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The Biggest Loser of Warframe


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From all the villain bosses of Warframe, Who do you think :

  • Suffered the most losses?
  • The most sore loser?
  • The most pathetic one?
  • The most annoying one (in terms of personality)?
  • The most tedious one to beat?

Specify the villain with their categories.

Edited by mega_lova_nia
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Most losses? I believe the sergeant if we consider that assassination nightwave, or tyl regor for all equinox parts

The most sore loser? Alad will all that mocking and keep getting into troubles

The most pathetic? Kela de Thaym with her sudden 180 degrees turn from acting high and mighty to offering you position as executioner

Most annoying? None so far

The most tedious? None

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10 minutes ago, mega_lova_nia said:

Suffered the most losses?

Vay Hek can be defeated on Oro, Earth, and could be faced on Law of Retribution (both versions). Regularly, at least.

10 minutes ago, mega_lova_nia said:

The most sore loser?

Man, ain't no one more sore than Vay Hek. The guy is even incapable of speaking, he can only scream at the top of his probably artificial lungs.

10 minutes ago, mega_lova_nia said:

The most pathetic one?

See, if you can't speak without screaming that's pretty pathetic. Even the infested tend to have more honor and respect. See above.

10 minutes ago, mega_lova_nia said:

The most annoying one (in terms of personality)?

Gods, I wonder who. Maybe the usual suspect that can't do anything besides throwing tantrums. See above as well.

10 minutes ago, mega_lova_nia said:

The most tedious one to beat?

That prize I'll have to hand to Jordas Golem. At least Vay Hek allows us the professional courtesy of forcing us to hit him on his face only - which is a pleasure to do.


Image result for vay hek gif"

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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44 minutes ago, mega_lova_nia said:


  • Suffered the most losses?
  • The most sore loser?
  • The most pathetic one?


Alad. Come up with some crazy scheme -> watch it backfire on you spectacularly either with or without Tenno intervention -> go salty -> repeat.

44 minutes ago, mega_lova_nia said:


  • The most annoying one (in terms of personality)?
  • The most tedious one to beat?


Vay Kek. The constant screaming gets old pretty fast and I hate the small hitbox and health-gated invulnerability phases.

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3 hours ago, mega_lova_nia said:

From all the villain bosses of Warframe, Who do you think :

  • Suffered the most losses?
  • The most sore loser?
  • The most pathetic one?
  • The most annoying one (in terms of personality)?
  • The most tedious one to beat?

Specify the villain with their categories.

Alad V, hands down.

He’s a clown who succumbs or dies over-and-over to his own devices.  Just to name a few:

1. Yeeted out a Window.

2.  Mutualist Strain drove him mad

3.  WoS6 made him his B.

4.  The Amalgam “deal” with the Sentients basically just made him Ballas 2.0 (blinded by greed vs love) that gave the Sentients an instant army at the flip of a switch.

Honorary mention to Robo-Rage-Donald Duck.  I see that squawking bot in Sortie and I disregard it.


Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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People are honestly too mean to the Sergeant, he's just a regular corpus who's overly good at organizing his troops. No wonder he dies instantly to infested deathmachines. He keeps taking the L so Nef can keep hiding in his panic room.

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4 hours ago, mega_lova_nia said:

From all the villain bosses of Warframe, Who do you think :

  • Suffered the most losses?
  • The most sore loser?
  • The most pathetic one?
  • The most annoying one (in terms of personality)?
  • The most tedious one to beat?

Specify the villain with their categories.

Most losses?  Vor, cuz who doesnt love a good Grineer turkey shoot?  I know I love good Grineer turkey shoot

Most Sore loser?  Vey Hek.  Guy needs to get laid somethin' fierce.

Most Pathetic?  Sargeant, who is this guy and why is he still a thing? 

Most annoying to beat?  Kela Da Hoe.  her arena is just a straight up pain in the padded ass.  Plus my uncle and i spent like a week farming her for my Uncles frame that she drops.  We got 14,509,090,981,275 Chassis and Neuroptics, and for the love of all our sanity, couldnt get the damn Systems to drop.  This proved to be the case with every frame we farmed.

Though most annoying to beat, Ambulas might actually be a nice tie, or even more so.  What in the blue hell are we actually supposed to do there?

Most Tedious? Mr Invincible until he swings his hammer long enough and blows his load guy(no idk his name, I just know I hate fighting him).  To this DAY I have no idea how to actually fight him.....

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Alad V, hands down.

He’s a clown who succumbs or dies over-and-over to his own devices.  Just to name a few:

1. Yeeted out a Window.

2.  Mutualist Strain drove him mad

3.  WoS6 made him his B.

4.  The Amalgam “deal” with the Sentients basically just made him Ballas 2.0 (blinded by greed vs love) that gave the Sentients an instant army at the flip of a switch.

