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COMING SOON: Devstream #136 + 1 Million Celebration!


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You have started to put more rewards in rare and reinforced containers (Umbra Forma Blueprint, Tenebreous Ephemera, Captura Scenes). But the problem is that from Empyrean launch day until today, I have never seen a rare container once. I ran around 10 RJ Veil Proxima missions daily and never see them at all. 

I can imagine that the spawnrate is in the sub 1% chance due to my experience. 

So please DE, increase the chance or maybe just maybe (I might be too generous) always have 1 rare container spawn in any high level mission. You can remove the built forma and booster from the container drop table to compensate the spawnrate changes if you are afraid of people not buying forma or boosters.

Increasing the frequency or having 1 guarantee spawn of the rare containers greatly incentivize people to explore the tileset instead of rushing to the objective. 

With the rapidly growing issues of players ruining Veil Proxima Sentient Ship and Grineer Galleon (Umbra Forma farm spot) pub runs by rushing into the ship and then abort shows that the rare/reinforced container grind is tedious and attract toxicity in pub games.

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Menus in the game as a whole, but especially all the new Railjack UI, have always been designed to look pleasing at the cost of usability. I understand that many people may enjoy minimalist menus, but if it makes everything a lot harder to interact with and understand, is it really worth it? For examples, having to mouse over anything to see what it is. Even having names below icons is a setting that's turned off by default, and that's the most you can provide yourself without mousing over one by one. There are just a lot of things that are awkward about using menus throughout the game.

(One more small point that's somewhat related to the above is that turning on legacy colours should be done in the colouring screen of the appearance tab of whatever you choose to decorate, not in the main game settings)

Another of my main gripes with the game at the moment is that some stances have hold for heavy attacks even though others have it on secondary fire. I usually run a combo-based build, during which I only ever heavy attack by accident because my 'e' key stayed down for slightly too long, depleting my combo bar completely for a benefit that isn't worth it even if I do hit an enemy - and I often have no enemy hit as well. I don't know why it isn't just always on secondary fire. I'm aware this has already been mentioned in another comment, I just wanted to reiterate it as it is a major issue with my gameplay experience, and likely many other melee users too.

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34 minutes ago, kxZyle said:

Hi! o/

Hold heavy attacks are currently very easy to trigger accidentally on most melee weapons, disrupting flow and resulting in loss of combo count. Do you have plans to make them toggleable? If not, why not?

As well as the option to hold E for continuous melee, to relieve strain using weapons with very high attack speed

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35 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Twitch Drop / Mixer Reward: Tune in to find out what you can snag for watching our Devstream!


Hopefully it's not like the previous 'special event' rewards of an rng 'box' which usually ends up being the fireworks.... I'm sure I can speak for most people here and say I'd rather have a fixed 'reward' than the rng which doesn't give us anything 99% of the time.

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1. Are there any plans to rebalance the costs of "repair" for Railjack wreckage parts? The grind doesn't feel worth the "reward" of getting to wait half a day to use new components after grinding for the materials for several hours / days. Even then, with some of RNG rolls we can potentially get, the cost of repair isn't worth the time investment at all. Reactors are being looked at on PC, but what about other components like shield arrays, engines, and weapons?

2. Is there an estimated delivery date for the new-year hotfixes for consoles? Being stuck with 0.5 feels awful. Console players can't even trade avionics yet.

3. Will the UI for Railjack be updated / redesigned? Players can't tell whether the avionics they are scrapping are currently equipped or not, and we have no indication of "slot" space for built or wreckage components. Why was such vital UI information left on the cutting room floor for this pivotal end-of-year release?

4. Railjack has been the most unintuitive release for Warframe so far, made easily accessible (to play) to new players who haven't even completed Mars, with all vital information of what it is and how to play isolated on a forum post that will eventually be inaccessible from the orbiter news console. The "tutorial" section of the Codex is where this information should be, not hidden in a forum post future players won't know how to find. Can you please outline any plans for updating the tutorial section of the Codex?

