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The Space Shanty Contest [Winners Announced]!


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Like all good tales, this one is quite old

The tale of the children and the puppets they hold

The Void lurks, and sings in their heads

Calling them to the unknown, a danger Lotus said

But through guts and spirit, the ships they unhooked

To space they jumped, and to the window they looked

 In fear they trembled, as the blackness of space clears

The enemy up ahead was no Corpus or Grineer

It was ancient, its was dark, and it was alive

Even tho it looked empty, it was inviting them inside

All the Tenno were strong, and all the tenno were brave

But getting in and out of that beast, would be harder then Conclave

The leader of the squad, Ember was his warframe

"Fear not!", he said, "As ill burn it to the ground with my Flame!"

Encouraged by his confidence, the Tenno stood tall

But soon after they entered, unknown shapes started to crawl

The Tenno were never to be seen, and their ship, in space, is lost

So to whoever tries to explore the unexplored, remember

Some things come at a great cost



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On 2020-01-23 at 12:09 PM, [DE]Helen said:


The sailors of old knew that nothing could capture the wonder of the open sea like music and poetry - a sea shanty! Launching our Railjacks, we now seek to capture the wonder of open space. Show us by writing a space shanty that you and your Empyrean crew would be proud to sing.

How to enter: Write original lyrics to a shanty fit for you and your Empyrean crew! Maximum 250 words

Need an example?

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Start engines and prepare for the long haul!
The stars they will answer,
The stars they will guide us,
Follow the Void’s call!

Armaments ready we stand fast and tall.
Grineer they will answer,
Grineer they will find us,
Follow the Void’s call!

Learn well from those lost and fight for us all.
The past she will answer,
The past she will mind us,
Follow the Void’s call!

The cold heart of deep space surrounds our souls.
Our courage will answer,
Our courage will push us
Beyond what we know.

Sentient malice bleeds, strikes, and divides.
All Tenno will answer,
All Tenno stand by us,
The Void is on our side.

Dream of that which unites us all!
With blood we will answer,
Our Warframes will bind us,
Follow the Void’s call!


  • Only 1 submission per person
  • Submission must be appropriate for the community forums
  • Submission must be your original work
  • Submission must not exceed 250 words
  • Do not reserve posts in this thread
  • Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified.


  • 1st place – Ivara Prime Access!
  • 2nd place – 1000 Platinum!
  • 3rd place – 750 Platinum!
  • 4th place – 500 Platinum!
  • 5th place – 250 Platinum!

Winners will be determined based on the quality of the lyrics themselves. No extra points will be awarded for recording your shanty, but none will be taken away if you do either (so please feel free!)

The contest is on now and ends Thursday, January 30 at 1:00 PM ET.


In Deep Space

The void is the light , and the light...is the tenno

In Deep Space 

The void crys out to those that listen. Only the pure-of-heart will reveal what is hidden

In Deep Space

The laws of the Deep, are for the bold, Marqulis death turn the tenno heart cold

In Deep Space

Past hurts are buried under history, Rail Jack take flight, to restore and taste VICTORY!!!


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There I was. Drifting through space. 
preparing for a new war.                 dodging the grineer’s mace.          Readying for Natah’s horror.

There I was. Drifting through space.   Earth proxima to veil proxima.       Engineer, endure with haste.                          Crew, defend with your soma

There I was. Drifting through space.             Crew to your stations! Blow that radiator!    We’re guided red cephalon cy.             hope we don’t die in a tomb from the sky. 

(I’m no linguist but it was well spent free time during school). 
Thanks Warframe!

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Just now, (XB1)zoozorocks01 said:

There I was. Drifting through space. 
preparing for a new war.                 dodging the grineer’s mace.          Readying for Natah’s horror.

There I was. Drifting through space.   Earth proxima to veil proxima.       Engineer, endure with haste.                          Crew, defend with your soma

There I was. Drifting through space.             Crew to your stations! Blow that radiator!    We’re guided red cephalon cy.             hope we don’t die in a tomb from the sky. 

(I’m no linguist but it was well spent free time during school). 
Thanks Warframe!

