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Railjack is Awesome!


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The Railjack component is amazing, and it feels like it's on real AAA level. S#&$ on me all you want guys, I have enough of those posts only hitting on how bad railjack is (hint: it's not). Here are all the pros of Railjack right now:


  • The skybox is first thing that goes up in your face and is truly stunning! Like holy hell, you HAVE TO just stop for a sec and take a better look at these northern lights on Earth! Saturn looks seemingly good, the streaks of shadows, and overall brightness of background is just amazing. The only issue I could pull out if I can be pedantic enough, is that during good zoom you can see a little blur of that skybox, but I'd rather take that than see my PC melt from 128K skybox.
  • The environments are so pretty, all the asteroids, wreckage, and not only pretty, but it is not just floof, but also pretty useful for gameplay, which I will talk about later
  • Animations/VFX - The explosions, so good, all the other floof effects look great too, I also need to mention how incredible it feels, when you run around another crew ship and you see through the window your Railjack ramming stuff all over the place, and you know that 3 guys are right now doing their own fight out there. Enemies have good flight pattern, I like when fighters squadrons will sometimes miss you and will align in front of you, it just looks so cool! What surprised me, is that no enemy craft has crashed into any asteroid, I would expect that to happen more often than not.
  • The Railjack itself is also really well thought out, it's pretty huge, and useful. Not too big to get lost quickly, but just the right size to have good fights with enemy "optimists" on board. And that viewing cupola on top, just majestic views of the battlefield around!


  • The Boat - Controlling Railjack is so smooth, it feels like a heavy craft, but even so it is pretty freaking agile for something this big, and I am talking about the basic, unmodded Sigma craft. Also I have to mention, that Railjack is pretty complex ship, not anywhere near the level of complexity of Elite:Dangerous ship, where you have 50 thousand buttons to control every single bolt on your ship, but enough to have more customisation options than Warframes and guns.
  • Environments are well thought out, pretty often using asteroids for cover gets really handy. I Like the fact, that Railjack has reduced collision hitbox, just so we can fit those tight spaces inside bigger asteroids. You can also feel how spacious it is once you come out in Archwing. It is no longer tightly packed space. I do hope that one day we can somehow connect normal archwing missions with our Railjack, like call out support just to fly around or get closer. Obviously there is no way Railjack could fit in those tight spaces, that's why Archwing would be still more useful there.
  • Missions are pretty fun, so far I was only doing Earth and one Saturn mission, but even doing over and over again regular combat mission of destroying X fighters and crew ships doesn't bore me. While from what it seems, there is not too much missions, and we only have 3 major areas right now, I think it is enough to keep us busy while DE works on more tiles. I also love when there is a mission to infiltrate some facility and cooperate with others to complete the mission, which brings me to:
  • Cooperation was under a big question mark, usually co-op in Warframe is just doing your stuff while other guys run alongside you, and maybe they will manage to shoot something. Here having that one extra person to take care of critical stuff means a huuuge change! And I really love how well done cooperation aspect is in Empyrean. Railjack doesn't let anyone be bored even in team of 4 (surprisingly engineers are the most valuable people there), there is always something someone can do to help, you are not just forced to do one thing, switching from one task to another is valuable. Some people were wondering if people will start trolling by wasting crucial resources, flying Railjack to nothingness and refusing to give back the wheel, or will be too dumb to know what to do. Surprisingly I have yet to meet these people. There are barely any opportunities to actually troll, and from what it seems, people would rather do their job and take care of stuff that is necessary, rather than let everyone including them go down. I was also expecting League of Legends levels of toxicity, because when you loose now, there is always someone to blame. Not happening. That can be thanks to how Railjack's health level is treated - you can always fix it, if you have enough Revolite. It's really a tough boat, so it's harder to point out a single person that would fail, unless they afked or something.
  • Progression is nice, I do like randomized aspect of rewards in form of guns, engines, etc, there is always a reason to try to find some better stuff out there. Modding your boat is a bit fancy, requires getting used to it, but once you get how to do it, it is really useful system. Upgrading avionics grid is a nice way to boost mods without taking reactor capacity.


  • This one will be short, but needs mentioning too - I love the music on Railjack missions. It's heavy, and fits perfectly the mood, sounding more "tactical" instead of your usual "SLAUGHTER EVERYTHING ON SIGHT" beats. Sound design is good, nothing too special in this section, but that comes from old Elite:Dangerous player, where you get goosebumps just from hearing alien sounds and eargasming from regular system HONK, so I might be a bit spoiled. Now, where can I get my hands on railjack music so I can listen to it while I make the most epic laundry ever?