5. Railjack can be accessed by players fresh out of the Mars Junction, but is horribly balanced for any New Player Experience. The enemies are far beyond what a new player would have run into by that point, and chances are their gear, whatever they have, is likely not up to the task of allowing the player to participate (double with bugs that affect client experience in the Railjack) in any meaningful way that doesn't result in either frustration for the player (do very little damage, doing down in battle, having unmodded archwings and archwing weapons), or the frustration of the squad (situational babysitting). Railjack was released with intent to "be playable for all players new and old!" To better accommodate fresh players with little gear and modding ability, will Earth Proxima be tweaked for a more level experience?

6. Will the ability to disband / leave squad after a Railjack mission without needing to return to the drydock be implemented? Right now, squads are forced to stay together at the whim of the captain / host, and if they want to leave they must abort mission.

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For 2 years players you actively ask about the raids (Constantly to devstreams, on Tennocon, in an interview different). I would like to know if there are any plans in this direction, developments?

What is the current state of the "New War"? When should we expect it now?

What about the in-game anomaly alert? similar to playing time of Plains / Valley weather conditions. Make it available, for example, only to those who have opened the Veil Proxima

Maybe you should raise the chance of a rare Containers  appearing on an anomaly?

What is the status of the third phase of Railjack?

Are there plans to release the game in the Epic Games Store?

When will the Railjack critical fix phase end approximately and the next content related to It will be delivered?

When will the new Nightwave season finally begin? the intermission was too long

And what is there in General with the Paradox update?



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Question: Why was "The Division" style of loot system selected over our current system, the new system actually increases the amount of grind by a greater factor due to it being entirely based on RNG. The Division almost killed itself with this system until the Devs increased drop rates to a ridiculous amounts to bring back players?  

Question: Why wasn't the artillery slaved to the pilot in such a way as to switch between it and the nose guns with a keybind such as like primary weapon and melee weapon, this has the advantage of a pilot able to keep the crew ship target in sight as opposed to xing out of the pilot seat either racing to the artillery seat or using the command counsel only to realize the target has moved out of view?

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1 hour ago, averysmallbanana said:

The original Ephemera pitch was New cosmetics are coming: Ephemera! These will be acquired by Tenno able to complete specific challenges and will offer fancy effects on your Warframe


The latest Ephemera is a random drop from a container that has a tiny chance to spawn in a mission that is only periodically available.


What happened?

Better yet, some of us have that one friend who alerts us every time the mission is available...and makes us tag along, wether we want said ephemera or not.

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After the Old Blood and Empyrean Phase II, I would say it's safe to do major updates that focus on revisiting and reintegrating parts of the game that is either neglected or outdated. The best part of 2019 in my opinion would be the Jovian Concord, as it brought:

  1. The Gas City gets an update both in terms of aestheics and gameplay to help make use of Parkour 2.0.
  2. A second division of Corpus (the Vapos and somewhat the Amalgams) to fight against.
  3. Disruption

That way, you can focus on fixing old issues while also bringing out new content aside from Prime Accesses.

For Railjack:

  1. An Exterminate Skirmish for all current nodes of the Empyrean Star Chart is really stale, and the Grineer Points of Interest aren't rewarding either. Are we expecting additional modes that could encourage you to freely explore the map like the "Heliosphere" exploration shown in Tennocon 2019?
  2. Empyrean Grineer are both overtuned in the amount of damage and effective health. Some enjoy the challenge, while others are resorting to frames like Mesa and Inaros. Will there be a balance pass for them?
  3. Empyrean Armaments and Components are in a stark contrast to what our Arsenal can offer: the variety of choices. No one would pick anything else other than a Zetki Shield Array, Vidar Engines, and likely a Vidar Reactor as the other choices are terrible. Will there be a pass over how to make the other parts more reliable, if not just as reliable as the other parts? Shields melt like butter as usual while Vidar Engines surpass all other Engine types even with all Engines at their highest rolls.
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