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Just let us buy Ephemera already.

(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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1 hour ago, LSG501 said:

Lets just be honest here, the only people that would benefit from your idea is the 'experienced players' who knows how to rig the matchmaking in conclave so they get stuck with newbies.... funny that.

Could you tell me how to do that? Because I have been playing conclave almost everyday since 2015 and I do not know how to do that. It is almost as if that isn't actually a thing.

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47 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

That's a catch 22 where someone has to break the cycle for things to start happening, and since a big part of the community seems to think like you do then it's up to DE to figure out a way to break it. Putting new stuff in there would be a quick low effort way to encourage people to play conclave, and even tough fixing the issues would be a way better move, this is a community driven only by loot so that would not be enough on its own as has been proved over time.

Sticking rewards at the end will not break the cycle no matter how much a conclaver tries to say otherwise.... all that will happen is those of us (the majority) that don't like conclave will complain about it, how do I know that will happen... just look at the response to the last 'conclave' events DE ran. 


47 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

About their interest in fixing conclave, they just fixed 2 minor issues of it in today's hotfix several minutes ago.

oooh they fixed minor issues... but funnily enough they left the big issues why players aren't doing conclave in

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32 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Sticking rewards at the end will not break the cycle no matter how much a conclaver tries to say otherwise.... all that will happen is those of us (the majority) that don't like conclave will complain about it, how do I know that will happen... just look at the response to the last 'conclave' events DE ran. 

Using those events as examples won't help, i've seen people asking for them to return even on reddit so i'd dare tl say that those against them were more of a really spoiled, self entitled and loud minority of players who came to forums to complain while thowe who enjoyed them were actually playing. This community also normally uses "muh majority" as an argument to prevent DE from fixing conclave issues -like the ones keeping people like you away from it- claiming that doing so would be a "waste of development resources" since there's also a really vocal side of these forums who openly claims not to care about PvP in warframe and that prefers to keep DE enslaved creating content with no replayability value that requires layers upon layers of RNG with abysmal drop chances on the rewards to stay alive longer than 2 weeks before the cries of "content drought" start arising again despite the plethora of content and stuff to do in warframe.

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So kuva Liches should have 10% to give you an ephemera, each lich taking 2 up to 3hr start to finish, say ~25hrs of grinding. That's what  DE means by 'Achievement'

At least you can reliably and with less grind get 2 ephemeras from Arbys

Edited by Monolake
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23 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

 really spoiled, self entitled and loud minority of players who came to forums to complain

And then there are others who think the same of conclavers who keep asking for more stuff in conclave when it is one of, if not the least popular parts of the game.... I'd say conclavers are in the minority overall.

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16 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

And then there are others who think the same of conclavers who keep asking for more stuff in conclave when it is one of, if not the least popular parts of the game.... I'd say conclavers are in the minority overall.

The difference is that we've never argued for the content others enjoy to be removed, we don't try to stop DE to work in those parts of the game we don't enjoy, nor try our best to prevent other players from playing said content in an attempt to keep as alienated as possible. I also don't see how it is a bad thing to ask for more stuff to be added to conclave rewards when stuff keeps getting added everywhere else while conclave rewards haven't been updated in years and it's not even asking for exclusive stuff -just things already in the game and available in other ways- nor stuff that affects mastery since the PvE playerbase seems to have imposed a limit on that last thing.

And another difference is that none of us has ever denied that we are a minority to get a point across unlike the players who made a huge fuss ovwr the conclave events who might also not be playing the game anymore unlike us who enjoy conclave. 

It's also part of the game, so it should get some dev attention once in a while but it hasn't gotten any actual attention in years unless somehow changing a "1" to a "0" in the code today somehow justifies 3 more years without any actual development in a game with ongoing development.

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1 hour ago, LSG501 said:

And then there are others who think the same of conclavers who keep asking for more stuff in conclave when it is one of, if not the least popular parts of the game.... I'd say conclavers are in the minority overall.

And? So were, are and will be raiders, speed runners, Wyrmius players, flappy Zephyr players, dojo duelists, archwing supporters, Frame Fighters, Vent Kid grinders, trading shenanigans, miners, fishers, endurance enthusiasts, fashion framers, loot/exp cave haunters, etc., etc..

