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Please fix railjack controls for gamepads. Multiple controls are not mappable at all. +more issues.


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I noticed, as usual, that the controller mapping screen layout did not match the controls that were active, and I couldn't use battle avionics at all... so I decided to reset controls to default (This is another issue in and of itself, please change reset to affect only the active tab and not wipe out all controls in every category) and now it's 100% impossible for me to do some things because you did not add multiple commands to the mappable list! Before I reset I was able to use the railjack drift just fine, but now I simply can't.

I went into keyboard controls and noticed way more options. Within the controller mapping menu there's is no option to map "Boost/Maneuver" or "Maneuver" to my 360 controller at all, the options just don't exist. Also I tried mapping so I could access the battle menu (Set to right stick click)... and as soon as I use it, the battle menu locks me permanently into it, once I press the assigned button, I can no longer shoot, or even get out of the menu, all I can do is fly and activate whichever battle avionics I have equipped. If I press the button with no avionics assigned, i just get locked out of my controls for a while.

Also, what did you do to the gear sub menus?! Where are they? Before the recent update I could select my spear/tranq, and then press down again to access baits or switch spears, this option no longer exists, pressing down a second time just shows regular gear! I'm forced to use the keyboard again just to use the sub gear. Please tell me this is a bug. I have customized my controls quite a bit, and I use RB to sprint/roll, and and it's really annoying how the UI tells me to press RB for options... this does not, has not, and will never work for me. Please bring back my sub menus.

Additionally, the Phage has a bug in the force feedback where the instant you tap fire, it keeps vibrating for ages after you stop, sometimes stacking multiple times and getting more aggressive if you keep trying to use the weapon.

One last thing, and it's an appeal that'll probably get ignored yet again... DE can we please have separate axis inversion options for Mouse/Keyboard and Controller? Please? I want my controller Y axis inverted, I do NOT want my mouse inverted with it.

Edited by Reynard_Fox
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Keyboard can have 2 buttons in 1 action.
PC Steam controller can map any number of buttons to same actions. Can have lots of actions to same button.
In-game controller... limited to 1 action for 1 button.

Keyboard can unbind an action by setting a different action to the same button.
PC Steam controller can unbind by simply setting this button to do nothing.
In-game Controller... can't do that, only switch places and not un-bind it.

Keyboard have all kinds of actions and buttons for Railjack.
PC Steam controller... outdated, missing Railjack configuration and most of their actions, missing "Tactical Menu". Every time I open and close chat or option menu while in Pilot, most of controller lose functions until I dismount.
In-game Controller... missing "Boost / Maneuver", "Tactical Menu", and possibly a few other things.

Keyboard No ability menu, probably not needed. Railjack have no abilities, just tactical menu and other stuff.
In-game controller... "Ability menu" for railjack that can't unmap?

This is just starting to looks like the developers are just too lazy to make game controller fully work, having to make my PC Steam controller configuration to use keyboard buttons to work better like the "Boost / Maneuver" that is only available for keyboard, not controller.

I use Dualshock 4 controller using Steam controller configuration.

2 hours ago, Reynard_Fox said:

Before the recent update I could select my spear/tranq, and then press down again to access baits or switch spears, this option no longer exists

Same here, can't get the good old fishing or Tranq Rifle gear wheel on newest update since 27.0.8 and newer, and I have not changed my configuration at all, it is just gone. The way this used to work on older Warframe was, get rid of "Ability menu" and just have "Use selected power" and "Next Power".

Back then with the old gear wheel, that gear wheel can have lockup when returned to Cetus or Fortuna while holding Tranq rifle. Never seen a fix.

Edited by sam686
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On 2020-01-10 at 2:09 AM, sam686 said:

Keyboard No ability menu, probably not needed. Railjack have no abilities, just tactical menu and other stuff.
In-game controller... "Ability menu" for railjack that can't unmap?

It does have abilities, actually, the Battle Avionics activate the same way as warframe abilities, so keyboard users just hit 1, 2, or 3.

