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Add a way to remove/get rid of kuva lich


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Hello, it would be great if we could get rid of the current kuva lich. As a new player, I didn't know what I was doing and I accidently created one. I was pretty speechless when I saw there was no way to make it go, the only way is to beat high level missions where ennemies are too tanky and deal way too much damage for me yet. Now its only purpose is taking loot from me. I think a remove button or paying it to go away would be great.

Edited by ImTeijirr
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I saw a post a couple days ago where a person suggested to shame your lich like you can in Shadows of Mordor.

Shame your lich - when you have the right parazon combo - to completely re-roll the weapon they bring up to twice per lich. 

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11 minutes ago, (XB1)DA ZACHYZACHY said:

He doesn’t really take that many resources. Plus when you do get the power to kill him you get them all back, at once. To me that sounds way more rewarding than a push to remove button to help out lower players - instead make him an incentive to get higher gear to finally face him.

But for newcomers, that's a lot. He doesn't take "many resources", but if you're grinding for a Warframe and he steals a BP, that sucks. If he steals an Argon Crystal, that can suck. If he steals a Condition Overload or some mod worth some :platinum: , that sucks.

And it can take a great amount of time to get one defeated for a newcomer. Missions are high-level, you can get the Requiem Mods in the Kuva Fortress, after you have had enough Requiem Relics. All this takes time and dedication, and all this grant exactly 0 Mastery. So that's a huge grind go retrieve the stolen loots during which you don't gain anything.

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DE has already stated they're looking into a way to get rid of your Lich.
Their idea at the time involved getting Paladino to get rid of it once a week, this is obviously subject to change.

Please do Note how I said they were "Looking into it" 
This is by no means a guarantee.

16 minutes ago, Vespilan said:

I saw a post a couple days ago where a person suggested to shame your lich like you can in Shadows of Mordor.

Shame your lich - when you have the right parazon combo - to completely re-roll the weapon they bring up to twice per lich. 

Honestly if you have the right Parazon combo you might as well just kill it a roll a new one.

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5 minutes ago, Vespilan said:

Can't do it twice in a row tho

So you shame the Lich and reroll the weapon.

If the Parazon combination stays the same between shaming than why not go all the way and just give us a dropdown menu of what weapon we want them to have?
It honestly feels like it would defeat the purpose of the process.
If the Parazon combination changes between shaming than just killing it and rolling a new one would even be easier.

Edited by BaIthazar
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Waiting and hoping for the one-per-week thing. 

Actually, what would be better would be to treat it like a hybrid of the Nidus Cyst and Maroo's Ayatan Hunt - you can generate one lich every 7-day period. If you don't kill it in that time period, it goes away (taking whatever it offered AND whatever it tithed, permanently*). If you do kill it, you have to wait until the week is up to generate a new one. 

Nobody gets more than one per 7 days, but you can get rid of it by waiting and ignoring it. 


* Need to adjust them not to take Sortie Rewards or similar unique items, obviously. And this carrot-and-stick approach probably needs better baseline carrots to encourage you to take out your lich...

Edited by Ham_Grenabe
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1 hour ago, (XB1)DA ZACHYZACHY said:

He doesn’t really take that many resources. Plus when you do get the power to kill him you get them all back, at once. To me that sounds way more rewarding than a push to remove button to help out lower players - instead make him an incentive to get higher gear to finally face him.

Sure they don't take many resources from a vet.
I never noticed what the lich took from me.

But for a new player who needs all the resources that they can get because they are just MR5?  Yeah, its a ton of resources taken from something that they are no where near powerful enough to destroy.

And I honestly don't considering the game taking the resources and rare drops (including items from normal relics) and then holding onto them for a few hours (or for a new plyaer for potential days if not longer) and then going "Ok, fine, you can now have what you already earned..." to be rewarding.
Fact is that the lich has exactly one reward, the lich weapon (which lower MR players can't even claim until they are MR13, which makes me question why liches are available as early as MR5), the other rewards are stuff you already earned but the game just took them away from you so that the lich would seem to have more than a singular reward to hand out after a 2+ hour grind (that again can take new players a few days to deal with).

2 hours ago, ImTeijirr said:

Hello, it would be great if we could get rid of the current kuva lich. As a new player, I didn't know what I was doing and I accidently created one. I was pretty speechless when I saw there was no way to make it go, the only way is to beat high level missions where ennemies are too tanky and deal way too much damage for me yet. Now its only purpose is taking loot from me. I think a remove button or paying it to go away would be great.

The game really needs a proper tutorial on the lich system, how to opt-in or avoid it, and the consequences of opting-in.
As it stands unless you know about the lich system already you're just going to accidentally a lich because the game suddenly goes "Stab this random grineer!  Hurry up!  No time to tell you whats going to happen!" without telling you why or what's happening, or what the results will be.

