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- Major concern... cant write in chat "unstuck"... if HOST, you cant either finish quest but has to Abort mission.

There is no OPTION to fix this.... we just did a grind over 13000+ resources per unit..
- Because i got to crash game and cant extract "Because i was in a crewship" when mission completed i got Blackscreen,
... Cant write, use chat for unstuck nor can i make someone else extract us....

** Upon completing a mission, and a player inside a Crewship. they end up in the VOID /Blackscreen, Cant use chat or move... or type.
Timer stopped, ship vanished... wasnt teleported, it kinda behaved as game FROZE.
- Solution: Force teleport the player back to the Main Railjack ship (as reset) since we cannot reloadui / unstuck... as chat breaks.

Edit: Still no extraction... mission been going on and on... but it said "mission complete"
People said Warframe added an "Force-Extraction" timer after mision completed... BUT NOTHING!


- Fix this timer so we are actully EXTRACTED atleast 5-10min after mission, i aint closing my game and losing everything.
only for others to get the items. Naaa-aah! i want it to... i worked my a(BEEP) for this.


** If someone rush for objective, all crewships and fighters "flee" and leaving map, causing it to be unable to be finished.
(no enemies to kill means = abort mission).
- Solution: Prevent enemies from ESCAPING until both Objective or Figter/Crewship is done first.
Thus: Doesnt matter in which order it is completed to ensure mission completion.


Alternative 2: PREVENT OBJECTIVE to be done before all Crewship and Fighters has been eliminated!

** When this happens it litterly causes the "Mission to fail" as you cannot repair ship.
every now and then (mostly when join OTHERS ships) The OMNI vanishes from GEAR-Wheel.
Preventing the player(s) from using the Omni to repair haul-damages.


- Solution: Ensure we get a "Free" reserved spot "keybinded" for OMNI.
+ ALSO when a new OMNI resource is built, It gives us a new "OMNI fireextinguisher" auto-added to gearwheel.
+ IF NO OMNI IN GEAR :: And 300/300 OMNI -- Forge will give option "restore/Build Omni" (500 credits).

RAILJACK :: Archwing (Energy Issue)
** When exit Railjack or Crewship the player should always get the 5energy/seconds for 20 seconds - to Archwing.
This helps the fight against enemies aswell get defensives up on archwing or offensives.
(most time deaths happens in space) = No energy = No offensive/defenses!


RAILJACK :: Archwing Weapons not withdrawn in RJ missions...
** When playing with randoms its tooo frequent your melee + range "archwing weapons" get stuck-equiped
when entering the RJ ship again, thus also prevents you from using either of them if you going out to space again!


DOJO :: DRY DOCK (Ship Glitch-Bugs)
- Issue: Text "named ship" ends like 2meter BELOW ship, ... in the air? hello?
(didnt know you could paint the air itself!)



RAILJACK :: Resource Crates "Cannot be marked"
Note: No indication of "contains or are a resource crate/box"


- Prowl (TO STRONG GLOW) needs to be reduced "space-ness" by 60%
Note: I want to see the Jellies in the Prowl(Stealth)... it is sad Designers didnt impliment the most important future in the stealth!
its to distracting in missions and to Gloowy in some dark spaces, Feels like a flashlight (shouldnt be so!)

- Prowl Randomly makes the ENTIRE FRAME vanish... not a trace of it... "obliteration?"
(can only see equiped Attachments... sadface!)
Note: happened garanted 4 times on a 5-round mission with people in the mission... cant replicate
- happens randomly and to frequently... need to leave prowl and re-enter to make it work again.

SEDNA :: HYDRON (as i only farmed there so faar).


full source of pictures https://imgur.com/a/SeF3uvJ

Edited by Zenpark
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RAILJACK :: "Objective" Doors keep locked for other players. if only 1 of 4 was inside doing the consoles and stuff.
Note: ran through every console in-ship/satelite... none interactive to open or unlock the door.

This needs a FIX.

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Railjack :: Archwing - Quick teleport back to slingshot.
* Using "Middle mouse" while in archwing... should teleport the player back to SLINGSHOT.!!