The format glitched out as soon as I hit “submit”

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53 minutes ago, SenariousNex said:

? Considering we are supposed to rewrite an existing shanty, how can it be not plagiarized?

lol guess you didnt see my post maybe look into the shantie you are rewording and see if it is copy righted. you simply looked up shantie on youtube and found the first result. most shanties are not copy righted as they are considered folk music i.e. a song of unknown author or origin. guess that is why none of these posts are original works and do not follow the rules of the so called "contest" hints why this is stupid AF just like the railjack system. trying to remake the jackdaw in warframe is like trying to re-wright free bird.

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Ten-no ah, Ten-no ah

Our enemies grin ear to ear

Ten-no ah, Ten-no ah

Their mortal coils ours to shear

Ten-no ah, Ten-no ah

Their core of pus we'll turn to rust

Ten-no ah, Ten-no ah

Until their will to fight is dust

Ten-no ah, Ten-no ah

We ride the Empyrean waves

Ten-no ah, Ten-no ah

To once more hear the Lotus say

Ten-no ah, Ten-no ah

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Its not Tenno related but this is my favorite sea shanty.

A ship sailed into Harbor
After 15 months at sea
And the captain hit the tavern  
With his crew of 53

After drinking up their plate
They staggered through the town
But all the Inns and Public Houses
Turned the sailors down

But the captain said "fear not me lads,
You all can come with me!"
"I live just round the corner,
And you all can stay for free!"

But when the captain's wife awoke
Upon the break of day
They say you could hear her wailing
Clear to Botany Bay

She yelled "There's Sea Men all around the bed! 
There's Sea Men on the floor! 
There's Sea Men in the bathroom and behind the closet door.
There's Sea Men in the fireplace and Sea Men in the hall.
The living room is carpeted with Sea Men wall to wall. 

That's a lot of Pirates.

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On 2020-01-23 at 1:55 PM, TheCosmicAfro said:


This Shanty is meant to be sung while likely raising mugs of totally legal alien alcohol that's perfectly suitable for our absolutely of age operators. The Shanty singer may or may also not be drunk and boasting, standing on a rickety table in a tavern of ne'er-do-wells.


"""Two guns by her side, one Tenno up top-

one sets the phasers and another yet locks!

But the guns aren’t what make us a crew!

It only be what us Tenno do!


Our gunner takes flight on our old slingshot-

cutting through hulls like a saber too hot.

While engine destruction is helpful- it’s true.

It only be what us Tenno do!


The Pilot strafes left to avoid the laser

Oh no you’ll need more than THAT to phase’er.

Guiding our ship like a skittish Mergoo-

it only be what us Tenno do!


The Engineer takes our treasure’s we’re hoarding,

and puts an end to all parties boarding.

And while we all thank ‘em for their duty too-

It only be what us Tenno do!


Tactician aboard is like a third eye.

N'er a worry left when they’re on stand by.

And while their teleportin’ from one place- no TWO.

It only be what us Tenno do!


And when it’s all done- no more to obtain,

We’ve stolen their lives and taken their gain!


We return to the Dojo for a moment to rest,

and place our loot into the appropriate chest.

Then when we’re rested and with nothing to do


We rush ahead to start up round two!"""


Nicely done. This might be a winner.

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Excalibur? Can u hear my call?

Loki? Can u understand my confusion?

Nezha? How was ur flame ring?

Octavia? How about your new song?

Banshee ! Stop manipulate sonic effect !

Hydroid ! Stop hidding inside of ur sea !

Ivara ! Never aim me with ur artemis bow !

Limbo ! Never forget to use ur rift surge !

Hey guys can u hear me? HellO Tenno... Hello Lotus HELLLLLOOOOO.......oh....

No it's all gone ....

When you guys come back? Hey I miss u guys so much... Hey....ey....y.....


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Tenno with your warframe
Finishing the star chart, gonna do it someday
Got loot in the cache, plunder it all
Collecting all the loot for all over the chart

We will we will loot you

Tenno want a railjack
Grinding in the stars, gonna build it someday
Got oil in the sigma, items in the foundry
Managing your crew righ to their place

We will we will build it

Tenno found empyrean
Taking out your Railjack for a spin all day
Got salvage for repair, big delay
Somebody tell empyrean we will rule it one day

We will we will rule it
We will we will rule empyrean

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The Ebon Vast. (by Dark Protium)

Out in the Interstitial black-
The Lotus points and we are sent,
our Railjack hunts and we do track-
to find our Targets, and them vent.

To your Dry docks, hard 'frames all!
To your Railjacks, range the Dark!
Seek those out who fear our Gall-
for Shattered Hulls will be our mark!

