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The Space Shanty Contest [Winners Announced]!


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not sure what you plan to do with the winning shanties if anything seeing as some are copy righted already like the jackdaw.
seeing as every entry so far is not shanties or a re-worded work. here is my reworded version of yo-ho.

this is not a copy righted work and by no means my song, all i can take credit for is rewording it. RECOGNIZE

DE and the devs stole the soul from creed
and thought we wouldn't know.
the game be ours and by the powers
take back the controls.

yo ho all together stop this plagiarism,
reword and call it your own.
heave-ho thieves and beggars this "contest" should not exist.

the railjack has died cas it was never alive
and some just want to play.
with the keys of this cage and the devil to pay
DE make something else.

the ship was raised from its sandy grave,
only to return.
a call to all, don't heed DE
and turn your back on railjack.

yo-ho DE and devs
we want something fun to play.

heave-ho casuals and raiders, never shall we die.


furthermore not sure how you ended up on "railjack" but it is not a on rail shooter. no ship on sea or in space is called a jack except the name of the ship in black flag.

just wish the railjack was as fun as the jackdaw.

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Railjack Shanty


We fly around in space,

At breathtaking pace.

Ship, rigged to wreck,

Beware! Tenno on deck!


We’re no navy,

We’re no pirates!

We do what is right,

And keep up the good fight!


We’re no saints,

But we have no complaints.

It’s always a pleasure.

To fill the hold with treasure!


Yo ho,

Let’s go!

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Ohhhhh, the Void runs cold,

We take our loot and don’t get old.

Ohhhhh, the ‘Jacks we sail,

We Translate in and see foes quail.


With a flash and a jolt,

How the sling shoots a bolt,

An escort of ‘Jack fire -

As we unleash our old ire.


Ohhhhh, the Void shines bright,

Clear the way with its pure light.

Ohhhhh, the foe once lost,

Our once deep sleep will have its cost.


With a dash and a shot,

Flying Archwing or not,

The Capital ships fall -

And on our foes we stand tall.


Ohhhhh, the Void hides a face,

Staring out from that unreal place.

Ohhhhh, we hear siren calls,

In the knocking on our walls.


Fighters come, fighters die,

Webs of shot that they try,

To entrap and kill us now -

But our courage will not cow.


Ohhhhh, the Void rings true,

Feel its power come through you.

Ohhhhh, though we stay young,

On past sorrow we are hung.

With our foes shattered here,

Nothing left living near,

Back to our Dojo we go -

And from there Void only knows.


Ohhhhh, the Void we sail,

Other objects we can’t hail.

Ohhhhh, the wyrm we saw,

Seeking now forever more.


The ‘Jack, she’s a-rising, a-rising from the deep!

With restored functions and a crew thats new,

We’ll raise our trophy heap!

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Railjack Shanty Contest Submission!

Title: Naive Young Tenno
(It is also an incantation to summon forth someone 😉to possess your ship. Beware!)

Naive, young tenno.

Beware, of the void.

Before, it reaches.

Steer away your ship.


It watches from afar.

It hides beneath these walls.

It echoes to your ears.

Hey, there kiddo.


Beware young tenno.

Beware, beware.

Beware young tenno.

Beware, beware.


It cares, not what you are.

It knows, where we are.

Before, it finds us.

Steer away, your ship


Beware young tenno.

Beware, beware.

Beware young tenno.

Beware, beware.


It won’t stop at nothing.

But the war rages on.

After, the sentients.

It is the man in the wall’s turn

Naive, young tenno.

Beware, of the void.

Before, it reaches.

Steer away your ship.


It watches from afar.

It hides beneath these walls.

It echoes to your ears.

Hey, there kiddo.


Beware young tenno.

Beware, beware.

Beware young tenno.

Beware, beware.


Beware, young tenno.

Naïve, young tenno.

Hey, there kiddo.

Let me in, your ship.

Edited by (PS4)Oni-Chann5
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Darvo's Package quest

By Me

//Hope you like this DE! :)//

Now we go to our Raiiljack
Searching for some pick me up
'Cause you see we took the rail
All across the veil! 

Four very wobbly 'frame
Three points we have see
Two 'wings and something else! 
Darvo's package quest! 