Overall, Railjack is really incredible update, it feels like it's the proper way to play now. Tho it really misses the "connection" part to make it even more interesting, the level of polish and care for little things explain why it took them so much time to bring it from 2018 Tennocon presentation to this day. Yes bugs are still present, and some of them are severe, but they are not literally everywhere, they don't make you super mad, you can live with them.

And if you are asking yourself "Why should we play Empyrean?", ask yourself why are you playing Warframe in the first place. I know I will play only Railjack now, screw Nightwave, screw arbitrations, I am space Tenno pirate now!

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Thanks for the read! I'm on xbox and building my railjack at present and CANNOT wait for Empyrean to drop!!

I am and have always been a fan of space shooters like R-type, Starfox/Lylat wars, Star wars rogue squadron etc.

The Empyrean stuff looks like them and even building it feels that way =D 

Thank you for being on PC to help iron out bugs which isn't the most enjoyable experience but ANYTHING that improves the game is ALWAYS a great thing! Older stuff needs work so it's not forgotten but while that can be planned, this will be a huge welcome!

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Just now, (XB1)KamikaZSquirrel said:

Thanks for the read! I'm on xbox and building my railjack at present and CANNOT wait for Empyrean to drop!!

I am and have always been a fan of space shooters like R-type, Starfox/Lylat wars, Star wars rogue squadron etc.

The Empyrean stuff looks like them and even building it feels that way =D 

Thank you for being on PC to help iron out bugs which isn't the most enjoyable experience but ANYTHING that improves the game is ALWAYS a great thing! Older stuff needs work so it's not forgotten but while that can be planned, this will be a huge welcome!

You just tickled the parts of my brain I forgot I have by mentioning R-type. I spent so many hours unlocking every single craft in R-Type Final!

Empyrean has steering very similar to games like Star Conflict or Freelancer, and it works well both on mouse and keyboard, and by using pad. I'm sure you'll love it!

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Just now, Dr.Pepper23 said:

Everyone has their own opinion. But if you are gawking at the skybox... Then I'm pretty sure any update DE makes will please you lol...

To be honest I'm gawking at it because I am CG artist myself and I can really appreciate good ideas and beautiful environments. I also played a lot of sci-fi games, and I will continue to nut on how original and pretty is overall design in Warframe.

Or maybe again I got so bored of blackness and repeating balls of dirt in Elite:Dangerous, that having sights like these is a breath of fresh air for me.

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39 minutes ago, Furebel said:

Sound design is good, nothing too special in this section, but that comes from old Elite:Dangerous player, where you get goosebumps just from hearing alien sounds

I've already had one nightmare about being in a railjack when a thargoid comes to play... now I actually want that

Also, am I the only one who wishes this is what multicrew in elite was like? Like, I've only seen the railjack stuff and damn, if more games had as good a multicrew as this, the verse would be a better place

Edited by (XB1)Lucas Jameson
Added second bit
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7 minutes ago, (XB1)SixGunLove said:

Wont be "awesome" for me till I get NPCs doing menial jobs IMO. For now it just looks pretty. 

Crossing my fingers on them nailing that part, but I wouldn't really put too much hopes into it. Empyrean is co-op experience, and should be played like that. You won't get the same experience from bots, and knowing how clunky Warframe's AI is, I wish good luck to anyone who will put any responsibility in AI crew's hands.

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5 minutes ago, Furebel said:

how clunky Warframe's AI is, I wish good luck to anyone who will put any responsibility in AI crew's hands.

Nothing really clunky about give commands to a NPCs to make more ammo, or could even have your Sentinels go repair the ship. Give them efficiency/speed levels 1,2,3 to upgrade. Simple really. Could even give ships a fire supression system. There are a number of simplistic ways to make NPCs useful and efficient. 

Edited by (XB1)SixGunLove
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How dare you enjoy new releases!


28 minutes ago, Awazx said:

I'm glad you like a space simulator more than Warframe. Enjoy it.


Edit: I'm serious.  🙏

Yeah, they really need to figure out how to get more normal Warframe play in these Railjack missions.

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I'm very much enjoying the update as well. Yeah, what's here so far is fairly minimal/basic, but they seem committed to expanding on it, and the foundation they've laid is extremely solid. This is what I was hoping for when Archwing was first introduced, kick ass space battles. It's chaotic in exactly the right ways, ships and lasers and archwings flying every which way. Boarding enemy ships, especially when you get Gunnery Rank 4 and can just shoot into a ship, is kick ass.

Playing with random people has been fine, but me and my clanmates making a full squad and hopping on Discord voice chat was just amazing. Those early intrinsic levels come pretty quickly too, which is good, because you need 3-4 ranks in everything pretty quickly.

Also, I love Cephalon Cy. They recorded so many lines for him, and they're all extremely good lines.

Thanks DE. You've made one of my favorite games even better then I could've imagined.

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