With Archwings turning, running Flank,
with Attack Vector ascendant-
We Ten' the Turrets while we bank,
with our Fields of Fire attendant.


We watch their Ships dip, jink, and weave-
Work the engines, hone the range.
With weapons hot we smash and cleave,
and meet back at the LeGrange.


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1 hour ago, Saintmythi said:

lol guess you didnt see my post maybe look into the shantie you are rewording and see if it is copy righted. you simply looked up shantie on youtube and found the first result. most shanties are not copy righted as they are considered folk music i.e. a song of unknown author or origin. guess that is why none of these posts are original works and do not follow the rules of the so called "contest" hints why this is stupid AF just like the railjack system. trying to remake the jackdaw in warframe is like trying to re-wright free bird.

You have a point, good catch, I re-read the contest rules and it does say "original", I think I'll come up with something of my own and replace my post, but having no musical talent it will be just a poem. 


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From the shores of Eidolon we came from one day
Through the void we shall sail til' we find our true One

The burning bright stars will guide our way back to our home
And to our home we will find our One

To rails we ride to the ones who lift
For the small hope that we find our One

The burning bright stars will guide our way back to our home
And to our home we will find our One

The stars will become red when we are done
All for the grim hope we find our One

The burning bright stars will guide our way back to our home
And to our home we will find our One

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P.s. Sing in tune with We All Lift Together

To Save Her:

Vast, the space in which we fly,
Make, the fighters go bye-bye,
Quick, give them all the boot,
Now grab all of the loot,

Rough, the flight to the crewship,
Ouch, there it goes, R.I.P,
We will fight for centuries,
Destroying all of our enemies,

Vast, the space in which we fly,
Make, the fighters go bye-bye,
Quick, give them all the boot,
Now grab all of the loot,

Rough, the flight to the crewship,
Ouch, there it goes, R.I.P,
We will fight for centuries,
Destroying all of our enemies,

And we will beat,
The Sentients,
To save her,
To save her,

We are Tenno,
We will fight on,
To save her,
To save her,

'till we win

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Gather your squad
Prepare for the jump
Man the guns
Be ready to fight

Through night and day
Finding our way
Into the abyss
of endless space

Hack and slash
Shoot and let cool
and pray the Void
won't swallow us whole

Hack and slash
Shoot and let cool
and pray the Void
won't swallow us whole

Fighters on sight
their power on the rise
Even when outnumbered
we fear no scramble

Seal the breaches
repel the enemies
Aim for their heads
let none prevail

Hack and slash
Shoot and let cool
and pray the Void
won't swallow us whole

Hack and slash
Shoot and let cool
and pray the Void
won't swallow us whole

Crewships have arrived
with malicious plans
yet we know they can't
outsmart our guns

The battle is over
objectives are done
Don't leave so soon
it's time to loot!

Hack and slash
Shoot and let cool
and pray the Void
won't swallow us whole

Hack and slash
Shoot and let cool
and pray the Void
won't swallow us whole

Edited by (PS4)NickTomm
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"My mother told me
Someday I would steer
a railjack with good guns
Sail to distant stars
Sail to distant stars
Stand up high in the prow
Noble ship I steer
Steady course for the stars
Hew many foe men,
hew many foe men
hold the course with us
kiddo, Cy and the crew!"
And repeat that until you get some good loot
Edited by Eri2Z
Must put cephalon Cy
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((using the tune from "roll the old chariot"))

Oh, we'll be al-right if the wind is in our sails
We'll be al-right if the wind is in our sails
We'll be al-right if the wind is in our sails
And we'll all forge on ahead...
And we'll roll the old chariot along!
We'll roll the golden chariot along!
We'll roll the old chariot along!
And we'll all forge on ahead!
Oh, we'll be al-right if we make it through The Void
We'll be al-right if we make it through The Void
We'll be al-right if we make it through The Void
And we'll all forge on ahead...
And we'll roll the old chariot along!
We'll roll the golden chariot along!
We'll roll the old chariot along!
And we'll all forge on ahead!
Well the Old War cannot keep us down
No our spread ranks cannot keep us down
Together we rise, you cannot keep us down
And we'll all forge on ahead...
And we'll roll the old chariot along!
We'll roll the golden chariot along!
We'll roll the old chariot along!
And we'll all forge on ahead!
And we'll roll the old chariot along!
We'll roll the golden chariot along!
We'll roll the old chariot along!
And we'll all forge on ahead...

