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An Un-Ironic K-Drive Rework/Suggestions v.2 (With combos)


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[ sorry in advance for vague names, i'll replace them with the actual names of the in-game mods when i have the time. ]

-It would add an incentive to visit the open world and roam around on the k-drive from time to time, to have fun
-‎It would give an option other than grind to level up K-drives
-‎It would incentivize people to invest in their k-drives, maybe formas and potato ( if they didn't buy one immediately to skip the grind that is -_-)

2 Options:

1) Multiply damage by K-Drive speed. 
Self-Explanatory, to maximize damage the best methods ( as it's difficult to make fast turns at top speed) would be to engage boost only when ramming enemies or jump and fall on them at high speed thanks to gravity.

To make it more reliable tho, i suggest simpifying damage output by just doubling the damage dealt while boosting.

2) ‎Multiply damage by enemy level. 
DE, u gave us no way to boost the damage (unlike normal weapons) so it's only fair (and a good experiment) that damage is dealt by "stat"+percentage of max health.

This way, the k drive experience remains roughly the same across enemy levels.

There are mods that incentivize bad behaviour and hurt player experience.

The slash mod and the freeze mod are horrible design-wise at the moment because:
- they are made the most reliable and effective way to deal damage, slash bypasses armor and cold damage brings even a Crowd Control (thing that would be useful ... were we ON the board -_-)
- ‎they incentivize not using the combo system and spamming going on and off the board

It's a shame to reward the player when NOT USING the tools u have spent time building. 


(Slash Mod)
Now the board procs slash anytime it touches an enemy when above a set speed. Damage is Double when boosting. Current Speed can play a role but risk becoming unreliable.


(Fire Mod)
Same as now but also leaves a trail of flames as well. Useful to deal damage but also lock enemies in place to ram them.

(Blast Mod)
Implementing a new charge mechanic!

Now at every 500 points (example) of combo a charge is gained (stacks up to three maximum). When doing any trick touching the board with the hand (mouse click) the board lights up and when touching the ground spends one charge, generating an AOE explosion.

Damage might even be multiplied by how much time you hold the pose before landing, to add a risk/reward mechanic in the form of how much are you willing to keep the pose, risking to lose it all if you touch the ground too early.

(electric mod)
Now grinding builds a damaging electric Aura (bubble) around the k-drive that slowly fades in intensity when not grinding (visual and damage wise). It functions similar to Zephir wind as it repels projectiles and bullets but also damages enemies inside or touching the bubble every second, proccing electric status as well.

Think of this as the tenno equivalent of those magnetic lights for bicycles, slowly fading away, holding the charge for a while and increasing in brightness with speed.


(lazzo mod)
I remember Tribouros ( hope i'm not butchering his name xD) talking about a "lazzo mod" and it's a pretty neat idea.

When doing a copter manouver (spacebar, ground or air) up to 2 enemies in range are trapped with a rope of energy and dragged along taking damage over time.

Cool it would be if collisions actually dealt True damage, but i suspect the physics of WF can't handle it very well ... but it works with valkyr, so who knows.


Well i have written enough for now, i might add something later.


Edited by Doraz_
little change
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Dunno about you, but i see K-dive as a wasted chance to add proper Sprint move.

Imagine if you could accelerate your Sprint to K-drive speeds and grind rails with your feet?

Ventkids? Keep em.  K-Drives will be for Operator...  And Warframes will run instead.     To use K-drive as Operator you just tap Sprint 2 times...it will be like a built in "ability" that you get on Fortuna. Much better than gear wheer, no?

Gauss? Still relevant. His 1st is MUCH faster than K-drive speed and also deals damage/kd and sht.  

Volt? Volt is volt. Buff and Sprint even Faster. There is nothing


That would bring :  

1) Better zipline/ rail grind animations

2) New aerial dodge animations (serving as "stunts") ...Coz we do not have aerial dodge animations now...we roll midair instead. We still foken roll midair, man.

3) Less clunky gameplay...coz you can stop and shoot anytime without any mounting/dismounting....

4) Will work in every mission. Coz its not a "vehicle".


IMO that would be best.

And yes, K-drives do need more mods and polish, no matter if they become Operator tools or remain as is.


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I genuinely don't think that combining tricks and combat can possibly work. I think K-Drives were a fun, silly little extra with no intent to expand from there. There isn't a point at which they were better for transportation than archwing or anything like that. They're just kinda there. 

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Nothing you mentioned would ever make me use a k drive.  It is always inferior to arch, especially now that I have all 8+ intrinsics and my arch is even more potent.

Honestly it's just a bad mode that adds flavor with no substance to the game which makes the flavor just another abandoned piece if content.  


Sure it works and all, but it brings nothing of value to the game except some mr that is an awful grind that requires you to waste 20 minutes a day grinding the pearl in monotony.

