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Hey, I'm cool with randomized stats.  It means even after I get my prefered Kuva weapons, I still have many reasons to look forward to even murdering even more thralls.  What are you going to do once you have all the stuff there is to get anyway?  Farm ducats or platinum?

Edited by Lost_Cartographer
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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

Make the game good, and people won't complain about going through it quickly.

Problem is that players wants to get their hands on new items as soon as possible regardless the game is enjoyable or not. 

Didn’t I forget to mention that you don’t need these items because clan research Railjack Parts is viable in Veil Proxima?  The RNG parts are there for “nice to haves” and not mandatory. If you can’t stand RNG wait for your clan to research MKIII parts.

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3 hours ago, Lost_Cartographer said:

Hey, I'm cool with randomized stats.  It means even after I get my prefered Kuva weapons, I still have many reasons to look forward to even murdering even more thralls.  What are you going to do once you have all the stuff there is to get anyway?  Farm ducats or platinum?

Play the game for fun? Because we enjoy the core gameplay loop? You know, the reason we're supposedly here in the first place? Surely there's some reason to play Warframe beyond the Skinner box conditioning.

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3 hours ago, Lost_Cartographer said:

What are you going to do once you have all the stuff there is to get anyway?

Kill things. I downloaded a shooter game 'cos i like running around killing things. 😃

3 hours ago, Lost_Cartographer said:

It means even after I get my prefered Kuva weapons, I still have many reasons to look forward to even murdering even more thralls.

Yeah, 'cept the chances of getting a better roll on a weapon you liek with the element you want on it diminish as the weapon you have gets better.

Once I've killed my present Lich I'll have one of each weapon, but I've already had enough low-roll duplicates to see that maxing them is unrealistic.

And when i know from the start that the weapon I'll get is naff, it gives missions I could have wholeheartedly enjoyed the feeling of being on a treadmill to get rid of the useless Lich and try for another, which the odds are wouldn't be any better.

I'd be more inclined to run missions in Lich territory to enjoy the elevated enemy levels, but ignore the Thralls so the Lich territory would grow and give me more nodes on the Star Chart to choose from.

When I was looking for a shooter game, the fact that the stats on Warframe's weapons, mods and gear were not randomised was a big plus point in me choosing it. I'm not enjoying this departure from that precedent. ☹️

Edited by OmegaVoid
kan nott spel.
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1 hour ago, Steel_Rook said:

Play the game for fun? Because we enjoy the core gameplay loop? You know, the reason we're supposedly here in the first place? Surely there's some reason to play Warframe beyond the Skinner box conditioning.

To shoot Grineer (that aren't ammo sponges) with a weapon modded for slash if necessary such that they explode into chunky giblets, of course. 

It just amazes me how many people keep getting hung up on the RNG/grind aspect of the game, like the concept itself was suddenly introduced to Warframe late this year or something.

And no, for many people, the Skinner box is why they play, which is why we have RNG and grind in the first place.  They wouldn't literally complain every single content drop about RNG and grind otherwise if they weren't stuck in the box.  They wouldn't skip all the baddies in a mission to complete the objective and head to extract ASAP if it were about playing the game for fun.  They wouldn't go "meh" to hunting liches and complain about collecting murmurs  if they didn't find killing things a chore.  They wouldn't turn down running missions if they weren't concerned whether or not the lich would provide a better weapon bonus than what they already got.  They wouldn't stop at the first rotation C in an endless, unless maybe if things just felt tedious to actually shoot when before they weren't.

Everywhere I look, there are more than enough examples of players optimizing the fun out of their game and that would only happen if they had an end goal in mind.  So spare me the crap lecture.  Not everyone plays to get a bigger gun, but a very large number of people do, often at the detriment to their own enjoyment, and when they get it, they're inexplicably struggling to find a reason to keep playing, despite supposedly fighting so hard to get that reward to "enjoy the game." 

And they wonder why DE (or any developer) constantly puts things behind a grind wall.