The game is big with a vast diversity with each section having its core community beside the 'casual visitors' that just catch the loot and leave. They all as well as Conclave are a part of the game and thus have the right to be in the center of attention.

As for Conclave being called one of, if not the least popular part of the game.. Originated by early on false propaganda by a couple over the top vocal forum crawling tinfoil hat pve purist peeps, butt hurt ppl that were astonished that aspects of a pvp mode could require more skill than just pushing that 4th nuking button over and over again    and recently increased through the dwindling development on Conclave that resulted into an unsophisticated 2 year neglect, because the promised dev(s) that were supposed to work partially on pvp got completely dragged into pushing pve development. And that while the pvp code is the same as the pve code which makes the reworks and changes bleed over into pvp, while nobody is there who would balance it properly. (the low effort to do that aside)

Well at least DE recognized said neglect and talked about coming back at pvp. All we can hope for is that they balance and fix weapons and bugs in Conclave beside that racing mode airing.

Edited by Loxyen
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8 hours ago, ES-Flinter said:

Instead of buying in the market I would like it more, if the epherma would be a reward for some crazy challenges. 

Maybe destroy all enemies in less than a minute to get the sentient epherma. (Solo, because public would be to easy.

Yes, I agree, but it's very clear that DE is strictly opposed to this idea.


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2 hours ago, (XB1)The Repo Man151 said:

Could you tell me how to do that? Because I have been playing conclave almost everyday since 2015 and I do not know how to do that. It is almost as if that isn't actually a thing.

yea wth was that statement about? Must be either another nonsense lie or simple ignorance!

13 minutes ago, Loxyen said:

Originated by early on false propaganda by a couple over the top vocal forum crawling tinfoil hat pve purist peeps

That ofc did not mean that such misconceptions aren't spread in these days anymore, as just proven.


The only possible ways to affect matchmaking is enabling/disabling rc if you haven't reached the 4th syndicate rank yet, changing the region and ping limit and inviting or joining people e.g. of your friend list. Beside that private lobbies such as invite only, friends only and solo do not give standing and do not even affect your profile stats iirc.

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1 hour ago, Loxyen said:

As for Conclave being called one of, if not the least popular part of the game..

Um... I'm basing it off of the numbers that DE Rebecca gave in one of her charts...think it was 1.5% or something like that...

Oh and quoting yourself to 'back up your point' is a bit of a weird way to go about it....


1 hour ago, ----Legacy---- said:

The difference is that we've never argued for the content others enjoy to be removed, we don't try to stop DE to work in those parts of the game we don't enjoy, nor try our best to prevent other players from playing said content in an attempt to keep as alienated as possible. I also don't see how it is a bad thing to ask for more stuff to be added to conclave rewards when stuff keeps getting added everywhere else while conclave rewards haven't been updated in years and it's not even asking for exclusive stuff -just things already in the game and available in other ways- nor stuff that affects mastery since the PvE playerbase seems to have imposed a limit on that last thing.

And another difference is that none of us has ever denied that we are a minority to get a point across unlike the players who made a huge fuss ovwr the conclave events who might also not be playing the game anymore unlike us who enjoy conclave. 

It's also part of the game, so it should get some dev attention once in a while but it hasn't gotten any actual attention in years unless somehow changing a "1" to a "0" in the code today somehow justifies 3 more years without any actual development in a game with ongoing development.

There's a reason people ask for DE to stop wasting time on conclave, it's so they can use their (as many keep trying to use as an excuse for current releases) limited resources for the areas of the game that are most popular.  They need to start adding better/more rewards to popular parts of the game before they start adding it to the less popular parts....

DE have tried with those events to encourage players to try conclave... and the end result is it's still unpopular. 

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3 hours ago, LSG501 said:

There's a reason people ask for DE to stop wasting time on conclave, it's so they can use their (as many keep trying to use as an excuse for current releases) limited resources for the areas of the game that are most popular.

