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Hive Mind Of The Innocents {Reservations Available For Shadow Upgrade}


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Welcome to Hive Mind of the Innocents, we are a newly founded clan looking to progress in the ranks, through a coordinated effort by multiple players. The Clan itself has the following:


-A Dojo (as all do)

-   -Reactor (x4)

-   -Oracle


-   -Chem Lab

-- -- Research Nearing Completion.


-   -Bio Lab

-- -- Research Complete


-  -Energy Lab

-- -- Undergoing Research.


-  -Drums!


The Second Floor:


-Dueling Arena



-Coordinated Ranking ladder.

-Extremely Organized System.

-An Enjin Website for communication and updates (WIP-10% complete) (http://hivemindoftheinnocents.enjin.com/home)

-Friendly Owners.




Disregarding the name, our clan is open, and you won't be drilled to do one thing, granted you will have to listen to a superior at times, in certain conditions, but you can suggest anything, and do what you like when things are quiet.


This will be our ingame emblem, with some additional cutting to make it circular, etc. :







Before we proceed any further, it is essential that you read the following rules:

Player rules; 

1. The usage of Swearing is frowned upon, though tollerated through rare usage, and not being directed towards other members (or players) of Warframe.

2. Respect other members in general.
3. Be a part of the team.
4a. Do not insult less experienced players.
4b. Report any players who insult you for being inexperience and/or "bad" (or any reason, for that matter).
5. Apply common sense.
Leading Rules;
1. You are not entitled to try to make someone change their Real Life plans, if they are busy, they are.
2. You are to be a role model, follow all Player rules, you are no exception.
3. Do not use your position to take advantage of a player in game (or out of game).


In terms of ranking, what you'll find inside the clan might be confusing as to what does what, because we've also taken the few moments to switch up the permissions, so I'll list the Ranking names from Highest to Lowest, and their corresponding permissions and description:


The Hive Mind: (Everything)

-The head of the clan, what he says goes, there are no exceptions.


Mind Possessor: (Everything besides Ruler)

-The Second highest rank within the Hive Mind of the Innocents, they have, in accord, the second highest level of responsibility, it is essential they are active at all times, available, and if not notify as to why. These individuals deal with Recruitment-Architecture-Hosting-- everything besides complete control (Ruling).


Mind Suppressor: (Recruiter, Regulation, Promotion, Host, Treasurer, Architect)

-The Rule Enforcer, Division leaders, strong individuals that have the third seat in the ranking system, they, as said before enforce rules and proper conduct, dealing with inactive members, or purely offensive members.


Mind Plague: (Recruiting, Regulation, Tech, Architect, Host, Treasurer)

-In charge of recruiting members, these individuals have a large say in statistics (essentially numbers, how to balance them, bookkeeping, etc). They are expected to be extremely active, and put some time aside to actively campaign for members, and if you want to be recognized out of the MP, sometimes even using your own Void Keys as an offering to new Initiates.


Mind Stabilizer: (Architect, Treasurer, Host, Tech)

-The Physical foundation of HMotI, responsible for the growth of the Dojo, and the implementation of decorations and features. They are to provide Tech units with the appropriate conditions to operate in, delve into Forma gathering and so forth. To complete the gathering of Forma, and other building resources, they are permitted to gather a group together to operate more efficiently.


Signal: (Tech)

-The Technician of the HMotI, expected to deal with research and work in close accord with the Architects of the Dojo in order to establish formidable working conditions, during wait times for research, they essentially fill the role of either Concience or Stabilizer, given no officials of that position are available.


Conscience: (None)

-These individuals make up the main bulk of the Clan, they are what keep things going, complete hundreds of objectives, and commit their efforts to the clan. 


Link: (None)

-Initiates to the clan, still needing to get a clear idea of how things operate within the clan, prove themselves worthy, and dedicated, and so forth.



So that covers the ranks and what they do, but -how- does one rank up?


1. Be active.
2. Contribute to Dojo construction.
3. Participate actively in Void Missions, Alert Objectives, and so forth.
4. Bring a positive attitude to the clan chat.
5. Be proactive, settle disputes, proper conduct.