Honorary mention to Robo-Rage-Donald Duck.  I see that squawking bot in Sortie and I disregard it.



of all the boss characters in warframe, Alad V is hands down the worst on all fronts. (Except, maybe, for tedium of boss fight... Lephantis' fight gets real old real fast during plague star, though I'm still glad we've got plague star to do right now.)

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9 hours ago, mega_lova_nia said:

Suffered the most losses?

if we're talking times killed, I'd say Jackal, because everyone has a Rhino, but in terms of being defeated in multiple ways, Vor has had it roughest: dude was demoted from the rank of Admiral down to a Captain, then gets CUT IN HALF, DESTROYED by our Tenno, then gets re-animated as an eternal energy being that can never die but is forever imprisoned in the Void and keeps getting killed by us there (albeit not permanently). he also has to monologue forever with no way to get a glass of water. his existence sucks, and he can't die. Alad V had it rough, sure but at least he can end it all or be permanently killed if needed, Vor doesn't have that option.

9 hours ago, mega_lova_nia said:

The most sore loser?

Vay Hek, because he rages like someone being beaten by an 8-year-old on his favourite CoD game.

9 hours ago, mega_lova_nia said:

The most pathetic one?

Sarge, because he isn't even a real boss. he's a placeholder that dies in one shot of basically anything. how DE reworked Venkra Tel and Sprag without remembering Sarge just shows how forgotten he truly is... but he still cuts deep when he disses your fashionframe... shame that's the only damage he can deal.

9 hours ago, mega_lova_nia said:

The most annoying one (in terms of personality)?

oof, there's a big line here. probably either Vor for his constant Monologueing, or Alad, because he's a creepy boi. i wouldn't say any outright irritate me.

9 hours ago, mega_lova_nia said:

The most tedious one to beat?

oh look another Queue...the big 3 grineer invul bois (Vay Hek, Sargas Ruk and Lech Kril) are all up there, but Jordas... Jordas can go F himself because he forces you into Archwing, has a specific weak spot that also has ridiculous armour, and has minions with planet-sized, instakill toxic AoEs. I HATED farming Atlas and I hope we never get a fight like tht again. (and yet Jordas' dialogue isn't bad.)

4 hours ago, KnightCole said:

To this DAY I have no idea how to actually fight him.....

Lech kril is easy, here's how you do it:

step 1: get behind him and shoot his backpack. he should start spewing white smoke out of a busted pipe, that's good.

step 2: (try to) force him to do his overhead hammer attack: you need to be at a specific distance. too far away and he'll use his Gorgon, too close and he'll do regular hammer attacks. it's telegraphed as hell though, so you'll know when he does it.

step 3: if he has a busted pipe, he'll freeze himself solid when he hits the ground with his hammer. now you can damage him.

rinse and repeat two more times. if he still has health after all the pipes are busted, his suit will overheat and that gets rid of all his invulnerability. you can then hit him anywhere and he'll take damage, but he'll also start dealing fire damage with his hammer IIRC. it's tedious at first, and he sometimes won't overhead smash when you want him to, but it's pretty easy once you learn it.

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13 hours ago, JackHargreav said:

I always forget he exists.

And I have to agree. He's the weakest most pathetic boss in this game.

Would be funny if they did the boss re-work and be becomes a true threat with some new dialogue talking about our abuse to him. Similar to how Vor got power with his Janus Key, Maybe Sergeant can get something like that, just without the diarrhea dialogue that corrupt vor has (meme or not).


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13 hours ago, Currilicious said:

Void Vor hands down. Talks a good show, gets one-shotted, and then delivers Warframe's version of "I'll be back".

If he’s a boss it has to be him. More players have fought him then any other by now.

worst to fight is that guy with the hammer and the hose you have to hit? Or what ever you have to do? Just hate killing him level 1-100 same thing.

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On 2020-01-22 at 9:13 AM, mega_lova_nia said:

From all the villain bosses of Warframe, Who do you think :

  • Suffered the most losses?
  • The most sore loser?
  • The most pathetic one?
  • The most annoying one (in terms of personality)?
  • The most tedious one to beat?

Specify the villain with their categories.

Me. All of them. I’m a villain because I’m associated to Dark Sectors. Most of the public associate Dark Sectors to evil.

- I lost Dark Sectors

- I still want Dark Sectors

- I play Warframe for Dark Sectors

- I talk about Dark Sectors

- I’ve talking about them for years. 


What do I win? I hope it’s Dark Sectors 🙂

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