You pointed it yourself, that's nothing but an excuse. It might have had some value back in 2013 or even eqrly 2014 but now  everything points at DE having resources to invest in makong the dev team grow a bot to keep improving the game, but instead of using those to stuff like getting more developers (where one or 2 keeping an eye on conclave feedback and doing changes based on it would be enough, as proven back when @[DE]joebuck was the entire conclave development team), they use them to do stuff such as giveaways that exclude a huge part of the playerbase just for living in the wrong country (like the current space ninja thing or the custom warframe PC, XB1 and PS4 from a couple of years ago).

Also PvE people keeps finding reasons to complain all the time no matter what DE does:

- New update? "Unplayable! Should have delayed it for a more polished release"

-Delaying the update to make a stable release? "Give us something to do asap!"

-Rewards behind a RNG system? "Too grindy!"

-Rewards behind a progression system? Either "too easy" (like some events) or "too hard" (hema)

-wf exists: "the game is too easy"

-New hard to beat enemy or challenging content? "The game was never supposed to be hard, pls fix muh powah fantasy"

And the list goes on and on in an endless cycle. But hey! Let's keep encouraging DE to stay in this vicious cycle of endlessly developing shallow content with low replayability value once its rewards are obtained with layers upon layers of RNG with abysmal drop chances to artifically extend its lifespan.

3 hours ago, LSG501 said:

They need to start adding better/more rewards to popular parts of the game before they start adding it to the less popular parts

That's a really weird logic you got there since it makes more sense to work on fixing the issues of less popular content and promoting gameplay on said content through the addition of new rewards than just keep piling everything on survival, excavation, defense and arbitrations while the rest of the game is left to rot.


3 hours ago, LSG501 said:

DE have tried with those events to encourage players to try conclave... and the end result is it's still unpopular. 

The result was a wave of spoiled players ruining the fun of people who doesn't like conclave but still liked to play those events that could be easily omitted by anyone not wanting to play it.

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I would say make a challenged-based system to earn ephemeras would be a spectacular idea. Nothing like Nightwave or anything but something akin to what Destiny 2 did with pinnacle awards etc. Make the challenges PvE focused imho. I would be down to grind ephemeras in that manner.

On PS4 it’s pretty difficult in finding anyone with a lich that has a certain Vengeful Ephemera. And quite honestly I’m turned off of Railjack because Umbra formas and the Tenebrous Ephemera is tied to a rare/reinforced container found on a Sentient ship that spawns every 3 hours that’s available only for 30 minutes when it does show itself. That almost feels insulting to grind for.

For the amount of ESO runs I did just to get Blazing Step Ephemera to drop, or the amount of runs of Exploiter Orb I did just to get Shocking Step Ephemera, Tenebrous Ephemera is straight up something I admittedly don’t even want to go for (let alone Railjack because of it).

Edited by (PS4)Lei-Lei_23
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When an item is made to be a prestige item the reward has to match the time and resource investment. Ephemeras only meet one of those requirements. Having RNG be the determining factor in how they are acquired is asinine and makes any kind of time investment irrelevant.

Additional insult to injury to players (and DE in regards to game design) is made when the MR 3 player is sporting an Ephemera that he received by being carried through an Orb fight once and the player with 3000+ hours and 200+ runs still doesn’t have one. 

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8 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

You pointed it yourself, that's nothing but an excuse. It might have had some value back in 2013 or even eqrly 2014 but now  everything points at DE having resources to invest in makong the dev team grow a bot to keep improving the game, but instead of using those to stuff like getting more developers (where one or 2 keeping an eye on conclave feedback and doing changes based on it would be enough, as proven back when @[DE]joebuck was the entire conclave development team), they use them to do stuff such as giveaways that exclude a huge part of the playerbase just for living in the wrong country (like the current space ninja thing or the custom warframe PC, XB1 and PS4 from a couple of years ago).

Also PvE people keeps finding reasons to complain all the time no matter what DE does:

- New update? "Unplayable! Should have delayed it for a more polished release"

-Delaying the update to make a stable release? "Give us something to do asap!"

-Rewards behind a RNG system? "Too grindy!"

