun to be had unless you're in an organized group.

We have a request to have miniboss where you can't kill them just by sheer power somewhere in the forum to spice up the gameplay. Well, there's your miniboss, something that you can't simply kill by raw damage and needs different approach

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5 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

So grinding your butt off instead of being stuck in the same place for eternity is not the way to play? Just what have I been doing for 4+ years, then?

I thought this was a looter-horde-shooter based on grinding.

Oh, wait, it is...

People where looking for ways to complete it at all.

We leave it behind because upgrades do jack sh*t and don't help at all. Leaving it behind is the only way to play these missions within any reasonable amount of time.

Well, yes. Or do you want to spend hours in the same mission only to get nothing out of it?

I'm looking for said items and upgrades because otherwise it's impossible to even get any experience in the first place thanks to DE's failure to balance things.

I want fun. I can't have fun because I don't have the means to play the way I want due to lack of said items and upgrades.

I've completed the first missions several times before getting annoyed to death by DE's inability to get their stuff working. I didn't expect the update to be amazing, but they delivered even less than that. All we got is a paper-mache ship and 2 or 3 tilesets. The only difference is how fast you get annihilated.

Well, guess what I am doing right now. My disappointment knows no bounds.


I suggest you get your head out of the sand and look at the bigger picture - Railjack/Empyrean is flawed beyond anything else in the entire game and DE's first action was to make it even worse (i.e making crewships even more of a pain to deal with if you didn't unlock specific skills yet).


Heck, why don't you tell us how this game is "supposed to be played" so that we may be enlightend by your infinite wisdom?

And don't you dare to tell me "you're supposed to have fun mimimimi" I'M TRYING DAMN IT.

Dude, I have yet to kill Hydrolyst, I have not maxed any umbral forma, I can barely survive arbitrations, my entire everything is S#&$, and I did first Earth node second try. If you tried to solo it, well that might be where your problem lies, it is NOT a solo experience. If you did it with a team of at least 3, than how the hell you have problems with doing the railjack missions?

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3 hours ago, latetier said:

Brother man, or sister lady,

I've been playing Warframe since 2012.

I have 3593 hours play time for Warframe on steam.

There is no wrong way to play this game.

You are making very broad blanket statements that are entirely false when viewed objectively.

You, personally, might think people who are rushing are not having fun, but did you ever consider that that is their way of having fun?

Again, there is no wrong way to play Warframe.

Everyone plays it differently and enjoys it in different ways.

Making assumptions like you are doing, and then telling people to leave the game if they don't agree with your way of thinking is just toxic. Please stop. Thank you.

Than again, those people who say that Empyrean is objectively bad update, are ignoring those, who's way of play is different than theirs.

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43 minutes ago, Helminth said:

To anyone who thinks it isn’t going downhill I ask you to look at the decline of it’s position on the steam charts and it’s non existent award it received at the game awards.

I looked at steam charts, I looked at pathetic "game awards", and I ask you why should I care?

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6 hours ago, PyrrhoOfElis said:

Luckily I've only ran into a few of these types and not until I got into some of the later Veil nodes. It's mind blowingly dumb. What are these people trying to accomplish? I understand a solo player using this strat so they don't insta-lose, but now we have full squads of people doing this for no reason just because they saw a reddit post telling them it's the meta strat.

I've already had one person say they wished they could kick anyone not using Amesha and Imperator Vandal as they parked the boat literally 25k units away from the nearest objective while we had a full squad. The content isn't even hard enough to justify this behavior.

What is worse is that this strategy is completely idiotic, since a well-equiped railjack is much better for clearing the missions, especially the hard ones. They are only slowing themselves and others down.

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100% agree with the OP, but the problem is not Warframe restricted. 

In every game forum you find ton of people crying because the game is not the way they want it to be, and so spend their entire day bashing it because they don't like it anymore, talking about the good old days of the game when "it was good".

Also, it is funny how people point at OP suggestion like it is some heretic things. If a game is not of your liking anymore do not play it and look back every once in a while to check changes. Dev change the game how they like and you choose if you want to keep playing it.

Also not every game mode should be tailored to your own tastes, if you like to play "Classic Warframe" there are ton of game mode already, if you don't like space battle just don't play archwing/railjack since they are not connected to the main game that much. If they were more connected people that don't like it would be even more forced, and I don't see that as a good things. 