6. Listen to your superiors.




The Roster of Assembled Members:

The Hive Mind;

1. Juggernaut Anonymous


Mind Possessor;

2. Jackhammer4000


Mind Suppressor;


Mind Plague;


Mind Stabilizer;





3. Zenadora



4. Namsy

5. Xilerate

6. mAnicmod3

7. Fluttericity




Unlike most clans, we actually use a Flag on top of everything else, while obviously it cannot be displayed in game, it will be used and seen throughout our third party communication tools (enjin, right below here, and so forth):
That finally brings us to the application, are you interested in joining after seeing all that? Riding up to the top of the Warframe Clans? If so, copy the ROUGH version of the Application below, the image is just for aesthetic, immersion purposes:


--As one of our members appears to be inactive and not accepting their clan invite, we can invite one more person, whoever is accepted first will be the last member before we are able to upgrade.

Out of Game Information:

Your age?:
Third Person Shooter Experience?:
In Game Name:
Main Warframe:
Your pros:
Your cons:
Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted?
Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents?


Make the right choice,


Edited by JuggernautAnonymous
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Vital Information:



 Thank you.


Our Dojo is growing exponentially, we have gotten a Reactor, Oracle, and a whole ton of connectors to sort out the Dojo. Currently it's something that looks rough like:




Within two weeks we'll have started and possibly completed research.

Edited by JuggernautAnonymous
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About the logos, I like the Red one the most.


Your age?: 14


Third Person Shooter Experience?: Warface, can't really think of any others off the top of my head.


In Game: Zenadora


Main Warframe: Nova/Vauban, Maybe Mag Prime if I get it.


Primary: Soma


Secondary: Twin Gremlins


Melee: Orthos Prime/Galatine


What do you excel in? I don't know? lel c:.


What do you lack in? I don't know.


Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted? Yerp.


Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents? Just encourage people to keep the chat active, Im in a clan right now and its not very fun when the chat is a deserted iceland even though theres like 30 people on -.-'

Edited by Zenadora
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Out of Game:


Your age?: 16


Third Person Shooter Experience?: GunZ, APB Reloaded, (Gears of War?)


In Game: Xilerate


Main Warframe: Trinity 


Primary: Boltor


Secondary: Kunai


Melee: Orthos


What do you excel in? Can't tell yet. :/


What do you lack in? Can't tell yet. :/


Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted? As much as I can.


Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents? Help with construction of the clan.


The red emblem is my pick
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Your age?:23


Third Person Shooter Experience?:Fps in general 


In Game:FireflyBrahh


Main Warframe:Mag


Primary:Boltor  (going for soma )  






What do you excel in? Defense misions 


What do you lack in?  Single target dmg low - 


Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted?


Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents? to early to say 



Make the right choice,


Tenno. Thanks ! 

Edited by FireflyBrahh
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Thanks for submitting an application, you'r'e pending currently, you just need to add something which was in the OP to show that you've ready everything, I'll send you an invite, and consider yourself accepted, but just add that little bit, or tell me in game.




Also, that leaves us with 4 spots left, join quickly!

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I would suggest keeping a respectful tone within the forums, it's simply for referencing, to clarify, OOC information, and IC Information, don't take that for Out of Game name and In Game name, it's tied with RP terminology closely. Since you're representing a clan, I'd suggest you be a bit more noble with your statement.

Edited by JuggernautAnonymous
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Out of Game:


Your age?: 28


Third Person Shooter Experience?:This game, do racing games count?...lol (kidding)


In Game:


Main Warframe: Excalibur and Rhino


Primary: Strun wraith


Secondary: kunai/vasto


Melee: Galantine/fragor and Gram


What do you excel in? using the strun


What do you lack in? melee


Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted? as much as possible


Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents? nothing as of yet but will contribute if i notice anything

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Out of Game:
Your age?: 28
Third Person Shooter Experience?:This game, do racing games count?...lol (kidding)
In Game:
Main Warframe: Excalibur and Rhino
Primary: Strun wraith
Secondary: kunai/vasto
Melee: Galantine/fragor and Gram
What do you excel in? using the strun
What do you lack in? melee
Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted? as much as possible
Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents? nothing as of yet but will contribute if i notice anything


Accepted, I'll invite you to the clan ASAP.


5/10 Slots filled.