-Rewards behind a progression system? Either "too easy" (like some events) or "too hard" (hema)

-wf exists: "the game is too easy"

-New hard to beat enemy or challenging content? "The game was never supposed to be hard, pls fix muh powah fantasy"

And the list goes on and on in an endless cycle. But hey! Let's keep encouraging DE to stay in this vicious cycle of endlessly developing shallow content with low replayability value once its rewards are obtained with layers upon layers of RNG with abysmal drop chances to artifically extend its lifespan.

That's a really weird logic you got there since it makes more sense to work on fixing the issues of less popular content and promoting gameplay on said content through the addition of new rewards than just keep piling everything on survival, excavation, defense and arbitrations while the rest of the game is left to rot.

I'm not saying DE's recent updates have been good, far from it infact, but your own arguments also show that their resources shouldn't be taken away from the 'main game'.... you also forgot one of the main complaints.... there being no reason to go back to existing content when you get all the rewards which directly links into the 'weird logic' of improving rewards for the main game before worrying over conclave rewards...

8 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

The result was a wave of spoiled players ruining the fun of people who doesn't like conclave but still liked to play those events that could be easily omitted by anyone not wanting to play it.

Which one(s).... the one where we had the most tedious mission to run over and over again with the water pistol or was it the ones where all the weapons/frames were made equal but then DE ignored the player experience side of things like usual so non conclavers has their experience spoiled by being paired with experienced conclavers who forgot about the idea of fun.

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8 hours ago, LSG501 said:

I'm not saying DE's recent updates have been good, far from it infact, but your own arguments also show that their resources shouldn't be taken away from the 'main game'

Man, stuff like archwing wasn't popular nor part of "the main game" that didn't stop DE from keep working on it and finding ways to make it complent the rest of the game. Won't deny railjack isn't perfect and requires a lot of polishment, but it shows that DE is capable of doing big things while it also has the possibility to fall behind like literally everything else after getting to a "good enough" state.

8 hours ago, LSG501 said:

you also forgot one of the main complaints.... there being no reason to go back to existing content when you get all the rewards which directly links into the 'weird logic' of improving rewards for the main game before worrying over conclave rewards...

It's mentioned in the last paragraph before your response and i also mentioned it before in this same thread as the reason why DE releases mostly shallow content and artificially extends its lifespan with layers of RNG on top of abysmal drop chances. Your comment also implies that warframe players aren't here for fun but instead fell into a game that over time has become a trap for completionists and catwalk enthusiasts. And yes, i'm saying that with complete knowledge of the fits that "Fashion framers" and "completionists" throw over rewards being locked over whatever content they dislike, these groups asking for the removal of conclave sinply to get access to conclave skins and the celestia syandana being perhaps the prime examples of how spoiled and self entitled can the warframe community get to be.

8 hours ago, LSG501 said:

Which one(s).... the one where we had the most tedious mission to run over and over again with the water pistol

Dog days was a pve event, unless somehow you think of The Index and Rathuum as PvP too just because these take place in a closed arena and the objective is either killing brokers to get points and bank them or straight up killing executioners.

8 hours ago, LSG501 said:

[...] the ones where all the weapons/frames were made equal but then DE ignored the player experience side of things like usual so non conclavers has their experience spoiled by being paired with experienced conclavers who forgot about the idea of fun.

Dude, in all games there will be players of different skill levels, and currently DE can't do much other than balancing the gear available in order to give all players a similar chance to win while keeping mechanical skill, experience and knowledge of the game's systems as the deciding factors of a match. What else did you expect? That DE would let "you" use wf powers in a lobby where everyone else has them disabled just to compensate for lacking in stuff that should have been learnt long ago in "the main game", the same that fails to encourage such learning.

Edited by ----Legacy----
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12 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

Man, stuff like archwing wasn't popular nor part of "the main game" that didn't stop DE from keep working on it and finding ways to make it complent the rest of the game. Won't deny railjack isn't perfect and requires a lot of polishment, but it shows that DE is capable of doing big things while it also has the possibility to fall behind like literally everything else after getting to a "good enough" state.

What you mean the same archwing stuff that was nerfed so we'd use the railjacks as the main way to move around and kill the enemies....  Railjack isn't about archwings, same as open worlds wasn't about archwings until they needed to nerf blink for railjack missions, or the weapons that got a silent nerf on release of railjack missions.