And yeah, like you, I need a way to bind the tactical menu.  They claimed a few patches back that we could bind it now, but that if it did not bind by default, we'd have to bind it manually. But they never said what the default bind is actually intended to be!  Even then, I (and others I've spoken to) have absolutely no room for it.  I'm using the default setup and everything's already in use

We can't assign multi-button binds ourselves, so I just don't know what I'm supposed to do here.  At this point it's either continue hitting 'L' on the keyboard with my good hand, which is kind of awful, or ...I dunno, unbind my ability to place markers? That's horrible, too! There just isn't anywhere else I can think of to put it, assuming I even could, given the issues OP and others are having with that.

Consoles apparently were given a multi-button bind, but I've tried that and it doesn't work for us, even after defaulting my settings and saving, multiple times. I'm always on the default setup, anyway, and I don't let Steam touch my controller, so there's no conflict happening there. I'm on the basic, bog-standard, default Xbox 360 controller setup and it doesn't work, DE.

On PoE and Fortuna, holding the map bind switches to the alternate map mode.  I really expected this to work the same and I'm rather frustrated that it doesn't.  I don't know if they're worried about future conflicts with squad-link or what, but we don't have that yet, what we have now is no way to bind Tactical without unbinding something else important.

Boost/Maneuver does work for me (I press left-stick to toggle boost, press left shoulder button for the little dash), but I've seen a lot of people including the others in this thread mentioning that they can't access that either. 

The Archwing cannon doesn't respect my inversion settings, so I'm always fighting that, too.

Aiming in the pilot seat is still horrible due to the fact the aiming reticle snaps violently away from the center (which is a really useful area to be able to aim in) if you so much as think about maybe moving your joystick a micrometer, probably because there's no input deadzone at all for it, causing aiming deadzones instead.  The side guns have no such issue, so I don't know why the pilot controls are allowed to remain this way.

PC controller users are such a small part of the playerbase that I think we're just not a priority at all. They didn't even test to make sure that their new Archwing blink bind functioned at all, which simply loading into a mission with a controller and pressing the button once would have identified immediately. I was actually a little surprised, though, that it was an issue that made it to console, too. I really expected it would be fixed for us and them before it went out to consoles. In light of that, I guess I'm disappointed but not surprised that they have neglected to provide us a proper default for the Tactical menu, dealt with the fact that so many still can't use boost/maneuver, or addressed complaints about the issues with pilot gunnery.

Edited by Andvarja
Intrinsics != Avionics
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I use an X-Box One controller on PC and, while I haven't had all of these issues, I've definitely had some of them.

6 hours ago, Andvarja said:

And yeah, like you, I need a way to bind the tactical menu.  They claimed a few patches back that we could bind it now, but that if it did not bind by default, we'd have to bind it manually. But they never said what the default bind is actually intended to be!  Even then, I (and others I've spoken to) have absolutely no room for it.  I'm using the default setup and everything's already in use.

I ultimately bound the Tactical Menu to left on the D-Pad under general controls, since I seldom use the default bindings to scroll through abilities.  I don't know if that'd work for you, but it was the one place I found where I could lose functionality without losing all of it since I could still scroll with right on the D-Pad if I wanted to.  I will agree with you though that I honestly expected the tactical menu to replace the map or the secondary map or something.  It seems such a natural place to put it.

I'm mostly annoyed by the fact that I can only do the vector maneuver thing straight down because that control is combined with "move down", which seems to activate first and thus overrides any other directional input.  I can't separate the two controls, or even rebind the left bumper because the game insists that I can't rebind controls that have "melee stance actions" bound to them.

Also, it's weird how jittery aiming in the pilot seat is versus the side turrets, at least in my anecdotal experience.  I'd have expected the same code running both but they feel very different to one another.  At least, they did last time I actually used a side turret.

It's so odd that controllers get such incomplete support when three of the four platforms this game is available on use them by default.  The most important part of any game is being able to play it.

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8 minutes ago, UnderRevision said:

I'm mostly annoyed by the fact that I can only do the vector maneuver thing straight down because that control is combined with "move down", which seems to activate first and thus overrides any other directional input.  I can't separate the two controls, or even rebind the left bumper because the game insists that I can't rebind controls that have "melee stance actions" bound to them.

Ha, yep. There's so much else messed up that this one has barely registered for me, but you're completely right about this, and it really does limit vector maneuver's usefulness. I still use it in a pinch, but yeah.  And so many other people still can't use it at all.

