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Empyrean: Ivara Prime 27.0.4


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Empyrean: Ivara Prime 27.0.4



Practice stealth as you track your prey, then strike with ruthless precision as Ivara Prime! No hunt is complete without the Baza Prime and Aksomati Prime!

Ivara Prime

As regal and lethal as a nighttime wood, this is the queen of the hunt in her ultimate form.

Baza Prime

The Orokin-engineered definition of silent lethality.

Aksomati Prime

The elegant Aksomati precisely refined to its ultimate manifestation.

You can find Ivara Prime, Baza Prime, and Aksomati Prime Relics in their classic spots (Void, Derelict, Defense, Survival, etc) with the addition of Railjack missions - All Credit Cache Rewards have been replaced with Relics! Check your in-game Codex for Relic drop locations.


Get the newest Prime gear with Ivara Prime Access and Prime Accessories here: https://www.warframe.com/prime-access

With this Vaulting comes the shift of the following Syndicate Sacrifices:

  • Replaced Steel Meridian’s Sacrifice of Zephyr Prime Chassis with Equinox Prime Neuroptics
  • Replaced Arbiters of Hexis’ Sacrifice of Kronen Prime Blade with Tipedo Prime Handle 
  • Replaced Perrin Sequence’s Sacrifice of Zephyr Prime Chassis with Wukong Prime Chassis 

If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.


Railjack Changes & Fixes:

  • Added Railjack Health perks for performing repairs on the Railjack:
    • 15% of max Health for Fire and Electricity Traps
    • 20% of max Health for Ruptures
    • 30% of max Health for Hull Breaches
  • Currently a Hull Breach Repair grants you 10 seconds of Railjack invulnerability. With the added Health perk for Hull Breaches, we’ve tweaked the Railjack Invulnerability time to grant a benefit to those with haste to compensate! Repairing a Hull Breach now grants Railjack invulnerability scaled to the amount of time left on the ‘Catastrophic Failure Imminent' timer. You can get anywhere from 5 - 15 seconds of Railjack invulnerability based on your Hull Breach Repair urgency.
  • Removed Credit Caches from the Railjack reward table! Relics have been added in Railjack missions to compensate for this.
  • Increased the cooldown of the Elite Kosma Flak's Shield ability and fixed the shield not actually blocking damage sometimes.
  • Adjusted hit boxes on the Elite Kosma Flak for improved accuracy. 
  • Adjustments to the Archwing Cannon firing animation for a less janky launch.
  • Removed a certain floating prison found in Railjack missions due to numerous collision/sizing issues. It shall return at a later date!
  • Enabled Push-To-Talk in Railjack keyboard bindings.
  • Removed Crewship eligibility from the Simulacrum.
  • Fixed the Sover Strait node missing from Earth Proxima.
  • Fixed attempting to load to the Dry Dock through the Railjack from the Orbiter sometimes causing infinite loading or a crash.
  • Fixed a soft lock when attempting to Repair Wreckage in someone else's Dojo.
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to load into a Railjack mission with a Friend.
  • Fixed a crash when returning to the Dry Dock from a failed mission.
  • Fixed a crash when selecting a Shield Array MK III.
  • Fixed having to re-complete the Railjack objectives if there was a Host migration.
  • Fixed getting numerous script errors after completing multiple missions and a Host migration occurred. This could result in objectives breaking or not updating after the migration.
  • Fixed Pilot Intrinsic “Ramming Speed” not functioning. 
  • Fixed missing Railjack Health after a Host migration occured.
  • Fixed the ‘Ramming Speed’ Pilot skill not functioning.
  • Fixes towards infinite Railjack Void tunnel when transitioning from different levels.
  • Fixed being placed in a weird state if you tried to launch out of the Railjack Cannon right after the Host did.
  • Fixed enemy Crewships attempting to fire at things that aren't visible, either due to cover or via being invisible (ie. Itzal).
  • Fixed discrepancies with End of Mission Intrinsics gained sometimes not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed Railjack End of Mission results getting stuck on screen if kept open during return to Dry Dock.
  • Fixes towards Clients not seeing all their gained items on the End of Mission screen when returning to the Dry Dock. 
  • Fixed not being awarded the Forging Bay Resources from your Railjack mission upon returning to the Dry Dock.
  • Fixed some Railjack Components not having their upgrades unapplied when the Component is removed.
  • Fixed Shield Arrays with the Shield redirection buff giving the Railjack an infinite buff. This also removes the resistance buff from the shield redirection buff. Wing Turrets still receive the same damage bonus on next shot.
  • Fixed the Avionic Scrap screen not displaying the Ranks of Avionics.
  • Fixed the Avionic Scrap screen perpetually appearing when opening your Inventory screen if you accessed the Scrap screen prior.
  • Fixed turning invisible if you were in another players Railjack Arsenal when the mission started.
  • Fixed Railjack walls appearing invisible when a Ramsled hits you while you're in the Nose Turret AR (Augmented Reprojection) mode.
  • Fixed Warframe ability sounds not playing properly when in a Railjack Turret.
  • Fixed the Dry Dock platform used to enter the Railjack clipping into it if the Caballero Railjack Skin is equipped.
  • Fixed base Components displaying a rank [0]. These are base items that have no rank.
  • Fixed ability to craft more Munition than you can afford in the Payload screen, thus going into the negative values and receiving an error.
  • Fixed Dredger and Outrider projectiles going through collisions.
  • Fixed a script error when the Forward Artillery Cannon is charging while someone is transitioning between the Railjack and Archwing.
  • Fixed cases of the Forward Artillery Cannon becoming stuck when attempting to face your target.
  • Fixed the Forward Artillery Cannon not functioning after a Host migration has occurred. 
  • Fixes towards the Railjack appearing very dark (Cy forgot to pay the hydro bill).
  • Fixed seeing the wrong prompt when attempting to further rank up an already max rank Intrinsic.
  • Fixed missing texture in the Tactical Menu minimap when it's opened while returning to the Dry Dock.
  • Fixed duplicate description text for Reactors with the "chance to automatically seal a breach" perk.
  • Fixed Outriders being stuck to Turrets in their Codex diorama.
  • Fixed losing your chosen UI Theme when Piloting a Railjack.
  • Fixed Client audio replication bugs on the Radar Tower in Railjack.
  • Fixes to some Archwing Cannon sounds not playing correctly.
  • Fixed Octavia Abilities not properly ducking ambient and combat music in Railjack.
  • Fixed some overly repetitive Cy transmissions. 
  • Fixed missing transmissions for Gallen/Asteroid Base points of interest.
  • Fixed missing descriptions for Chat linked Railjack Resources.
  • Fixed a script error when using the Omni.
  • Fixed a script error when viewing/closing the Tactical Menu.
  • Fixed a script error in the Railjack HUD.
  • Fixed a script error when a Crewship encounter started. 
  • Fixed script error that can occur when reviving after dying in a Turret.