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Out of Game:


Your Age: 21


Third Person Shooter Experience?:Gears of War


In game:


Main Warframe: Excalibur and Rhino (Getting Saryn)


Primary: Gorgon and Hind depends on mission


Secondary: Hikou(for stealth missions) , Seer(for Sabotage missions) and Dual Vastos(for Exterminate and anyelse)


Melee: Orthos


What do you Excel in? Using Dual vastos


What do you lack in: Melee


Are you willing to help in construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted? as much as possible: Yes iwill as much as ican ill contibute if ican or in needed


Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents? Just be friendly and be positive this is how to improve Hive Mind of the innocents


i hope this is enough and it would be great if you accept me to you clan

Edited by Fluttericity
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Out of Game:


Your Age: 21


Third Person Shooter Experience?:Gears of War


In game:


Main Warframe: Excalibur and Rhino (Getting Saryn)


Primary: Gorgon and Hind depends on mission


Secondary: Hikou(for stealth missions) , Seer(for Sabotage missions) and Dual Vastos(for Exterminate and anyelse)


Melee: Orthos


What do you Excel in? Using Dual vastos


What do you lack in: Melee


Are you willing to help in construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted? as much as possible: Yes iwill as much as ican ill contibute if ican or in needed


Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents? Just be friendly and be positive this is how to improve Hive Mind of the innocents


i hope this is enough and it would be great if you accept me to you clan

Good work, accepted into the clan! I'll invite you to the Clan in game ASAP, I'll also include the update notes:


-Added Dueling Room 01

-6/10 slots filled.

-Clan Emblem pending implementation.

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Behold, another update is here:

-Any day now, our Clan Emblem will be uploaded.

-Ogris is finished, that means you can make it!

-We'll be participating in this event, I'm leaning towards siding with the Grineer, what the rest of the clan comes to, we'll see.

--That's all, there will be no additions to the OP, unless I missed something (energy lab).



Edited by JuggernautAnonymous
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<br />

<p><span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';"><span style="background-color:rgb(23,23,23);"><strong>Your Age?: 14</strong></span></span></span></p>

<p> </p>

<p><span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(23,23,23);">Third Person Shooter Experience?: Loadout, is the only one I can think of atm. But I do have lots of FPS experience which helps me in Warframe</span></p>

<p> </p>

<p><span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(23,23,23);">InGame: MetalThrust</span><br />

<br />

<span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';"><span style="background-color:rgb(23,23,23);"><strong>Main Warframe: Excalibur (Going to change in the future)</strong></span></span></span><br />

<span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';"><span style="background-color:rgb(23,23,23);"><strong>-Primary: MK1 - BRATON (Going to change in the future too)</strong></span></span></span><br />

<span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';"><span style="background-color:rgb(23,23,23);"><strong>-Secondary: TWIN VIPERS</strong></span></span></span><br />

<span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';"><span style="background-color:rgb(23,23,23);"><strong>-Melee: DUEL ETHER </strong></span></span></span><br />

<br />

<span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';"><span style="background-color:rgb(23,23,23);"><strong>Your pros: I'm a very active player, and still plan to be in the future. </strong></span></span></span><br />

<br />

<span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';"><span style="background-color:rgb(23,23,23);"><strong>Your cons: My frames are a lower level, so each are in the 13-15 rank range.</strong></span></span></span><br />

<br />

<span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';"><span style="background-color:rgb(23,23,23);"><strong>Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted?</strong></span></span></span><br />

<span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';"><span style="background-color:rgb(23,23,23);">Of course</span></span></span><br />

<span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';"><span style="background-color:rgb(23,23,23);"><strong>Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents?</strong></span></span></span><br />

<span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';"><span style="background-color:rgb(23,23,23);">None. The guidelines in which you make the members follow looks great to me atm. I'll contribute later if I see anything.</span></span></span><br />

<br />

<span style="color:rgb(204,204,204);"><span style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue';"><span style="background-color:rgb(23,23,23);"><strong>(Aside from the application) As a player looking for a guild, I'm looking for a guild in which I can commit myself too. Not only as fellow players, but as a friendly community willing to help their peers. As long as the guild can do something like this for me, I'll be willing to full on help the guild in anyway possible.</strong></span></span></span></p>

Edited by MetalThrust
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