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You now work for de and have authority on this one subject, what is your post mr 30 progression system?


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Another idea is.. continuing with the thought that the door opens at the end of Samaris' test practice hallway..

A game room with a Game Show.
Players are tested and quizzed on their understanding of the game.
Trials like, "this item comes from what drop pool?" with a multiple choice, 5s to answer.
"Damage these enemies. Fastest to kill all, or highest damage dealt before time expires, wins."

Currently, our MR does not prove we know the game, just that we can grind. This would change that.
Rewards could be cosmetics, profile icons, etc.. maybe a plat credit toward gift/charity to hook up friends or newbies.
Could be a piece of Regalia that expires every few months to encourage you to compete and test your knowledge often.
Things that either prove your worth, or appreciate your place in the community.

Edited by kapn655321
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The new game plus suggestions gave me an idea.

What about a speed run mode?
Streamline the game without ANY of the grind, to be replayed repeatedly.

You bring 2 loadouts. That's it.

Brute force the whole game. Nodes, quests, everything streamline.
No RNG mission completion, no rewards. Timed like a speedrun.
You can leave and come back to it any time, the timer will pause.

See how fast anyone could beat the game with only two loadouts.
Have places where you can call in friends similar to Dark Souls summoning for bosses or quests.
Beat that once and unlock Optional mode: Instead of Stalker, players can invade.

Edited by kapn655321
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3 hours ago, Fire2box said:

Because having more then 30/60 mod points on a frame is a terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible idea. It would complete discount the entire existence for forma if it just kept going. though geeting like 60/120 mod points before/after a reactor would take a long time. But it'll present build varients that other players will not get unless they pay for the slots for all the weapons and warframes they'll have to master to obtain MR31. Getting to MR28 already requires something like 96+% of all aviable weaponized content in warframe not counting the exclsuive Excalibur prime and it's weapons. 

People don't master that even if fodder only to throw them away. Certainly not primes. 

More then 30 is not a problem we go to 60 as max? I’m honestly confused unless some how you think having 31 mod points means your reactor gives you 62? Because no one said that. The reactor would give you 60. Or + 29


yes at MR 60 this would mean you don’t need to buy reactors but by then you should have so much S#&$ ling around DE won’t make money off you that way.

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I evaluate. Take stock. Do the math. And eventually realize that catering development time to content locusts is a losing battle.

It is in every single game like this. Look at world of raidcraft for example; the brunt of every expansion is overtuned raids that 1% of the base gets to beat. It's a wasteful cycle just for a bunch of sweats.

Refocus development efforts to cater to people that will potentially spend, not those who will grind through it for free because they have disposable time and are sitting on mountains of resources.

Veterans and high MR players are the least likely to spend because they've spent years learning how not to. 

I would also dismantle the MR system entirely as it means nothing and relegates 90% of the gear to meaningless xp fodder. It doesn't encourage variety or experimentation because most gear requires a forma investment before being viable. The entire thing is kind of a silly way to measure experience.




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When you reach MR30, you unlock the ability to mix and match warframes with stat/ability sets of other frames.  That means you can have your nyx with the powers and stats of Excalibur.  Rejoice, female excalibur.

Or we just prestige and all weapons have a free +1-2 mod points to work with.  Oh, and everything rewards 10% less MR.  This sounds a bit more like DE.  
Mixing and matching frames and powers would have encroached on some one's vision.

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Unlock Super Forma.

Weapons, warframes, etc reach their full potential ealier

i.e. rank 25 braton with 1 forma and rx has 60 cap and can be forma'd again.

i.e rank 15 braton with 3 forma and rx has 60 cap and can be forma'd again

i.e. rank 0 braton with 6 forma and rx has 60 cap and can be forma'd again.

Warframes unlock/rank their abilities earlier.


In otherwords, now you can more readily customize your equipment/new equipment you want to use.  Hell, with enough forma you can forma something and use it to it's full potential at rank 0, even warframes.

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if its purely cosmetic, then i would like some kind of system where we can have the appearance of one warframe and the abilities and stats of another, then make it so that a warframe cannot have the abilities and stats of another unless it is at max rank and vice versa; giving players a reason to rank up new warframes. may also apply to melee weapons since the melee weapon types can easily be categorized.

concerning weather or not new weapons/warframes even matter, there are a few other reason to continue mastery beyond 30. the daily cap for syndicate standing could still increase and the cap for traces could increase too, for example. we also need to take into account the players who cannot access items like vaulted primes or event related weapons, so for their sake, DE should not stop making weapons or warframe until there are enough to max out mastery rank without needing to rank-up event-exclusive or vaulted items.

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14 hours ago, BDMblue said:

More then 30 is not a problem we go to 60 as max? I’m honestly confused unless some how you think having 31 mod points means your reactor gives you 62? Because no one said that. The reactor would give you 60. Or + 29


yes at MR 60 this would mean you don’t need to buy reactors but by then you should have so much S#&$ ling around DE won’t make money off you that way.

You're the one saying have it be exactly the same just +1. at MR 30 you get the full mod capacity. so MR31 would have to give it a extra point, two if you have a reactor/catalyst on. Points no one under MR31 would ever get.  


that said I'm 99% sure DE's said MR30 will be the hard cap on it. 