  • Fixed inability to play the Kuva Fortress Pago Spy node.
  • Fixed being loaded into a completely different mission when attempting to play a dynamic mission types (Kuva Siphons, Syndicate etc) when using Public matchmaking. This only occurred if there were more than one of that mission-type on the same planet at the same time. 
  • Fixed Sawgaws being near impossible to Tranq.
  • Fixes towards Excalibur Zato’s front cloth clipping which could sometimes result in weird triangle cloth textures.
  • Fixes towards clipping issues with Excalibur Zato’s left shoulder fur cloth.
  • More fixes towards Syandanas clipping into Titania’s Empress Skin.
  • Fixed the Gear wheel not having correct tooltips when switching back and forth between Gear and Emotes.
  • Fixed two different weapon sounds being heard when firing Titania’s Dex Pixia with the Hawkmoth Skin equipped.
  • Fixed a script error when viewing Profit-Taker Orb in the Codex.
  • Fixed script error that could occur when Nullifier dome collides with a Kuva cloud.
  • Fixed a script error related to Venari.
  • Fixed script errors when your Kuva Lich would attempt to Dodge or Decoy.
  • Fixed script errors for numerous Warframe ability castings.
  • Fixed a script error when the Molecular Conversion Taxon Precept Mod deactivates. 
  • Fixed a script error when being pulled by a Grineer Scorpion.
  • Fixed an issue with Grineer Ghouls causing a script error. 
  • Fixed missing translations in some languages that were being presented in English.


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Thanks for the Ivara Prime Access!

More changes and suggestions I'd like to say for Railjack...

I would start with resources, why should we informed each time we get any resource? Convert the Cubic Diodes, Copernics, Carbides, Pustrels and Dirac as normal loot and leave the rare loot UI informations to mods, parts and more rare loot.