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10 hours ago, Kainosh said:

Dunno about you, but i see K-dive as a wasted chance to add proper Sprint move.

Imagine if you could accelerate your Sprint to K-drive speeds and grind rails with your feet?

Ventkids? Keep em.  K-Drives will be for Operator...  And Warframes will run instead.     To use K-drive as Operator you just tap Sprint 2 times...it will be like a built in "ability" that you get on Fortuna. Much better than gear wheer, no?

Gauss? Still relevant. His 1st is MUCH faster than K-drive speed and also deals damage/kd and sht.  

Volt? Volt is volt. Buff and Sprint even Faster. There is nothing


That would bring :  

1) Better zipline/ rail grind animations

2) New aerial dodge animations (serving as "stunts") ...Coz we do not have aerial dodge animations now...we roll midair instead. We still foken roll midair, man.

3) Less clunky gameplay...coz you can stop and shoot anytime without any mounting/dismounting....

4) Will work in every mission. Coz its not a "vehicle".


IMO that would be best.

And yes, K-drives do need more mods and polish, no matter if they become Operator tools or remain as is.


Well, Sunset Overdrive already did it succesfully and WF has yet to copy it ... so why not xD

The mixing of driving and shooting sounds fun.

if k-drives are to stay, maybe the "secondary attack" key can enable the control of guns on the k-drive while restricting you in combos as mouse-click combos cannot be performed. 

(I still would prefer the k-drive itself to become a weapon.)

All guns can work, melees will need a swing animationthat depends on camera orientation when swinging ( imo the air-attack sweep upper-body only might already work xD).


being able to use this k-sprint everywhere in game is such a nice idea🙂


9 hours ago, CopperBezel said:

I genuinely don't think that combining tricks and combat can possibly work. I think K-Drives were a fun, silly little extra with no intent to expand from there. There isn't a point at which they were better for transportation than archwing or anything like that. They're just kinda there. 

as they are locked in open world, completing bounties only using the k-drive would be a good incentive for me to go back to them.


my original idea was to implement stances for k-drives even, with each trick having an effect like:

-backflip launches an energy granade in front of you

-copter creating rotating blades of slashing energy

-after a trick you can grind with no rail for a short time, sorta creating your own grind of damaging electric energy

- trick combos leave a trail of bombs that float mid air, detonating togheter when the trick is landed, damage multiplied by trick score

- some tricks doing CC or DR


but it can get too big and non-justifiable for DE to create, and i would like to customize all parts of my board.


on the other hand, we could have builds with different stances for differentsituations, like speed, damage or cc ... maybe coming from 3 different vent-kids having different styles competing with one another xD (sorta like tenno schools)


Make us play the shawzin on the k-drive too with notes dealing damage and really ...

what are we waiting for? xD 


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Rework K-Dive v.2 (With combos)

Gameplay in short:
-Player uses MOST trick and combos to build up score, 
-‎score generate charges that are spent by dong SPECIFIC tricks (right click mostly)


W/A/S/D + Ctrl = Ground Spin 
Blades of Slashing energy (360 Degrees).

S + Left Click + Right Click
Granade is launched in front of board.
Cold Damage. (Replace Cold Mod)

W + Left Click + Right Click
Double jump. (This Replaces the duble jump mod giving us the ability tro trigger it at will.)

A/D + Left Click + Right Click (hold)
Charges Explosion to release when succesfully landing the trick, muliplied by time pose is kept mid-air (Replaces Blast Mod.

W/A/S/D + Left Click + Space Bar
Rope trapping closest enemy and dragging at along the ground. (New Mod)

Generate  Electic Aura Repelling projectiles. (Replaces Electric Mod)

W/A/S/D + Left Click + Ctrl
Grind Terrain. Generates fire Trails lingering for [duration]. (Replacea Fire Mod)
... bunnyhopping to change direction (solves fire being behind board)

Any Collison
Procs Slash and impact on Target. (Replaces Slash mod). Damage multiplied by combo meter ... incentivizes jumping on enemies 😉 ...

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15 minutes ago, ixidron92 said:

They are a little addition to those people who like racing/skateboard games. 

i know but let this kiddo dream a bit


made a video of the main ideas, sorry for poor man's editing, didn't want to use anything more than vegas for this


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  • 3 weeks later...

Not because i think k-drive are going anywhere -_- but i think that to differentiate it from nidus, a better solution is to give k-drives a battery, charged with electricity generated by tricks and moving around.

kinda reminding of gauss but it would look different as actual electric charge is shown in number (or WF world-lore equivalent) and each trick-attack uses charge to work, otherwise you just do the trick.

mor powerfull effects require more charge, all written on mods, and it would be an opportunity to implement efficiency mods for k drives and diversify builds.


How do tricks generate electricity? Where does Vuban keep his balls? How does Zephir NOT have a deluxe skin?

We will nevwr know, but i think it is a pretty good idea :clem:




Edited by Doraz_
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