Now we search across the veil
Looking for where darvo failed
Now we see that there's no glee
To the package we just found! 

Four boxes of drunken rum
Three non-to-filled credit chips
Two mods and something else! 
That Clem is on a stick! 

Now we cross earth proxima
Nodding on the deck below
Then we see that made us glee
Darvo's discount fee! 

Four of it drifting away
Three platinum on its way
Two slots and something else! 
Its Darvo's shirt we see! 

Now does we end our search
Looking out for Darvo's shirt
Now we see that there is glee
The package we just found! 
The package we have found! 
The package for Darvo found! 


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Now we are ready

To sail for the stars

Weigh hey, roll and go!

We're onboard the 'jack

And we're headed for Mars

To be gazing out upon the Plough!

Heave your omni, o seal away!

Weigh hey, roll and go!

Cephalon Cy's been coded

And the gun's are loaded!

To be gazing out upon the Plough!

Soon we'll be warping her out

Through the rocks,

Weigh hey, roll and go!

Where the ugly Grineer

All sail out with their Pox

To be gazing out upon the Plough!

Heave your omni, o seal away!

Weigh hey, roll and go!

Cephalon Cy's been coded

And the gun's are loaded!

To be gazing out upon the Plough!

Come man the guns,

Tenno, tear them apart!

Weigh hey, roll and go!

We'll make their captain

into a work of art!

To be gazing out upon the Plough!

Heave your omni, o seal away!

Weigh hey, roll and go!

Cephalon Cy's been coded

And the gun's are loaded!

To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O

Edited by TriggerFinger
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Leave Her Tenno


I thought I heard Commander say:

"Leave her, Tenno, leave her."

The Galleons soon shall come our way,

And it's time for us to leave her.



Leave her, Tenno, leave her!

Oh, leave her, Tenno, leave her!

For space is vast and the 'Jack is slow

And it's time for us to leave her.


Oh the Void did howl, the Grineer turned tail.

"Leave her, Tenno, leave her!"

The 'Jack held fast and we prevailed,

And it's time for us to leave her.


Leave her, Tenno, leave her!

Oh, leave her, Tenno, leave her!

For space is vast and the 'Jack is slow

And it's time for us to leave her.


Cephalon Cy spearheaded our quest.

"Leave her, Tenno, leave her!"

Now to the dock we sail to let the 'Jack rest,

And it's time for us to leave her.


Leave her, Tenno, leave her!

Oh, leave her, Tenno, leave her!

For space is vast and the 'Jack is slow

And it's time for us to leave her.

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Lyrics {deep deep, deep into the void.

deep deep, deep in the void.

deep deep, deep in the void.}

laughter could be heard


sat a lonesome ship


laughter could be heard

look’n on the deck, no one to be seen

look’n in the halls, only blood to be found

look’n in the rooms, no parents are around


laughter could be heard


a sinister plot unfolds


a mother could be found

work’n on a way to protect her children (x3)

suddenly disaster


only silence to be found


the Orokin will fall and the Lotus will be born


children are dreaming


Hey kiddo kiddo kiddo...it’s time to get up


Edited by (PS4)GuffyNuggets92
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The Void it called,
It drenched our halls,
And only spared the young.
Machines they came,
Monsters we tamed,
And blood and gold did run.

Void calls, engines road.
Charge through stars and sky!
When Lotus to wake us all,
We'll take our wings and fly!

A prize for crones,
The scourge of clones,
The taxmen clench their shares.
They know the flower,
And fear our power,
We cut down all who dare.

Void calls, engines road.
Charge through stars and sky!
When Lotus to wake us all,
We'll take our wings and fly!

Our mother lost,
The lines were crossed,
The family's not our own.
We've raised the wrecks,
And manned the decks,
We fight to save our home.

Void calls, engines road.
Charge through stars and sky!
When Lotus to wake us all,
We'll take our wings and fly!

