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How is the rail jack missions like ? On holiday


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Been on holiday to see parents in South Africa , and saw there was a update , where you get to use the rail jack, and they have limited bandwidth of 10GBs and update is +- 2-3GBs I think, from what a clan mate/freind told me. I managed to purchase the full Ivara Prime Access, so I don't have to farm her when I get back and just focus on the new stuff, + accessories (might missed out of ingame titbits while on holiday)... How is the rail jack flight and space combat ? I can't wait to try after levelling up Ivara Prime when I get back on Friday... I must have missed out on some nightwave to 😞

Edited by Cosmic_Elf
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Right now it is a bit broken. Rewards are unbalanced and there are frequent bugs. I would also recommend not to join on some public node but rather sign up either on a friends ship or a premade group via recruitment channel.

It's fun with a decent ship and crew, but very repetitive.



Edited by Prexades
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Just now, Prexades said:

Right now it is a bit broken. Rewards are unbalanced and there are frequent bugs. I would also recommend not to join on some public node but rather sign up either on a friends ship or a premade group via recruitment channel.



Thank you very much... o.k , I don't know how far my clan mate is building his rail jack... as he still has to get his Solaris standing up in Venus to get decent Venus mining equipment. O.k Thank you.

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1 minute ago, 0_The_F00l said:

It's kinda a different game altogether.

It's fun if you are on a strong ship with good parts and a decent crew 

It is rather sad with a weak ship and incompetent crew. 


The RNG grind is off putting for many. 

Hmm interesting. . O>k thank you... so it was wise I got the Ivara Prime access.. so I would not have to farm to much...lol

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4 minutes ago, -AiLuoLi- said:

Refrain from joining pub if you want to play REALjack instead of ARCHWINGjack.

clueless to what that is all about .. is the archwingjack when you have to go outside with archwing ?


ps I would understand once I load game when I get back... ;lol

Edited by Cosmic_Elf
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Just now, Cosmic_Elf said:

clueless to what that is all about .. is the archwingjack when you have to go outside with archwing ?

Yes. Since railjack are kinda weak in the beginning, everyone just park their ship somewhere and finish the mission with just archwing.

Why even play railjack at all if you're just gonna abandon it? Go play some archwing pursuit or something.

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Cosmic_Elf:

clueless to what that is all about .. is the archwingjack when you have to go outside with archwing ?

One player has to go outside and either destroy mission objectives from the inside or crew ships which cant really be killed from the RJ. But what he was referring to is the try-hard-wing meta that some less competent players established. Just park the RJ away from enemies and kill everything using Archwings. This works only better if the RJ is poorly equipped and the players refuse a minimum amount of coordination.

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7 minutes ago, Cosmic_Elf said:

Hmm interesting. . O>k thank you... so it was wise I got the Ivara Prime access.. so I would not have to farm to much...lol

I actually haven't bothered with PA, the guns are nice and the frame is pretty, but it's really more of the same. 

Choosing to buy PA is a personal choice and should not make a significant difference to your enjoyment for (or lack of) game. 

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3 minutes ago, Cosmic_Elf said:

Been on holiday to see parents in South Africa , and saw there was a update , where you get to use the rail jack, and they have limited bandwidth of 10GBs and update is +- 2-3GBs I think, from what a clan mate/freind told me. I managed to purchase the full Ivara Prime Access, so I don't have to farm her when I get back and just focus on the new stuff, + accessories (might missed out of ingame titbits while on holiday)... How is the rail jack flight and space combat ? I can't wait to try after levelling up Ivara Prime when I get back on Friday... I must have missed out on some nightwave to 😞

current state of railjack is quite painful as the mainly wanted vidar reactors are a 2% drop in veil mission but do to some missions objectives bugging out n.n;; that 2% seems more like a 0.02%.
then there the RNG ontop of RNG cause each wreckage component has random stats so you could get a MKIII reactor an its stats could be worse than the MKI version you found a week earlyier.

here some of the bugs
players falling through the railjack floor an keep being tossed out of the railjack unable to get back in to help out if ship is boarded.
huge animal companion bug which is not a bad thing just funny.
can get stuck in the slingshot for a random amount of time making it when your using it to get somewhere fast kinda pointless.
sometimes when using slingshot you will keep your non arcwing weapons on which in some cases people are using a rubico to snipe at ships.
sometimes when you go out of railjack or crew ships you can be teleported out of bounds unable to do anything till new mission is picked, or your able to recall an fix self.
infinite load bugs which can be from a player not fully synced or when mission launced player is left in dojo while rest of team is in railjack waiting for the bugged player to leave an be reinvited. 
damage values of weapons when in a crewship kinda seem wonky as sometimes i can easily take out a reactor with my primary but other times its like its a peashooter an has to use my secondary to do some actual damage to it.
rarely if you take down a reactors shield it still acts undamagable an even firing the forward cannon at it deals 0 damage.