I don't.  But I still play classic DOOM, so I don't care.  New item is great, with randomly bigger numbers is icing.  I just care when my equipment setup has to be rammed into a META build just to get anything done in what is supposed to be an "intermediate" area, all things considered.

Edited by Lost_Cartographer
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OP and fellow Tenno who are tired/angered/etc with DE’s recent decisions to double down on RNG loot-box like mechanics.  Take the advise of the players who said to leave or play something else, and vote with your wallet.  DE knows players are upset with the loot box RNG death machine of Kuva lichs but said in their devstream they will not change the system. Then they tied the loot box system to Railjack parts.  If uninstalling the Gabe keto far I understand, but I implore you don’t spend any money.  If they chose to ignore us when we’re unhappy with a decision, fine.  We just won’t spend our money until they address our concerns and implement the changes that have been provided in many feedback threads to make the game rewarding.   

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6 hours ago, Lost_Cartographer said:

Everywhere I look, there are more than enough examples of players optimizing the fun out of their game and that would only happen if they had an end goal in mind.  So spare me the crap lecture.  Not everyone plays to get a bigger gun, but a very large number of people do, often at the detriment to their own enjoyment, and when they get it, they're inexplicably struggling to find a reason to keep playing, despite supposedly fighting so hard to get that reward to "enjoy the game." 

In your rush to throw pejoratives at me, it seems you missed the irony of your own words, let me give you another "crap lecture."

First of all, that this many people want to skip "the grind" and just get the rewards is an indictment of the core gameplay loop. After all, if the game were fun for people, then just playing it would be motivation enough, but it consistently isn't. Well, whose fault is that, at the end of the day? You can blame players 'till the cows come home, but it's ultimately DE who made a game this deliberately grindy, which wastes our collective time, patience and money. They're the ones who talked about how it's too late to design the game around being fun to play and resolved to design it solely around Skinner boxes, rentals, consumables, upkeep and the like. When that's how the game is designed, is it any wonder that that's how people will play it? When a developer has managed to train their playerbased to always ask "Yeah, but what's the reward?" then it's that developer's own fault that this keeps happening. DE have chosen to monetise their game through compulsion and subversion, so of course this is what they'll get in return.

But let's assume for a moment that I agree with you. Lots of people play the game for the rewards and not the gameplay. Lots of people are burned out and resent the game, but keep playing it anyway because they're allowed themselves to be conditioned for the Skinner Box. They want the treats and don't care about how they get them. Is this seriously the solution to this issue? Is stringing these people along and trying to keep them playing WELL past the point where enjoyment stopped a good idea? Is it a good idea to design systems which forces EVERYONE into this mentality, even those of us who still play for fun? Is it a good idea to pile on more grind, fractal grind, recursive grind on top of everything, to reduce every bit of new content to endless repetition of the same thing over and over again, to the point where even those of us who genuinely enjoy "just hooting Grineer" end up burning out just trying to get our foot in the door? Because all that does is breed resentment in long-term players.

The problem you cite is entirely of DE's own making. They've built their business on aggressive monetisation of naked Skinner boxes to the detriment of the core gameplay loop. They've built their business on keeping players playing long past the point of burnout. And worst of all, they're no longer trying to hide it any more. Despite what you claim, there are plenty of people who still desperately want to play Warframe for the enjoyment of playing it, but are forced into grinding out mission types they despise because that's the cost of doing business. In just about every modern Live Service, progression is not a feature of the game. It's a cost, it's what we put up with in order to get to enjoy the game, ultimately paying money to make it go away.

You can't blame people for wanting to skip the grind and get at the rewards when the grind is deliberately long, tedious and unpleasant for the express purpose of wasting our time and getting us to pay to make it go away. That's entirely on the developers who designed their game like this.

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It gets even worse when DE can't abide by their own lore. According to the update notes Zetki components are the best of the best. Yet my Zetki Shield Array MK1 has less Shield Capacity than the Vidar Shield Array MK1 I repaired the other day. These missions are long and honestly its discouraging. It's the reason why I stopped doing Kuva Liches as well. This is not the way to get people to play your game. Even the incentives are RNG based. Its a joke. 

Edited by Azrael_V
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