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Времени пыль укрыла память 

И чувства стёрлись полёта во мгле

Но случай помог всё это исправить

И вот я стою на своём корабле


Обшивка потёрта следы от пробоин

Мы с ним в сраженьях бывали не раз

Он не игрушка он старый воин

Но когда-нибудь бездна примет и нас 


Путь к звёздам 

По трупам и крови

Путь к звёздам 

Лотос очнись

Путь к звёздам

Но оно того стоит

Пусть выбора нет

Ведь война наша жизнь


Мы были оружием им и остались

Но в нас теперь мерцает душа

Земля, Сатурн и туманность вуали

Без жизни всё это не стоит гроша


Очистим же звёзды от зараженья

Корпус, Гринир отправим во тьму

Крики врагов и страх поражения

Награда для тех, кто вступит в борьбу


Путь к звёздам 

По трупам и крови

Путь к звёздам 

Лотос очнись

Путь к звёздам

Но оно того стоит

Пусть выбора нет

Ведь война наша жизнь


Честь и отвага смешались с металлом

Мы свет во тьму приносили с тобой

Не раз галеоны Гренир пылали

А мы возвращались с победой домой


Я верю в команду и верю в удачу

Я верю, что всё это было не зря

Но время настанет мы клыки свои спрячем

Покой обретёт цефалон корабля


Путь к звёздам 

По трупам и крови

Путь к звёздам 

Лотос очнись

Путь к звёздам

Но оно того стоит

Пусть выбора нет

Ведь война наша жизнь

-----         -----------------    ------------------       ------

Интересно а на русском работы вообще рассматриваются?:)

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For this shanty I took the perspective of a Dax crew fighting the sentients at war. I need more backstory! I don't know how much of the "lore" in this shanty is even accurate but then again I don't have much to go off other than the Quellor description and a few other bits and pieces.

Lavan, Vidar, Zetki, HA!
From space treasure a plenty, HA!
Though she be cold, wonders she holds 
The Railjack carries us all

Engines, Forges, Turrets, HA!
Nav' is active and ready, HA!
The voyage is long so sing a song
Set a course to the veil!

We fight this war for the Orokin empire
Sentients we push back!
Dax fight for our masters Quellor in hand
Pennant on our back!
Not a soul more loyal a strike more deadly,
than a Dax crew poised to attack!
We have these orders strengthen our borders
Munitions we do not lack!

For battle we are ready, HA!
Power from the reliquary, HA!
The void we speak not of, harnessed but no control of
The void will swallow you whole

Avionics connected, HA!
The crew is collected, HA!
A Shawzin put's us at ease, but there like a disease
Is the beat of the Naga Drums
This war has just begun!

We fight this war for the Orokin empire
Sentients we push back!
Dax fight for our masters Quellor in hand
Pennant on our back!
Not a soul more loyal a strike more deadly,
than a Dax crew poised to attack!
We have these orders strengthen our borders
Munitions we do not lack!

We will push the sentients back!
We will push the sentients back!
We will push the sentients back!

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Aye, aye, have the 'jack away!
Seeking more plunder, titanium, fame,
Aye, aye! We'll be at it all day!
Cap'n gets left if we don't get our pay!

Woh, ho! Hull is painted and shined!
Earning a kind word from Cephalon Cy,
Woh, ho! But I think I've gone blind..
Buffers don't need no rivens but I put one in mine..

Way, hey! Let's get in the mood!
The solar wind is at our backs and the going is good
Hey, yay! Let's get underway!
They nerfed the intrinsic farm so we don't have all day

So lets be on our way, HEY, aye!
We row the figurative oars today,
We're off to unseal fate, let's pray,
We'll make up complex terminology and sing the things that we saaaaaay

We charted the land with ink - aye,
Now we chart the ink by hand - ho!
Sector by sector! Scan by scan!
Evading Techno Vikings, rah, making our stand,
We stash our boot-ty in bett-ter than saaaaand!


Decouple the fuel line.. and signal the dock,
Seal all the airlocks.. we're ready to rock
If you're invested in boredom then sell all your stock!
We're all armed with Chakkhurrs, we're loaded and locked
Parrots went extinct so enjoy Condroc squawks
Sealing breaches for life, we give all we've got!

Aye,  oh aye! We're plotting the route!
We'll be at the node that takes the least time to clear out..

