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i wonder if i can get my vidar engine mk3 back ?


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i'm hunting this vidar engine mk3 for more than 2 weeks, i just got it today but when i return to dojo, it automatically converted to Dirac due to exceeded 30 wreckage amount (i always carefully delete the wreckage, but this match i got too many gun wreckage which i absolutely do not want but it always auto-drag), i swear i really want to die at that hour, am i playing for many weeks just to get Dirac ?


DE shouldn't have auto-delete items at all , it should implement system like riven which doesn't allow player to play next railjack if items exceed 30 units but not delete them.


Edited by ToKeSia
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the 30 item cap is one thing, but the fact that it doesn't even tell you that excess items will be deleted automatically and without your consent is baffling; in what universe did someone think that was a good idea? I think that must have been the very last thing DE worked on before clocking of for the Holidays, so it got rushed ASAP. and 30 is far too small of a number, with currently no option to extend it; they might increase it when more railjack content is added, but why not add the option to purchase salvage slots for plat? at least then players have the option to collect and hoard whatever they want.

there isn't even a reminder to say "you are at maximum salvage, further items will be deleted. they just - poof - disappear out of thin air. ridiculous.

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I find this to be the most frustrating mechanic as it keeps me from playing sometimes and puts you in this weird ( or at least me ) rhythm where I have stop, go to my dojo, sort through all the often times worthless new items but just need to make sure just incase then go back into the grind. I don't get what they were thinking with it. The only reason I do it is because I know if I ignore it I'll get something good and miss out on it lol.

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I can't chain *** two *** missions without being able to not go to Dry dock, since i keep one of each MK3 weapons (due to nerf and so on), shields and engine.

If i don't go directly to Dry dock after a mission i take the risk to lose a vidar reactor with better stats.

That's just ANNOYING, make something DE please...

You can't even get ride of the first basic stuff that take place for NOTHING.

Few weeks that i'm waiting for that.

Edited by Alpha56
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3 hours ago, (PS4)AllOrNothinDays said:

I find this to be the most frustrating mechanic as it keeps me from playing sometimes and puts you in this weird ( or at least me ) rhythm where I have stop, go to my dojo, sort through all the often times worthless new items but just need to make sure just incase then go back into the grind. I don't get what they were thinking with it. The only reason I do it is because I know if I ignore it I'll get something good and miss out on it lol.

I think you answered the question as to why DE does this.  The stopping, docking, sorting, salvaging, and restarting intentionally adds downtime to the grind,  extending the time it takes to farm railjack.  It's there to slow you down on purpose.  There is very little content other than maxing out your ship, so DE time gates you any way possible.  

I've also lost weapons due to auto salvage.  It's not fun.  I would prefer it kept the weapons and forced me to manually scrap until the number is below the cap before being allowed to start the next mission.

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14 hours ago, Genitive said:

Or the system could ask you what should be deleted if you exceed the wreckage cap.

This above all others. I've never been so insulted at a system literally stealing my loot because I had no indication that I was at or exceeded a cap before I got to it.

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36 minutes ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

It was probably a crap roll anyway, don't worry too much.

And it could have been a perfect godroll, you can't dismiss it based on a potential without entertaining the opposite potential. Because without actually seeing it (which was never allowed to happen) we simply don't know. 

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15 hours ago, ToKeSia said:

 it should implement system like riven which doesn't allow player to play next railjack if items exceed 30 units but not delete them.

Better yet it should NOT be implemented like the Riven system, there should be no RNG angle and then there would be no problem because they wouldn't be trying to maintain a threshold on the database usage via an auto salvage mechanic. 

At the very least since I'm 100% certain they aren't going to abandon it...... they should give players a method of flagging/locking specific unrepaired salvage as something the player definitely wants to keep and when they roll over 30 instead of deleting the most recent (which is like I can't even get into how not good that is) it would delete the oldest non flagged/locked salvage. 

I've come across quite a few instances where people have been playing Railjack without actually having their personal railjack unlocked only to finally unlock it long after they've been playing Veil only to find that they only have MK1 & a few MK2 components because all of their MK3 finds have been diligently DELETED by the system..... 

At least if it was deleting the oldest those player would walk into a bunch of MK3 gear that they'd earned instead of finding out LOL you should have been managing your inventory with the menu interface that you didn't have access to.... 

Edited by Oreades
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10 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

Or DE could just stop with this limited space-crap completely.

Seriously, this isn't some korean MMORPG, stop with the limited inventory space.

I remember DE saying that they ran into database issues when increasing the capacity limit for Riven mods from 90 to 120.

I would suspect that there is a similar technical reason for the wreckage capacity limit.

Because otherwise I agree: There is no good gameplay related reason for this.