Further I feel that the MR requirements for the lich system are way too low.
You can stumble across liches as early as MR5, yet the lowest MR weapon they reward is MR13, meaning that if you do accidentally create a lich and you do manage to get carried through the grind required to kill it (and a lower MR player will need to be carried extremely hard to do this) you'll end up with a weapon in your foundry that you can't claim for quite a while.
Add onto that that generally an MR13 player will be better equipped than an MR5 to deal with liches and it would just be better to restrict liches to a higher minimum MR requirement to start it, along with a proper introduction and tutorial (and one that appears before you create a lich, as the current tutorial only appears after you create a lich...which is rather pointless).

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2 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

Sure they don't take many resources from a vet.
I never noticed what the lich took from me.

But for a new player who needs all the resources that they can get because they are just MR5?  Yeah, its a ton of resources taken from something that they are no where near powerful enough to destroy.

And I honestly don't considering the game taking the resources and rare drops (including items from normal relics) and then holding onto them for a few hours (or for a new plyaer for potential days if not longer) and then going "Ok, fine, you can now have what you already earned..." to be rewarding.
Fact is that the lich has exactly one reward, the lich weapon (which lower MR players can't even claim until they are MR13, which makes me question why liches are available as early as MR5), the other rewards are stuff you already earned but the game just took them away from you so that the lich would seem to have more than a singular reward to hand out after a 2+ hour grind (that again can take new players a few days to deal with).

The game really needs a proper tutorial on the lich system, how to opt-in or avoid it, and the consequences of opting-in.
As it stands unless you know about the lich system already you're just going to accidentally a lich because the game suddenly goes "Stab this random grineer!  Hurry up!  No time to tell you whats going to happen!" without telling you why or what's happening, or what the results will be.

Further I feel that the MR requirements for the lich system are way too low.
You can stumble across liches as early as MR5, yet the lowest MR weapon they reward is MR13, meaning that if you do accidentally create a lich and you do manage to get carried through the grind required to kill it (and a lower MR player will need to be carried extremely hard to do this) you'll end up with a weapon in your foundry that you can't claim for quite a while.
Add onto that that generally an MR13 player will be better equipped than an MR5 to deal with liches and it would just be better to restrict liches to a higher minimum MR requirement to start it, along with a proper introduction and tutorial (and one that appears before you create a lich, as the current tutorial only appears after you create a lich...which is rather pointless).

I’m not a veteran, but the 1-2% resources he takes feels quite... underwhelming. It’s not like the 10 Oxium he takes is going to ruin my game.

I agree with taking prime parts, but if your stupid enough to use your radiant relic on a controlled territory... that’s on you. 

But then you also assume the player isn’t already used to the games systems, that’s not true at all. The player will have done the war within quest and would be on Sedna!

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  • 1 year later...

Obviously they cant let you just delete it due to players abusing this for getting better weapon stats and ephemeras, but what they COULD do is let players disable their lich. What I mean is, the lich would be as good as gone but you are unable to get a new lich. So, when you are ready to fight him, you can enable him again. You must defeat him still, in order to get a new one. 

Wouldnt be much of a nemesis I guess if you could just put him on hold like that, but then again they arent any more of a nemesis to me right now than Corrupted Vor is since they only appear on their own nodes. Even stalker is a better nemesis. 

Edited by xombob89
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I would be really happy if i could remove it since i wasn't here on the update, and it happened to me out of the blue,i didnt know there was such a thing as this, and it really bugs me that i cant cancel or abort the mission since i dont even have the gear and mods to go on missions like that.

Please make an option to cancel the missions or just disable them... because it really sets my progressions back and i can hardly gear up to be able to do the missions.

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My solution is to increase the number of liches have them fight for power SOW stile remove stealing. Open up daily lich alerts(think shadow of war missions you stop those liches from doing something you get murmurs).

If your in the liches territory they can spawn in like the stalker. Divide up the star map into areas controlled by each lich or uncontrolled nodes.

change how your runes work and make it a semi hacking game you slot in what runs you think goes in the slot, it shows you what ones you have tried, a timer on you. Fail he runs. Get it right you’ll always Instantly use the right rune in that slot.


New players won’t get #*!%ed and we create an interesting underworld to Warframe.

Edited by BDMblue
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On 2021-01-21 at 2:12 PM, xombob89 said:

Obviously they cant let you just delete it due to players abusing this for getting better weapon stats and ephemeras, but what they COULD do is let players disable their lich. What I mean is, the lich would be as good as gone but you are unable to get a new lich. So, when you are ready to fight him, you can enable him again. You must defeat him still, in order to get a new one. 

