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Empyrean: Ivara Prime 27.0.12 +


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9 minutes ago, AI35 said:

What about low end pc

I cant go to cetus or fortuna after 32bit stopped 

Pleeeeaase do something 

upgrade your computer, they said before long that they stop it due to given reason.

il y a 5 minutes, xXPeGaSuSXx a dit :

65 times in the sentiship :S and rail jack 10 10 10 10 doesnt help me out for continue farming for commando and my earlyer Sentiruns doesnt count, thanks for wasted grind!

leave Instrinctgrind open for the future scools http://prntscr.com/qruupw

And now 15 more of this BS to get this ephemera.... Not a single shard for people that actually tried so hard to get it, nice move DE ! Keep killing your community !

3 minutes ago, RyanCooper101 said:

What do you mean, there is. I have it bound to alt fire

I have the following binding:

Quick/normal melee bound to E
Heavy melee bound to a side mouse button

If I hold E, I will heavy attack. And when I'm using a weapon with sufficiently high attack speed, occasionally while pressing E to normal melee it will mistakenly interpret this as me holding E and dump all my goddamned combo on a heavy attack I didn't mean to use.


Lets Hope all next ephemeras are "merit" based and not RNG. and lets hope the "price" of those items are FAIR on players too. 
there is too much RNG in the game already.


Thanks for the unexpected update! Keen to jump aboard space stations at some stage in archwing. Really wish the loading screens could be replaced by transitions to missions like in railjack. Same with extraction. You're probably working on that though. Good luck!

16 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the Vengeful Charge Ephemera providing constant light source for Mirage's Eclipse, resulting in a cosmetic granting the light buff to remain 99% of the time.

Leyzar will not be happy about this, haha.

Thanks for Hotfix!

2 минуты назад, Emperrier сказал:

У меня есть следующая привязка:

Быстрый / нормальный ближний бой связан с E
Heavy MELEE связан с кнопкой мыши на стороне

Если я буду держать E, я буду сильно атаковать. И когда я использую оружие с достаточно высокой скоростью атаки, время от времени при нажатии E на нормальную рукопашную схватку это будет по ошибке интерпретировано как то, что я держу E, и выбрасываю всю мою проклятую комбо из-за тяжелой атаки, которую я не собирался использовать.


Yes, this is very annoying. When will it be repaired ...

3 minutes ago, patkincs said:

Umbra need armor buff! She is too weak for maxed umbra mod and 2 maxed arcane guardian!

he is already a lot because he is not tank type , look at Rhino although he is half-ass tank frame , he got 275 only while umbra is 300.

16 minutes ago, 24ANGELS said:

Please make heavy attack a toggle again. It's really easy to lose all combo counter when spamming E fast. Thanks.

Please DE. Make this happen.


Thanks for the hotfix! 

Perhaps an option to select multiple Railjack wreckage parts to scrap all at once would be a good idea? We get a great variety of wreckage that we eventually have to get rid of due to capacity, scraping multiple at once would make the whole process much faster.

vor 15 Minuten schrieb [DE]Megan:

Fixed toggle sprint carrying over into Wukong’s Cloud Walker (normal hold sprint did not).

First of all normal hold to sprint did carry over and second why do you have to remove that? Was the intention of the wukong rework not to make him a great frame? First you nerf his exalted by not buffing it to counter balance the loss from combo counter changes and now you nerf his speed aswell. What's the point of wukong at this point? I'm glad I dont ever buy prime access because getting the stuff you buy nerfed sure would be a bad feeling. Give him back that speed.


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