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2 hours ago, Fire2box said:

You're the one saying have it be exactly the same just +1. at MR 30 you get the full mod capacity. so MR31 would have to give it a extra point, two if you have a reactor/catalyst on. Points no one under MR31 would ever get.  


that said I'm 99% sure DE's said MR30 will be the hard cap on it. 

I don’t understand.

31 points no reactor.

60 points with 1.


whats the problem and why would people under MR 31 not get it? 

You mean the 1 extra point that did not cost a reactor... well big #*!%ing deal. I think for the amount you have to grind out to get it it’s a small bonus that would not effect anything but trash items that are not worth a reactor. 

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22 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

The door at the top of the stairs in Samaris' room opens to a control panel.. unlocking an RTS like Sins of a Solar Empire for clans to compete for the Dark Sectors. Put the MR30s in direct conflict with each other for superiority, as most of them are drawn specifically to that, and will be rewarded by regional renown for them and their clan. If clout is the name of the game, then that's the reward.

Top 5 seats of authority may be held per planet, as the dojo leaders compete to maintain their position of power in a region. As with early Dark Sectors, those who control a territory get to control certain factors about that mission. Each seat holder chooses 2 modifiers.. available options can be positive for players, create greater difficulty through added risk/enemies, or siphon a tribute from aspects of rewards.

To hold a seat, you must defeat a present seat holder. If you've won, you establish a star base style base of operations, which stands as your flag or claim.
To challenge a seat, players must complete something akin to a level 3 Solo Sortie in the middle of a railjack, in order to sabotage a player's influence.
This sabotage will automatically dethrone that person within 3 days if not reponded to.. this process may be accelerated to as little as 24 hours through automated attacks if ideal and unchallenged relentless assault is maintained. This creates vastly more chances to integrate with the Mobile App, so players can push back while on lunch breaks at work.. sending defenses similar to, "BLOONS TD BATTLES," or a clash of clans, perhaps.

Similar to the bases in Metal Gear (Phantom Pain I think) that are always open to attack, this will be the same. Persistent claims for territory are always under conflict. Each planet's dark sector is in a tier according to clan size.. (low level planets are smallest clans, etc.) and 5 seats may be held per planet, which may be contested any time. Seat holders may contest other seat holders, but it limits the availability of defense against outside attacks in some way.

Just brainstorming here. Any thoughts?

TL;DR: Clans compete for dark sectors again, but more like simplified RTS type events that wear down any of the top5 people in authority in a region.
Real time power struggles for/against other try-hard die-hards.

Can we talk about this some more please. There are some good ideas here I think. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)JayCeeV3 said:

Can we talk about this

Thank you for saying so! Much appreciated.

The previous system of dark sectors had potential, but it could not be realized in the way I imagined it could be, without the sort of infrastructure they're building towards today.

It was good to have some level of competition for clans, but what ultimately happened was that the, "tax," or tribute to clan leaders was really of no benefit to them.. what would an MR30 want with more nano spores? The renown of their clan name on a region is ok, but if they're the players who like to pull strings, let them pull! If they need to be on a leader board of elite players, and want more influence in how the game plays as a result... Do that. It gives them an outlet, and a reason to keep coming back.

Something that would absolutely need to be considered is why the previous dark sector was removed. I do not know if the conflict between clans ever got carried away into personal disputes, or had a negative result against the most accomplished players; if either of those were factors, I don't mean to sound ignorant of it, just uninformed.

So, we have modifiers now from the Disruptions, that... if one of the seats of power chooses, becomes a factor in that mission, (per console,) game wide. If people don't like that modifier? Challenge that leader's seat. There would be a never ending conflict outside of the basic game loop, that speaks directly to those who wish to be influential and accomplished. Those modifiers could be used to benefit players, or create risks and challenges uniquely selected by the most experienced people in our game community.

Look at how long Starcraft has been a thing, or age of empires 2.. competitive RTS has an endless wealth of appeal, as even perfectly matched counters still vary by individual player's approach and intent. This also gives something that is never stagnant or certain, which can compel players who have surpassed the main content, to have something to work for, at all times, across as many (different sector's) seats as they can hold.. and players can directly challenge their understanding and dedication to the game's mechanics and execution. ...our current MR proves nothing outside of being able to grind. This would be one approach to fix that, while creating a game mechanic that directly answers players feeling they don't have enough influence or end game potential.

Something I'm not sure of yet is, whether players should only gain access to challenge the last seat, or what could be done to make the #1 seat the Best seat to have. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any, but then again, I can't be sure how much of this idea makes immediate sense to others out there. Competitive aspects will only appeal to certain parts of the community, but those parts need an outlet for their fantasy as much as I have an outlet to mine, of just generally putting bullets in Grineer in new ways.

Also, if there's an RTS game I can play that's Warframe themed... where you (and maybe clan mates some day) can compete together as fleets, in massive space campaigns.. Especially one you can play multiplayer (against bots if you choose) through the Ludoplex, me and a good friend of mine would Devour that content in our free time.

The only reason I ever put down warframe is to play Tower Defense or RTS.. the main reason many highly accomplished and dedicated players leave is there's no conflict, clout, or content to keep them engaged once they have everything already. I've been thinking about this being in our game for 5+ years. (PS, Ironclad, the devs of Sins of a solar empire are Canadian, too.. just putting that out there.)

Edited by kapn655321
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