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5 minutes ago, Bregastor said:

Dev change the game how they like and you choose if you want to keep playing it.

While that’s true they also are a Business and order to make money they need to have a player base and keep it happy it’s not as black and white as that. If the devs only put in content that players didn’t want but they wanted then they would not have a company and the game would have went under  

Edited by Helminth
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6 hours ago, X_96 said:

To make it short, people don't play warframe like it's intended to. As soon as Empyrean launched, everyone started to look for the fastest way to complete it, missing out on most of the experience. Everyone leaves the ship behind because they don't bother to upgrade it. To put it simply, it would take too long. It's not the experience they looking for, it's those items and upgrades. Not playing for fun, but for completions sake.

If you are one of those people,. Maybe it's time to stop playing. Or maybe look for another game you can finish in a week.

A game is successful when looking for items and upgrades comes somewhat naturally WHILE you are having fun. If players are rushing full on to get maxed items they don't care about the experience because, SHOKING,


And while we're at it a couple of quick things

people don't play warframe like it's intended to

You an expert right? I mean...we all remember your thesis on warframe core essence that got you the nobel prize and world wide recognition..wait it didn't happen? Who are you to telle people they are not playing the way warframe is intended to? If they are not having fun with the game anymore we'd better sit for 5 minutes and think:

"Did I change or the game did?"

The game just did and not in the fun way (literally)

please do us all a favor and don't complain once you got the content done within a week or two

OR, they could since you are not the admin of the game and you don't have any right to tell other players what to do....just sayin




Players conquered the hardest zone of the new expansion without using upgraded ship components...hell, without even using the ship itself. DE must have put a great deal if thought and effort in balancing this...Clearly, it's the player's fault. The strategy of blaming the passenger when the car crashes is always successful. Good job

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Just now, Helminth said:

While that’s true they also are a Business and order to make money they need to have a player base and keep it happy it’s not as black and white as that. If the devs only put in content that players didn’t want but they wanted then they would not have a company and the game would have went under  

I did not say they should not listen to playerbase, but people can't expect  everything that Devs create to appeal everyone taste's, even the most requested thing will be disliked by some. 

And if someone end up not liking anything anymore, well sadly it is time to leave Warframe, no point in crying expecting Devs to change the game for your tastes. 

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1 minute ago, Bregastor said:

And if someone end up not liking anything anymore, well sadly it is time to leave Warframe, no point in crying expecting Devs to change the game for your tastes. 

Criticism is how things change if someone isn’t happy with the changes they have every right to criticize. People are always so quick to white knight DE from all criticism. If there doing such a great job tell that to there declining steam ranking and there game award o wait. Also if you don’t like people complaining then simply don’t click on the forum post by coming here and crying about the people crying you have invalided your whole point. 

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1 minute ago, Olphalarepth said:




For you. You forgot to say "for you". As you can see, plenty of people are enjoying this mode.

Also, I have no idea where you got that memo from, but the people I have seen who finished the Veil said that archwings are barely useful there and that their upgraded ships were much more useful.

Using archwing is not meta, it's stupid. You know what you should do with archwing in Railjack? Capture crew ships, instead of getting killed in space by a stray bullet when you forget to refresh your Amesha buffs. Honestly, this is it. If your team members have crew ships, they just draw aggro from the Railjack, and you mop up the interceptors together (unless the Railjack pilot is a complete idiot). That's it, this is trivial. In fact, it's so much more efficient for other players to just capture crew ships, there is way less reason for the team members to stay on the ship.

For solo play, the real challenge is to clean the first enemy wave of interceptors and park your railjack in a safe place, since you have to destroy crew ships from inside unless you have artillery, they cannot be killed by regular weapons. Even if you get damaged, the only thing you really need to spend your omni on are the critical breaches, which also give you invulnerability when fixed. Also a hint, if your ship got jacked by ramsleds while you were away, they will remain passive for some reason untill you return to your ship (I guess it's a bug but still).

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20 minutes ago, Helminth said:

Criticism is how things change if someone isn’t happy with the changes they have every right to criticize. People are always so quick to white knight DE from all criticism. If there doing such a great job tell that to there declining steam ranking and there game award o wait. Also if you don’t like people complaining then simply don’t click on the forum post by coming here and crying about the people crying you have invalided your whole point.