Edited by Sagittarix
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16 hours ago, ToKeSia said:

i swear i really want to die at that hour, am i playing for many weeks just to get Dirac ?

I knew this would happen to someone eventually. 30+ auto scrap is totally nonsense and ridiculous.  I swear this is exactly the reason why I scrap things that I slightly doesn't like with a lot of hesitation so I could free up 15+ spaces. I mean, I need to return to Dry dock every 2 missions, which is stupid and time consuming.

What OP suggested makes more sense to me.

Edited by SHArK-FiN
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55 minutes ago, Sagittarix said:

I remember DE saying that they ran into database issues when increasing the capacity limit for Riven mods from 90 to 120.

I would suspect that there is a similar technical reason for the wreckage capacity limit.

Because otherwise I agree: There is no good gameplay related reason for this.

Literally not the players problem..... I'd be sympathetic to DE with regards to the issue they have caused themselves EXCEPT they knew full well any and all database issues that Rivens have caused prior to this and still decided to implement this RNG nonsense. 

This isn't a sudden surprise out of a complete vacuum, they knew the issues and they actively chose to ignore them and go this rout anyhow. So they didn't stumble into it, they earned any ire that they catch from these RNG Railjack mechanics. 

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50 milion loosers + 100 capacity on wreckage should be 50.000.000 *100*(8)-50ish bites (you can use 4 ints to store it to be honest, 1 index, 3 roll values) =~ bites of storage which is around 230 GB..

Thats a max if that was written poorly by a student and thats still a ssd worth a single prime access. I know online storage costs different, but still its not even a cost to be honest for a company this size. They pay more for paperclips. 

I cant see any technological issues to give us 100 capacity for free or for plat. 5-10 wreckage per 20p would be honest imo. At the very least no auto deleting, same way storage as with rivens would be the bare minimum. 

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20 hours ago, ToKeSia said:


i'm hunting this vidar engine mk3 for more than 2 weeks, i just got it today but when i return to dojo, it automatically converted to Dirac due to exceeded 30 wreckage amount (i always carefully delete the wreckage, but this match i got too many gun wreckage which i absolutely do not want but it always auto-drag), i swear i really want to die at that hour, am i playing for many weeks just to get Dirac ?


DE shouldn't have auto-delete items at all , it should implement system like riven which doesn't allow player to play next railjack if items exceed 30 units but not delete them.


No i dont think. You can only blame yourself for not being carefull

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The most frustrating part is that the cap limit is due to the stats being random and DE not wanting to pay for a larger database.  

No one wanted random stats over what we have been playing for years and now we also have to micromanage constantly.  

What part of random stats is good?  The short term profits that's gonna replace long life by destroying the community?

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After 3 missions clean up your inventory. If limit was 50 or 60 there would still be 100.000 lazy people that would get their stuff sold.

About excess weapons sold: irrelevant, most of them are sub par rolls. Keep one best roll, sell all else.Weapons drop constantly. Now zetkis are top and they are most frequent.
About vidar engine - imo zetki is best engine, don't look at speed bonus alone, booster multiplier is actually more useful. 

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Il y a 11 heures, ThorienKELL a dit :

After 3 missions clean up your inventory. If limit was 50 or 60 there would still be 100.000 lazy people that would get their stuff sold.

About excess weapons sold: irrelevant, most of them are sub par rolls. Keep one best roll, sell all else.Weapons drop constantly. Now zetkis are top and they are most frequent.
About vidar engine - imo zetki is best engine, don't look at speed bonus alone, booster multiplier is actually more useful. 

After 3 missions ?

You are funny.

I can't go below than 20 wreckage, since i keep some stuff with very good stats in the case they make some changes (and they said they will still continu to adjust).

Sometimes in one veil mission i can go up to 7 wreckage.

Do the math, if you are not LAZY.

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3 hours ago, Alpha56 said:

After 3 missions ?

You are funny.

I can't go below than 20 wreckage, since i keep some stuff with very good stats in the case they make some changes (and they said they will still continu to adjust).

Sometimes in one veil mission i can go up to 7 wreckage.

Do the math, if you are not LAZY.

I am usually at 13 wreckage, and I also keep most of stuff. Every best roll weapon /which means every weapon. For shields /reactors and engines it's pretty obvious which one sucks.
No need to be hamster items will continue to drop. "up to 7 wreckage" means it can be 1. Average is less than 7 in any case. But you will naturally adapt your mission aftermath cleaning to your hoarding habits. I really fail to see a problem. As soon as we dock I fast travel >docks, out of curiosity to see what I've got if not for else. 

EDIT I'm naturally not against improving of the system. Like offering you choice what to sell etc. Or doubling the stash capacity. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't adapt to current one, if necessary and possible. 

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