NOTE: Upon using "Slingshot" from inside the ship, we are forced to use the default Pistol /secondary weapon.
Archwing weapon wont be initiated.

Edited by Zenpark
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Railjack :: "Using archwing" --- Flying fast and shooting - frame blocking sight!
* While flying fast with archwing its litterly impossible see where the enemy is, which direction they quickly swap toward....
SOLUTION: force the FRAME to absolut BOTTOM RIGHT/LEFT corner "based on which side you prefer the frame on.
(in my opinion i must have the character/frame on my right or i cant control or walk properly.)


This is how it should look like ALWAYS when AIMING!





NOTE: This picture only add a full-zoom in "perfect view" when NOT MOVING.... "basicly gonna ask for dying".
.... should be same view when flyhing and using "AIM"

Edited by Zenpark
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  • Interface utterly vanishes when (No joke, no interface for anything, no railjack interface, no aiming reticles, no group / railjack health, nothing, except the gear wheel still works);
    • Teleporting using tactical menu
    • Disembarking from the railjack / station / crewship
    • Embarking to the railjack / station / crewship
    • Teleporting via the omni-recall command
      • The only fix for the interface poof is to restart warframe.
  • Waypoints vanish for everyone but the host
    • Makes required boarding maneuvers impossible to complete for the rest of the group
  • Although mission succeeded and the pop-up rewards were given, upon going to another node or drydock, a final mission window pops up telling you mission failed
    • YOU GET NOTHING for the last 40 minutes you spent in that mission. Yay! No rewards, nothing at all.
    • This pops up and vanishes so fast you often can't screenshot it so you can report it.
  • Mission Reward Screen pops up for about half a second when going to next node or drydock
    • When going to drydock it pops up briefly then vanishes
    • You are unable to actually see "last mission results" so who knows what it says
    • If going to another node, it appears to just keep piling on rewards along with time spent in mission further obfuscating what is going on.
  • Enemy ships gain near-invulnerability whenever they touch a healing bubble put out by a crewship
    • Pretty much you have to wait five minutes before you can actually kill them, they heal so fast and so much it doesn't matter what amount of damage you do to them.
    • You will see them take damage and instantly heal to full.
    • Considering that they are already massive health sponges, this is pretty damned silly and honestly boring and annoying.
  • Game crashes to desktop seemingly at random while in railjack. (I haven't seen a CTD in years with warframe, even on my old potato PC)
    • Whole game freezes in place
    • Fortunately the warframe bug reporting system does come up.
    • Not certain what is causing it, appears to be random, happens every 5 missions or so.
    • Doesn't seem to matter which mission node.
    • I do host frequently so maybe it has something to do with hosting
  • Boarding mission breaks and no one is able to proceed to complete it
    • All waypoints, even for the host, have poofed.
    • There is nothing to interact with, checking all of the consoles in the boardable area yields nothing.
    • Host migration doesn't fix this
    • Forced to abort the mission, getting nothing for your time.
      • This is especially annoying when in the void as many of the space battles last 20 minutes at the least.
  • Blowing up a ramsled when still 20+ meters away from the railjack still allows enemies to board.
    • Pretty annoying, on your screen, you saw the ramsled explode, nope, all it needed to do was touch an invisible magical barrier 20+ meters out from the railjack and POOF! Instant boarding party.
  • Dropped loot from destroy objects / ships sometimes maintains inertia of object / ship and continues to fly off into space.
    • Very obnoxious to chase down 12 copernics as they careen off into deep space. Yet another reason why forcing us to touch these things to pick them up is a PITA.
  • Sometimes when exiting or entering a railjack / crewship / station, you teleport to another enterable doorway on the map, or the railjack, or literally another door.
    • You hit the button to enter a crewship, BAMMO! You're on the railjack... wait what?
    • You exit a station after boarding it and completing the objectives, BAMMO! You're sitting just outside a crewship suddenly, and blam! they down you!
    • It's almost as if all of these enter / exit points all magically intersect in a magical door dimension and its a crapshoot as to where you'll end up.
  • Fired a missile, it has clearly locked on and exploded on a ship, that has not been anywhere near a heal bubble, but the missile does no damage to the ship.
    • Simply put, sometimes missiles do no damage to a ship they hit.
  • Exited or Entered railjack / crewship / station and instantly one-shotted by *something*
    • It's great how we always are forced to watch a cinematic before we're allowed to do anything. No really, we clearly would rather watch some half-baked machinima than play the game. During this time, we are often one-shotted before we are allowed to do anything at all. We just die, that's also a ton of fun.
    • This is also due to how entering/exiting something all of our buffs and abilities seem to be wiped, and sometimes even our energy.
  • Grineer troops in railjack sometimes ignore invulnerability / shield / damage mitigation buffs (no not toxin, just utterly ignoring these states)
    • Grineer are sometimes able to shoot through Mesa's shattershield with their guns
    • Grineer are sometimes able to utterly ignore Rhino's Ironskin and down the player instantly
    • Grineer are sometimes able to kill your operator while in void mode... O_O 
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RailJack Mission Earth Proxima 3rd crewship may be causing lock ups. All methods to remedy this issue and remain in game are exhausted leaving only the option to force close. Alt-F4