Talking about railjack "roles", we have people which pilots the ship, who fixes hulls and breaches, who takes care about dropships and who usually goes for the objectives, this is the definition of team play and that's perfectly fine, except that players have to loot items inside objectives for themselfs and, unlikely everything else, this loot is not shared. It's really one of the big issues since players might forget to waypoint or to tell their squad about potential loot, considering we could get an Umbra Forma blueprint and guns blueprints from caches and bosses. Making them shared like every other loot should be mandatory, specially because some objectives requires both the Railjack Crew and the Away Crew to work together, how bad would be "ehy get in the Railjack so I can come into the galleon and loot the items you got already"... please..

Regarding sharing items, why are intrinsics not shared and equal for the entire squad? We are all playing a role to accomplish missions do we? If so, why are those rewards, specially intrinsics which gives mastery points, not shared with the same number to the entire squad?

The refine button. Please, do not allow the players to click that button if the Railjack isn't full health or the objectives are completed. Yes, I might lose resources by not refining if my forge capacity is full, but how many missions did player lose due to someone which accidentally (or not accidentally, who knows...) clicked that button to store resources? Catastrophic event happens, no resources to craft revolite and say goodbye to your Umbra Forma blueprint! Make this button unclickable if the objectives aren't completed or just change how the resources are awarded after the mission is completed, I don't want to make a copypasta of "Please don't refine if the mission is not over" each time I host a mission and I'm sure I'm not the only one having this issue.

Oh and yes, components and armaments. Why not making a system which autodiscards the same items with the same stats? Unless the item cap limit gets removed (which would be a lot reasonable already) there is no reason to stockpile the same Zetki Apoc Mk II which I crafted already unless I want to get a second for my pilot or gunner, if so, a script which allows people to search (or even better, sort!) an item for it's name would be really needed.


Could we get explainations for this? Lol





2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

All Credit Cache Rewards have been replaced with Relics!

Uhm, ok I guess (?)



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Thanks for the hotfix!

I think what we really need for railjack is continous improvements to the feel of the combat.

It's not nearly arcadey enough. Most of the guns have ridiculously slow projectives, the enemies are tiny, have a tiny healthbar with too little feedback and feel bullet spongey at higher levels.

I think the real reason people immidiately start complaining about stuff like the credit caches is that they aren't having enough fun with the core gameplay itself. Otherwise people wouldn't care as much about that.

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Thanks for the update!

Four patches in and Empyrean still has some kinda stuff that needs to be looked at...

1. The forges' REFINE feature has no point and actually does more harm than good!
The aspect of managing your collected resources during a mission might be interesting but kinda gets messed up through the mechanic that is refinement.
First off, resources you don't refine during or by the end of the mission are lost. Why is that though? Can't there be a thing like auto-refinement after mission success? Where is the logic in just letting them vanish off the ship?
Second, the all-time availability of the feature makes it dangerous during critical mission phases. Someone might unknowingly refine the ressources when they might decide between failure or success of a mission. I had someone once who refined when we had a fatal hull breach and thus couldn't forge the much needed Revolite to avert mission failure. This shouldn't be a thing that can happen! (On another side note: a few moments before that, said person who refined didn't even know that a thing like the forges existed, wondering why their Omni wouldn't fix breaches when we were out of Revolite. This happened on goddamn SATURN. Railjack needs a tutorial!)
That being said, the best measure to handle this IMHO is to just take out the feature at all. Give each resource a capacity on its own to prevent resource clogging and auto-refine all that after mission success.

2. The pacing between Railjack missions and resource farming is quite off.
Currently the missions look like this: you start a mission, fight off fighters and crewships and maybe disable an enemy base, all while getting a bunch of resources. If you want to go for extra resources, you'd have to go out after the mission and scavenge the debris, which yield more rarer stuff like Fresnels, Trachons or some extra Dirac. This issues here are for once that it depends on the Railjack host to allow to go for extra stuff. If they wanna leave, you have no choice but to leave as well. Will we at some point be able to decide individually how long we want to remain in a mission? The other issue is that, with the debris spread along wide distances and the Railjack and Archwing speeds being kinda low, farming this stuff takes a lot of time. Railjack speed can be upgraded, AW leads me to the third point...