Well we have a different opinion on what can be called "criticism" I guess, since what you can find on this forum is 90% random bashing/whining with no good criticism whatsoever. 

Also funny how people whining have their right, but if I try say something that oppose them then I am whiteknighting DE and therefore my opinion is invalid. 

Well, I skip those post as much as I can, as soon as I spot garbage thread/post I stop reading but I mean that does not stop me knowing about their existance, don't know what point your were trying to invalidate here. 




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14 minutes ago, Bregastor said:

Also funny how people whining have their right, but if I try say something that oppose them then I am whiteknighting DE and therefore my opinion is invalid

Never said you specifically are white knighting.

14 minutes ago, Bregastor said:

Well, I skip those post as much as I can, as soom as I spot garbage thread/post I stop reading but I mean that does not stop me knowing about their existance, don't know what point your were trying to invalidate here. 

My point is you complain about people complaining so you are doing the exact thing your against.

imagine a guy who says to a another guy who is lighting a cigarette you shouldn’t smoke as he’s lighting a cigarette 

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7 hours ago, X_96 said:

To make it short, people don't play warframe like it's intended to. As soon as Empyrean launched, everyone started to look for the fastest way to complete it, missing out on most of the experience. Everyone leaves the ship behind because they don't bother to upgrade it. To put it simply, it would take too long. It's not the experience they looking for, it's those items and upgrades. Not playing for fun, but for completions sake.

If you are one of those people, please do us all a favor and don't complain once you got the content done within a week or two. Maybe it's time to stop playing. Or maybe look for another game you can finish in a week.

Nonsense. We will do what is intended if it is able to do and it is quite playable. Your argument only prove that the player is not the problem at all.

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13 minutes ago, Helminth said:

My point is you complain about people complaining so you are doing the exact thing your against.

imagine a guy who says to a another guy who is lighting a cigarette you shouldn’t smoke as he’s lighting a cigarette 

No offense, but this argument is kinda stupid, because this way you only protect whiners from people criticizing them and their way of expressing their opinion. 

I am not complaining, I criticize complainers because I don't find mindless whining and doomsaying helpful in any way, and I explained vastly why I don't agree with this method and what I would do (because is what I did for other games) if I end up not liking warframe. 

If my way of explaining things for you is the same thing as writing "bohooo this game is shieeeeet" then don't even bother replying because I am done trying to argue with you. 

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Am 13.12.2019 um 23:53 schrieb redindy:

Railjack is certianly interesting, but it doesn't seem to give me anything outside of itselfs. That is to say nothing you do in railjack really has any affect in the rest of the game. The exception is the 2 new weapons, but all the other rewards are just buffs to your railjack. Maybe my tune will change once the final part comes out but as it stands now it's to isolated to be worth it.

The exact same can be said about Lichs. Which to me is just saying it's a fail, just using other words.

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Whining do exist when there is a problem. Yes, we all know that blind whiner do exist all the times, so you don't have the duty to fully sympathetic with them. But if there are so many whinners then you should think twice before simply blame them.

Remember, no smoke without fire. And because the content was released just few days ago, it is something wrong if we don't face a hail of whiners, actually. New contents have many problems, not only the products of DE.

Why DE make a feedback megathread on the feedback forum just for gather the new updates? That's because the new content is expected to have many feedbacks, mainly negative because of the nature of the feedback. If you feels good about it then you will only cheer it at the general discussion/legion chat/clan chat and done, so it is natural that the feedback is negative. And it is the bad side that DE needs to be fix.

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3 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

Isn't it only proves it is a bad thing?

It only proves you don't like it. 

A game mode might be good gameplay wise but a lot of people may dislike it anyway because they don't like the game mode. 

It does not mean it is bad, it means that it is a mode created for the wrong audience. 

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2 minutes ago, Bregastor said:

It only proves you don't like it. 

A game mode might be good gameplay wise but a lot of people may dislike it anyway because they don't like the game mode. 

It does not mean it is bad, it means that it is a mode created for the wrong audience. 

If it is only me then it is only a personal taste. If it isn't, then it is a bad thing.

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1 minute ago, DroopingPuppy said:

If it is only me then it is only a personal taste. If it isn't, then it is a bad thing.

Yes, but it depends imo, why you don't like it? Because gameplay need a lot of fix or because you would revamp the game mode completely? 

What i am saying is that a game mode might be good gameplay but players might not like it anyway. 




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