Edited by Fat_Burrito
left a word-count total in, hehe
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I have the idea of a few Tenno being unable to move on when faced with the truth from recent events, banding together, lost in despair, sailing off into the unknown to become a kind of "ghost ship". The captain would sing each verse, with the rest of the crew replying with the chorus, in time to the words in bold, in a kind of dirge. Perhaps someone finds this scratched into a wall, with a group of inert warframes scattered throughout the ship...



The Serpent with a Siren's song,

Fled to where the soulless belong.

Great deceiver, lied all along,

When faced with truth her light is gone.


"Sailing through the ether,

No safe harbour in mind.

Homeless but determined,

We'll remember what we find.




Drifting through the ether,

No happiness inside.

Hopeless and dejected,

No matter what we find.



Lost unto the ether,

No life in heart nor mind.

Nothing more to say here,

For here's the only home you'll find.

Edited by Gardenator
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Oh come all you Tenno I’ll sing you a tale.

The void is our call while we rise up the sails.

The rail jack she hums with a tune oh so sweet.

With a group such as ours the enemy will always be beat.

With cephalon Cy we shall let out a cry.

For lotus, for Tenno we set for the sky.

So enemies be wary and foes turn away.

For lotus for Tenno we will win this day.

So load up the arch wings and load up the guns.

Our strength outnumbers the enemies one hundred to one.

we do this for honor we do this for fun.

Our rail jack adventures have only begun.

So send all your cruise ships we’ve don’t this before.

Two or six please send us some more.

We’ll board and we’ll plunder and capture and Store.

For Lotus for Tenno your ships are no more.

Our Warframe date strong as we sing through this song.

All you fine Tenno come sing along.

With the void on our side we will ride through the night.

Giving the enemy one heck of a fight.

With Pride and our courage we’ll make things right.

For Lotus for Tenno Rail Jack take flight! 









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What will we do with a Crewman Ship?
What will we do with a Crewman Ship?
What will we do with a Crewman Ship?
Early in the mission!

Focus our cannons or our trusty laser
Focus our cannons or our trusty laser
Focus our cannons or our trusty laser
Early in the mission!

Way hay and up she Blows
Way hay and up she Blows
Way hay and up she Blows
Early in the mission!

Put him in a blackhole til its over
Put him in a blackhole til its over
Put him in a blackhole til its over
Early in the mission!

Way hay and up she Blows
Way hay and up she Blows
Way hay and up she Blows
Early in the mission!

Throw Teeno to control and destroy
Throw Teeno to control and destroy
Throw Teeno to control and destroy
Early in the mission!

Way hay and up she Blows
Way hay and up she Blows
Way hay and up she Blows
Early in the mission!

That's what we do with a Crewman Ship
That's what we do with a Crewman Ship
That's what we do with a Crewman Ship
Early in the mission!

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Riding a railjack is a painful task

getting shot from all sides, even though you didn’t ask,

cephalon cy screaming “hull breach!”

after you moved your ship by an inch.


Arming slingshot is a bigger mistake:

your entire squad is being put at stake.

After a moment you got ejected

cephalon cy screams “Ramsled detected!”.


Sentient ship is apparently distant,

cephalon cy screams “seal hull breaches this instant!”,

your squad mates ignore this directive

instead they jump into sentient ship as a collective.


Deck is burning, squad is dying,

you can already feel your sanity is flying,

”This can’t get any worse.” you process

that’s where you’re wrong: host migration in progress.



Edited by Int_Some_dude
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Well I know a spot past the ol' Jove City,
Where the stars they shine so bright 'n pretty,
So come right along and we'll fly away,
And then we'll head right back for the Ol' Relay.

We'll sing a Heave Ho and away we'll go,
Tell us we can't and we'll say it ain't so,
Through darkest night and brightest day,
An'Then we'll make it right back to the Ol' Relay.

Well I know a lass with an iron arm,
To keep Anyo from a doin' harm,
But I know she'll beat'em some lovely day,
An'Then we'll hang his Cape in the Ol' Relay.

Raise it high, look at it fly,
A beacon of hope 'gainst the starry sky,
And I do declare, without delay,
We'll all a'sing and a'dance in the Ol' Relay.

We'll sing a Heave Ho and away we'll go,
Tell us we can't and we'll say it ain't so,
Through darkest night and brightest day,
An'Then we'll make it right back to the Ol' Relay.