3. Reconsider Archwing Blink / Controls
Not everyone has been happy with the latest changes to Blink, with the 2 second cooldown taking a lot of the speed that Itzal provided previously. While I very much like how AW controls now, the one thing that boggles me the most though is how you have to handle Blink and Afterburner in turn to travel the fastest, with both being bound to the same key. For my part I've even written an AHK macro to deal with that. Why can't we bind them for ourselves? Railjack got a whole own key binding section, why has that never been a thing for Archwing? Please let the people decide how the wanna control their Archwings!
EDIT: Someone told me the Sprint/Roll bindings would correspond to the Afterburner/Blink controls, which I didn't know, but makes sense. It would still be nice to keep those settings separate and clean.

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About Sword and Shield weapon Class:

- "Air combos" do not work. You jump, hold the “S” button in the air, push CC button and ... you throw the shield. Conventional air СС single hit - have also been replaced with a shield throw. I explain... In mid-air if you hold "S" button and starts smashing CC button - you see some air combo. It's a new mechanic. But this mechanic doesn't work with S&S class. Try to make "air combo" with another class weapon and you see what wrong with S&S class. That's why i proposed to return the old mechanic to throw the shield (jump x2 and you can throw).

-When I am doing combo being on uneven ground - shield may spontaneously throw himself and brake the combos. Problem occurs regularly on rough surfaces when you use combos with long lunges forward. You find yourself in the air for a short time due to which occurs a Shield Throwing. You must enter a double jump to be able to throw the shield so that they can be thrown at ANY VERTICAL ANGLE! ...at the moment it can not be done. DE, please return the old mechanic to throw the shield (jump x2 and you can throw).

- When throwing, the shield will homing on friendly objects if they are closer than the enemy. For example, he is homing on a capsule on defense missions.

- Damage is very small for those shields that were launched. Damage adjustment required. For example, to increase the damage of the shield being thrown after a certain number of blockings with shield of enemy fire. "Charge the shield for a more powerful throw". Need enter changes to system of absorption of damage to Shields



I would also like to add from myself a couple of suggestions for correcting СС:

- autoblock needs in "CC full mode" (when u hold "change weapon" button). Because so much easier and more efficient. The problem arises when you take on a mission only one melee weapon. You get used to that autolock is constantly working on its own, but getting on a mission with restrictions on weapons - you begin often to die. Automatic has to work all the time and in any regime!

- and... "hold "change weapon" button for "full CC regime"" - I never - used this. This option awkward to use in dynamic game.  The bottom line is that I'm not against the clamping button to activate the "full CC regime", only needs Autoblock in this regime or the possibility of its inclusion in the game settings to use "full CC regime" with Autoblock system. Autoblock works correctly at this moment not counting the "bug" when a player hangs in the air at blocking enemy fire. Autoblocking system should not lead to the hang of players in the air! Its some a flaw in CC.

(btw, need a toggle for ABS for "full CC regime" in game options)

- I still don’t like the moment when selected wrong firearm after using the synthesis scanner. For example... a secondary weapon was selected before i use the Synthesis Scanner, but after I scanned the target and removed the Synthesis Scanner - the MAIN WEAPON appear in hands of my Frame. Very often it is confusing. Before the introduction of СС innovations, everything was in order with this.



В 29.11.2019 в 08:47, GPrime96 сказал:

There's a issue i noticed today after i saw it in this Video: 

Her Mirror works like it should at a flat surface but when the enemies be more uneven with the surface, you would be taking damage with her Mirror up.The problem with that is when you are playing in Grineer Tilesets like Galleon or Mars Tileset, you would most likely take damage than soaking up the Damage for her Blood Orb. So as long as you are fighting in a leveled area, watch your back.


- Dual Decurion has notable recoil which throws off accuracy at medium-long range shooting even in time of aimed fire in space (

- Enemies do not drop out of the sphere of energy in space.

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Hi DE. Looks like I can farm the new Prime Parts now or I could test again how buggy and unfunny Railjack still is…

Railjack is all about Archwing stuff and you just nerfed stuff with Empyrean. I mean changing every Archgun to projectile based is kinda weird. How can you kill enemies in space effectively when they are that fast and you are forced to use projectile based Weapons now? Also Archmelees are extremely useless. Archmelee also still has that ultimate Meme Mod [Furor]. Adding 10% Attack Speed at maxed Rank. Funny. Farming Intrinsics and other resources is some next level of Grind. Being forced to play the same boring missions hundreds of times just isn’t fun. Everyone should get all the resources that were collected during the Mission at least. Unrewarding Grind isn’t Content DE.