For the amount of time that railjack and liches has had to be worked on the state it's been released in clearly shows that either DE aren't suited to larger updates or they're just not bothered about quality anymore because they know that they can just 'get away with it' because the community doesn't complain enough about it. 


12 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

It's mentioned in the last paragraph before your response and i also mentioned it before in this same thread as the reason why DE releases mostly shallow content and artificially extends its lifespan with layers of RNG on top of abysmal drop chances. Your comment also implies that warframe players aren't here for fun but instead fell into a game that over time has become a trap for completionists and catwalk enthusiasts. And yes, i'm saying that with complete knowledge of the fits that "Fashion framers" and "completionists" throw over rewards being locked over whatever content they dislike, these groups asking for the removal of conclave sinply to get access to conclave skins and the celestia syandana being perhaps the prime examples of how spoiled and self entitled can the warframe community get to be.

To be fair the RNG/grind is one of the main complaints with railjack and liches.... it's something that is now getting to the point where it's too much for a lot of players, how de responds in all honesty will determine whether a lot of players will stick around imo....

Um if I remember correctly at least one conclave player threw a hissy fit over the idea that non conclavers could use those excessively rare universal medallions to level up conclave standing.... the result was the universal medallions no longer actually being universal due to not being used on conclave.... seems conclave players are just as 'self entitled' as non conclavers imo. 


12 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

Dude, in all games there will be players of different skill levels, and currently DE can't do much other than balancing the gear available in order to give all players a similar chance to win while keeping mechanical skill, experience and knowledge of the game's systems as the deciding factors of a match. What else did you expect? That DE would let "you" use wf powers in a lobby where everyone else has them disabled just to compensate for lacking in stuff that should have been learnt long ago in "the main game", the same that fails to encourage such learning.

Actually they can do more than balancing gear... if that was the only problem more would play conclave because that is pretty much the only thing DE have been doing to conclave.  Strangely enough we still don't play it due to the multitude of issues that it has (not repeating them all here, there's plenty of threads on it).  

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Additional ways to get ephemeras through a progression or achievement system would be much appreciated since currently a player can bash his head endlessly against the RNG wall locking them and have nothing to show for it, no matter how dedicated he is while someone else can get lucky and finish the grind really early on (fwiw, i got the Tenebrous Ephemera like on my 3rd sentient ship while i've seen people run every single ship they find without luck)

8 hours ago, LSG501 said:

experienced conclavers who forgot about the idea of fun.

Fun is subjective, do you really expect everyone to agree with your definition of fun and stick to it while playing?

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1 minute ago, Stormdragon said:

Fun is subjective, do you really expect everyone to agree with your definition of fun and stick to it while playing?

No but there were some who were deliberately out to troll non 'conclavers' who were just trying to get their points etc.  Partly due to the design by DE but also because they wanted to have 'fun' showing how 'leet' they were in 'conclave'. 

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19 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

What you mean the same archwing stuff that was nerfed so we'd use the railjacks as the main way to move around and kill the enemies....  Railjack isn't about archwings, same as open worlds wasn't about archwings until they needed to nerf blink for railjack missions, or the weapons that got a silent nerf on release of railjack missions.

They are trying a new approach to balance, with archguns being part of an old balance design it makes sense to change them in order to make them fit into this new approach. Is it good? I guess that should be left to discuss on another topic.

Also warframe isn't a flight simulator, but that didn't stop DE from adding archwing and now RJ to the game.

37 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

To be fair the RNG/grind is one of the main complaints with railjack and liches.... it's something that is now getting to the point where it's too much for a lot of players, how de responds in all honesty will determine whether a lot of players will stick around imo....

It's getting out of hand, i hope now you get what i was talking about when i said that they use RNG as a way to "artificially extend the lifespan of shallow content".

38 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Um if I remember correctly at least one conclave player threw a hissy fit over the idea that non conclavers could use those excessively rare universal medallions to level up conclave standing.... the result was the universal medallions no longer actually being universal due to not being used on conclave.... seems conclave players are just as 'self entitled' as non conclavers imo. 

So you're gonna put everyone in the same bag just because of a single player while disregarding the many of us with different opinions to him. 