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I saw Ganalen's Grave in Veil Proxima and made up some lore for background...

This song was created near the end of the Old War and focuses on a Railjack named the Ganalen. It’s numerous successful battles became a symbol of the Orokin’s approaching victory and inspired one of her crew to craft the tune. The vessel’s last battle is remembered at Ganalen’s Grave in Veil Proxima. A battle won at the cost of the ship and her crew. 

The Ganalen

The Ganalen is a ship my friends
It’s equal never met
Our home and a weapon
To quell the Sentient threat
Executor Ballas gives the order
Into the Veil we fly
Where the sun it never shines, my friends
Nor the darkness dims the sky

For it’s time to go to war
Ready your parazon
The Tenno ship the Ganalen
Fights the Sentients till they’re gone

We tear the sky asunder
Void translation is complete
Ahead of us lies our foe
A massive sentient fleet
The pilot guides our blade
The engineer keeps us whole
The gunners burn the sky
And turn our rivals into coal

For it’s time to go to war
Ready your parazon
The Tenno ship the Ganalen
Fights the Sentients till they’re gone

The battle was severe
But we will not relent
The tenno guard the Orokin
Is the message that we've sent
Our loyalty will not waver
We will see victory
And the sentients short lives
Will be crap dipped in misery

For it’s time to go to war
Ready your parazon
The Tenno ship the Ganalen
Fights the Sentients till they’re gone

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On solar Winds w/ Grace
 by Alleychat
//Hope you like this piece DE ;)//

We all hear the commander say!
When we left our dry dock's bay:
"Aye I see the proxima's breach!"
And on towards the earth we weigh!

And thus we rail away! 
Away through distant stars! 
And thus we go away! 
For destiny shall not stay! 
And so we sail away! 
For tis is our fate! 
And so we go the flow! 
On solar winds with grace! 

Then we hear what Lotus say,
When we're in the veil we sail:
"Oh Tenno what stops your ear?
From the quest you must adhear!"

And thus we rail away! 
Away through distant stars! 
And thus we go away! 
For destiny shall not stay! 
And so we sail away! 
For tis is our fate! 
And so we go the flow! 
On solar winds with grace! 

Then we go and have a gloat! 
In the hull where we 'mote:
"Tho' we see the breaches, 
We see how tight and true we is!" 

And thus we rail away! 
Away through distant stars! 
And thus we go away! 
For destiny shall not stay! 
And so we sail away! 
For tis is our fate! 
And so we go the flow! 
On solar winds with grace! 

And so we return to dock! 
With many smiles on our face! 
"Let it be true, tight, and never break
This clan shall never fail!" 

And thus we rail away! 
Away through distant stars! 
And thus we go away! 
For destiny shall not stay! 
And so we sail away! 
For tis is our fate! 
And so we go the flow! 
On solar winds with grace! 

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Oh far, so far
the light of star that we call home
Oh dark, so dark
It's always dark when you're alone
When the mother and father turned to mad
when Margulis helped us step
and showed us the way of Tenno
Way of Tenno
we are in a crew like brothers and sisters
we feel each other even in distance
together we will smash all Sentients
Tenno blood flows in our veins
The blood of Tenno
we hear the screams of a new war
No wonder we were awakened by Captain Vor
we sharpened swords
we paid a lot of
our tears, and
our work
but now we are not crying
even if we are dying
because we know
we are not alone
and together we will build a new home
a new home...

Forgive me for my English, if there are errors, I myself am Russian-speaking

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Note: Inspiration taken from "Drunken Sailor" with that melody, tempo & humor in mind but applying it to the frenzied pace of a railjack mission.


What do we do on a railjack mission?
What do we do on a railjack mission?
Grab an omni & put out that fire!
Seal the rupture & ground the wire!
What do we do to boarding parties?
What do we do to passing sorties?
Take them out, tell the optimists we're not buying!
Now go fix those circuits that are frying! 
What do we do with a tenno in the barrel?
What do we do with a tenno in the barrel?
Blow up their reactor, disable ship killer
Change in leadership, it's a thriller
Tennos on board, warp back to dry dock
Tennos on board, warp back to dry dock
That's what we do on a railjack mission!
That's what we do on a railjack mission!
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