Hmm, yeah, maybe I need to train myself to use the little menu that pops up on holding the right shoulder button down to use abilities (other than held ones) more, so I can be less reliant on using the d-pad. Gonna keep using the 'L' key for now, but it's something to think about going forward I suppose.

Edited by Andvarja
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6 minutes ago, Andvarja said:

Hmm, yeah, maybe I need to train myself to use the little menu that pops up on holding the right shoulder button down to use abilities (other than held ones) more, so I can be less reliant on using the d-pad. Gonna keep using the 'L' key for now, but it's something to think about going forward I suppose.

Yeah, it only works for me because I use the little ability menu pretty much exclusively.  I could lose the other scroll too and not miss it much but it shouldn't have to be that way.  I get that we're running out of buttons though.  They might have to start opening up other buttons to that ability menu thing if they want to keep adding more functionality to general controls.

For the vector, I mostly use it during a boost because I can go forward with it well enough if I pull up immediately when the accelerated boost starts up.  Still, I'd really like to be able to maneuver properly.

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6 hours ago, Andvarja said:

It does have abilities, actually, the Battle Intrinsics activate the same way as warframe abilities, so keyboard users just hit 1, 2, or 3.

Not showing ability buttons on Railjack keyboard options and Railjack controller have some problems. More controller problems to add.

Keyboard in Railjack, ability not shown and could be overridden to Bank left, bank right, and others, so the railjack ability buttons not work.
In-game controller, stuck with only "ability menu". Missing Ability A,B,C,D or it should be called Avionics A,B,C,D. There are plenty of unused buttons in Railjack controller.
Steam controller, missing Railjack, having to assign some to keyboard buttons like "Boost / Maneuver", made more difficult due to the missing "railjack" tab in Steam controller.

The limited buttons...
Keyboard have lots of buttons that mostly no button sharing tricks needed.
PC Steam controller, cool features like hold down a change weapon for gear hotkey like Archgun deployer. Hold down d-pad left and right will press keyboard left and right arrow button for Railjack Bank left and right, where quick tap will just go prev or next ability power. The change map button, hold down will press keyboard button L (Tactical menu). Sprint on full tilt of analog stick with outer ring bind to sprint. Oh and the use of touch pad on Dualshock 4 controller for more actions. PC steam can assign dualshock 4 "Share" button to in-game action as an extra button, PS4 console can't do that.
In-game controller... missing a whole lot of nice tricks like button sharing, tap for 1 action, hold for different action. On PC, Dualshock 4 for in-game controller is missing touchpad support and missing share button action, just a vertical line from touchpad that goes to nothing.

Keyboard: general, Lunaro, Decoration Placement, Frame Fighter, Railjack, Shawzin
In-game controller: General, Ability menu, Lunaro, Placement, Frame Fighter, Railjack, Shawzin
PC steam controller: Launcher, General, Melee mode, Menu, Decoration, Lunaro, Captura, Frame Righter. No railjack? No Shawzin? Why have melee mode? Just get rid of melee mode and let me put heavy attack action on a general game tab. Keyboard and in-game controller do this, why does Steam need completely separate group for melee?

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I have strong sentiments about this topic as well. Was about to post up my own topic till I found this, so I will add my thoughts here.

Changing how we access the alternate gear with fishing and hunting as well as accessing the tactical menu while in railjack missions is a huge pain in the butt for us gamepad users (Xbox One w/ regular controller here) I personally use a custom control setup that utilizes the left and right d-pad to swap skills/transference and left bumper to activate selected skills/transference. This setup allows me to ready up any skill I need and I can cast on the fly while parkouring like a madlad and hit with targeted skills where I need them to. Having to add in an additional function to a single button press is neigh impossible for me (and many others I am sure) right now. Putting the fishing and hunting gear on the ability menu was a huge mistake. The ability menu literally slows us down to cast any ability. Try taking your thumb off the right stick (which you aim with) and hit an enemy with a targeted spell (like Ember's Fireball) while in midair after a bullet jump. Good luck. Forcing us to have the ability menu mapped to a single button for something we do not do 99% of the time is a waste of a button on an already limited control surface. Currently, we have to swap out a button to make this work whenever we go into railjack, go fishing, or go hunting (vets do that stuff too, for nightwave objectives) and that process takes time, and isn't smooth.