Also, "no longer" implies that Universal medallions could be traded for conclave rep at some point, but that's not true since DE announced to be against it the same patch where the change would have gone live. 

If you wanna talk about stuff being changed by the community throwing hissy fits, we can talk about Teshin offering orokin Catalyst blueprints as syndicate rewards and about conclave events not being brought back. You can be sure that PvP players weren't calling for any of those and these didn't happen because of "a single player" throwing a hissy fit either.

45 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Actually they can do more than balancing gear... if that was the only problem more would play conclave because that is pretty much the only thing DE have been doing to conclave.  Strangely enough we still don't play it due to the multitude of issues that it has (not repeating them all here, there's plenty of threads on it).  

Yeah, however you have also said in this same thread that, in your opinion, DE should focus on keeping popular content up there rather than on fixing less popular stuff, so no matter what they "could" do to improve conclave, people like you are probably also gonna be throwing a hissy fit "if" they do it.


42 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

No but there were some who were deliberately out to troll non 'conclavers' who were just trying to get their points etc. 

This community has a really odd definition of trolling, is shooting at other players your definition of trolling?  Can't think of any other reason to use that word since the events didn't even count kills (only scoreboard placing), so all it took was going into a lobby and being there until ended and you would still progress to the rewards while being in thw top 4 players of the lobby would allow you to progress faster. 

42 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Partly due to the design by DE but also because they wanted to have 'fun' showing how 'leet' they were in 'conclave'. 

I get it, you didn't like being a grineer in those battlefields.

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32 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

They are trying a new approach to balance, with archguns being part of an old balance design it makes sense to change them in order to make them fit into this new approach. Is it good? I guess that should be left to discuss on another topic.

Also warframe isn't a flight simulator, but that didn't stop DE from adding archwing and now RJ to the game.

I never asked for RJ to be added, I don't know anyone that was asking for RJ to be added... that was on DE Steve.... hell if I had my way it wouldn't have been added....


It's getting out of hand, i hope now you get what i was talking about when i said that they use RNG as a way to "artificially extend the lifespan of shallow content".

I'd put RNG and shallow content as two different issues, we still have rng even with the best content in game.


So you're gonna put everyone in the same bag just because of a single player while disregarding the many of us with different opinions to him. 

But that's exactly what you're doing....


Also, "no longer" implies that Universal medallions could be traded for conclave rep at some point, but that's not true since DE announced to be against it the same patch where the change would have gone live. 

You mean the universal medallions that DE explicitly said WOULD work on conclave prior to releasing them and then changing that after a conclave player having a hissy fit over it....



If you wanna talk about stuff being changed by the community throwing hissy fits, we can talk about Teshin offering orokin Catalyst blueprints as syndicate rewards and about conclave events not being brought back. You can be sure that PvP players weren't calling for any of those and these didn't happen because of "a single player" throwing a hissy fit either.

Yeah, however you have also said in this same thread that, in your opinion, DE should focus on keeping popular content up there rather than on fixing less popular stuff, so no matter what they "could" do to improve conclave, people like you are probably also gonna be throwing a hissy fit "if" they do it.

I'll be completely open in saying I think DE does not have the resources to manage both a high quality pve (debatable at the moment) and high quality pvp so imo should focus on the more popular aspect of the game which is pve.    It's essentially the same view I'd have on fortnite if someone was asking for PvE to be added to it so it's not conclave bias before you suggest it. 

Hell DE brought out, temporarily, a game (the amazing eternals or whatever it was called) that was at it's core conclave with all the same fundamental issues unfixed and they stopped developing, bringing the staff back into the main group so they could focus on warframe.



This community has a really odd definition of trolling, is shooting at other players your definition of trolling?  Can't think of any other reason to use that word since the events didn't even count kills (only scoreboard placing), so all it took was going into a lobby and being there until ended and you would still progress to the rewards while being in thw top 4 players of the lobby would allow you to progress faster. 

I get it, you didn't like being a grineer in those battlefields.

No, shooting at others is fine (to be fair guns were pretty useless in those events), but there were some that were just there to troll players and make it as unenjoyable as possible. 

And there shouldn't be any grineer in a balanced pvp game mode....

Edited by LSG501
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