With all these recent changes and updates I’m really wondering what will be next. Maybe it would be a good idea to ask yourself if the Content you create is actually enjoyable. I mean it’s kinda foreseeable that people will hate stuff like projectile based Archguns or Paracesis like Kuva Weapons. I have the feeling it’s all about new and rushed updates, no matter what. It looks like older Content never really gets fixed and updated. Liches are still not enjoyable. Conclave is still completely broken. Still no third Orb in Orb Vallis. Still no proper rework for Nyx, even after that fancy looking Deluxe Skin was released. You nerfed Itzal’s Blink in a way nobody asked for. I would really wish that you would start listening more to your players feedback again.

Nevertheless, good luck with your future updates DE.  

P.S. Where is [Split Flights]?

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Seriously, DE? Brilliant implementation here, can't go to your dry dock after any hotfix so you're just forced to abort and lose all your rewards.

Also, selling Dirac and Rush Repair Drone on the market for platinum vs. all the grind required feels pretty gross and definitely giving pay to win vibes.

Reminder that giving liches cheap insta-kills on us is bad game design.



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PLEASE hurry up and make base/inside structure materials group shared!!! I've already lost an Umbra Forma because some team mate decided not to say anything until after we left the mission.

Oh and thanks for making everyone fail the missions they were on after update. Dojo is considered a mission so everyone had to abort.

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You can find Ivara Prime, Baza Prime, and Aksomati Prime Relics in their classic spots (Void, Derelict, Defense, Survival, etc) with the addition of Railjack missions - All Credit Cache Rewards have been replaced with Relics! Check your in-game Codex for Relic drop locations.

This is amazing.

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So the droptables just got updated:
2% on an RNG lavan/vidar reactor as a mission rewards for a mission that lasts 20 to 40min.
How is this even acceptable? Last time I checked you guys didn't want "layers of RNG" and this whole thing is just that.

This whole update feels like one mission spammed on 20+ nodes with no variance given longevity only via the rng rolls, the houses, and very low droprates. 



You see, the problem with this whole thing is that even when you do get something, with RNG ranges this bad, it's not even guarenteed to be an upgrade. unknown.png

Edit 2:
This only gets better, just when I thought weapons were the only redemming feature of this whole mess, you guys go out of you way to add RNG stat roll while still not fixing either the typo in your patch notes or the actuall scrapping returns in-game.

If I didn't know you guys I would think This a pretty bad monetazition push with how costly the repair is rn and the scrapping giving only half of your resources back while that auto repair on the market is pretty tempting for 50p.


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The Railjack changes:

Empyrean: Ivara Prime 27.0.4

Railjack Changes & Fixes:

  • Added Railjack Health perks for performing repairs on the Railjack:
    • 15% of max Health for Fire and Electricity Traps
    • 20% of max Health for Ruptures
    • 30% of max Health for Hull Breaches
  • Currently a Hull Breach Repair grants you 10 seconds of Railjack invulnerability. With the added Health perk for Hull Breaches, we’ve tweaked the Railjack Invulnerability time to grant a benefit to those with haste to compensate! Repairing a Hull Breach now grants Railjack invulnerability scaled to the amount of time left on the ‘Catastrophic Failure Imminent' timer. You can get anywhere from 5 - 15 seconds of Railjack invulnerability based on your Hull Breach Repair urgency.
  • Removed Credit Caches from the Railjack reward table! Relics have been added in Railjack missions to compensate for this.
  • Increased the cooldown of the Elite Kosma Flak's Shield ability and fixed the shield not actually blocking damage sometimes.
  • Adjusted hit boxes on the Elite Kosma Flak for improved accuracy. 
  • Adjustments to the Archwing Cannon firing animation for a less janky launch.
  • Removed a certain floating prison found in Railjack missions due to numerous collision/sizing issues. It shall return at a later date!
  • Enabled Push-To-Talk in Railjack keyboard bindings.
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Main fixes I wish to see are codex scans, being able to link RJ content and a means to get out of UI lockups
(especially for captains of the squad, whom need to pick the next mission node, a stuck captain means a mission of nothing for everyone)

a 52 minute Railjack mission was borked at the last second when I tried to bored a crewed ship just as they de-spawned and it locked controls and unstuck was worthless. couldn't even press X to hop into own ship after a squad-mate positioned it right in front of me, so yeah. that needs a contingency.

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