Edited by MikeAboose
repost link via edit, also then spelled game wrong
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Game need unlimited "UNSTUCK" command, this should if used in railjack ALWAYS bring you to Cockpit "on the floor"... not inside floor, or below... or outside in space...

- Way to many possible places to be stuck on Crewship blowing up, or you entered 0,2sec before it blow up and "poof now your in the void... black space. unable to do absolutely nothing"!

Vote Kick "AFK-DEAD players that didnt want to res // Or used up all their resses.
- This should be active after a 2-3min "AFK-DEAD", so we on Railjack can bring in fresh viable-alive ppl to complete a mission and not carry-DEAD-Bodies.. in every literly VOID mission!

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Exo / Gyre Eviscerator deals insane amount of damage

That's right, now they are using OUR memes against us! Their Twin Grakatas are insanely overpowered by enemy standards. Even the regular Lv.80 enemies such as (Frontier) Heavy Gunner, Eviscerator, Corpus Tech (that being said, the Lv.80 Exo/Gyre Eviscerator absolutely shreds the Lv.80 Tech without even having HP dropping below 95%) and other Gyre enemies don't even come close. This gives me flashbacks when Eviscerator was first introduced and it murdered everyone and everything that gets in his sight.

Back to the Railjack Eviscerator:

Their TTK to kill Inaros with this build:



is around 20s, 30 at best.

Swapping one Guardian for Grace buys you twice more time, but that's it.

But this is Inaros. Let's take a look at the same Eviscerator vs. Frost Prime:








Now, some more enemies with the same level against the same Inaros:


Corpus Tech


Gyre Elite Officer


Gokstad Officer


So yeah, if you guys randomly get killed while fighting against ground forces in the Railjack mode, now you know who is to blame.


P.s. Sorry about the quality and hiccups overall. Didn't bother with setting up the OBS right, but it still proves a point.

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Railjack - Sentinel Ship (Prevent from being done first).


  • There need to be a fix on the VOID missions when the sentinel (hanhou-type) Ship coming up.
    Preventing players from actully doing the SHIP first, thus if they dont get their "items", they leave...
    This a huge problem for others since they can not always compelete the missions.
    Nor when new people join after sentinel ship is done, they leave if they know it is been cleared.


  • People joining after sentient ship been cleared and "they looted one of the SHEDU parts" it should ALSO be granted to ALL in the squad,
    Even if some new players joined after that tileset was cleared but the mission isnt finished.!
Edited by Zenpark
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  • 3 years later...

Хоть одну миссию на рэйлджеке можно пройти БЕЗ ВЫЛЕТА?
Как ещё к вам обратиться, чтобы вы хоть что-то сделали? Азбукой морзе?

Постоянные вылеты, пилоты летят в никуда, невидимые стены в коридорах - играть просто невозможно. Хороший режим сделали просто неиграбельным.
Если посадить пилота за руль, а самому залезть во фронтальную артиллерию - гарантированный вылет в течение минуты.
И не надо мне рассказывать про настройки, на моём компьютере этот тетрис на встройке на высоких настройках работает.
If you ignored it - you nazy.

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