I propose 3 solutions/ideas to help alleviate these issues:

1) A list of saved controller maps/setups that we have access to right from the pause menu. Sort of like loadouts, but for controls. Pause, select "Controller Maps", Scroll and select the one you need. Done. This way will keep what has already been done with regards to the ability and tactical menu, and allows us a way to tailor our controls quickly and easily to the situation at hand.

2) Add a Left Bumper (Xbox) / L1 (PS) function to the gear wheel, opposite the emote wheel, for alternate gear attached to fishing, hunting, and the tactical menu during railjack missions. The function will activate whatever menu that is tied to the given situation. Have a fishing spear equipped? Bait menu. Dart rifle? Calls and scents menu. In a railjack mission? Tactical menu.

3) This one is an option idea solely for the tactical menu: add it to holding the back button / select button (map button), similar to how we pull up the big map with the cursor on the PoE and Orb Vallis.

Been with Warframe a long time. Hope these ideas spark some good QoL changes with Empyrean.

Love ya guys.


EDIT: Adding: While I am aware this is in the PC feedback forum and I play only on the Xbox, these controller streamlining issues are problems across all platforms as far as I can tell.

Edited by (XB1)Furious Kaiser
Grammar/spelling, adding note at end
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On 2020-01-14 at 2:39 AM, (XB1)Furious Kaiser said:

Putting the fishing and hunting gear on the ability menu was a huge mistake.

What?! THAT'S where it went? DE this is literally unuseable for me, like the above player, I too use left/right on the D-Pad to cycle my abilities and activate them with a button press, the ability menu is terrible design and doesn't let players effectively aim their abilities or use them in any flowing, natural way.

DE you've made it so I can not use sub gear without reaching over to my keyboard. My controller is full, the double tapping down to access the sub menu was a perfect compromise for fishing/hunting, please bring this back!

Also, I quite like Kaiser's three suggestions, I still think tapping down on the d-pad after activating a spear/tranq to access the menu was the quickest way to do it, but I could easily get behind the idea of cycling to it (and also the tactical menu in RJ) from the gear wheel with the bumpers.

Edited by Reynard_Fox
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5 hours ago, Reynard_Fox said:

What?! THAT'S where it went? DE this is literally unuseable for me, like the above player, I too use left/right on the D-Pad to cycle my abilities and activate them with a button press, the ability menu is terrible design and doesn't let players effectively aim their abilities or use them in any flowing, natural way.

DE you've made it so I can not use sub gear without reaching over to my keyboard. My controller is full, the double tapping down to access the sub menu was a perfect compromise for fishing/hunting, please bring this back!

Also, I quite like Kaiser's three suggestions, I still think tapping down on the d-pad after activating a spear/tranq to access the menu was the quickest way to do it, but I could easily get behind the idea of cycling to it (and also the tactical menu in RJ) from the gear wheel with the bumpers.

As I've said before, I pretty much only use the ability menu, but I have to admit that I kinda hate the way spears and the like work as well.  It's clunky even compared to the normal ability menu usage.  I never even knew about the double-tap on the D-Pad method and now I wish it still existed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

At this point DE should just make there own warframe designed controller that has a more dedicated buttons so we don't have this problem. Hell, replace the right analog stick with a touch pad similar to steams controller. 

Rather than make t-shirts or other accessories, would be nice if there could be accessories that are actually USEFUL FOR THE GAME.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2020-02-09 at 9:04 AM, (XB1)WafflyLearner89 said:

At this point DE should just make there own warframe designed controller that has a more dedicated buttons so we don't have this problem. Hell, replace the right analog stick with a touch pad similar to steams controller. 

Rather than make t-shirts or other accessories, would be nice if there could be accessories that are actually USEFUL FOR THE GAME.

No, DE should actually try playing the game with a controller.  Once they do, oh they might realize just how horrible it is on PC to do certain things that they take for granted with keyboard and mouse.  A controller is superior in some aspects of the game play, but for other aspects, it's almost useless.

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