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Grineer Demise

 No finer crew than we

Turrets off-safety, aiming to please

Grineer ships fall

Puncture them all


Clever optimists attempt to board

They clearly don't know our fighting force

Breach destined to stall

Puncture them all


Polar Coil keeping our arms online

Primaries at the ready when its raiding time

Base Commander's lost their halls

Puncture them all


Revolite at maximum and dome-charge locked

Our Railjack is a force unable to be stopped

Warframes are the top: you know who to call

Puncture them all

Edited by (PS4)classroomdj
"Breach destined to stall"
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I like hearing to Sea Shanties, they are quite fun to hear and sing, and they are made so you can change the verses yourself if you want. When I read about the contest I just couldn't resist but make something original using some guidelines I made for myself based on different songs.

For now I haven't settled on a certain tune nor rythm to sing it to, also I haven't thought of a name for it.


OH! the stars and guns be shining bright

Grineers! look out, grineers! come close

to the stars we go and stars we make ‘em

man the guns and throw yourself at ‘em







OH! the fray is on and the guns are ablaze

the hull in tatters and the guns burning hot

yet the crew fights on and the ship won’t fall

never broke, never lost, forever standing tall







OH! the voyage is long and the stars aplenty

to the stars or the void, our voyage goes on

galleons in the way and fighters all ‘round

yet we keep on sailing to the stars beyond








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The future seems bright
No hotfix in sight
The dices are rolling
Through vacuum I'm strolling
While kinds of garbo
Are filling my cargo
Pay titanium toll
For another dice roll
Grinding the gears
Confirming worst fears
An island in space
As is always the case

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we go for open space, with the railjack we have our Place.

with our guns and blades we launch for space.

with the enemy in sight we are ready for a fight to bring a light.

for those in need we will grow the seed.

for a new war in sight we will try to give a light.

we may die, but we have our pride.

to the void with the enemy in sight, we will have honor in our fight.


well i think this is pretty original. dont have a melody or beat but think it still a pretty good piece of work 🙂

never writed any song text or poetry before so hope youl like it.




Edited by mrvigge
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Spin the drive and break the dock, it's time again to sail
Jump out of the starchart and the tired solar rail
We'll find what lies behind the wall and peer beyond the veil
Let's go out past the limit, then come back to tell the tale

Sail on for the fallen ones, and sail on for the code
Sail on for our mother that we lost so long ago
Sail into the fray 'cause it's the only life we know
Sail on to the duty of the Zariman Tenno

Cast away into our fate upon the starry sea
The dream we knew is over, forge a new dream here with me
Ride into the unknown and to what we want to be
Side by side and gun in hand, we face our destiny


Somewhere in the black there is a debt that must be paid
We will never rest 'til every evil is unmade
By the power of the void, and by warframe, gun, and blade
And you can ask the Orokin if you think that we're afraid


We heed the call of any, for a savior they beseech
Somebody needs a lesson only violence can teach
There's no planet we won't scour, there's no star beyond our reach
Not for glory, but our honor, sail again into the breach

[Chorus x2]


There was a certain tone I wanted to capture, and it came out like a solidarity or marching song. I had to cut a verse, and probably would have written a few more, but for the word limit. I might put out an extended cut after the contest ends. I might also record it later, but I know I'm not getting to that within the week.

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Hi my shanti is to the tune of the Sloop JohnB


I went to fight Alad V 

Before the Lotus left me

Walking my kubrow round Cetus Town

Cracking relics all night

Clem came ioto the light

I feel so made up

He's twin Grakatas Prime


So many frames to be

So many things to see

Look at what found on the ground

Oriken cells

Argon crystals

I feel so made up 

I got Prime Fury


I went to do a Sortie

My fellow Tenno and me

Walking my kavat round Fortuna Town

Cracking relics all night 

Oh what a sight

I feel so made up

Ninjas play free


I formad my Skajati

Oh what a weapon for me

I'm casting my Hallowed Ground all around



I feel so made up

It's Kuva for me


Need to get a Vidar M III

The Zetk's not good for me

Catastrophic failures all around

I'm an Engineer


I feel so made up

I need to slingshot me


Oh boy it's been a journey

And all of it comes for free

Spreading the space plague to all around

Oh what a cyst

Why do you persist 

I feel so made up 

Now i'm cyst free


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