alot of time your squad wants to take out all fighters an leave the crew ships damaging the railjack as the amesha arcwing cna put up a protective bubble but very few things ignore it like a crew ships attacks.
This poses another issue as taking out all fighters bugs out crew ship spawn so mission is a uncompletable an host has to either leave to have the migration allow the remaining ships to spawn or head back to dock or to new mission.
Then got people refusing to take out crew ships as they never bothered to do much arcwing stuff so they have crappy wings an get 1 shot, which alot of players in veil region get cause enemy damage scaling there O.e is massive at times.
you could get a team that has everyone wanting to be a gunner but no one wants to pilot so ship is often left at spawn till a gunner takes pilot seat an flys ship into danger an just heads back to gunner an ignores damage to ship an boarders. This often ends up having anyone on team with common sense having to multitask almost everything.
then are the afk gunners which just join a mission to sit in a gunner seat an move there aim around just to look like they doing something to leech off any possible teams they can. which is always in warframe but also handicaps the team as one side gun is now practically dead.

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1 hour ago, Cosmic_Elf said:

How is the rail jack flight and space combat ?

stay in South Africa. we're dealing with a bugfest on a bugfest, with a hefty side of layered RNG here. you'll have a much better time once this is fixed, hopefully we all will.

when it works it's fun, but there's a LOT that needs looking at.

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It's good, gets kinda repetative after a while since we only have one type of mission so far. Combat is solid, the progression is very different from the rest of the game and more inline with what you expect in looter shooters or arpgs. Your levels actually have a meaning unlike your mastery rank which is more or less pointless. Best guns drop from specific enemy ships i.e Crewships, best reactors comes as end of mission rewards (2% chance), for engines and shields it is more down to what the player wants, they either drop from specific ships or come as end of mission rewards aswell.

All those items also have random stat ranges, so you will probably need more than one to drop before you get the high rolls. However, sigma mk3 components from the dojo are more than enough to let you clear the last Proxima (zone with several nodes) easily.

I've ran fully with pugs, both as crewman and with my own RJ, never had a problem outside of a few of the first missions in Earth Proxima.

When it comes down to bugs, there are a few minor ones now, the bigger issues were fixed pretty quickly.

There is alot of potential with the mode if they follow through and expand on it.

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I'd love to tell you, but the Switch version still has nothing but radio static on when it is coming.

Don't worry though, I'm sure over on the Switch we'll get the vanilla experience right around when they are a week or two off from major adjustments or something else added in.

Edited by Aldain
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Its good, very solid.

The major issue is at the start, your ship is not a powerhouse, but when you get the ball going, it gets going.

If you are already in a clan, you can just do a quick farm for materials to get better gear for an easier time.

Avionics matter: Just like the Mods are the power of the Warframes, Avionics are that for the Railjack.

Shields and Engines can vary depending on what the player wants to do, so you have a lot of flexibility here.

Reactors are also very dependand on what you want once you can make a MK3.

One would think you need a Vidar Reactor with a max possible capacity would be best. And it is if you want to maximize something on the ship as some avionics take a lot of capacity. But understand this: even if you have a Vidar Reactor with the highest capacity, you wont be able to put all Avionics with the highest drain in.

If you want to spam your powers some more before needing to make more energy: Zekti Reactors, but you will need to get a good one with High Flux Energy and wont have Capacity to add many Avionics.

If you want get the most out of the ship itself like its turrets and movements: Vidar Reactors, you will need to get one with High Avionic Capacity to get the most out of the ship, but in terms of powers, you wont be able to use many and will need someone (or you) to make energy more frequently.

Lavan Reactors: Middle of the pack.

Sigma Mk3 Reactors: Standard as Standard goes. The MK3 gets the job done, so dont be afraid to use it, you will get enough Flux to use some powers, and enough capacity to put Avionics that will make your ship good at surviving.

  • Avionic Talk

Some people also think that they must put the Rank 7 Avionics in the ship. But you dont exactly need to.

You see, when building up the ship for combat, you will come to notice the condrum of Drain / % Bonus. Some Avionics have a HUGE amount of Drain when comparing to their weaker counterparts.

One exemple is Polar Coil, it increases the Heat Capacity of your weapons, making you shoot longer before they overheat. Think of them like Magazine Mods like Magazine Warp.

A Lavan Polar Coil has when you Max a Grid and the Avionic:

+56% Heat Capacity and 6 Drain. (It increases the Heat from 1000 to 1560)

A Zekti has:

+66% Heat Capacity and 11 Drain. (Increases the Heat from 1000 to 1660)

Its a difference of 100 Heat and 5 Drain.

You have to stop and question if those 100 extra Heat will be worth those 5 points. 5 Points is another Avionic that can help the ship, but its up to you if you want to use it or not. And then there is the Vidar Polar Coil:

+42,5% Heat and 3 Drain. (Increases Heat from  1000 to 1425)

Less bonus compared to the Lavan, but the drain is insignificant.

So you have creativity freedom in the Avionics.

Also: the Elite Enemies Fighters ALWAYS do elemental damage of some sort, so if you put something like Heat Resitence Avionic, you will notice a difference.

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