Best idea I've seen yet on it.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 2021-05-14 at 9:31 AM, (PSN)Spider_Enigma said:

how can u guys not just kill the litch?

By not having any of the "Requiem Mods" due to not playing such pain in the ass mission like kuva siphons. I deny anything of this "operator" bullS#&$-mechanic the whole thing is pointles and anoying.
I came back after 8 Years and looked for a new Game to grow in.
I liked Warframe HOW I REMEMBERED IT so i payed 90€ for Platin to get startet and now i got all this Operator, Entrati, Archwing, Syndicate Standing Boges. Stuff added with no contribution to the Core of main game none of these things can be used in regular missions, they are just a waste of time and the kuva lich is the top of that.

And some1 who truly belives that getting stuff back which was stolen from you in the first place is to be considered as a reward....
like some1 breaks into your house, steals your stuff, gets caught later, so you get it all back... HOW ON EARTH CAN THIS BE A REWARD?!
In most modern countries such behavior would be considered as a mental condition that must be treated. Some screws are lose~

Since this thread exits for 18 months without a solution to the problem i might as well stop playing again ¯\_₍ッ₎_/¯

Edited by BlackWarhawk
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On 2021-06-09 at 6:20 AM, BlackWarhawk said:

By not having any of the "Requiem Mods" due to not playing such pain in the ass mission like kuva siphons. I deny anything of this "operator" bullS#&$-mechanic the whole thing is pointles and anoying.
I came back after 8 Years and looked for a new Game to grow in.
I liked Warframe HOW I REMEMBERED IT so i payed 90€ for Platin to get startet and now i got all this Operator, Entrati, Archwing, Syndicate Standing Boges. Stuff added with no contribution to the Core of main game none of these things can be used in regular missions, they are just a waste of time and the kuva lich is the top of that.

And some1 who truly belives that getting stuff back which was stolen from you in the first place is to be considered as a reward....
like some1 breaks into your house, steals your stuff, gets caught later, so you get it all back... HOW ON EARTH CAN THIS BE A REWARD?!
In most modern countries such behavior would be considered as a mental condition that must be treated. Some screws are lose~

Since this thread exits for 18 months without a solution to the problem i might as well stop playing again ¯\_₍ッ₎_/¯

u do know that requiem relics are dropped by enemies in litch mitches, that all u have to do is do finishers on right?

and u can do the fissures without ur operator right?

and the relics give kuva right?


not my fault 

and if u dont want some of tge strongest guns in the game... thats ur fault 

Edited by (PSN)Spider_Enigma
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  • 6 months later...

I also think DE should add a way for those that by mistake spawn a lich, i unfortnently made the mistake of getting one today.  i wish i had known that there was an opt out  but i honestly did not know about it. and  thought it had to be killed as part of the mission.  wish i had not done so now. as it is extremely extremely annoying,


now i understand there are people that generally do enjoy and like the lich system, and i give kudo's to those that do enjoy said system etc,.


however there should be an option in the game for those that dont like it. that dont wish to do it after making the mistake of killing the larvaling. and for the record i dont care about the weapons or whatever they do or dont.  nor do i care about even having a lich or killing it later down the road..  


yes i have done some of the siphons/floods.. not easy to do when im mr8 going on mr9. and yes i was set to public and hoping that random players would join said floods/siphon missions. only 1 out of all those i did.. did i get a random player join..

get me started on the whole requierm fissures. i did 1 req fissure.  i had refined mine too flawness or whatever it is. and rather then get a req mod i ended up with a excilus adapter mod which i did not want.. 


now the system is fun i guess for those that enjoy that sort of thing.  but BUT,   DE should give us players an option in game to either disable their lich  or even i dunno maybe have players that dont wish a lich.. have to get an market item (does not exist currently but perhaps in the future maybe fingers crossed) with plat that can perma send said lich away for good.   ooor impliment something else. i dunno im just spinning idea's here.


also i know that DE a long while back said that they were looking into a way of doing something similar.


if i had 100 plat or more right now. id happily give it to anyone to get rid of the lich im now stuck with. but i cant as i dont have that amount of plat or any plat currently. but yes that is what i would do if i had the plat.    



Edited by (XBOX)TheHardyboyz22
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  • 3 weeks later...

 I have all Kuva weapons and all but 5 tenet weapons . through the process i have seen several times while trying to get a new weapon drop where it doesn't show a picture or name of the weapon so you take it to ensure if it is one you don't have you don't miss out. in this instance it would be handy to be able to have an abandon button. 


if the drops where more random and not the same stuff repeatedly it wouldn't be so bad.

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  • 4 months later...

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